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Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on Banking: A Review Mimma Maripatul Uula; Sherrindra Avedta
Islamic Marketing Review Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Islamic Marketing Review
Publisher : SMART Insight

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58968/imr.v2i1.238


This study aims to see the development of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on Banking research around the world and research plans that can be carried out based on journals published on the theme. This research uses a qualitative method with a bibliometric analysis approach. The data used is secondary data with the theme "TAM on Banking" which comes from the Scopus database with a total of 583 journal articles. Then, the data is processed and analyzed using the VosViewer application with the aim of knowing the bibliometric map of "TAM on Banking" research development in the world. The results of the study found that on bibliometric author mapping the authors who published the most research on the theme "TAM on Banking" were Chawla D.; Joshi H; Belousova V.; Chichkanov N; Baptista G.; Oliveira T.; Maduku D. K; Changchit C.; Lonkani R.; Samp; and Saxena N.; Gera N.; Taneja M.. Furthermore, based on bibliometric keyword mapping, there are 5 clusters that can become research paths with topics related to (1)Technology Adoption in Banking and its Influential Factors, (2)Acceptance of Technology in Banking, (3)Technological Innovation in the Banking Sector, (4)Mobile Banking Service Adoption, and (5)Risks in Online Banking Services.
New Finding on Zakat Efficiency Measurement in Indonesia 2016-2022 Mimma Maripatul Uula; Nun Maziyyah
Islamic Social Finance Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Islamic Social Finance
Publisher : SMART Insight

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58968/isf.v3i1.235


This research aims to measure the efficiency of zakat amil institutions in Indonesia using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method for the 2016-2022 research period. The research objects used were 21 zakat institutions in Indonesia. The data from this research comes from the annual financial reports of each institution for the 2016-2022 period. The input variables in this research are employee costs, operational costs and total assets. And the output variable is the collection and distribution of zakat. The results of this research explain that during the 2016-2022 period, the level of efficiency of zakat institutions in Indonesia has a fluctuating trend from year to year and tends to increase. Based on the average efficiency score, it can be concluded that no zakat institution in Indonesia has reached the maximum level of efficiency. Furthermore, the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the efficiency level of Zakat Institutions. Then, the potential improvement analysis shows that the collection and distribution of zakat is the variable that causes the biggest inefficiency in zakat institutions. The results of the benchmarking analysis concluded that BMM and DD zakat institutions were the institutions with the most referrals.
Has Covid-19 Pandemic had an Impact on the Productivity of Indonesia Zakat Institutions? Mimma Maripatul Uula; Nun Maziyyah
Ekonomi Islam Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Ekonomi Islam Indonesia
Publisher : SMART Insight

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58968/eii.v5i1.245


This study aims to measure the productivity of zakat institutions in Indonesia using the Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) method with the research period 2016-2022. The research objects used are 7 zakat institutions in Indonesia. The data of this study comes from the annual financial statements of each institution from the period 2016-2022. The input variables in this study are employee costs, operational costs and total assets. And for the output variable is the collection and distribution of zakat. The results of this study explain that during the period 2016-2022, the productivity level of zakat institutions in Indonesia has a fluctuating trend from year to year. Based on the average TFPCH score, it is concluded that the productivity of zakat institutions shows a decline and technological change has not contributed optimally to the increase in the productivity of zakat institutions in Indonesia. Furthermore, the productivity of Zakat Institutions during the Covid-19 pandemic has a significant influence on the productivity level of LAZ in Indonesia. Then, there are only two LAZs that have increased productivity, namely BAMUIS BNI and YBM PLN. We also apply quadrant analysis to divide zakat institutions based on efficiency and technological changes value.
Gontor as Waqf-based Pesantren : A Review Mimma Maripatul Uula
The Economic Review of Pesantren Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): The Economic Review of Pesantren
Publisher : SMART Insight

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58968/erp.v2i1.247


This research aims to see the development of research on the topic "Gontor Waqf” and research plans that can be carried out based on journals published on that theme. This research uses qualitative methods with a bibliometric analysis approach. The data used is secondary data with the theme "Gontor Waqf” which comes from the Dimension database with a total of 43 journal articles. Then, the data is processed and analyzed using the VosViewer application with the aim of knowing the blibliometric map of research development "Gontor Waqf" in this world. The results of the research found that in bibliometric author mapping the authors published the most research with the theme "Gontor Waqf” is Shulthoni, Muhammad; Syamsuri, Syamsuri; Mahendra, Mahendra; Rofiqo, Azidni; bin Lahuri, Setiawan; Muqorobin, Ahmad and Bahroni. Furthermore, based on bibliometric keyword mapping, there are 4 clusters that can be research lines with topics related to (1) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Gontor Waqf, (2) Management of Islamic boarding school waqf and Gontor Waqf, (3) Education and Gontor Waqf, and (4) Responsibilities of Waqf Institutions and Gontor Waqf. Furthermore, the words most used are pesantren, productive waqf, Islamic boarding school, Darussalam Gontor, student, and community.
Sustainable Accounting : Islamic Perspective and The Research Path Mimma Maripatul Uula; Ihsanul Ikhwan
Accounting and Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Accounting and Sustainability
Publisher : SMART Insight

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58968/as.v1i1.255


This study aims to see the development of research on the topic of "Islamic Sustainable Accounting" and research plans that can be carried out based on journals published on the theme. This research uses a qualitative method with a bibliometric analysis approach. The data used is secondary data with the theme "Islamic Sustainable Accounting" which comes from the Dimension database with a total of 42 journal articles. Then, the data is processed and analyzed using the VosViewer application with the aim of knowing the bibliometric map of "Islamic Sustainable Accounting" research development in the world. The results of the study found that in bibliometric author mapping the authors who published the most research with the theme "Islamic Sustainable Accounting" were Ratnasari, Ririn Tri and Wijayanti, Provita. Furthermore, based on bibliometric keyword mapping, there are 3 clusters that can become research paths with topics related to Covid-19 and Islamic Sustainable Accounting, Islamic Microfinance and Islamic Sustainable Accounting, and Entrepreneurship and Islamic Sust ainable Accounting. Furthermore, the most used words are management, development, accounting, and sustainable development.