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MENINGKATKAN SIKAP TOLERANSI SISWA MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK (Penelitian Tindakan Pada Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar di Wilayah Kecamatan Kota Ternate Utara) Ismail, Radjiman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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This research is an action research through thematic learning to increase students tolerance attitudes. It was conducted in the third grade elementary school in the Wilayah Kota Ternate Utara. Steps of this research using research measures developed by Ernest Stringer. It also was conducted during a single theme. The research was conducted during two cycles. Based on the final results of the second cycle of the data obtained 2,31 t count> t-table. 2.02. It can be concluded that there is an increased tolerance attitudes of students through thematic learning. It can be concluded that the thematic learning is effective to increase tolerance attitude. To Suggested each elementary school should use this thematic learning to increase tolerance attitude.
Thufuli Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Thufuli: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (680.734 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/thufuli.v1i2.4897


The aims of this research to know the increased of children intrapersonal intelligence and interpersonal intelligence through role playing methods. Respondents of the research involved of 20 children from group B at PAUD Titian Kasih. The method of this research consists by Kemmis and Taggart model. The score of data were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative approach. The results of data indicate that interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence of children have increased, based on the first cycle, it can be seen that children's interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence have increased by 10.37%, in the pre-test the average the class average was 41.33 or 46.96% and in the first cycle it became 46 or 57.33%. In the second cycle of interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence of children has increased by 22.59%. In the second cycle the children obtained an average score of 64.47 or 79.92%. The conclusions are the score of interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence of children increases from pre-research to first cycle and from first cycle to second cycle, the implementation of the role playing method in teaching and learning gives children the opportunity to explore various intelligence possessed by children, especially intelligence interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence. 
Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Vol 10 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, Volume 10 Nomor 2 November 2016
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.378 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPUD.102.07


Abstract: The aim of this research is to increase students’ social skill to children in the group B through playing method. The methodology of it was consisting three cycles. The research sample is 32 students of PAUD An-Nisa Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ternate. Technique was used of this research by using questioners. The result shows that; (1) pretest was doing before cycle I consist of 30% have social skill as good, 20% have social skill is very good, 50% have social skill is poor; (2) the final test for cycle I consist of 50% have social skill as very good; 20% have social skill good, 30% have social skill is poor; (3) the final test for cycle II consist of 65% have social skill as good, 20% is almost good and 15% is poor;(4) the final test for cycle III consist of 80% have social skill as good, 15% is almost good, and 5% is poor. Based on the result, the researcher concludes that playing method is effective to increase students’ social skill. Key word: social skill, playing method Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial pada siswa pendidikan anak usia dini kelas B melalui metode bermain kelompok. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan sebanyak tiga siklus. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 32 siswa pendidikan anak usia dini An Nisa Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ternate. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh data sebagai berikut; (1) pre test sebelum siklus pertama sebanyak 30 persen sudah memiliki keterampilan sosial secara baik, 20 persen cukup baik, dan 50 persen kurang baik; (2) tes akhir siklus pertama sebanyak 50 persen siswa memiliki keterampilan sosial sangat baik, 20 persen cukup dan 30 persen kurang baik; (3) tes akhir siklus kedua menunjukkan 65 Persen siswa sudah memiliki keterampilan sosial baik, 20 persen cukup baik dan 15 persen kurang baik; (3) tes akhir siklus tiga menunjukkan 80 persen memiliki keterampilan sosial baik, 15 persen cukup baik, dan 5 persen kurang baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode bermain kelompok efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial pada anak. Kata kunci: siswa anak usia dini, keterampilan sosial, metode bermain kelompok.
Implementasi Metode Percobaan Sederhana Dalam Pembelajaran Sains Di TK It Citra Ummat dan PAUD Arum Melati Sapil, Nursin; Ismail, Radjiman; Wahid, Santi M. J; Husaen, Rinelsa R.
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 23 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

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This study aims to determine the implementation of simple trial methods in science learning in IT Kindergarten Citra Ummat and PAUD Arum Melati Tidore Island City. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, which is natural, because the object developed is what it is, not manipulation, and the presence of researchers has no influence on the object. The data sources in this study are teachers and children in Citra Ummat IT Kindergarten and Arum Melati PAUD. The collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation. Research Results The implementation of simple experimental methods in science learning is carried out through several stages, namely: 1) Selection of topics or themes and sub-themes for simple science experiment activities that will be carried out by the way teachers discuss with colleagues or fellow teachers. 2) Objects / Tools and materials or learning media used in introducing science are concrete or real objects. 3) methods used by teachers to introduce science, namely: experimental methods (experiments), demonstrations, questions and answers, telling stories / conversations, field trips and video-based learning. 4) The role of teachers in simple science experiment activities is as facilitator, companion, observer, planner and evaluator. 5) The role of children in the implementation of simple science experiments is that children as observers, inventors and investigators. 6) The results of science experiment activities include cognitive, affective and skill aspects. 7) The process of learning science through simple experiments, namely initial activities in the form of perception, experimental implementation and evaluation activities.