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The Problem of Electrical Engineering Students in Learning Business English Speaking Wulansari, Atsani
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 1 (2017): 1st ELLiC Proceedings: `Innovation, Trends, and Challenges in English Language Learni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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The ability of speaking in English is needed in this era. In dealing with that reason, English for Specific Purpose (ESP)becomes the compulsory course in every faculty in university. The material in ESP should meet the students need; therefore the lecturers should find the material which is appropriate to their students. One of material which is given in ESP is Business English. Business English is a part of ESP branch which gives vocabulary, text and communication in business area. The material in Business English may in a form of application letter and job interview.This paper tries to elaborate the students problems during the learning of Business English and to find out the factor of the problem.This study used qualitative method. The students of first semester in electrical engineering department were asked to write an application letter. Then, they made a role play video to practice a job interview within the group of 4-5 students with own position: interviewer, interviewee, and secretary. After that, they upload their video in YouTube. The data was collected through observation and writing technique. The researcher observed the role play video made by the students. Then, the researcher wrote the problem from that observation. The researcher then identified the problems found during the role play and found the factor of the problem. The data were analyzed using speaking assessment category by Brown (2004).Based on the analysis, there are some problems in four categories, namely grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation. The students frequently made errors in terms of grammar, inadequate vocabulary or word choice, level of fluency, and errors in pronunciation. The problems occurred due to intralingual andinterlingual transfer.
CAT Tools: The Challenge for Translation Learning in 4.0 Era Wulansari, Atsani
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 2 (2018): 2nd ELLiC Proceedings: Education 4.0: Trends and Future Perspectives in English Educa
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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The rapid development of technology influences the teaching learning process nowadays. Teaching and learning process should be integrated with technology. One of the new paradigms in education system is education 4.0. It is the innovation on education which focuses on the use of information technology and the use of internet. There are many applications and websites which can be used as media of teaching learning process. As one of higher education subjects, Translation should apply such kind of technology. Translation technology is also developed time to time. Translation Industry nowadays requires the ability of using CAT Tool and it should be realized by translation lecturers. The students and lecturers have to be familiar with it. The background of this paper is based on the result of students’ interview. They are on the fourth semester and take  Translation 2 in class 3 and 4. Based on the interview, the students are very familiar with machine translation such as Google Translate ILI,,, and In addition, the students are also familiar with Kamusku, online dictionary, and dictionary application on their smartphone. However, there is another technology that actually can be used in translation class. It is Computer-assisted translation or CAT tools. This paper tries to propose some technologies in translation that is called as CAT Tool. It is hoped that lecturers are able to apply them in the classroom.
Pergeseran Klausa Dalam Penerjemahan Karya Sastra Wulansari, Atsani
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Vol 7 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

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Pergeseran dalam penerjemahan sering terjadi karena perbedaan struktur dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini mencoba mencari pergeseran yang terjadi pada klausa kompleks dalam cerita pendek The Snow of Kilimanjaro dan penerjemahannya. Selain itu penelitian ini juga memaparkan penyebab dari terjadinya pergeseran tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional (LSF) untuk menganalisis klausa dalam cerita pendek. Dalam LSF, klausa kompleks mempunyai hubungan interdependensi dan logikosemantik. Hubungan interdepensi ini membedakan klausa kompleks menjadi dua jenis yaitu klausa kompleks parataktik dan klausa kompleks hipotaktik. Fokus penelitian ini adalah klausa kompleks parataktik yang terdapat dalam cerpen The Snow of Kilimanjaro. Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, ditemukan 24 klausa parataktik mengalami pergeseran saat diterjemahkan. Pergeseran tersebut terjadi dikarenakan teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan oleh penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan cerpen ini.
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (735.62 KB) | DOI: 10.31002/transformatika.v11i2.209


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mendiskripsikan teknik penerjemahan dan (2) menjelaskan dampak penggunaan teknik penerjemahan terhadap hubungan interdependensi dan makna logiko-semantik dalam klausa kompleks Parataktik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif – kualitatif dengan menerapkan purposive sampling. Sumber data adalah klausa kompleks dalam cerita pendek Mowgli’s Brother dan versi terjemahannya berjudul ‘Saudara-Saudara Mowgli’. Teknik analisis data menggunakan content analysis. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan 8 teknik penerjemahan yaitu teknik transposisi, teknik harfiah, partikularisasi, generalisasi, amplifikasi linguistik, amplifikasi, reduksi, dan peminjaman. Dampak yang disebabkan dari teknik tersebut adalah 21 klausa kompleks parataktik mengalami pergeseran sedangkan 43 klausa tetap. Teknik yang bedampak terhadap pergeseran adalah teknik transposisi. Penerjemahan yang tidak mengalami pergeseran disebabkan oleh teknik harfiah. Pergeseran bisa saja terjadi dalam penerjemahan untuk memudahkan pembaca khususnya anak-anak memahami teks. Kata Kunci: Klausa Parataktik, Teknik Penerjemahan, Pergeseran Penerjemahan, Cerita anak. 
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (813.093 KB) | DOI: 10.31002/transformatika.v12i2.188


The aims of this research are (1) to analyze metafunction in the discourse, (2) to analyze interdependent and logico semantic meaning, and (3) to analyze the nominal group in the discourse. This research was descriptive qualitative research. The source of the data in this research was the discourse entitled What’s up with Monas?. The data was analyzed by using Systemic Functional Linguistic approach. This research found 19 clause of indicative-declarative in the discourse. Interpersonally, the writer of this discourse plays his role to give information to the reader. Ideationally, the researcher found that material process dominated the discourse. The circumstance that found was circumstance of time and place. Textually, unmarked topical theme was dominated the discourse. From interdependent and logico semantic relationship, the researcher found that clause complex appeared more often than simple clauses. This relationship influences the style of the discourse. Moreover, in nominal group, there were 8 nominal groups with classifier, 3 nominal groups with epithet and 9 nominal groups with qualifier.  From the analysis above, we can conclude that the discourse in this research include to news item. Key words: Discourse Analysis, Systemic Functional Linguistic, Genre 
The Puritan Law on Adultery and its Impacts on Society: A Sociological Approach of Literature in The Scarlet Letter Atsani Wulansari
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Metathesis
Publisher : English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v1i1.231


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan dan menganalisis hukum yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Puritan dalam kasus perzinaan yang dilakukan oleh tokoh utama dalam novel The Scarlet Letter karya Nathaniel Hawthorne. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dampak hukum tersebut terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Puritan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Terdapat berbagai macam pendekatan dalam penelitian sastra. Dengan pendekatan yang berbeda, hasil yang akan diperoleh dalam penelitian juga akan berbeda. Pendekatan sosiologi sastra dipilih karena novel The Scarlet Letter memiliki aspek sosiologis yang sangat kental. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Puritan menggunakan hukum agama dan moral sebagai dasar pemberian hukuman. Kedua jenis hukum tersebut diberlakukan agar pelaku diberi hukuman sesuai dengan pelanggarannya. Dalam hal perzinaan, kedua hukum tersebut juga diterapkan terhadap tokoh utama dalam novel ini. Hukum yang diterapkan dalam masyarakat Puritan ini mempunyai dampak positif dan juga negatif bagi tokoh utama dan juga masyarakat. Konsekuensi dari hukuman harus diterima oleh pelaku agar ketertiban dalam suatu wilayah tercapai.Kata kunci: Puritan, Hukum Masyarakat Puritan, Perzinaan, Sosiologi Sastra
Ideational Analysis of Donald Duck’s Comic and Its Translation Gilang Fadhilia Arvianti; Atsani Wulansari
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching
Publisher : English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i1.1421


Translating comic is different from other different text. Most of the text that is used in the comic is dialogue or spoken language that usually can be found in the subtitle of the film. Analyzing the accurateness of the translation text can be analyzed by using Metafunction approach especially ideational analysis. In translating text into target text, not all meaning is transferring into target text. It can influence the message that is brought by the source text into target text. Through ideational analysis approach it can be analyzed although not all the meaning is transferred into target text. This becomes the reason of taking this case as an object of this research.The aims of this research are to know the meaning realization in ideational analysis approach, and to explain the impact of ideational shifting toward the equivalence of translation in target text. The method of this research uses descriptive qualitative since the data and the analysis are in the form of sentence and description. The data took from Donald Duck’s Comic and its translation version. The technique used in this research is content analysis. This research also applies criterion-based sampling that is used only to get theoretically generalization.Since this research is hoped to give significant contribution to student of English Teaching and Learning in learning ideational analysis, the function of this research is to explain the impact of ideational shifting toward the equivalence of translation in target text. Thus, this research not only can be learning material for analyzing ideational in specific text, but also in learning translation.
Pendampingan Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Gamifikasi di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Atsani Wulansari; Arum Nisma Wulanjani; Gilang Fadhilia Arvianti; Candradewi Wahyu Anggraini; Endah Ratnaningsih
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.318 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v4i2.10551


Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan penggunaan media pembelajaran daring selama program belajar dari rumah, dengan metode gamifikasi bagi para guru SD Purwodadi, Kabupaten Magelang. Hal ini dilakukan karena dari hasil kuesioner awal yang kami berikan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar guru di SD Negeri Purwodadi masih belum menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis gamifikasi kepada anak didiknya.Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan model pembelajaran bauran (blended learning) dengan menggabungkan pertemuan dan daring. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah observasi, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner dan koordinasi tim pengabdian, pihak mitra diberikan materi mengenai quizlet dan quizizz. Pihak mitra juga diberikan proyek mandiri sebagai indikator pemahaman dan peningkatan ketrampilan terhadap media pembelajaran daring. Pihak mitra memberikan respon postif terhadap pendampingan ini dengan mencoba menggunakannya untuk pengajaran daring.
THE DIGITAL NATIVE VOICES IN A FLIPPED CLASSROOM Atsani Wulansari; Widya Ratna Kusumaningrum
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.2020.19.1.12


The growing of technology has invited the traditional pedagogical method supporters to integrate technology in education. This paper investigates the student perceptions as digital natives on the application of flipped classroom model. The flipped classroom employs lecturing video as homework and group discussion as classroom activities. The participants in this study were 120 students aged 19-20 years old who were born as millennial generation and had the experience of the flipped classroom model. Using a descriptive qualitative, the issue was observed and investigated. To elicit the student perceptions, this study used an open-ended questionnaire to investigate these students' opinions and attitudes toward the implementation of the model and its advantages and disadvantages. As the result shows, that flipped classroom gives more benefits over the drawbacks. The implementation of flipped classroom has attractively motivated students to be engaged in the classroom activity. The students perceive that the flipped classroom model has positively transformed their attitude and behavior in learning and flipped into a new way of learning. They argue that the procedural steps in flipped classroom model such as video observation and discussion help them understand the materials better and to be an independent learner. To conclude, the implementation of flipped classroom model gains the students' positive views over the negative perceptions.
Icatforlearning Website for Teaching Translation and Interpreting Online Class Atsani Wulansari; Gilang Fadhilia Arvianti; Agnira Rekha
NOBEL: Journal of Literature and Language Teaching Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/NOBEL.2021.12.1.15-28


COVID-19 pandemic spreads worldwide, and educational sectors have received significant impacts because of it. Schools and Universities try to find a new method for the continuation of the teaching and learning process. As a result, online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is rising. To support this learning, technology and new media are needed. One of the online media used by lecturers in teaching translation and interpreting is the icatforlearning website. It was designed to fulfill the students’ and lecturers’ needs in the teaching and learning process. This research aimed to portray the use of the icatforlearning website in translation and interpreting classes and find the obstacles students face using that website. This study used qualitative research. The subjects are the students of translation and interpreting class in the English Department. There are four classes for translation and interpreting class. The data were collected through observation and interviews. The result shows that icatforlearning can support the online teaching and learning process, although the students faced a few obstacles.