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Analisis Semiotika Komunikasi Interpersonal dalam Film Pulang Ashar Banyu Lazuardi; Hasbullah Hasbullah
JISHUM : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juni (JISHUM Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora)
Publisher : CV Insan Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57248/jishum.v1i4.195


Karya film pendek yang baru dirilis pada tahun 2023 yang berjudul Pulang dipilih sebagai objek penelitian. Film Pulang dipublikasikan melalui laman akun youtube Kereta Api Kita, milik PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) bertepatan saat beberapa hari sebelum arus mudik 2023 dimulai. Skema hubungan keluarga dan semiotika Charles S. Peirce digunakan peneliti untuk membedah scene film Pulang tersebut yang menampilkan hubungan komunikai interpersonal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini skema hubungan keluarga dibangun dalam film Pulang yang dapat dilihat dari interaksi komunikasi interpersonal di antara tokoh – tokoh pemeran film. Tokoh Naila pada akhir cerita pun memperjelas bahwa hubungan keluarga yang erat akan selalu mengikat seseorang untuk selalu dekat dengan orang yang menjadi orang tua dari seorang anak. Film Pulang juga merupakan upaya PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) untuk mempromosikan perjalanan kereta api dalam rangka mudik atau pulang kampung pada momentum hari raya.
Representasi Sosial Dalam Film Dluwang Ashar Banyu Lazuardi; I Nyoman Miyarta Yasa; I Gede Anjas Kharisma Nata; I Wayan Kusuma Di Biagi
JISHUM : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Juni (JISHUM Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora)
Publisher : CV Insan Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57248/jishum.v2i4.412


Film dokumenter merupakan salah satu jenis genre atau ragam film. Sineas film dokumenter di Indonesia sendiri berkembang dengan pesat. Salah satunya Ravacana Films merupakan salah satu rumah produksi yang produktif dalam dunia film pendek. Pada artikel penelitian ini akan berfokus pada salah satu karya film dokumenter Ravacana Films yang berjudul Dluwang. Judul film Dluwang berbeda dengan karya Ravacana Films yang lain, film ini merupakan karya dokumenter yang merupakan representasi sosial yang nyata atau dengan kata lain tanpa rekayasa. Semiotika digunakan sebagai pisau bedah untuk melihat respresentasi sosial yang dimunculkan melalui simbol – simbol yang terdapat di dalam film Dluwang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa sosok Toni dalam film Dluwang merupakan representasi sosial dari masyrakat khususnya di Jogjakarta. Selain itu,, pekerjaan yang ditekuni oleh karakter Toni merupakan peran yang sangat penting terutama di bidang sejarah. Selain itu dalam film Dluwang, terdapat pula gambaran representasi sosial dari kurangnya kesadaran masyakarat umum tentang pentingnya peninggalan sejarah Indonesia.    
Pengabdian Masyarakat Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Bahasa Periklanan Digital untuk UMKM Lalu Yayan Ardiansyah; juliana palit; Risyaf Kudus Pranasa; Titik Ceriyani Miswaty; Sutarman; Ashar Banyu Lazuardi
JILPI : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian dan Inovasi Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): JILPI: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian dan Inovasi (Juni)
Publisher : Insan Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57248/jilpi.v1i4.245


The development of small and medium enterprises in Lombok is growing along with the development of industrial technology and tourism in Lombok. Based on data on the number of MSMEs in NTB, the City of Mataram ranks first with the most MSMEs in NTB with a total of 22,473 as of July 2021. However, in general, MSMEs in the city of Mataram still face obstacles such as capital, licensing, raw materials, product marketing, financial management and innovation. Based on observations made by the Community Service Team at Bumigora University, out of a total of 100 MSMEs surveyed, capital was the biggest obstacle for MSMEs in developing their business with a percentage of 37%, financial management 30%, promotion 17%, raw materials 15% , and others 11%. Based on the observational data, an action is needed to overcome the problems of MSMEs and help develop the businesses of MSME actors in the city of Mataram. The Bumigora University Community Service Team tries to facilitate MSMEs in facing challenges, especially those related to financial management and advertising by conducting training for MSME actors. MSME training is packaged in the form of seminars accompanied by practice in making digital financial reports and advertising language as a follow-up to this training.
Pelatihan Teknik dan Isi Pesan dalam Poster Digital Ashar Banyu Lazuardi; Risyaf Kudus Pranasa; I Gede Anjas Kharisma Nata; I Nyoman Miyarta Yasa; Irfan Hidayat
JILPI : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian dan Inovasi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): JILPI: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian dan Inovasi (Desember)
Publisher : Insan Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57248/jilpi.v2i2.327


The problem found in the environment of SMP Negeri 1 Gerung is the lack of understanding of students in using or exploiting digital media as an effective learning tool, especially in the field of graphic design, which is currently the promotional media with the greatest use in society. This training was carried out with the aim of providing insight and experience for students so they know better how to use digital media properly and correctly. This training focuses on understanding and how to create poster designs using currently available digital media. For students, this training is very necessary so that they can use digital media professionally. The expected benefit is that students are able to understand and create poster designs by utilizing existing digital media and can broaden their horizons in graphic design science. The method in this activity is to provide material and design training using vector and bitmap image processing software, by providing understanding and training about poster graphic design that students can use, starting from providing an understanding of posters, showing what is needed to make a poster, and train how to make posters and how to use posters. The result of this activity is that students understand and are able to make posters and can utilize the posters they make. This activity also provides benefits for the teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Gerung who participated in the training, to be able to implement the knowledge they have to students and the wider community.
Komunikasi Persuasif Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Kementrian Kesehatan Pada Media Youtube Tentang Edukasi Kangker Payudara I Nyoman Miyarta Yasa; Ashar Banyu Lazuardi; Mohamad Yudisa Putrajip
Jurnal SASAK : Desain Visual dan Komunikasi Vol 5 No 2 (2023): SASAK
Publisher : Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30812/sasak.v5i2.3440


In order to reduce breast cancer sufferers, the Indonesian Ministry of Health has made various efforts, one of which is creating Public Service Advertisements (PSAs) on YouTube social media. This research aims to find out what kind of PSAs support changes in people's behavior. This research uses a qualitative descriptive case study method. Data is analyzed using qualitative methods which are then presented and interpreted narratively or descriptively. The results of data analysis stated that the target community's behavior towards PSAs was quite positive. Most informants liked PSAs in the form of animations in the form of stories because they had a fear effect, thereby creating a desire to follow the invitation from the PSAs. Informants were of the opinion that the duration of the PSAs should not be too short so that it makes the PSAs less informative or should not be too long so that it makes the PSA boring. Informants stated that through PSAs, public or target audience awareness of breast cancer could be increased so that they were willing to follow the PSA's invitation.