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قاعدة" اقتضاء النهي الفساد و البطلان " عند المذاهب الأربعة " و تطبيقاتها في المناكحات Suranto Suranto; Imron Rosyadi; Muinudinillah Basri
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 21, No. 1, Special Issue 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v21i1.11656


This research is motivated by the curiosity of the law of marriage of a pregnant adulter to cover up her shame and family disgrace, which sometimes occurs in the community, while the Prophet Muhammad “peace be upon him” has forbidden men to marry a pregnant woman until she gives birth.And many other forbidden marriages that occur in the community. The formulation of the problems of this research are: 1) What are the opinions of the four ideology of thought towards the rule of "iqtidhou annahyi alfasad wal butlan"? 2) How is the application of this rule in prohibited marriages, such as marriages of men with adulterers who are pregnant, mut'ah marriages, marriages of men who have been proposed by other men, marriages in ihrom conditions, syigor marriages, bid'iy marriages, marriages without marriages proxy, marriage without witnesses, marriage by combining women who still have mahrom relations. This research was conducted by the literature review method, collecting and studying various references, especially from the four ideology of thought, then conducting in-depth analysis. The conclusions of this study are 1) the four ideology of thought differ on the the rule of "iqtidhou annahyi alfasad wal butlan" in some circumstances annahyu, and have the same view of this Qoidah in several circumstances annahyu. 2) In applying this rule in the case of marriage, they agree on its validity or sleaze in some marital matters, but also differing opinions in several other issues. Usually, their opinions on the issue of marriage are in line with their opinions on the issue of the rule of ushul, but sometimes they don’t.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi keingintahuan hukum nikahnya pezina yang hamil untuk menutupi aibnya dan aib keluarganya, yang kadang terjadi di masyarakat, sedangkan Nabi Muhammad Sholallohu ‘alaihi wa salam telah melarang lelaki untuk menikahi perempuan yang hamil sampai dia melahirkan. Dan banyak pernikahan-pernikahan terlarang lainya yang terjadi di masyarakat. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Apa pendapat empat madzhab terhadap qoidah “ iqtidhou annahyi alfasad wal butlan”? 2) Bagaimana penerapan qoidah ini dalam masalah pernikahan yang terlarang, seperti nikahnya lelaki dengan pezina yang hamil, nikah mut’ah, nikahnya lelaki atas perempuan yang sudah dilamar lelaki lain, nikah dalam kondisi ihrom, nikah syigor, tholak bid’iy, nikah tanpa wali, nikah tanpa saksi, nikah dengan menggabungkan perempuan yang masih ada hubungan mahrom. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kajian pustaka, dengan mengumpulkan dan mentelaah berbagai referensi terutama dari empat madzhab, dan menganalisanya. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah 1) empatmadzhab berbeda pendapat tentang qoidah “ iqtidhou annahyi alfasad wal butlan” di beberapa keadaan annahyu, dan sama pandanganya tentang kaidah ini dalam beberapa keadaan annahyu. 2) Dalam penerapan qoidah ini dalam masalah pernikahan, mereka sepakat tentang keabsahanya atau kebatilanya dalam beberapa masalah pernikahan, dan kadang mereka juga berbeda pendapat dalam beberapa masalah lainya. Biasanya pendapat mereka dalam masalah pernikahan ini selaras dengan pendapat mereka dalam masalah qoidah ushul tersebut, tapi kadang tidak selaras. الملخص: قاعدة" اقتضاء النهي الفساد و البطلان " عند المذاهب الأربعة و تطبيقاتها في المناكحات، رسالة مقدمة لاستيفاء أحد الشروط للحصول على درجة الماجستير في تخصص الفقه و أصوله، إعداد الطالب: سورا تنو، رقم القيد:O200170020  تحت إشراف: د.عمران رشادي و د.معين دين الله بصري، عام:1441 ه / 2019م. قامت فكرة البحث على معرفة حكم نكاح الحامل بسبب الزنى لستر عيبها و عيب عائلتها الواقع في المجتمع ، مع أن النبي – صلى الله عليه و سلم – نهى عن نكاح الحامل حتى تلد كي لا يختلط النسب. قد وقعت الأنكحة الممنوعة الأخرى في المجتمع. تدور مشكلة البحث حول الأمرين التاليين: 1) ما أقوال المذاهب الأربعة في قاعدة " اقتضاء النهي الفساد و البطلان"؟ 2)كيف تطبيق هذه القاعدة  في مسائل المناكحات؟ اتّبع الباحث في هذه الرسالة البحث المكتبي، و ينهج هذا البحث منهج استقرائي و تحليلي. و توصل الباحث إلى النتائج الآتية: 1) اختلف المذاهب الأربعة في القاعدة الأصولية " اقتضاء النهي الفساد و البطلان " في بعض أحوال النهي، و اتفق في بعضها. 2) تطبيقات هذه القاعدة في المناكحات المنهي عنها في نكاح الزانية الحامل، نكاح المتعة، الخطبة على الخطبة، نكاح المحرم، نكاح الشغار، الطلاق البدعي، النكاح بدون ولي، النكاح بدون الشهود، الجمع بين المحارم في النكاح، اتفق المذاهب الأربعة على صحة بعضها أو فساده، و اختلفوا في بعضها، غالبا أن رأيهم موافق لرأيهم في القاعدة " اقتضاء النهي الفساد و البطلان"، و أحيانا مخالف لرأيهم في هذه القاعدة.  
Educating the spiritual and social life of the community post- pandemic in Danukusuman Village, Surakarta Suratno Suratno; Baihaqi Maulana Hakim; Umi Khoiriyah; Muhammad Syaifuddin Zuhry; Zidni Fahma
Community Empowerment Vol 8 No 6 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/ce.8535


People in the Danukusuman Village, Surakarta are facing various problems in various sectors of life due to the pandemic, which has caused the community's stress level to increase. When the Covid 19 pandemic subsided, people began to move and rise from adversity. Spiritual and social intelligence is very important for people to come up calmly and full of hope. This community service aims to educate the spiritual and social life of the people in the Danukusuman village, Surakarta. The center of this program is at the Tjokrosoekarno Danukusuman Mosque. The methodology in this community service is community education using lectures, discussions, social services, teaching, training, tablig akbar, and environmental observations. The result of this program is the intelligence in their spiritual life increases. This can be seen from their increasing ability in reading the Qur'an and increasing Islamic insight. Likewise, the social life of the community is getting better, with the existing social activities. With a good spiritual and social life, it is easier for people to rise up post- pandemic.
Menjembatani Antara Norma Agama dan Realitas Sosial (Studi Kasus tentang Dampak Sosial Kehamilan Diluar Nikah pada Individu Muslim di Banjarsari, Surakarta pada Masa Covid 19) Suratno Suratno
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v5i1.2859


During the pandemic, early marriage due to pregnancy out of wedlock increased in various parts of Indonesia, as well as in the Banjarsari sub-district. Pregnancy outside of marriage certainly has a social impact on society. The reality in society in dealing with social impacts is sometimes contrary to religious norms. This study discusses how to compromise between social reality and religious norms in dealing with the social impacts of pregnancy outside of marriage. By using qualitative methods and field research, the researcher uncovered several contradictory social realities in society, among others related to family and environmental disgrace, the marriage of pregnant women, child lineage, inheritance, and guardianship of daughters due to adultery. There is a meeting point between social reality and religious norms related to attitudes towards the social impact of pregnancy outside of marriage because Islamic law is guaranteed to be by all places and times.
Sharia Financial Literacy: Research Trends and Directions for Future Inquiry Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro; Jalesta Herviana; Yayuli Yayuli; Suratno Suratno
Journal of Islamic Economic Laws Vol 6, No 2: July 2023
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jisel.v6i2.22396


Sharia financial literacy refers to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of financial products and services, which can benefit the financial sector and society. However, research on this topic has needed to be faster to develop, with the Islamic financial literacy index lagging far behind the conventional financial inclusion index. Therefore, it is essential to conduct research that can inform future studies. This study aims to explore the direction of research on Islamic financial literacy by analyzing publications related to Islamic finance using bibliometric methods, VOSviewers, and R-studio applications. This analysis identifies core journals in international publications, researcher productivity, institutional collaboration, and keyword/author development. This finding indicates that Widyastuti, U. has the most publications, while Universiti Teknologi MARA and Universiti Malaya are the most productive universities. Indonesia and Malaysia are the nations with the most published works.
الانحرافات في التفسير (أسبابها- وأنواعها- وأمثلتها) Suratno Suratno
Sanaamul Quran : Jurnal Wawasan Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Islam Al-Mukmin (STIM) Surakarta

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المقدمة بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله الذي علم الإنسان بعد جهل، وهداه بعد ضلال، ÙˆÙقهه بعد غÙلة، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله الذي أرسله ربه للناس كاÙØ© بشيرا ونذيرا وهاديا ومعلما ليهلك من هلك عن بينة ويحي من حي عن بينة. وبعد Ø› الاهتمام بالقرآن وتÙسيره مظهر من أهم مظاهر الاهتمام بالإسلام، Ùˆ مكتبات التÙسير تنمو Ùˆ تزداد كبيرا، Ùˆ صار القارئ اليوم يسهل ÙÙŠ بحث الكتب ومناهجها. Ùˆ بتطور وسائل الإعلام يستطيع الناس أخذ المعلمات شتى بسهولة Ùˆ لاسيما علوم التÙسير، Ùˆ المعلومات عن التÙسير منتشرة ÙÙŠ شبكة انترنيت يستطيع كل مسلم قراءتها أو استماعها. بهذه الحالة يكون المسلم ÙÙŠ حيرة بكثرة المعلومات Ùˆ المراجع Ùˆ كتب التÙسير المختلÙØ©. Ùˆ لا يكاد يسلم له اختيار، ولا تستقيم له قراءة، إذا لم ينتبه جيدا ÙÙŠ اختيار الكتاب والكاتب، لأنه قد أل٠بعض المؤلÙين كتب تÙسير منحرÙØ© يداÙعون عقيدتهم الضالة، أو يشترون بآيات الله ثمنا ضئيلا . الانحرا٠ÙÙŠ التÙسير أمر خطير ÙŠÙسد معانى القرآن الكريم Ùˆ يضل المسلمين، Ùˆ ÙÙŠ هذا البحث المتواضع سيبحث الباحث عن أسباب الانحرا٠ÙÙŠ التÙسير ØŒ Ùˆ أنواعه ØŒ Ùˆ أمثلته . وقد سرت على المنهج المعين ÙÙŠ كتابته Ùهو يتلخص ÙÙŠ النقاط الرئيسية التالية: حاولت الاعتماد على حصول معلومات البحث من المصادر الأصلية مع عدم إغلاق الاطلاع من المراجع الحديثة نسبت الأقوال إلى أصحابها مع ذكر المصادر والمراجع الأصلية أوردت الآية القرآنية مع ذكر سورتها ورقم الآية والأحاديث النبوية وأسأل اللهَ أن ينÙعنا بهذا البحث الصغير، Ùˆ أن يواÙقنا الله ÙÙŠ جميع أعمالنا إلى ما يحبه Ùˆ يرضاه، Ùˆ أن يجعله ÙÙŠ ميزان حسنات الباحث يوم القيامة، Ùˆ أن يغÙر له ما وقع منه من خطأ أو تقصير.
Sanaamul Quran : Jurnal Wawasan Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Islam Al-Mukmin (STIM) Surakarta

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This research is motivated by the curiosity of the ghoror influence on several forms ofmodern culinary business because since the end of 2019 several restaurants have gone viral for selling their food menus with the "All You Can Eat" system and some are using the sales system "Pay as much as you like to eat as much as you like" or so-called "Pay What You Want". The formulation of the problems of this research are: 1) What are the good criteria that can influence the law of buying and selling? 2) What is the effect of ghoror on the sales system with "All You Can Eat" and the sales system "Pay as much as you can eat as you like"? This paper includes qualitative research by conducting literature reviews of several sources from ulama›s books and various papers, as well as several sources from trusted websites on the internet. From this research, the authors conclude that: 1) The criteria of ghoror that can affect the law of sale are: ghoror is heavy, there is no need (hajah) syari in the contract, ghoror occurs at the main object of the contract, ghoror occurs in the mu›awadhah contract (business transactions). 2) Strong opinion on sales with the "All You Can Eat" system that this kind of ghoror is legal (light) and does not affect the contract. As for the sale with the system "Pay as Sincerely as you eat as you like" there is uncertainty about the price and the product being sold, the ghoror, in this case, is heavy, and affects the contract,therefore buying and selling using this system is prohibited by law.Keywords: ghoror, business, culinary, All YouCan Eat, All you can eat, pay as much as youwant ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keingintahuanbpengaruh ghoror terhadap beberapa bentuk bisnis kuliner modern, karena semenjak akhir tahun 2019 beberapa restorant viral karena menjual menu makananya dengan sistem “All You Can Eat “ dan ada pula yang memakai sistem penjualan “ Bayar Seikhlasnya Makan Sepuasnya “ atau biasa disebut “ Pay What You Want “ .Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Apa saja kriteria ghoror yang bisa mempengaruhi hukum jual beli ? 2) Apa pengaruh ghoror pada sistem penjualan dengan “All You Can Eat “dan sistem penjualan “ Bayar Seikhlasnya Makan Sepuasnya “? Makalah initermasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan kajian pustaka terhadap beberapa sumber dari kitab-kitab ulama dan berbagai makalah, serta beberapa sumber dari website terpercaya di internet. Dari penelitian ini, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) Kriteria ghoror yang bisa mempengaruhi hukum penjualan adalah: ghoror tersebut berat, tidak ada kebutuhan (hajah) syar’i dalam akad, ghoror terjadi pada pokok objek akad, ghoror terjadi pada akad mu’awadhah (transaksi bisnis). 2) Pendapat yang rojih pada penjualan dengan sistem “All You Can Eat “ bahwa ghoror seperti ini yasir (ringan) dan tidak mempengaruhi akad. Adapun penjualan dengan sistem “Bayar Seikhlasnya Makan Sepuasnya “terdapat ketidakjelasan harga dan produk yang dijual, ghoror dalam hal ini berat, dan mempengaruhi akad, maka dari itu jual beli dengan sistem seperti ini dilarang secara syariat. Kata kunci : ghoror , bisnis, kuliner, All You Can Eat, Makan sepuasnya bayar seikhlasnya
Sanaamul Quran : Jurnal Wawasan Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Islam Al-Mukmin (STIM) Surakarta

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This study aims to explain the opinions of ushuliyin regarding the following issues: Mukholafatur Rowi lima Rowahu (Rowi's exclusion of what is narrated) and its influence on fiqh issues. The choice of this theme is motivated by the findings of the author that sometimes Rowi's actions in a problem contradict the hadith she narrated. What is the evidence of his actions or history? And what effect will this difference of opinion have on fiqh matters? This paper includes qualitative research by conducting literature reviews of several sources from ulama's books and various papers, as well as several sources from trusted websites on the internet. From this study, the authors conclude that: 1) the selected opinion in this matter is the opinion of several ulama who say that if Rowi differs from what was narrated, his history is still used as an argument. Meanwhile, Madhab Hanafi disagreed with the opinion of the jumhur by considering that history could not be used as evidence. 2) This difference of opinion has an influence on the determination of the law in fiqh matters including in the matter of washing vessels when licked by dogs, raising hands when they want to bow and rising from them, requirements of marriage guardians, problems of divorce against slaves being sold, and problems of labanul fahl. Keyword: narattor, hadith, riwayah, principles of islamic jurisprudence ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pendapat para ushuliyin terkait masalah : Mukholafatur Rowi lima Rowahu ( penyelisihan perawi hadis terhadap apa yang diriwayatkan ) dan pengaruhnya terhadap masalah-masalah fikih. Pemilihan tema ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penemuan penulis bahwa terkadang tindakan perawi dalam suatu masalah menyelisihi hadis yang diriwayatkanya. Apakah yang dijadikan hujah tindakanya atau riwayatnya ? Dan apa pengaruh perbedaan pendapat ini terhadap masalah-masalah fikih? Makalah ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan kajian pustaka terhadap beberapa sumber dari kitab-kitab ulama dan berbagai makalah, serta beberapa sumber dari website terpercaya di internet. Dari penelitian ini, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) pendapat yang rojih dalam masalah ini adalah pendapatnya jumhur ulama yang mengatakan bahwa apabila perowi menyelisihi apa yang diriwayatkan, riwayatnya tetap dipakai sebagai hujah/ dalil. Sedangkan Madhab hanafi menyelisihi pendapat jumhur dengan menganggap riwayat tersebut tidak bisa dijadikan hujah. 2) Perbedaan pendapat ini punya pengaruh terhadap penentuan hukum dalam masalah- masalah fikih diantaranya : dalam masalah penyucian bejana ketika dijilat anjing, mengangkat tangan ketika mau ruku’ dan bangkit darinya, pensyaratan wali nikah, permasalahan cerai terhadap budak yang dijual,dan masalah labanul fahl. Kata kunci : Perawi, hadis, riwayah, ushul fikih
Urgensi Ilmu Nahwu dalam Memahami Nushus Syar’iyah Suratno Suratno; Mustafa Muhammad; Dimas Muhammad Rizaldi; Samaa Abdul Aziz; Yoga Aji Ramadhan
Sanaamul Quran : Jurnal Wawasan Keislaman Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Islam Al-Mukmin (STIM) Surakarta

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In the disruption era, it is very easy to convey ideas and information. Likewise, preaching and teaching religion, as well as consulting on religious law, is very easy to do. However, this is also accompanied by many people who are easy to fatwa, many people appear who talk about religious law without being accompanied by good religious knowledge. Whereas nushus syar'iyah speaks Arabic and can be understood with tools including the science of nahwu. The author researches with a literature review to determine the urgency of nahwu science in understanding nushus syar'iyah. This study proves that the science of nahwu has a very important role in the correct understanding of nushus syariyah. Reading nushus syariyah without this knowledge will be very dangerous because it can lead to wrong understanding. By mastering this knowledge, one will also be wiser towards differences of opinion among ulama, because one of the causes for the emergence of these differences of opinion is the difference in nahwu.
Upgrading TPQ Management Skills for TPQ Teachers in Grogol District, Sukoharjo Suratno Suratno; Karimah Nur Azizah; Syahidah Asma Amanina; Sudarmadi Putra
I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2024): I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal (Maret 2024)
Publisher : Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi, Universitas Raden Rahmat Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33379/icom.v4i1.4056


In the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, religious knowledge is very necessary. This is because humans are spoiled by technological advances that are rational, practical, empirical and material in nature. TPQ is one of the non-formal institutions that can protect the Muslim generation from these dangers. However, in reality, many TPQs in Grogol District, Sukoharjo, are not managed well. The management structure, curriculum, and teaching methods are not well-regulated. Therefore, the STIM Surakarta Community Service Team held a seminar on managing TPQ with the aim of enabling TPQ teachers in the Grogol sub-district to manage TPQ well. This Community Service uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method. The stages followed are observation, problem identification, preparation, implementation, evaluation and publication. This community service activity succeeded in providing insight to TPQ teachers about good TPQ management.
Tradisi Peminangan di Desa Sukosari, Jumantono, Wonogiri, dalam Perspektif Syariah Suratno Suratno; Miftah Inayatul Af’ida
BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2024): BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36701/bustanul.v5i1.1118


Peminangan tradition in Sukosari Village, Jumantono, Wonogiri is a combination of the Shari'a that recommends sermons and the traditions that package them. This research aims to determine the marriage tradition in Sukosari Village, Jumantono District, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java and its conformity with sharia. This field research uses qualitative methods by collecting data through observation, supporting documents and interviews. The analysis obtained in this research is that this proposal tradition is unique to the local community, however, several things need to be taken into account regarding its suitability from a sharia perspective. Some recommendations for this tradition to comply with sharia are that the distance between the peminangan and marriage should not be too far, because there is an announcement of the proposal, if the marriage is canceled it will make the bride and groom very embarrassed. At the peminangan event, the positions of the guests watching the event should be arranged in such a way as to minimize ikhtilat. And a very important suggestion is that the process of exchanging rings, especially those worn by men, should be replaced with something other than gold and the handover should not be carried out directly by the bride and groom, to avoid touching the non mahrom. It is hoped that this research can provide constructive input for figures, leaders and the community of Sukosari, Jumantono, Wonogiri villages so that this unique tradition can be preserved by paying attention to its compatibility with sharia.