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Publisher : Faculty of Law, Tanjungpura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/tlj.v4i2.41913


This article discusses the politics of law for Indonesian migrant workers protection. The aim of discussion is to understand the politics of law for Indonesian migrant workers protection in siyasah dusturiyah fiqh perspective based on Law Number 18 Year 2017 about Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection.The method used is literature review using a juridicial normative approach and content analyisis. The Article 3 of the Law on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers states that Indonesian migrant workers protection aim to protect the human rights as well as to fulfil the legal, economic and social needs of migrant workers and their families. The protection is conducted before, during and after their working time. Based on the perspective of siyasah dusturiyah fiqh which is a part of siyasah fiqh that addresses the issue of legislation of state, so the Law on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers is in accordance with 4 (fourth) principles of workers protection in Islam, they are 1) human independency; 2) human dignity; 3) justice; 4) contract (akad) and payment clarity.Tulisan dalam artikel ini membahas mengenai politik hukum perlindungan pekerja migran Indonesia. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui perspektif fikih siyasah dusturiyah terhadap perlindungan pekerja migran Indonesia berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2017 tentang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia.Metode yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan analisis konten. Berdasarkan Pasal 3 Undang-Undang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia memberikan arah tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam perlindungan pekerja migran Indonesia yaitu menjamin pemenuhan dan penegakan hak asasi manusia para pekerja migran serta menjamin perlindungan hukum, ekonomi dan sosial pekerja migran serta keluarganya. Perlindungan tersebut dilaksanakan sebelum, selama dan setelah bekerja. Berdasarkan fikih siyasah dusturiyah, yang merupakan bagian fikih siyasah yang membahas masalah perundang-undangan negara, maka Undang-Undang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia ditinjau dari perspektif tersebut sesuai dengan 4 (empat) prinsip ketenagakerjaan dalam Islam yaitu; 1) kemerdekaan manusia; 2) prinsip kemuliaan derajat manusia; 3) prinsip keadilan; dan 4) prinsip kejelasan akad (perjanjian) dan transaksi upah.
Penyelesaian Sengketa Terhadap Aktivitas Di Ruang Angkasa oleh Pihak Non-Negara (Privat) Muhammad Havez; Muhammad Insan Tarigan
JURNAL YUSTIKA: MEDIA HUKUM DAN KEADILAN Vol. 21 No. 02 (2018): Jurnal Yustika: Media Hukum dan Keadilan
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Surabaya

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Recently, there are some complex issues regarding the use of outer space caused by the activities of private role in the outer space activities. One of the significant impacts that caused by private parties in outer space is international dispute settlement mechanism. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to find the international dispute settlement mechanism that can be taken on the cases that involve private parties. This article uses normative legal research, which using library research or secondary data, that consist of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources to answer the legal problems of this research. First, this article will discuss on dispute settlement in context of international law in general. Afterwards, it will be continued by elaborating dispute settlement mechanism in outer space that also involve private parties. There are some of international dispute settlement that mentioned on Article 33 paragraph (1) United Nations Charter, such as negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice. International Court of Justice (ICJ) is one of dispute settlement mechanism that can be use in international law. However, in the reality ICJ only solve dispute that involved state to state, thus dispute that related with private parties in outer space cannot be solved through ICJ. Referring to ITU Convention and Constitution 1992, dispute settlement that involve private parties in outer space can be solved through diplomatic channel and international arbitration.
Strategi Penanggulangan Informasi Hoax dan Terorisme di Media Sosial Oleh Unit Polisi Virtual Provinsi Lampung Erine Nur Maulidya; Angga Natalia; Iin Yulianti; Muhammad Havez
Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jdk.v8i1.7822


Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi penanggulangan informasi Hoax dan terorisme di media sosial yang diupayakan oleh unit Polisi virtual di Provinsi Lampung. Untuk mendapatkan data yang valid, peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada informan, dan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian diketahui, Strategi Polisi Virtual Subdit V Cyber Crime Polda Lampung dengan melakukan tindakan Prevenif Jalur Non Penal, kegiatan patroli polisi virtual ini dilaksanakan dengan baik, hal ini terlihat selama proses observasi I, II dan III pada pelaksanaan strategi sosialisasi. Tindakan ini biasanya dilakukan melalui sarana digital yaitu Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, dan juga Sosialisasi himbauan melalui daring resmi milik cyber.  selain sosialisasi, juga dilakukan strategi pengawasan, yaitu sebagai upaya preemtif dan preventif melalui virtual police dan virtual alert. Strategi ini bertujuan untuk memonitor, mengedukasi, memberikan peringatan, serta mencegah masyarakat dari potensi tindak pidana Cyber. Selain itu, dilakukannya juga strategi kerjasama oleh Polda Lampung dengan Dosen dan Mahasiswa IT, dengan cara  membentuk Cyber Police Community, yaitu komunitas Polisi Virtual Polda Lampung yang bekerjasama dengan kalangan dosen dan mahasiswa dari berbagai kampus yang ada di Lampung; Universitas Lampung, Universitas Bandar Lampung, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, IBI Darmajaya dan Umitra Lampung.
Balancing Local Community Interest and International Responsibilities in the Context of the Expulsion of Rohingya Refugees in Aceh Muhammad Havez
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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At the end of 2023, a group of refugees that came to the Aceh region committed several acts of misconduct that shocked Indonesia. Such acts included throwing away rice that was given to them by the Acehnese residents, who did so as an act of kindness. However, the refugees disappointed the Acehnese residents with their response. Due to this, the Acehnese residents insist on expelling the refugees from their area, but the local government needed clarification in order to determine their position. On one hand, it is important to take note of the concerns of the Indonesian people, however, there is also a need to protect international refugees. Based on this understanding, this article will discuss what actions the Indonesian government can take in response to the phenomenon between the Acehnese residents and Rohingya refugees. Moreover, what solutions can the Indonesian government provide in order to balance the interests of local communities and international responsibilities, in the context of the expulsion of Rohingya refugees in Aceh? This article concludes that policymakers and stakeholders must collaborate to develop comprehensive solutions that address the needs of the local community and the refugees, fostering a more sustainable and empathetic response to refugee challenges in the future. This study emphasizes the importance of forging a synergy between local and global perspectives in order to acknowledge the interdependence of community interests and international responsibilities in pursuing effective refugee management.
Legal Protection Of Traditional Medicines In The Perspective Of Health Law And Intellectual Property Law In Indonesia Susanti, Susi; Putri, Yunita Maya; Havez, Muhammad
Jurnal Hukum Malahayati Vol 5, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Malayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jhm.v5i1.15518


Advancements in health law mirror the progress made in health science. Presently, health law holds significant weight in addressing diverse challenges and legal matters within the health domain. Conversely, amidst the evolution of increasingly sophisticated technology, traditional medicine has garnered diminished attention. Yet, within the context of Indonesia's efforts to ensure the right to health, traditional medicine ought to be a crucial alternative to be acknowledged. This proposition finds support in Indonesia's rich natural environment, which boasts abundant biodiversity, including numerous plant species with potential applications in traditional medicinal practices. Consequently, ensuring legal safeguards for traditional medicines from the perspectives of both health law and intellectual property law becomes paramount. The research methodology adopted in this study is normative research, centered on the conceptualization of legislative principles or norms serving as the foundation for human conduct. The primary objective is to scrutinize the Legal Protection of Traditional Medicines within the framework of Health Law and Intellectual Property Law in Indonesia.The study's findings revealed that while Law No. 17 of 2023 does not explicitly delineate traditional medicine, it equates the term with "Natural Medicines." Article 321, paragraph (1), classifies natural medicine into distinct categories such as herbal medicine, standardized herbal medicine, phytopharmaca, and other natural remedies. The legal coverage for traditional or natural medicines is stipulated in Articles 324-325 of Law No. 17 of 2023 on Health. Conversely, within the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) context, protection for traditional medicines is encompassed within the patent system, as outlined in Article 26 of Law No. 13 of 2016 on Patents.Keywords: Health Law, Intellectual Property Law, Patent, Traditional Medicine.