Theresiawati Theresiawati
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta

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Implementing quality function deployment using service quality and Kano model to the quality of e-learning Theresiawati Theresiawati; Henki Bayu Seta; Artika Arista
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 12, No 3: September 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v12i3.25511


E-learning has become an important aspect of university education. System evaluation must be carried out by higher education management to identify the number of e-learning successes and future improvement efforts. Three research methodologies were used in this study to measure, classify, and translate service quality into an improvement process, namely SERVQUAL, Kano model, and quality functional deployment (QFD). A survey involving 219 UPN “Veteran” Jakarta students as e-learning users were done to examine the developed methodology. The partial least square (PLS) method was used to process the data. This study employed the quantitative method. Website content, assurance, empathy, responsiveness, tangibles, reliability, and learning content are variables in this approach. This study provided knowledge on identifying and analyzing the quality of e-learning services using the service quality (SERVQUAL) method by calculating the score gap between the perceived service quality assessment (performance) and the expected service quality using website content, assurance, empathy research variables, responsiveness, tangibles, reliability, learning content, e-learning quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intention. This study also evaluates what improvements can be made to improve the quality of e-learning services.
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Cloud-based Village Information System: A Technology-Organization-Environment Framework and AHP–TOPSIS Integrated Model Theresiawati Theresiawati; Tjahjanto Tjahjanto; Yuni Widiastiwi; Hamonangan Kinantan Prabu; Bambang Tri Wahyono; Wan Nor Shuhadah Wan Nik
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) Vol 11, No 3: September 2023
Publisher : IAES Indonesian Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52549/ijeei.v11i3.4516


Cloud-based service is a key area for growth in Indonesia, but there are still very few villages that have adopted a village information system based on cloud computing. This study investigates the factors influencing OpenSID adoption in cloud computing. The research was informed by the Technological Organizational Environmental (TOE) and combined two multi-criteria decision analysis methods, namely, AHP and TOPSIS to analyze the acceptance of cloud computing-based village information systems, the driving factors for adoption, and the selection of forms of OpenSID. The research focuses on the analysis of four dimensions namely organization, trust, innovation, and vendor. The sub-dimensions of each dimension include the organization (the technological readiness of actors, top management support, and firm size), Trust (security and privacy factors), innovation (compatibility, complexity, trialability, and relative advantage factors), and Vendor (vendor reputation, perceived price, and external support factors). Primary data was collected using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with respondents from the village government apparatus in Indramayu.  The results of the study showed an open-source cloud-based village information system is the most suitable alternative solution for government at the village level in Indramayu, West Java Province.  The results highlighted that the enablers that are critical for cloud adoption include Technology readiness, trust, technological innovation, and vendor. The barriers that are hindering cloud adoption are infrastructure readiness, understanding the use of cloud computing technology, low technical skills and knowledge, data integration issues, and data security. This research is a reference for developing a village information system based on cloud computing.