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Dharmakarya Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Dharmakarya
Publisher : DRPM Unpad

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Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2007 menunjukkan bahwa wanita usia subur (WUS) rentan terhadapkematian akibat kanker leher rahim (serviks) dan kanker payudara. WHO menempatkan Indonesiasebagai negara dengan jumlah penderita kanker leher rahim terbanyak di dunia dan Kanker jenis iniadalah penyebab kematian nomor satu pada wanita di Indonesia. Setiap hari sekitar 20 wanita Indonesiameninggal karena kanker leher rahim. Saat ini, jumlah penderita kanker payudara di Indonesia terbanyakkedua setelah kanker leher rahim. Tingginya angka kematian dan angka kesakitan kanker leher rahim dankanker payudara di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia antara lain disebabkan terbatasnyaakses penapisan dini (screening) dan pengobatan. Hal lain yang menjadi penyebab adalah kurangnyapengetahuan masyarakat tentang gejala kanker dan gejala awal yang kadang juga sulit terdeteksi sehinggamayoritas penderita datang berobat dalam stadium lanjut. Oleh karena itu, kami memandang pentinguntuk melakukan kegiatan penyuluhan dan pelatihan untuk membentuk kader kesehatan. evaluasi yangdilakukan Dari hasil kuisioner yang dikumpulkan tersebut, diperoleh hasil bahwa terjadi peningkatanpengetahuan responden mengenai penyakit kanker payudara dan kanker leher rahim. Pengetahuan yangdimaksud meliputi jinak atau ganasnya, faktor resiko, gejala, cara pengobatan, kesembuhan penyakit,upaya deteksi dini, dan cara pencegahan kedua penyakit tersebut. Sebagai tindak lanjut kegiatan, kamimenyarankan agar penyuluhan mengenai kedua penyakit ini dan pelatihan SADARI dilakukan lagi ditingkat RT (Rukun Tetangga) agar semakin banyak masyarakat yang mengetahui. Selain itu, juga kerjasama dengan pihak puskesmas untuk melakukan tes IVA secara berkala sebagai upaya deteksi dinikanker leher rahim. Dengan kedua upaya ini, diharapkan angka kesakitan dan angka kematian akibatpenyakit kanker payudara dan kanker leher rahim dapat diturunkan.Kata kunci: Kanker leher rahim, dan payudara dan tingginya angka kematian, penyuluhan dan pelatihanSADARI-kader kesehatan
Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 1 September 2015
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.133 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jsk.v1i1.10338


Dokter adalah profesi yang luhur dan dibutuhkan untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat. Pendidikan kedokteran merupakan pendidikan yang tidak mudah dan membutuhkan motivasi yang kuat untuk menyelesaikannya. Motivasi internal maupun eksternal telah diketahui dapat memengaruhi proses belajar maupun hasil belajar mahasiswa. Dengan mengetahui motivasi mahasiswa maka program studi dapat merancang kegiatan pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi mahasiswa kedokteran memilih pendidikan dokter dan persepsinya terhadap profesi dokter. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi. Seluruh mahasiswa yang masuk tahun 2014, pada bulan pertamanya ditugaskan menuliskan motivasi memilih program pendidikan dokter. Esai tersebut lalu dianalisis untuk mendapatkan kesamaan tema. Seluruh mahasiswa sebanyak 281 orang (209 perempuan, 72 laki-laki) menyatakan bahwa motivasi menjadi dokter terutama adalah untuk menolong dan menjaga kesehatan masyarakat. Motivasi lain adalah ingin mempelajari tubuh manusia lebih mendalam. Yang lain menyatakan faktor agama dan dorongan keluarga. Hampir semua mahasiswa memandang profesi kedokteran adalah profesi yang selalu dibutuhkan. Beberapa mahasiswa memandang profesi dokter masih menjanjikan kesejahteraan secara finansial. Data ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa tahun pertama masih memiliki motivasi yang luhur untuk menjadi dokter. Hal ini akan dapat membantu mereka dalam menempuh pendidikan. Penelitian lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan motivasi mereka setelah lulus dokter.Kata kunci: motivasi, mahasiswa, profesi dokter
Topical Effect of Pinneaple (Ananas comosus) Juice in Combustio Healing Process Measured by Granulation Process, Reepitelialisation and Angiogenesis Azaria, Cherry; Achadiyani, Achadiyani; Farenia, Reni
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 5 (2017)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Skin protects the body from various trauma, such as high temperature trauma known ascombustio. Pineapple (Ananas comosus) contains lots of substances such as bromelain,antioxidants, and zinc shown to accelerated healing process in previous experiments. Aim ofthis research was to analize the effect of topical pinneaple juice application in combustiohealing process. The method was true experimental laboratory. Wistar rats’ back skin wereinduced by 100 o C iron plat untill 2 nd degree combustio occured, then divided into two groups(n=20). The treatment group were given topical application of pinneaple juice, then the healingprocess were observed macroscopically and microscopically on day 0, 3, 7, and 14. The resultshowed better wound healing in treatment group on day 14. MANOVA test showed topicalapplication of pinneaple juice accelerated healing process (p=0.001). Treatment group showedbetter histological structure changes, as seen from better granulation tissue formed (p=0.003)and reepithelization (p=0,000), but not from angiogenesis (p=0.733). Conclusion, topicalapplication of pinneaple (Ananas comosus) juice accelerated healing process in 2 nd grade ofcombustio animal model measured by granulation maturation process and reepithelizationprocess, but has no effect on angiogenesis.Keywords : Ananas comosus juice, 2 nd degree combustio, granulation tissue, reepitelisation,angiogenesis.
The Probiotic Effect towards Aspirin-induced Gastric Ulcer Healing Process as Measured by Mucous Thickness, Reepithelization, Gastric Glands Formation, and Angiogenesis in Animal Model Lucretia, Teresa; Achadiyani, Achadiyani; Masria, Sadeli
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Gastric Ulcer is a common side effect of Non-Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) use such as Aspirin. Probiotic has many benefits especially for the alimentary system, but the effect on gastric ulcer have yet to be explored. In this research we aimed to find the probiotic effect on histological structure changes during aspirin induced gastric ulcer healing process in animal model. This was simple random sampling animal experimental laboratory, that divided Wistar Rats into two main groups. Both groups were induced with Aspirin (300mg/Kg BW) per oral, once daily for three consecutive days,and subsequently the test group were given probiotic suspension (cfu >108/gr) per oral, once daily, for 14 days. Each subgroups were sacrified serially at day 0, 3, 7, 14. The gaster were collected and processed for histology examination. Better histological structures were shown in the test group at day 14. MANOVA result showed probiotics effect in enhancing histological structure changes during gastric ulcer healing process. Better histological structure changes were observed in mucus thickness; reepitelization, gastric glands formation, and angiogenesis process of the test group. As a conclusion, probiotic enhanced mucus thickness, reepitelization, glands remodelling, and angiogenesis in Aspirin induced gastric ulcer healing process in animal model. Key words: probiotic, gastric ulcer, histological structure, aspirin, healing process
Hepatoprotective Effect of Trigona spp. Bee Propolis against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury in Rat Amelia, Rachel; Achadiyani, Achadiyani; Bestari, M. Begawan
Althea Medical Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

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Background: Oxidative stress reaction can cause liver injury. This process can be prevented by antioxidant activities which can break the destructive chain caused by free radical substances in the liver. Propolis produced by Trigona spp. bee is known to have a high level of antioxidant. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of Trigona spp. bee propolis on liver histological toxicity caused by carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress.Methods:This experimental study was conducted in September 2013 at the Animal Laboratory of Departement of Pharmacology and Therapy, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran. Twenty-four healthy male Wistar rats as objects were adapted for one week and randomly divided into 3 groups. Group I was the control negative, group II was given carbon tetrachloride on day 14, group III was given Trigona spp. bee propolis on day 1-14. On day 14, group III was injected CCl4 intraperitoneally. The quantitative data were statistically analyzed using the one way ANOVA and Tukey test with p value < 0.05.Results: Group I showed the liver contained normal cells, without significant injury of the membrane, round and complete nucleus. The average number of liver cell was 464 ± 9.59281 cells/field; group II underwent necrosis and the average of the cells was 146 ± 7.56885 cells/field; group III showed some normal liver cells, and some necrotic area with the normal liver cells average was 263 ± 14.10860 cells/field. The p-value=0.00.Conclusions: Trigona spp. bee propolis has a hepatoprotective effect against CCl4-induced liver injury histologically. [AMJ.2016;3(3):481–5]DOI: 10.15850/amj.v3n3.861 
Effect of Mangosteen Pericarp Extract on Gastric Mucosal Damage Induced by Aspirin Budiono, Jansen; Achadiyani, Achadiyani; Girawan, Dolvy
Althea Medical Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

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Background: Peptic ulcer disease is commonly found in the community. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as aspirin is one of the predisposing factors to ulcers. According to various studies, plant extracts have been shown to produce promising results in the treatment of peptic ulcers. Xanthone, the active substance contained in the mangosteen pericarp extract has been extensively studied for its role in various diseases. The present study was undertaken to identify the effect of mangosteen pericarp extract on gastric mucosal damage.Methods: This study was carried out from September−November 2014 in the Animal Laboratory of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran/Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung. Thirty two rats were randomly divided into 2 groups with different treatments and were induced by aspirin. Histologic studies were conducted to determine the score of gastric mucosal damage. The parameters used were Wattimena’s criteria for damage of gastric mucosa. Data was analyzed using Chi Square test and the outcome was measured in relative risk.Results: The study revealed a significant association between pretreatment with mangosteen pericarp extract and incidence of gastric mucosal damage induced by aspirin (p < 0.05). Calculation with a modified 2 × 2 table revealed a relative risk of 0.625.Conclusions: Rats pretreated with mangosteen pericarp extract exhibit less gastric mucosal damage, in experimentally aspirin-induced ulcer. [AMJ.2016;3(3):388–91] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v3n3.885
Nigella sativa Infusion as an Antioxidant Agent Against Gentamicin-Induced Kidney Damaged in Mice binti Halim, Hamsiah; Achadiyani, Achadiyani; Tjahjodjati, Tjahjodjati
Althea Medical Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

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Background: Gentamicin is one of the most common antibiotics related to nephrotoxicity. It has been proposed that the nephrotoxicity is associated with the generation of the reactive oxygen species. Thymoquinone, an active compound of Nigella sativa, shows to have an antioxidant property. The study aims to identify the possible nephroprotective action of Nigella sativa infusion against gentamicin-induced kidney damaged in mice.Methods:This experimental study was carried out in the Department of Cell Biology Laboratory, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung from 10th November 2012 to 14th December 2012. There were four groups, each consisting of  6 mice. Group I (control negative), group II (gentamicin 100 mg/kg), group III (3.9 mg Nigella sativa infusion+gentamicin 100mg/kg) and group IV (7.8 mg Nigella sativa infusion+gentamicin 100mg/kg). The kidneys were evaluated histopathologically by light microscope. The percentage average number of normal proximal tubules in group I and the percentage average number of proximal tubules damaged in group II, III and IV were measured.Results: The results showed the percentage average number of the proximal tubules damaged in group II, III and IV were 14.53%, 7.49% and 3.94% respectively. Significant differences were observed between group II and III, group II and IV, and group III and IV.Conclusion:Nigella sativa infusion protects against gentamicin-induced kidney damage in mice.Keywords: gentamicin, kidney, Nigella sativa infusion  Infusa Nigella sativa sebagai Antioksidan Terhadap Kerusakan Ginjal padaTikus yang Diinduksi Gentamisin   LatarBelakang: Gentamisin adalah salah satu antibiotik yang paling sering dihubungkan dengan nefrotoksisitas. Nefrotoksisitas yang terjadi berhubungan dengan pembentukan reactive oxygen species. Thymoquinone, senyawa aktif Nigella sativa, telah terbukti memiliki sifat antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sifat nefroprotektif infusa Nigella sativa terhadap kerusakan ginjal pada tikus yang diinduksi gentamisin.Metode: Penelitian eksperimental ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Departemen Biologi Sel, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung dari 10 November 2012 –14 Desember 2012. Ada empat kelompok masing-masing terdiri atas 6 tikus. Kelompok I (control negatif), kelompok II (gentamisin 100 mg /kg), kelompok III (3,9 mg Nigella sativainfus + gentamisin 100mg/kg) dan kelompok IV (7,8 mg Nigella sativa infus + gentamisin 100mg/kg). Ginjal kemudian dievaluasi secara histopatologi dengan mikroskop cahaya. Persentase rata-rata jumlah tubulus proksimal yang normal dalam kelompok I dan persentase rata-rata jumlah tubulus proksimal rusak dalam kelompok II, III dan IV diukur.Hasil: Persentase rata-rata jumlah tubulus proksimal rusak dalam kelompok II, III dan IV adalah 14,53%, 7,49% dan 3,94%. Perbedaan signifikan yang diamati adalah pada kelompok II dengan III, kelompok II dengan  IV, serta kelompok III dan IV.Simpulan: Infusa Nigella sativa infuse melindungi terhadap kerusakan ginjal yang diinduksi gentamisin pada tikus.Kata kunci: gentamisin, ginjal, infusa Nigella sativaDOI: 10.15850/amj.v1n2.354
The Characteristic of Anti dsDNA and Organ System Involved in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patient at Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung Nadifa, Safira; Achadiyani, Achadiyani; Dharmadji, Hartati Purbo; Hamijoyo, Laniyati
Indonesian Journal of Rheumatology Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Rheumatology Association

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Background : Clinical manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) may be varies in attacking various body tissue and organ system. Anti-dsDNA is the important antibody indetermining diagnosis and prognosis of SLE. This study was conducted to explain the characteristics of antidsDNA and organ system involved in SLE patients.Method:  We used quantitative descriptive analysis methods. Data were collected from medical records of SLE patients who came to Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung General Hospital Rheumatology Clinic from September to November 2016. Using categorical descriptive research equation, we found that total minimum samples were 67 subjects. Data observed included the level of anti-dsDNA antibody and clinical manifestation of organ systeminvolved.Result: From 67 samples, there were 65 females which accounted for 97% of the research subjects. Distribution of organ system involved in our subjects was musculoskeletal (29%), mucocutaneous (27%), hematologic (21%), kidney (15%), neuropsychiatry (4%),lung involvement (4%) and cardiovascular (0%). Organ system involved related with strong positive anti-dsDNA were mucocutaneous (21,6%), hematologic (25%), musculoskeletal (12,5%), kidney (14,3%) and lungs (20%).Conclusion:  The most frequent organ system involved in SLE patients at our setting was musculoskeletal. The common organ involvement related with strong positive antidsDNA were mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal, and hematologic. Keywords: anti-dsDNA, involvement of organ system, clinical manifestation, systemic lupus erythematosus
Protective Effect of Ethanolic Extract Tempuyung Leaf (Sonchus arvensis L.) in Gentamicin-induced Acute Tubular Necrosis on Wistar Rats Imelda, Imelda -; Achadiyani, Achadiyani -; Sekarwana, Nanan -
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Vol 29 No 2, 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1561.235 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm29iss2pp86


  Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) is the most common histopathologic findings of acute kidney injury (AKI). AKI is marked by the decrement of glomerular filtration rate, causing waste metabolism retention (creatinine). Gentamicin is used as it is the most common nephrotoxic agent in inducing ATN. Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) has been used in folklore medicine to ameliorate kidney problems as it contains antioxidants, two of which are flavonoid and phenolic acid. Yet, these active substances’ benefit on gentamicin induced ATN has not been investigated in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze protective effect of ethanolic extract tempuyung leaf (EET) on gentamicin-induced ATN based on histopathological study and creatinine serum level.     True experimental laboratoric study was done with simple random design on male wistar rats, randomly divided into 4 groups (n=4). Control group (CMC 0.5% aquadest); Induction group (Gentamicin 80 mg/kgBW); 1st treatment group (EET 100 mg/kgBW + Gentamicin 80 mg/kgBW) and 2nd treatment group (EET 200 mg/kgBW + Gentamicin 80 mg/kgBW) for ten days. On the 11th day, blood was taken for creatinine measurement and kidneys collection for histopathological study.     Histopathological examination on gentamicin-treated rats revealed degenerative changes in kidney tubules. Aside from that, gentamicin-treated rats also showed increment in  creatinine serum level. Conversely, simultaneous administration of EET with Gentamicin ameliorated the nephrotoxic effects of gentamicin as confirmed from the significant improvement on histopathological changes and normalization of creatinine serum level.     Co-administration of EET and gentamicin provides protection on gentamicin-induced ATN, based on histopathological feature and creatinine serum level.
Etiology of Allergic Contact Dermatitis based on Patch Test Anggraini, Dita Maulida; Sutedja, Endang; Achadiyani, Achadiyani
Althea Medical Journal Vol 4, No 4 (2017)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (574.12 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v49n4.1265


Background: Allergic contact dermatitis is a type of contact dermatitis, whose  prevalence tends to increase every year. Patch test is an important diagnostic test to confirm the disease. The result of patch test can help doctors to perform appropriate treatment.  The aim of the study was to identify  the most frequent allergen causing allergic contact dermatitis based on patch test results.Methods: This was a descriptive retrospective study among patients who underwent patch test at the Dermatology and Venereology Clinic in Dr.Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia from August 1st, 2014 to August 31st, 2015. The patch test result was obtained from the patient’s medical record and recapitulation data. The patient’s medical record would be collected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. This study also collected demographic data of the patients, including age, sex, and occupation.The collected data were presented using tables.Results: Out of 45 patient’s medical records, 19 patients were male (42.2%) and 26 patients were female (57.8%). Nickel sulphate was the most frequent allergen with 17 sensitization. Thirteen out of 17 patients who were sensitized by nickel sulphate were females. A great majority of the patients were in the age group of 15–44 years. Most of the patients were students (42.2%). Allergic contact dermatitis (64.4%) was the main clinical diagnosis among the patients.Conclusions: The most frequent allergen causes allergic contact dermatitis is nickel sulphate.
Co-Authors . Vitriana A.R. -, Dewi, A.R. Ahmad Faried Alfiah Rahmawati Amelia, Rachel Andrew Citrawan Andri Rezano Anggraini, Dita Maulida Anindita Laksmi Anita Deborah Anwar Ardella Tri Novianti Astrid F. Khairani Bashari, Muhammad Hasan Bestari, M. Begawan Cherry Azaria Cherry Azaria, Cherry Dany Hilmanto Deni K Sunjaya Dewi, A.R. - Dimas Erlangga Dita Maulida Anggraini Dolvy Girawan Dolvy Girawan E. -, Nurdiamah, E. Eko Fuji Ariyanto Endang Sutedja Endang Sutedja Endang Sutedja Endry Septiadi Enny Rohmawaty Farid Husin Firman Fuad Wirakusumah Gaga Irawan Nugraha Hamsiah binti Halim Hamsiah binti Halim Hardisiswo Soedjana Hartati Purbo Dharmadji, Hartati Purbo Hendra Gunawan Hendrikus Masang Ban Bolly Herry Herman Ika Friscila Imelda, Imelda - Indah, Astrina Rosaria Insi Farisa Arya Insi Farisa Arya, Insi Farisa Irma Ruslina Ishak Abdulhak Ivanna Valentina Jansen Budiono Jansen Budiono Julaecha Julaecha Kartika Farahdilla Fitri Khairani, Astrid Feinisa Kurnia Wahyudi Laniyati Hamijoyo, Laniyati M. Begawan Bestari Meita Dhamayanti Michael V.L Tumbol Mohammad Ghozali Monita Sugianto Muhammad Zafrullah Arifin Nadifa, Safira Nanan Sekarwana Nani Murniati Nikla Sekar Salsabila Nur Ramadani Meliani Syukri Nurdiamah, E. - Oki Suwarsa Pitaloka, Pritha Putri Halleyana Rahman Rachel Amelia Reni Farenia Reni Farenia Reni Farenia Rina Puspasari Herdiawan Rizqy Dimas Monica Ronny Lesmana Rovina Ruslami, Rovina Sadeli Masria Sari Puspa Dewi Sharon Noor Alya Shelly Iskandar Silvana Anggreini Rosa Sudigdo Adi Sudigdo Adi Sudigdo Adi Sunarjati Sudigdo Adi Sunaryati S. Adi Susi Susanah Tenny Putri Teresa Lucretia Teresa Lucretia, Teresa Tjahjodjati Tri Hanggono Achmad Tri Hanggono Achmad Tryando Bhatara Uci Ary Lantika Uni Gamayani Vita Murniati Tarawan Yuli Kurniawati Yuni Susanti Pratiwi Yuni Susanti Pratiwi Yuni Susanti Pratiwi, Yuni Susanti Yuniarti