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Sistem Informasi Pengadaan Bahan Baku Berdasarkan Hasil Perhitungan MRP pada UD Eka Herdeawan, Ahmad Syuyuth; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Wardhanie, Ayouvi Poerna
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 10 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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UD Eka is a manufacture company that produce slippers, soles, and shoes. The procurement process of raw materials can be done if the amount of raw materials stock in the warehouse has reached the minimum stock or running out. The company does not do definite calculation in determining quantity of raw materials that have to be ordered.  Problems that often experienced by the company is out of raw materials stock at the time of the production process takes place. It might be happen because the absence of raw material requirement plan to avoid the mistake of the amount of raw materials that have to be ordered. Therefore, to overcome the problems, the raw material procurement information system based on the calculation of material requirement planning (MRP) was made. The application can calculate the net requirement of raw material or item (Netting), determine the quantity of raw material or item that will be ordered (Lot Sizing), determine when order must be done (Offsetting), and calculate requirement of raw material or item at lower level. Based on the experimental result conducted by PPIC Managers, this application can be used to plan raw materials and procurement of raw materials. Moreover, this application can generate MRP action reports, raw material requirements reports, raw material acceptance reports, raw material expenditure reports, raw material inventory cards, and supplier performance reports based on actual average leadtime.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 7, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Jemursari Islamic Hospital has a hospital management information system (SIMRS) in 2013 until now. Inpatient installation information system is a system of admission, hospitalization to hospital. It will be slow, from the beginning of SIMRS implementation until now there are still problems found in the implementation of SIMRS. The problem is the service process that still exists a few stages long, inpatient services in the way available still requires more than 15 minutes have been using information systems, incompatibility of inpatient data with the system, mismatch manual manual report on the system and the nonconformity of the class ordered by the patient with the initial order and the patient's information about the medical record.            Therefore, to overcome the problem above the solution is to conduct an information system audit at Jemursari Islamic Hospital of Surabaya by using COBIT 4.1 method. COBIT 4.1  method there are 4 stages of planning, preparation, implementation and reporting audit. Four stages produce a solution of a hospital management information system (SIMRS) and results for this information. The final value of the information system is 3.91 which has a manageable and scalable meaning.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT. Gojek Indonesia is one of the nation's startups that is successful and has an impact on the economy in Indonesia today. In its business the company is engaged in online transportation services by disseminating its business concepts to the wider community by utilizing information technology called the crowdsourcing model concept. By disseminating the work it will have many drivers that are managed to be prone to cause problems of job dissatisfaction, among others, the use of illegal applications to do work, select incoming orders, not friendly and impolite in serving customers, drivers using fake GPS applications. The impact if the driver's job dissatisfaction is allowed to drag on is to damage Gojek's service image, customers turn to other competitors, and dissatisfied drivers will switch to other online transportation applications. In overcoming the problem, it is necessary to hold a research that discusses the current problems by using the concept of crowdsourcing on job satisfaction. This study aims to determine the level of job satisfaction of drivers, knowing satisfaction with the application, and providing application recommendations for the future.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 7, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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Jemursari Islamic Hospital has a hospital management information system (SIMRS) in 2013 until now. Inpatient installation information system is a system of admission, hospitalization to hospital. It will be slow, from the beginning of SIMRS implementation until now there are still problems found in the implementation of SIMRS. The problem is the service process that still exists a few stages long, inpatient services in the way available still requires more than 15 minutes have been using information systems, incompatibility of inpatient data with the system, mismatch manual manual report on the system and the nonconformity of the class ordered by the patient with the initial order and the patient's information about the medical record.            Therefore, to overcome the problem above the solution is to conduct an information system audit at Jemursari Islamic Hospital of Surabaya by using COBIT 4.1 method. COBIT 4.1  method there are 4 stages of planning, preparation, implementation and reporting audit. Four stages produce a solution of a hospital management information system (SIMRS) and results for this information. The final value of the information system is 3.91 which has a manageable and scalable meaning.
Business Model Financial Technology Design by using Business Model Canvas based on Consumption Values Model (Case Study OVO user in Surabaya City) Novianti, Fenty Dwi; Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko; Wardhanie, Ayouvi Poerna
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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The development of e-business has led to the emergence of a new business model, namely Financial Technology, which helps the public to be able to obtain financial transaction services quickly and easily. However, not many companies know how to design the right business model, especially fintech. Therefore, this research was conducted to design a financial technology business model using a business model canvas based on the consumption values of a case study of OVO application users in the city of Surabaya. The Business Model Canvas has 9 elements to be used, namely Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships and Cost Structure, while the Consumption Value has 5 elements to be used, namely Functional Value, Social Values, Emotional Values, Epistemic Values, and Conditional Values. In this study, OVO is used as an object of research because it is one of the most successful fintechs in Indonesia. The sample in this study used Simple Random Sampling with a sample size of 100 respondents and the technique for analysing the data used SEM (Structural Equation Modelling). The results showed that Functional Value significant all nine elements in BMC, while Social Value significant Channels, Emotional Value significant Key Resources and Key Activities, Epistemic Value significant Channels and Customer Relationships, Conditional Value significant Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Key Resources and Key Partnerships.
Perancangan Ui/Ux Aplikasi E-Commerce Berbasis Website Pada Toko Aema Kacamata Surabaya Menggunakan Model Lean User Experience Setyani, Anis Dwi; Wardhanie, Ayouvi Poerna; -, Sulistiowati
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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The AEMA Glasses store is a shop that sells various accessories that was founded in 2010, the shop provides various driving accessories such as glasses, cloth slayer, mask buff, gloves, hats, masks and belts. Currently the AEMA Glasses shop is only a shop, so the buying and selling process only occurs in that shop. This is a drawback for this store because customers who want to order from outside the area cannot be served quickly and customers also cannot see the catalog available in the store. In addition, shop employees also experience difficulties in recording sales and calculating shop turnover because this AEMA shop still uses books and a calculator in the transaction process, which causes frequent differences in the number of goods calculations.Based on the existing problems, a web-based UI / UX design solution was found with the Lean UX method which consists of several stages, including Declare Assumption, Create MVP, Run an Experiment, and Feedback and Research. By including 30 samples, namely AEMA Glasses shop customers and 7 samples, namely AEMA Glasses store employees, so a total of 37 samples.Based on the results of the analysis and observations that have been made, a prototype design was made using the Lean UX method which was then tested on AEMA Glasses customers and AEMA Glasses employees which resulted in the success rate of prototype testing for customers reaching 72% and the success rate of prototype testing for admins reaching 86%.
Evaluation and Design of User Interface / User Experience on the INMAX Property Website Using the Double Diamond Model Laksono, Bagus; Sagirani, Tri; Wardhanie, Ayouvi Poerna
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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PT Inmaksindo Infiniti Graha is a real estate company in Surabaya and has a website, namely The website is used for the process of buying and renting property, users of the INMAX Property website are people who are looking for property to buy or rent. The problem is when users who want to buy property access the website there are several problems, such as inadequate information, there is a lack of filters in the search feature, no login and register features, and no agent scheduling and indent property features. From these problems, evaluation is carried out using the Heuristic Evaluation method consisting of 10 principles, namely Visibility of system status, Match between system and the real world, User control and freedom, Consistency and standards, Error prevention, Recognition rather than recall, Flexibility and efficiency of use, Aesthetic and minimalist design, help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors, Help and documentation. Based on the results of the evaluation, it was found that there were improvements in the indicators of Consistency and Standards, Flexibility and Efficiency of Use, and Help and Documentation. Therefore, a redesign was carried out with the Double Diamond model with the steps Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver. Based on the results of the redesign that have been evaluated, it is found that the display indicator of the KPR simulation on the principle of Consistency and Standards which was previously 1.90 (respondents disagreed) after the redesign increased to 2.73 (respondents agreed). Meanwhile, the Email Agent button is available to discuss the property on the principle of Flexibility and Efficiency of Use before redesigning the mean is 2.43 (respondents disagree) after redesign it increases to a mean of 3.03 (respondents agree). Whereas in the indicator there is a contact us feature to make it easier for users who want to ask about the desired property in the Help and Documentation principle before redesigning the mean 2.47 (respondents disagree) after redesign it increases to mean 3.30 (respondents agree). For other principles, there is no need for improvement because the respondent agrees with the existing design.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penilaian Kinerja Guru Berbasis Website Dengan Menggunakan Metode Topsis (Studi Kasus: SDN Ketabang I Surabaya) Putra, Kevin Rubama; A, Slamet; Wardhanie, Ayouvi Poerna
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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In developing competent teachers, a transparent performance appraisal program is needed for the professional and career development of teachers that can improve the quality of their performance on an ongoing basis. The current condition in the process of evaluating teacher performance at Ketabang I Surabaya Elementary School from the results of interviews with the teacher as a resource is that the assessment process does not have fixed parameters and criteria so the performance appraisal process varies each year. Currently the teacher cannot see in realtime the performance appraisal process that is running and the teacher cannot know the ranking of teacher performance results for the current period or the previous period. Based on the above problems, a solution that can help the performance appraisal process is to build a website-based teacher performance appraisal application according to the parameters or criteria using an assessment process based on the Directorate General of National Education Ministry of Education and Culture Teacher Performance Assessment (PKG) In knowing the ranking of teacher assessment results, the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity o Ideal Solution) method is used, which is one of the Decision Making System (DSS) methods. With this Website-Based Teacher Performance Appraisal Application Using the Topsis Method, teachers can see the ranking directly on the dashboard for each assessment period carried out to maximize performance in the teaching and learning process.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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PT. Gojek Indonesia is one of the nation's startups that is successful and has an impact on the economy in Indonesia today. In its business the company is engaged in online transportation services by disseminating its business concepts to the wider community by utilizing information technology called the crowdsourcing model concept. By disseminating the work it will have many drivers that are managed to be prone to cause problems of job dissatisfaction, among others, the use of illegal applications to do work, select incoming orders, not friendly and impolite in serving customers, drivers using fake GPS applications. The impact if the driver's job dissatisfaction is allowed to drag on is to damage Gojek's service image, customers turn to other competitors, and dissatisfied drivers will switch to other online transportation applications. In overcoming the problem, it is necessary to hold a research that discusses the current problems by using the concept of crowdsourcing on job satisfaction. This study aims to determine the level of job satisfaction of drivers, knowing satisfaction with the application, and providing application recommendations for the future.
Website-Based Application Design for Drug Needs (RKO) Using the Consumption Method at Glagah Public Health Center Nizami, Ahmad Alfian; Lusiani, Titik; Wardhanie, Ayouvi Poerna
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 10, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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Puskesmas Glagah is a health service facility located at Jalan Raya Glagah, No. 61, Kepuh, Bapuh Baru, Lamongan Regency. Drug demand planning has a big impact on the availability of drugs in puskesmas. There is a method that can help health centers plan their drug needs for the coming year, this method is the consumption method. The consumption method is based on pharmaceutical consumption data so it is often used as the most accurate estimate in pharmaceutical supply planning. During its development at the Glagah Puskesmas there were problems, especially in the planning of drug stock supplies. The stockout occurred because in planning the RKO was not monitored and only approved requests from each department of poly, when policemen submitted requests for drugs, they were immediately received by the pharmacy department without monitoring how many drugs were needed in a certain period, causing the business process at the puskesmas to be hampered.Based on these problems, a system that can calculate drug planning is needed so that it can help the health center in minimizing the losses caused by drug vacancies. The results showed that the consumption method was successfully applied to the planning function of drug needs with a comparison of the data for the last 3 years that went well and allowed the health center to control the availability of drug stocks.