In mitigation to minimize the risk of earthquakes, protection is needed to reduce the impacts. Damage caused by earthquakes can be minimized by planning and building earthquake-resistant houses. To get an earthquake-resistant house, by adding earthquake-strengthening components based “Pedoman Teknis Rumah dan Bangunan Gedung Tahan Gempa and SNI 1726-2019”. This research aims to design earthquake-resistant houses concept for an earthquake period of 50 years and analyze the benefit-cost ratio by comparing residential houses designed with earthquake-safe features to conventional residential houses. The concept of earthquake-resistant houses is carried out in conventional type 120 residential houses. The research results that the cost for a conventional residence is IDR 387,223,000 and the cost of an earthquake house concept is IDR. 407,593,000, where there is a cost difference of IDR 20,370,000 or 5% (more expensive). Benefit-cost ratio value for conventional residential houses for the 50-year earthquake scenario is 0.64; 0.71; 0.77; 0.82; and 0.87 where the value of BCR <1, then this residential house is not effective in facing a 50-year earthquake scenario. Benefit-cost ratio for earthquake-safe housing was 1.12; 1.34; 1.58; 1.84; and 2.09. The BCR>1 and the value moves up until the 50th year. So with an additional cost of 5% for earthquake-safe features, this house is considered very effective for the 50-year earthquake period scenario.