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Implementation of Cloud Accreditation as Accreditation Assessment Simulation in Lancang Kuning University Bayu Febriadi; Adi Rahmat; Pandu Pratama Putra
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): October
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v5i3.149


SIM Accreditation Cloud is a media accreditation simulation facility that is used by the Study Program and BPM in implementing and monitoring the feasibility of the study program whether it is in accordance with the standards that should be in creating a quality culture. In the face of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (PERMENDIKBUD) No. 5 of 2020 and the regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BANPT) No. 1 of 2020, related to the mechanism for extending the accreditation of universities and study programs that already use the Higher Education Accreditation Instrument (IAPT 3.0) and Study Program Accreditation Instrument (IAPS 4.0), so We need a system that can help Lancang Kuning University in the preparation and implementation of accreditation assessment simulations for both universities and study programs in order to be able to adjust the implementation and preparation of the mechanism for extending the validity period of accreditation for colleges and study programs. However, the fact is that until now there has been no study program that has proposed an extension of the accreditation period using the Study Program accreditation instrument. Lancang Kuning University has 21 Study Programs consisting of 9 Faculties, in implementing an internal quality assurance system, Lancang Kuning University has a Quality Assurance Agency in charge of managing a quality culture, but in the implementation of accreditation with IAPS 4.0 this has not been effective, this is proven to be absent from the study program. who are ready to apply with IAPS 4.0, because there are still obstacles in the preparation of accreditation instruments, while the need for accreditation ratings is very much needed by study programs so that they are able to compete and realize the vision and mission of the study program.
The Effectiveness of Cloud Simacreditation as A Supplement Instrument for Accreditation Value Conversion (ISK) (Case Study: University of Lancang Kuning) Bayu Febriadi; Febrizal Alfarasy Syam; Pandu Pratama Putra; Ahmad Zamsuri
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 5, No 6 (2022): April
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v5i6.194


SIM Accreditation Cloud is a media accreditation simulation facility that is used by the Study Program and BPM in implementing and monitoring the feasibility of the study program whether it is in accordance with the standards that should be in creating a quality culture. Lancang Kuning University has 21 Study Programs consisting of 9 Faculties, in implementing an internal quality assurance system, Lancang Kuning University has a Quality Assurance Agency in charge of managing a quality culture, but in the implementation of accreditation with IAPS 4.0 this has not been effective, this is proven to be absent from the study program. who are ready to apply with IAPS 4.0, because there are still obstacles in the preparation of accreditation instruments, while the need for accreditation ratings is very much needed by study programs so that they are able to compete and realize the vision and mission of the study program. Sim Akreditasi Cloud 0.7776 koefesien Berpengaruh terhadap nilai instrumen Suplemen Konversi (ISK).
Application of Lecturer Performance Index In Badan Penjaminan Mutu Lancang Kuning University Bayu Febriadi; Pandu Putra Pratama
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 3, No 2 (2020): May
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v3i2.56


In the Badan Penjaminan Mutu of Lancang Kuning University (BPM) in processing the Lecturer Performance Index (IKD) data, it still uses manual data in data processing, so this causes many problems. Among them: delays in reporting, inaccurate data, the emergence of efficiency and effectiveness of the work, overlapping data, data archiving that is not good, and other problems that result in all aspects of the existing assessment. To be able to answer all of these challenges, the author intends to submit research making Compurterization-based Quality Assurance Services application, especially in online based lecturer performance index data processing. Its usefulness is to facilitate the academic community of Lancang Kuning University in conducting data processing of Lecturer Performance Index (IKD). and it is expected that with the computerized application of Quality Assurance Services will be more effective and efficient in working. This E-IKD was created using a Mobile / Web Service application. Several actors are directly integrated with the service of this system, such as: Unit Units in the University of Lancang Kuning, Assessors, Lecturers and Administrators. Implementation methodology uses case tools which are a computer-based product, aiming to support one or more software engineering activities or processes. The purpose of the case tools is to increase the speed of analysis of university leaders, provide information related to existing business processes, improve accuracy in evaluating performance, better documentation, and use by users who are still prime. In order to provide scientific group quality assurance services or expertise and management services. The purpose of this study is the application of E-IKD (Lecturer Performance Index) based on information technology as a medium of service for lecturers and as an evaluation medium for the Badan Penjaminan Mutu (BPM) in all Units in the Lancang Kuning University environment.
Efficient Comparative Analysis Of Fertilizers Palm Oil Bayu Febriadi; Anisya Anisya; Pandu Pratama Putra
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v3i1.36


Palm oil is a vegetable oil-producing plant that has more advantages compared to other vegetable oil-producing plants, which have high productivity reaching 4 tons ha-1 Crude Palm Oil (CPO). Palm oil is also a raw material for making food and non-food ingredients, and renewable fuels. The author wants to make an analysis by comparing two methods, namely the AHP Method (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and Fuzzy logic which is able to handle the uncertainty and uncertainty used. Fuzzy logic used is the Fuzzy Tsukamoto inference system because this method uses monotonous value applications, the output of the inference output from each rule is explicitly given (crisp) based on α-predicate (fire strength). Whereas the AHP Method can facilitate in calculating the validity to the tolerance level of concentration as criteria and alternatives chosen by the user.
Sistem Pemesanan Menu Pada Restoran Berbasis Android Panji Rachmat Setiawan; Muhammad Syaifullah; Pandu Pratama Putra
IT Journal Research and Development Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/itjrd.2021.vol5(2).5866


Pelayanan restoran dapat menentukan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, dan akan berpengaruh terhadap eksistensi nya suatu restoran. Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, salah satunya adalah bentuk pelayanan berupa menu makanan dan minuman kepada pelanggan pada suatu restoran. Penyajian menu makanan dan minuman kadang membuat para pelanggan bingung, bagaimana bentuknya, apa komposisi dari makanan atau minuman, kandungan gizi, hingga terkadang harga dari makanan dan minuman tidak dicantumkan. Android merupakan suatu sistem operasi yang ada pada teknologi selular. Hingga saat ini, pengguna android khususnya di Indonesia sudah mencakup kepada setiap kalangan. Android dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dengan cara mengembangkan apllikasi untuk sistem operasi android. Banyak pengembangan aplikasi android bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat sesuai dengan permasalahan yang ada. Pengembangan dari aplikasi android awalnya akan menggunakan data yang bersifat dummy, dan selanjutnya akan menggunakan data asli yang terjadi di lapangan. Pengembangan sistem aplikasi pemilihan menu pada restoran akan menggunakan aplikasi android, yang mana aplikasi ini akan membantu pelanggan, aplikasi ini akan dapat memberikan kandungan nutrisi pada makanan, informasi intoleransi bahan makanan, dan dapat mengumpulkan data yang menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan serta data yang bertujuan untuk melihat tingkat selera pada suatu makanan.
Jusikom : Jurnal Sistem Komputer Musirawas Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Jusikom : Jurnal Sistem Komputer Musirawas JUNI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.63 KB) | DOI: 10.32767/jusikom.v5i1.799


Provinsi Riau terdapat sebanyak kurang lebih 190.140 orang tidak memiliki pekerjaan. Berdasarkan dari daerah tempat tinggalnya, pengangguran di perkotaan tercatat lebih tinggi jumlahnya dibanding di perdesaan. Hal tersebut dapat menunjukkan bahwa jumlah lapangan pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan di Riau masih kurang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. pada situasi tersebut, masyarakat akan menggunakan cara apapun yang mereka bisa agar dapat bertahan dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Dengan menggunakan Artificial neural Network (ANN) atau yang biasa dikenal jaringan syaraf tiruan dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi jumlah pengangguran.tahapan dalam ANN ini dilakukan normalisasi data kemudian menggunakan algoritma backpropagation. Pada analisis ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan SDLC model waterfall yang merupakan pendekatan model paling sederhana. Implementasi metode Backpropagation dalam prediksi jumlah penganguran di provinsi Riau diperlukan data latih yang akan digunakan sebagai sumber pelatihan yang selanjutnya diproses pada tahap pengujian menggunakan algoritma Backpropagation dari ANN dengan 2 inputan, 6 hidden layer, learning rate 0,1 dan 1 output, maka diperoleh nilai error atau MSE yang baik pada proses training sebesar 0,00060988.
Application of Lecturer Performance Index In Badan Penjaminan Mutu Lancang Kuning University Bayu Febriadi; Pandu Putra Pratama
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 3, No 2 (2020): May
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (762.494 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v3i2.56


In the Badan Penjaminan Mutu of Lancang Kuning University (BPM) in processing the Lecturer Performance Index (IKD) data, it still uses manual data in data processing, so this causes many problems. Among them: delays in reporting, inaccurate data, the emergence of efficiency and effectiveness of the work, overlapping data, data archiving that is not good, and other problems that result in all aspects of the existing assessment. To be able to answer all of these challenges, the author intends to submit research making Compurterization-based Quality Assurance Services application, especially in online based lecturer performance index data processing. Its usefulness is to facilitate the academic community of Lancang Kuning University in conducting data processing of Lecturer Performance Index (IKD). and it is expected that with the computerized application of Quality Assurance Services will be more effective and efficient in working. This E-IKD was created using a Mobile / Web Service application. Several actors are directly integrated with the service of this system, such as: Unit Units in the University of Lancang Kuning, Assessors, Lecturers and Administrators. Implementation methodology uses case tools which are a computer-based product, aiming to support one or more software engineering activities or processes. The purpose of the case tools is to increase the speed of analysis of university leaders, provide information related to existing business processes, improve accuracy in evaluating performance, better documentation, and use by users who are still prime. In order to provide scientific group quality assurance services or expertise and management services. The purpose of this study is the application of E-IKD (Lecturer Performance Index) based on information technology as a medium of service for lecturers and as an evaluation medium for the Badan Penjaminan Mutu (BPM) in all Units in the Lancang Kuning University environment.
Efficient Comparative Analysis Of Fertilizers Palm Oil Bayu Febriadi; Anisya Anisya; Pandu Pratama Putra
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.036 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v3i1.36


Palm oil is a vegetable oil-producing plant that has more advantages compared to other vegetable oil-producing plants, which have high productivity reaching 4 tons ha-1 Crude Palm Oil (CPO). Palm oil is also a raw material for making food and non-food ingredients, and renewable fuels. The author wants to make an analysis by comparing two methods, namely the AHP Method (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and Fuzzy logic which is able to handle the uncertainty and uncertainty used. Fuzzy logic used is the Fuzzy Tsukamoto inference system because this method uses monotonous value applications, the output of the inference output from each rule is explicitly given (crisp) based on α-predicate (fire strength). Whereas the AHP Method can facilitate in calculating the validity to the tolerance level of concentration as criteria and alternatives chosen by the user.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Penerima BLT Menggunakan Metode SAW Pandu Pratama Putra; Dafwen Toresa; Yogi Ersan Fadrial; Puspita Sari; Rometdo Muzawi; Sularno Sularno; Nori Sahrun
Jurnal Teknologi Dan Sistem Informasi Bisnis Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Prodi Sistem Informasi Universitas Dharma Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jteksis.v4i1.457


Sidomulyo Village is a village located in the Lyric sub-district, Indragiri Hulu district, Riau Province. According to data obtained by researchers, there were 35 Regency Covid-19 BLT recipients and 51 Provincial Covid-19 BLT recipients. Then there were 95 recipients of BLT DD (Village Fund). In Sidomulyo Village, the recipients of direct cash assistance were only through data collection. This Decision Support System for Determination of Assistance uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The purpose of designing and making a Decision Support System for Determining Direct Cash Assistance is to assist Sidomulyo Village in receiving assistance. In the system that supports direct cash assistance, there are several criteria and alternatives used to determine direct cash assistance. The criteria used are: Occupation, Age, Number of Dependents, Income and Expenditures. While the alternative is all the people listed in the data recipients of direct cash assistance in the village of Sidomulyo. The results of this study are in the form of Determination of Direct Cash Assistance which helps Sidomulyo Village in determining.
J-COSCIS : Journal of Computer Science Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): J-COSCIS : Journal of Computer Science Community Service
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (112.208 KB) | DOI: 10.31849/jcoscis.v1i1.5653


Perkembangan teknologi komputer sangat menunjang kemampuan manusia untuk bisa lebih maju dan menguasai banyak hal. Untuk itu sangat diperlukan banyak membaca, mempelajari dan melakukan latihan terhadap pengetahuan komputer tersebut. Kemampuan yang diinginkan tidak harus didapat dari pendidikan formal, tetapi bisa melalui pendidikan non formal dalam bentuk pelatihan dengan materi yang lebih. Apalagi perkembangan teknologi komputer sangat-sangat cepat. Panti asuhan adalah lembaga sosial yang mempunyai misi sangat mulia yaitu melanjutkan hidup anak yang sudah ditinggalkan orang tuanya atau orang yang memiliki ekonomi lemah. Panti asuhan Pajar Iman Azzahra adalah panti asuhan yang bertempat di jalan garuda sakti km 3 panam yang menampung 30 orang anak yatim piatu. Panti asuhan Pajar Iman Azzahra memiliki komitmen yang sangat kuat untuk membina anak-anaknya dalam bentuk menyediakan sandang, pangan dan papan serta pendidikan, terutama pendidikan agama. Para pengurus panti asuhan Pajar Iman Azzahra juga sangat giat mencari pendanaan kemana pun dalam bentuk proposal-proposal dan minta sumbangan dari donatur untuk kelangsungan kehidupan anak-anak di panti asuhan Pajar Iman Azzahra. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penguasaan teknologi infomasi dan administrasi, anak panti asuhan sangat membutuhkan pengelolaan data dengan angka dan grafik menggunakan Microsoft Office yang juga bagian dari pelajaran di sekolah tidak maksimal karena hanya belajar teori saja dan juga akan dapat membantu pengelolaan data, angka dan grafik di bagian administrasi Panti Asuhan Pajar Iman Azzahra