Novrinaldi Novrinaldi, Novrinaldi
Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna – LIPI, JL. KS. Tubun No.5 Subang Jawa Barat, Indonesia

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ANALISIS ENERGI DAN MUTU PRODUK PADA PROSES PEMASAKAN BUBUR KEDELAI DI INDUSTRI KECIL MENENGAH TAHU (Analysis of Energy and Product Quality in Soy Slurry Cooking in Small and Medium Enterprises of Tofu) Afifah, Nok; Novrinaldi, Novrinaldi
Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri Vol 29, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Baristand Industri Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (23.353 KB)


Tofu is one of the small scale industries that use stoves with LPG or biomass as fuel. Thetypes of fuel, shapes and materials of stove are some factors that affect to the performance of the stove.The cooking process influence yield and the quality of the tofu. This study aimed to compare the energyrequirements and product quality of soy slurry cooking process in three small and medium enterprises oftofu which used different fuels (LPG, firewood and rice husk). This research was conducted with theobservations and direct measurements in the field by following the steps in the tofu production accordingto their usual procedures. Measurement parameters included the mass (weight) of material, the materialtemperature and cooking time. Furthermore, soybeans and soy slurry resulted from cooking process wereanalyzed in term moisture, ash, protein and fat. Soy slurry which cooked by LPG produced minimumspecific fuel consumption of 10.83 g per kg of soy slurry and minimum cooking time of 0.17 minute per kgof soy slurry. However, energy cost of LPG fuel was the highest, nearly 2 times the energy cost offirewood and rice husk. Economically, rice husk was the most efficient fuel. The addition of water duringthe cooking process produced soy slurry with water content in the range 91% -96%. Ash and fat contentwere not too reduced during cooking process, but the protein content decreased respectively by 13%, 26%and 32% in the use of LPG fuel, firewood, and rice husk. The optimum quality of soy slurry was obtainedby cooking using LPG.
RANCANG BANGUN DAN PENGUJIAN KAMAR PENGERING INFRAMERAH UNTUK PENGERINGAN SINGKONG (Design, Construction, and Test of Infrared Dryer Room for Drying Cassava) Haryanto, Aidil; Novrinaldi, Novrinaldi; Putra, Satya Andika
Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri Vol 29, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Baristand Industri Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (23.353 KB)


A model of infrared dryer for drying post-harvest products was designed and tested. Infrareddryer is one of an alternative food tool which mostly used when the production process occur for dryingpost-harvest products to increase time efficiency and product quality. Infrared drying technology has highefficiency because its radiation go through inside area of molecule item without hot air mediator like theone in convection and conduction process. This tool is designed with 2 x 2 x 2 m of outer dimension whichhas one exhaust fan, two fans, two air holes, two shelves, one infrared dryer (gasolec), and one control tool.Drying capacity is about 36 kg/batch. In a test, dryed products were sliced cassava with thickness between1-2 mm as many of 12 kg/3 hour with 50 oC dan 60 oC temperature. The data were taken at four point insidedryer. At 50 oC drying temperature the moisture content of cassava were 12,28% at T1, 14,93 % at T2,18,70% at T3 and 20,62% at T4 while at 60 oC drying temperature, the moisture content of cassava were7,36% at T1, 14,57 % at T2, 11,30% at T3, and 17,05% at T4 with average elpiji consumption is1,5 kg/batch. RH value were stable between 40-50 %.
Efisiensi Penggunaan Air dan Energi Berbasis Produksi Bersih pada Industri Kecil Tahu: Studi Kasus IKM Tahu “Sari Rasa” Subang (Efficiency of Water and Energy Use Based on Cleaner Production in Small Tofu Industry: A Case Study of SME Tofu “Sari Rasa” Subang) Darmajana, Doddy A.; Afifah, Nok; Novrinaldi, Novrinaldi; Hanifah, Umi; Taufan, Andi
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 22, No 4 (2013): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.238 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v22i4.140


Peningkatan efisiensi pada setiap tahapan proses pada IKM tahu akan mengoptimalkan setiap komponen produksi, menghasilkan mutu produk yang baik serta berdampak positif terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu konsep yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan bahan baku, bahan penunjang dan energi di seluruh tahapan produksi dan minimalisasi limbah adalah konsep produksi bersih. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk merencanakan penerapan konsep produksi bersih di IKM tahu Sari Rasa Subang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur neraca massa pada setiap tahapan proses, dan menerapkan sistem pemipaan dan tungku pemasakan berbahan bakar gas. Pengambilan data mengikuti alur produksi IKM tanpa mengganggu proses untuk 3 batch produksi. Data yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan kondisi proses sebelum penerapan produksi bersih dan terhadap industri tahu yang telah menerapkan produksi bersih. Hasil perbandingan menunjukkan penggunaan air proses lebih kecil 21,12 persen dibanding sebelum penerapan produksi bersih dan 15,13 persen terhadap pemakaian air di IKM tahu Kaguma. Hasil proses perancangan berupa penghematan energi listrik pompa dari 0,81 kWh menjadi 0,16kWh dengan menggunakan tangki air atas. Konsumsi energi menggunakan desain tungku baru berbahan bakar gas untuk pemasakan 5 kg kedelai sebesar 11220 kkal, menghemat energi sebesar 72,35 persen dibanding dengan tungku sebelumnya. Bila dibandingan dengan IKM Kaguma, terdapat perbedaan kebutuhan energi untuk proses sebesar 1724,16 kkal.Increasing efficiencies at every stage of the process at SME Tofu will optimize every component of production, yield good quality products, and give positive impact to the environment. One of the concepts that aim to improve the efficient use of raw materials, auxiliary materials and energy at all stages of production and waste minimization is a cleaner production concept. The research was done to design the implementation of the cleaner production concept in SMEs tofu Sari Rasa Subang. The study was conducted by measuring mass balance at each stage of process and applying plumbing system and gasfired furnace for cooking. The data were captured for 3 batches of production in SMEs. The data obtained were compared to the previous data. The comparison demonstrated that water used in SME Sari Rasa was 21.12 percent less than that of the previous and 15.13% more than that of SME Kaguma. The results of redesign process were the electrical energy saving at the pump from 0.81 kWh to 0.16 kWh using water roof tank. The saving of heat energy consumption using new gas-fired furnace for cooking 5 kg soybean was 11220 kcal. The saving energy was found to be 72.35% compared to the previous furnace. There were 1724.16 kkal energy consumption difference compared to SME Kaguma. 
Analisis Energi Panas Pada Alat Pengeringan Gabah Tipe Swirling Fluidized Bed Putra, Satya Andika; Novrinaldi, Novrinaldi
TEKNIK Vol 40, No. 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.005 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v39i3.22765


Gabah merupakan produk hasil pertanian berupa biji-bijian yang proses pengeringannya mayoritas masih menggunakan cara tradisional yaitu dengan menghamparkan langsung dibawah sinar matahari. Pengeringan seperti ini tidak sesuai ketika musim hujan karena proses pengeringan gabah tidak berlangsung dengan baik sehingga kualitas gabah menurun. Solusinya adalah dengan menggunakan pengering. Salah satu tipe pengering yang dapat digunakan untuk gabah adalah pengering tipe swirling fluidized bed (SFB). Alat pengeringan gabah tipe SFB terdiri dari ruang pengeringan dan ruang plenum dengan diameter 400 mm, selubung tengah pada ruang pengeringan berbentuk kerucut dengan diameter 300 mm, selubung tengah ruang plenum berbentuk silinder diameter 300 mm, distributor terletak diantara ruang pengeringan dan plenum yang terdiri dari 100 sudu dengan kemiringan 45°, dan dua saluran masuk udara berbentuk silinder yang masing-masing dilengkapi dengan pemanas dan blower dengan laju udara suplai 12 m3 /menit. Artikel ini menyajikan analisis energi panas pada alat pengeringan gabah tipe SFB. Analisis dilakukan secara teoretis berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip termodinamika dan perpindahan panas dengan menggunakan beberapa data hasil pengujian. Data diperoleh dari mengeringkan 300 gram gabah jenis Ciherang selama 60 menit. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa energi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengeringkan gabah dari kadar air 26,8 % menjadi 13,78 % adalah sebesar 121.756,04 J. Laju perpindahan panas dari udara pengering ke gabah sebesar 780,28 W. Sedangkan energi panas yang harus disuplai oleh pemanas adalah sebesar 3943,86 W