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Analisis Kinerja Dan Manajemen Lalu Lintas pada Bundaran ITS dan Bundaran Mulyosari Kota Surabaya Satoinong, Laif; Mardijono, Mardijono; Donny, Shofwan; Ray, Norman; Budi, Leonardus Setia
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 2, No 1: March 2019
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.35 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v2i1.1483


The aim of this thesis is solving the problem of jamming it happen at ITS roundabout and Mulyosari. In research and management of data, and theory which use is MKJI of 1997. The solving of this thesis needed as traffic light data on existing situation. Then, there are survey data at ITC roundabout and Mulyosari roundabout on 2018.  The function of this survey is to know about the real condition performance both of Circles.  Finally, both of circles are not effective (Jamming traffic light). Forward, predictions of performance traffic light in 5 years later until 2022 from 2018, finally more not effective. In this thesis gives the solution in case should use the traffic light. Finally, the solution as counting, that both of roundabout about traffic light become effective.
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 3, No 1: March 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v3i1.2436


The effect of earthquake forces on buildings will certainly be different if applied to regular and irregular buildings. The performance of structures produced in irregular buildings will be different from the performance of irregular building structures for the same load intensity. In the earthquake resistant structure planning regulations, SNI 1726-2012 concerning structural irregularities. Where in this regulation there are two types of structural irregularities namely horizontal structural irregularities and vertical structural irregularities which are then subdivided into several types of irregularity. The study was carried out to compare the results of building structure performance with horizontal irregularity compared to regular buildings as seen from displacement, drift ratio, base shear, performance level based on ATC-40, differences in reinforcement weight. This research resulted in the largest displacement for the x-direction, namely the type A irregular building where it experiences a deviation of 0,49 m difference and for the y-direction of 0,44 m in the type A irregular building Type A. The biggest drift ratio of the x-direction and direction y is a Type B irregular building that is equal to 0,64 m for the x-direction and 0.57 m for the y-direction. The largest base shear occurs in regular buildings with Type B irregular buildings at 16.34%. the level of performance based on ATC-40 for all building models is immidiate occupancy, the biggest reinforcement need is the irregular building model B with a percentage difference of 11,20%.
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 3, No 1: March 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v3i1.2437


In designing structures such as portals, planning generally does not take into account filler components such as bricks as structural components, only considered non-structural components / flat sharing loads. In fact, the infill wall is composed of bricks with mortars which have a certain strength and rigidity. As a result, when an earthquake occurs, the most damage is to buildings with brick infill walls In this study, two types of high-level building floors were made, namely 5 floors and 10 floors with 2 structural models of each level, namely the open and closed portal structure models that function as hotels using soft soil types in the Padang area, so the total structure model 2 structural models will be analyzed. The thickness of the wall is assumed to be an arrangement of half-brick walls with three barriers and four barriers. In the analysis of the brick wall structure is modeled as a diagonal compressed bracing equivalent to a brick wall (full brick) and then compared to a brick wall which is considered a flat sharing dead load (open portal). To analyze the behavior of this multi-story building structure, a Non-Linear (Pushover) static analysis will be carried out with the SAP 2000 assistance program. The results of the study showed the influence of strength and stiffness of the brick wall for the 5-way portal x was obtained by 71%, for the Y direction by 65%, while the 10-floor portal for x direction obtained the value of the brick wall stiffness by 58%, Y direction by 48%, and for portal 15 floors obtained strength and stiffness value of X direction by 52%, and for Y direction by 41%. The results of the study also showed that the structure of a closed portal with a brick wall has a better structural behavior compared to an open frame portal structure, this is indicated in the deviation value, a closed portal structure has a smaller value than an open portal structure. From the comparison of closed portal structures with brick walls, it can be concluded that the value of the rigidity of a structure is influenced by the span length and thickness of the brick wall. The bigger and thicker the dimensions of the brick wall, the greater the strength and stiffness values affect a reinforced concrete structure. This can be seen in the results of the ATC-40 pushover curve value, the value of the X direction brick wall with a span length of 5 m is greater than the value of the Y direction brick wall with a span length of 4 m.
Analisis Kinerja Dan Manajemen Lalu Lintas pada Bundaran ITS dan Bundaran Mulyosari Kota Surabaya Satoinong, Laif; Mardijono, Mardijono; Donny, Shofwan; Ray, Norman; Budi, Leonardus Setia
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 2 No 1: March 2019
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v2i1.1483


The aim of this thesis is solving the problem of jamming it happen at ITS roundabout and Mulyosari. In research and management of data, and theory which use is MKJI of 1997. The solving of this thesis needed as traffic light data on existing situation. Then, there are survey data at ITC roundabout and Mulyosari roundabout on 2018.  The function of this survey is to know about the real condition performance both of Circles.  Finally, both of circles are not effective (Jamming traffic light). Forward, predictions of performance traffic light in 5 years later until 2022 from 2018, finally more not effective. In this thesis gives the solution in case should use the traffic light. Finally, the solution as counting, that both of roundabout about traffic light become effective.
Analisis Perpindahan Lateral Struktur Beton Bertulang Pada Bangunan Bertingkat Beraturan dan Ketidak Beraturan Horizontal Simamora, Jawarta; Wibowo, Leonardus Setia Budi; Purwanto, Didik; Ray, Norman
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 3 No 1: March 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v3i1.2436


The effect of earthquake forces on buildings will certainly be different if applied to regular and irregular buildings. The performance of structures produced in irregular buildings will be different from the performance of irregular building structures for the same load intensity. In the earthquake resistant structure planning regulations, SNI 1726-2012 concerning structural irregularities. Where in this regulation there are two types of structural irregularities namely horizontal structural irregularities and vertical structural irregularities which are then subdivided into several types of irregularity. The study was carried out to compare the results of building structure performance with horizontal irregularity compared to regular buildings as seen from displacement, drift ratio, base shear, performance level based on ATC-40, differences in reinforcement weight. This research resulted in the largest displacement for the x-direction, namely the type A irregular building where it experiences a deviation of 0,49 m difference and for the y-direction of 0,44 m in the type A irregular building Type A. The biggest drift ratio of the x-direction and direction y is a Type B irregular building that is equal to 0,64 m for the x-direction and 0.57 m for the y-direction. The largest base shear occurs in regular buildings with Type B irregular buildings at 16.34%. the level of performance based on ATC-40 for all building models is immidiate occupancy, the biggest reinforcement need is the irregular building model B with a percentage difference of 11,20%.
Analisis Simpangan Pada Portal Terbuka dan Portal Tertutup Pada Bangunan Bertingkat Beton Bertulang Desnalia, Desnalia lia; Wibowo, Leonardus Setia Budi; Purwanto, Didik; Ray, Norman
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 3 No 1: March 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v3i1.2437


In designing structures such as portals, planning generally does not take into account filler components such as bricks as structural components, only considered non-structural components / flat sharing loads. In fact, the infill wall is composed of bricks with mortars which have a certain strength and rigidity. As a result, when an earthquake occurs, the most damage is to buildings with brick infill walls In this study, two types of high-level building floors were made, namely 5 floors and 10 floors with 2 structural models of each level, namely the open and closed portal structure models that function as hotels using soft soil types in the Padang area, so the total structure model 2 structural models will be analyzed. The thickness of the wall is assumed to be an arrangement of half-brick walls with three barriers and four barriers. In the analysis of the brick wall structure is modeled as a diagonal compressed bracing equivalent to a brick wall (full brick) and then compared to a brick wall which is considered a flat sharing dead load (open portal). To analyze the behavior of this multi-story building structure, a Non-Linear (Pushover) static analysis will be carried out with the SAP 2000 assistance program. The results of the study showed the influence of strength and stiffness of the brick wall for the 5-way portal x was obtained by 71%, for the Y direction by 65%, while the 10-floor portal for x direction obtained the value of the brick wall stiffness by 58%, Y direction by 48%, and for portal 15 floors obtained strength and stiffness value of X direction by 52%, and for Y direction by 41%. The results of the study also showed that the structure of a closed portal with a brick wall has a better structural behavior compared to an open frame portal structure, this is indicated in the deviation value, a closed portal structure has a smaller value than an open portal structure. From the comparison of closed portal structures with brick walls, it can be concluded that the value of the rigidity of a structure is influenced by the span length and thickness of the brick wall. The bigger and thicker the dimensions of the brick wall, the greater the strength and stiffness values affect a reinforced concrete structure. This can be seen in the results of the ATC-40 pushover curve value, the value of the X direction brick wall with a span length of 5 m is greater than the value of the Y direction brick wall with a span length of 4 m.
Evaluasi Simpangan Pada Bangunan Bertingkat Beton Bertulang berdasarkan Analisis Pushover dengan Metode ATC-40 Zebua, Dermawan; Wibowo, Leonardus Setia Budi; Cahyono, M. Shofwan Donny; Ray, Norman
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 3 No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v3i2.2475


Indonesia is an area prone to earthquakes. Earthquakes caused by the movement of the earth's plates are the biggest cause of earthquakes that will cause damage to the building structure. Earthquakes occurring in Indonesia often cost lives. However, it is certain that the cause of the loss of life is not directly caused by the earthquake, but caused by the destruction of the building that caused the collapse in the building.The purpose of writing the research is to determine the performance criteria of the university building's seismic performance from the performance point value using the ATC-40 code, showing the melamine scheme (plastic joint distribution) occurring from the calculation of the software program, knowing the collapse pattern of the building so it can be known the joints Suffered damage and suffered destruction of pushover analysis.From the results of the study, the structure of the building is able to provide nonlinear behavior indicated by the initial phase and the majority of plastic joints occur in new beam elements and then column elements. The performance level of the structure enters the criterion of operational which means that minor structural and building damage can be reused immediately.
Analisis Kinerja Dan Manajemen Lalu Lintas pada Bundaran ITS dan Bundaran Mulyosari Kota Surabaya Satoinong, Laif; Mardijono, Mardijono; Donny, Shofwan; Ray, Norman; Budi, Leonardus Setia
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol. 2 No. 1: March 2019
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v2i1.1483


The aim of this thesis is solving the problem of jamming it happen at ITS roundabout and Mulyosari. In research and management of data, and theory which use is MKJI of 1997. The solving of this thesis needed as traffic light data on existing situation. Then, there are survey data at ITC roundabout and Mulyosari roundabout on 2018.  The function of this survey is to know about the real condition performance both of Circles.  Finally, both of circles are not effective (Jamming traffic light). Forward, predictions of performance traffic light in 5 years later until 2022 from 2018, finally more not effective. In this thesis gives the solution in case should use the traffic light. Finally, the solution as counting, that both of roundabout about traffic light become effective.
Analisis Perpindahan Lateral Struktur Beton Bertulang Pada Bangunan Bertingkat Beraturan dan Ketidak Beraturan Horizontal Simamora, Jawarta; Wibowo, Leonardus Setia Budi; Purwanto, Didik; Ray, Norman
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol. 3 No. 1: March 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v3i1.2436


The effect of earthquake forces on buildings will certainly be different if applied to regular and irregular buildings. The performance of structures produced in irregular buildings will be different from the performance of irregular building structures for the same load intensity. In the earthquake resistant structure planning regulations, SNI 1726-2012 concerning structural irregularities. Where in this regulation there are two types of structural irregularities namely horizontal structural irregularities and vertical structural irregularities which are then subdivided into several types of irregularity. The study was carried out to compare the results of building structure performance with horizontal irregularity compared to regular buildings as seen from displacement, drift ratio, base shear, performance level based on ATC-40, differences in reinforcement weight. This research resulted in the largest displacement for the x-direction, namely the type A irregular building where it experiences a deviation of 0,49 m difference and for the y-direction of 0,44 m in the type A irregular building Type A. The biggest drift ratio of the x-direction and direction y is a Type B irregular building that is equal to 0,64 m for the x-direction and 0.57 m for the y-direction. The largest base shear occurs in regular buildings with Type B irregular buildings at 16.34%. the level of performance based on ATC-40 for all building models is immidiate occupancy, the biggest reinforcement need is the irregular building model B with a percentage difference of 11,20%.
Analisis Simpangan Pada Portal Terbuka dan Portal Tertutup Pada Bangunan Bertingkat Beton Bertulang Desnalia, Desnalia lia; Wibowo, Leonardus Setia Budi; Purwanto, Didik; Ray, Norman
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol. 3 No. 1: March 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v3i1.2437


In designing structures such as portals, planning generally does not take into account filler components such as bricks as structural components, only considered non-structural components / flat sharing loads. In fact, the infill wall is composed of bricks with mortars which have a certain strength and rigidity. As a result, when an earthquake occurs, the most damage is to buildings with brick infill walls In this study, two types of high-level building floors were made, namely 5 floors and 10 floors with 2 structural models of each level, namely the open and closed portal structure models that function as hotels using soft soil types in the Padang area, so the total structure model 2 structural models will be analyzed. The thickness of the wall is assumed to be an arrangement of half-brick walls with three barriers and four barriers. In the analysis of the brick wall structure is modeled as a diagonal compressed bracing equivalent to a brick wall (full brick) and then compared to a brick wall which is considered a flat sharing dead load (open portal). To analyze the behavior of this multi-story building structure, a Non-Linear (Pushover) static analysis will be carried out with the SAP 2000 assistance program. The results of the study showed the influence of strength and stiffness of the brick wall for the 5-way portal x was obtained by 71%, for the Y direction by 65%, while the 10-floor portal for x direction obtained the value of the brick wall stiffness by 58%, Y direction by 48%, and for portal 15 floors obtained strength and stiffness value of X direction by 52%, and for Y direction by 41%. The results of the study also showed that the structure of a closed portal with a brick wall has a better structural behavior compared to an open frame portal structure, this is indicated in the deviation value, a closed portal structure has a smaller value than an open portal structure. From the comparison of closed portal structures with brick walls, it can be concluded that the value of the rigidity of a structure is influenced by the span length and thickness of the brick wall. The bigger and thicker the dimensions of the brick wall, the greater the strength and stiffness values affect a reinforced concrete structure. This can be seen in the results of the ATC-40 pushover curve value, the value of the X direction brick wall with a span length of 5 m is greater than the value of the Y direction brick wall with a span length of 4 m.