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saintis Vol 9, No 1 (2017): SAINTIS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Darul Ulum

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Tomatoes are very good for preventing and treating various diseases, such as canker sores because they contain vitamin c. fresh fruit in addition to the direct consumption of tomatoes, can also be used as a flavoring a wide variety of dishes such as soups, gado-gado, sambal, and can also be used as industrial materials to be consumed in processed form, for example, to drink tomato juice, tomato juice, ice and concentrates. A wide range of uses that can give you an advantage, both for consumers, manufacturers, as well as society in General.            In this study a tomato farming on land 1 Ha of which require the total cost up to Rp. 82,220,000 is getting yields as much as 16,080 kg with acceptance of Rp. 160,800,000. Then in may a profit amounting to Rp. 78,580,000 with R/C Ratio 1.9 indicating that a tomato farmer in the hamlet of Brumbun Subdistrict Ngimbang Lamongan is profitable and viable to continue.
ANALISIS PENDAPATAN USAHATANI CABAI MERAH (Capsicum annum L.) (Studi kasus di Dusun Teguhan Desa Mendogo Kecamatan Ngimbang). Hamidah, Emmy
saintis Vol 8, No 2 (2016): Saintis
Publisher : Universitas Islam Darul Ulum

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Chili is the leading commodities that have economic value, so much cultivated in Indonesia because of its market demand is quite large. Red chili is widely used as a raw material for the processing industry (food, drugs and cosmetics). This research aims to know the red chili pepper cultivation, ranging from nursery to care, fertilization, harvesting. In addition to analyzing the magnitude of the rate of profit can be obtained. The place is the village Teguhan Research Sub Ngimbang Lamongan. Site selection is purposive. In this research I use the sample methods, namely, interviewing some of the farmers who represent entirely.Income is the retribution of the factors of production farmer. The two principal information needed in the analysis of the income of the farmer in order to have practical meaning. The advantage gained from a farmer can be seen from the receipts and expenditure in a certain time limit. The village of chili farming is still profitable, this is indicated by the value of R/C Ratio of 6.05.
saintis Vol 1, No 2 (2009): SAINTIS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Darul Ulum

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The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of varieties and fertilizer urea on growth and yield of corn. Alleged that the administration of urea fertilizer dose of 300 kg / ha and the use of 16 varieties of ambition will give good results on the growth and production of maize (Zea mays L.). The research concluded that there is interaction between the application of urea and maize varieties in plant height variable age of 14 dap, 28 dap, 42 dap and 56 dap, 28 dap old stem diameter, klobot cob diameter age was 105 dap; diameter peeling old cob 105 dap; cob weight was 105 dap klobot age; peeling cob weight all at the age of 105 days after the treatment of urea 300 kg / ha with 16 varieties ambitions (U2V4). Best research results in the combined treatment of urea fertilizer 300 kg / ha with 16 varieties ambitions.
ANALISIS EFISIENSI DAN SENSITIVITAS USAHATANI SEMANGKA. (Studi kasus di Desa Pilanganom KecamatanTikung Kabupaten Lamongan). Hamidah, Emmy
saintis Vol 8, No 1 (2016): Saintis
Publisher : Universitas Islam Darul Ulum

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This research aims to analyze: (1) Eligibility efisiens iusahatani watermelon in the village of Pilanganom sub-district of Tikung lamongan. (2) the rate of increase in sensitivity to the cost of production, a decrease in production and a decrease in output prices in the village of Pilanganom sub-district of Tikung lamongan. The location of this research was conducted in the village of Pilanganom sub-district of Tikung Lamongan. The data used are the primary data and secondary data. Data analysis is the analysis of the efficiency and the sensivitas analyze the feasibility of (B/C Ratio, NPV, IRR and PP) and analysis of the sensitivity by using the DF 20.             The results showed that (1) the farming village of Pilanganom Sub-district in the watermelon Tikung Lamongan deserves to be organised with the Gross value of the B/C Ratio Of 1.40, Net B/C Ratio 4.15, NPV IRR 18,822,985 Rp 35%, (2) the possibility of cost of production goes up 10%, 25% production decrease, or a decrease in output prices 10% farmer plant a watermelon is still in a State of viable and profitable. (3) aspects of the farmer of the climate and precipitation according to plant watermelon. The technical aspect of the majority of farmers are still using simple technology. Aspects of the market even though in terms of sales is not just like any other farming but still decent and still very promising.
Pengembangan Ekonomi Desa melalui Kampung Garam (Studi Kasus Desa Bunder Kecamatan Pademawu Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura) Wahyurini, Endang Tri; Hamidah, Emmy
Jurnal Agrinika: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Agribisnis Vol 4, No 2 (2020): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/agrinika.v4i2.1064


The purpose of this research was to obtain an overview and analyze the patterns of economic development in the village of Bunder, Pademawu Pamekasan District. The research employed descriptive analytical-qualitative methods. The research illustrated that the village of Bunder was a village on the coast with considerable salt potential. The majority of the people earned their living as salt farmers. Based on the Pamekasan Regent program to facilitate the management and economic development in the village, a thematic village was formed, the formation of these thematic villages based on the local potential of the region. Therefore, the village of Bunder was designated as "Village of Salt". The wealth and beautiful panorama of salt in this village motivated the community to build a "Salt Edu-tourism", a tourist destination besides conducting salt recrystallization efforts with a boiled salt system. The conclusion of the research was that the economic development of the village through the salt village was a form of competitive economic development.Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran dan menganalisis pola pengembangan ekonomi desa di Desa Bunder Kecamatan Pademawu Pamekasan. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa Desa Bunder merupakan   desa di pesisir dengan potensi garam yang cukup besar. Mayoritas masyarakatnya bermata pencaharian sebagai petani garam. Berdasarkan program Bupati Pamekasan untuk memudahkan dalam pengelolaan dan pengembangan ekonomi di desa perlu dibentuk desa tematik, pembentukan desa tematik ini berbasis potensi lokal wilayah tersebut. Oleh karena maka Desa Bunder ditetapkan sebagai “Kampung Garam”. Kekayaan dan panorama garam yang indah di desa ini memberikan motivasi kepada masyarakat untuk membangun sebuah destinasi “Eduwisata Garam” selain itu juga dilakukan usaha rekristalisasi garam dengan sistem garam rebus. Simpulan penelitian bahwa pengembangan ekonomi desa melalui kampung garam adalah sebagai bentuk pembangunan ekonomi yang berdaya saing.
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 1 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i1.644


This research aims to analyze: (1) financial feasibility of cultivating tanamam Banyan Village Tulungwanar dollars in the Sub Shoots lamongan. (2) the rate of increase in sensitivity to the cost of production, a decrease in production and a decrease in output prices in the village of tulung wanar sub shoots lamongan. The location of the research conducted in the village of Tulungwanar Sub-district Shoots Lamongan. The data used are the primary data and secondary data. Data analysis is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. Quantitative analysis of financial feasibility analyse (B/C Ratio, NPV, IRR, and PP) and analysis of rate sensitivity by using the DF 15%. Qualitative descriptive analysis is used to find out the feasibility of aspects of cultivation, technical aspects, and aspects of the market. Data collection was carried out in February 2016. The results showed that (1) the intensive Cultivation of crops in the villages of Tulungwanar dollar Banyan Sub Shoots Lamongan deserves to be organised with the Gross value of the B/C Ratio amounted to 4.7; NET B/C Ratio 9.94; NPV of Rp 278,880,609; IRR of 35%. (2) the possibility of cost of production goes up 10%, 25% production decrease, or a decrease in output prices 10% of farming the cultivation of crops in the State of the dollar is still to be viable and profitable. (3) the aspect of the cultivation of climate and rainfall according to plant Banyan dollars. The technical aspect of the majority of farmers are still using simple technology, a lot of technology that is available has not been applied. Aspects of the market even though in terms of sales is not just like any other crop cultivation yet still decent and still very promising.
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 1 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum (UNISDA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i1.644


This research aims to analyze: (1) financial feasibility of cultivating tanamam Banyan Village Tulungwanar dollars in the Sub Shoots lamongan. (2) the rate of increase in sensitivity to the cost of production, a decrease in production and a decrease in output prices in the village of tulung wanar sub shoots lamongan. The location of the research conducted in the village of Tulungwanar Sub-district Shoots Lamongan. The data used are the primary data and secondary data. Data analysis is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. Quantitative analysis of financial feasibility analyse (B/C Ratio, NPV, IRR, and PP) and analysis of rate sensitivity by using the DF 15%. Qualitative descriptive analysis is used to find out the feasibility of aspects of cultivation, technical aspects, and aspects of the market. Data collection was carried out in February 2016. The results showed that (1) the intensive Cultivation of crops in the villages of Tulungwanar dollar Banyan Sub Shoots Lamongan deserves to be organised with the Gross value of the B/C Ratio amounted to 4.7; NET B/C Ratio 9.94; NPV of Rp 278,880,609; IRR of 35%. (2) the possibility of cost of production goes up 10%, 25% production decrease, or a decrease in output prices 10% of farming the cultivation of crops in the State of the dollar is still to be viable and profitable. (3) the aspect of the cultivation of climate and rainfall according to plant Banyan dollars. The technical aspect of the majority of farmers are still using simple technology, a lot of technology that is available has not been applied. Aspects of the market even though in terms of sales is not just like any other crop cultivation yet still decent and still very promising.
Pengaruh Keberhasilan Penyuluhan Pertanian Dengan Menggunakan Alat Peraga (Study Kasus di Desa Sumengko Kecamatan Duduk Sampeyan Kabupaten Gresik) Emmy Hamidah
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 6 No 1 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum (UNISDA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v6i1.3790


Agricultural development cannot be carried out by farmers alone, because agriculture cannot develop beyond the subsystem stage without appropriate developments in other areas of the nation's life, where agriculture is carried out. In accordance with the direction of agricultural development, extension agents have a very important role which must be placed in a larger context, namely development extension agents. The aim of the study was to find out how far the influence of the use of visual aids in the delivery of agricultural extension materials to farmers was compared to if the extension did not use props. The research sample was determined using a stratified random sampling method. While the method of data analysis used the Chi Square Test. The results of the study Shows that the use of teaching aids in counseling has a very positive effect on the sample farmers, so that they can systematically follow the flow of the material presented, the level of understanding is higher and the impression is stronger in their minds. Sample farmers avoid feeling bored during counseling. The motivator is more stable in conveying the material. Differences in the age of sample farmers showed no significant difference in material acceptance.
The Contribution of Women Farming Workers on Household Income : Case Study in Sugihwaras Village, Kalitengah District, Lamongan Regency Emmy Hamidah; Endang Tri Wahyurini
Jurnal Agrinika: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Agribisnis Vol 7 No 1 (2023): MARCH
Publisher : Kadiri University - Faculty of Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/agrinika.v7i1.4236


The village of Sugihwaras of Lamongan Regency is an agricultural area where most of the farmers are paddy farmers with female farm workers. One aspect to examine in the area is the role of rural women in agriculture as members of the household, the outpouring of workdays they do for their daily activities, and to what extent this affects their family's farming income. The study aimed to determine the number of working hours and the contribution of female farm labourers to household income. The study employed a simple random sampling of 60 respondents with interview techniques using a questionnaire. The method of analysis was descriptive analysis. The results obtained that the working hours of female farm workers for one year per hectare of the land area were 540 hours, devoted to paddy farming twice annually. The contribution of female farm workers to household income was IDR 1,687,500 per month or IDR48,600,000 per year per hectare, from paddy farming for two growing seasons annually. It is suggested that the amount of working hours and the contribution of female farm workers to household income is very small, so efforts should be made to increase the number of hours they work so that the income they earn can increase. Efforts are being made, namely raising livestock, as well as training in the manufacture of processed by-products of agriculture, for instance by making sweet potato chips and other preparations that can be sold.
Pelatihan Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Online dalam Meningkatkan Brand Awareness di UMKM Warkianto Widjaja; Laode Muhamad Syahril; Mohamad Sudi; Emmy Hamidah
SABAJAYA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): SABAJAYA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

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Pelatihan Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Online Dalam Meningkatkan Brand Awareness Di UMKM bertujuan menciptakan pemasaran yang tepat selalu menjadi harapan para pebisnis, yang bertujuan agar menarik perhatian para calon pembeli. Banyak hal yang sering dilakukan para pebisnis dalam melakukan sistem pemasaran untuk produknya seperti, memasang spanduk besar, memasang iklan di TV, Media Sosial dengan menggait aktor/aktris besar dalam negeri hingga luar negeri, menciptakan potongan harga, dan lain sebagainya. Kemajuan dibidang ilmu teknologi juga ikut mempengaruhi, mengambil peran dan mendukung masyarakat untuk jauh lebih kreatif dan maju dalam pengembangan ilmu pemasaran. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan informasi dan ketrampilan melalui metode ceramah, simulasi, dan bantuan fisik. Hasil Hasil dari pengabdian ini yaitu pelatihan dalam penggunaan sosial media, penggunaan lokasi toko di GPS, pemanfaatan komunikasi media cetak (spanduk) dan lainnya.