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Business Management Analysis Journal (BMAJ) Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Business Management Analysis Journal (BMAJ)
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.761 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/bmaj.v2i1.3185


Technological developments make economic actors to think continuously in order to survive. Individual must work hard to be the best. This condition tends to make employees depressed. The companies must act in order to produce the maximum performance and employee satisfaction in working. Based on the situation, the writer conducted a study to analyze the direct and indirect effect of the three independent variables (X) (job promotion, compensation, and job stress) on the dependent variable (Y) (work performance) through variable intervening (Z) (job satisfaction). Total samples in this study were 200 persons as the informants analyzed using PLS analysis. The results show that all independent variables have a significance effect on the job satisfaction; on top of that, it is an intervening variable for all the independent variables in this study. For the work stress variable, this does not have a significance effect on the employee performance; meanwhile, for the job promotion and compensation variables, those have a significance effect on the employee performance. The dominant variable of this study is the job promotion variable.
Pelanggaran Kecepatan Kendaraan pada Ruas Jalan Tol Cipularang. (Hal. 39-49) Mauliza, Rizki Intan; Sabrina, Tania Bonita; Maulana, Wahyu
RekaRacana: Jurnal Teknil Sipil Vol 5, No 1: Maret 2019
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (723.607 KB) | DOI: 10.26760/rekaracana.v5i1.39


ABSTRAKSalah satu faktor penyebab kecelakaan yang signifikan adalah tidak sesuainya kecepatan kendaraan dengan kondisi jalan, lingkungan dan kegiatan, dalam hal ini adalah kecepatan yang terlalu tinggi. Jalan tol/jalan bebas hambatan merupakan salah satu jalan yang berpotensi memiliki banyak pelanggaran dalam kecepatan kendaraan. Batasan kecepatan jalan tol telah di atur dalam PM Hub 111/2015 yaitu 40 km/jam untuk tol dalam kota dan 60 km/jam - 100 km/jam untuk tol luar kota. Untuk memastikan kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan dan menentukan tingkat pelanggaran kendaraan yang melintasi ruas jalan tol Cipularang maka penelitian menggunakan metode pengumpulan data primer/pengamatan secara langsung. Hasil analisis secara keseluruhan didapatkan bahwa rata-rata kecepatan kendaraan mobil penumpang sebesar 88 km/jam, truk 62 km/jam dan bus 72 km/jam dengan persentasi kecepatan rata-rata untuk mobil penumpang, truk dan bus berturut-turut sebesar 43%, 5% dan 22%. Hal ini menunjukan terdapat pelanggaran batas kecepatan maksimum untuk kendaraan mobil penumpang dengan prosentase yang tinggi (lebih dari 30%) atau kecepatan rata-rata lebih dari 80 km/jam.Kata kunci: kecelakaan, batas kecepatan, jalan tol ABSTRACTOne factors of a significant accident is not according to the speed of the vehicle with the environment, environment and activities, in this case the speed is too high. Toll road / freeway is one of the roads that has many roads in the vehicle. The toll road speed limit has been set in PM Hub 111/2015, which is 40 km/hour  for city tolls and 60 km/hour  100 km/hour for out-of-city toll roads. To determine the average speed of a vehicle and determine the level of the vehicle passing through the Cipularang toll road, the study uses the primary data / direct search method. The overall analysis results are obtained that the average speed of passenger car vehicles is 88 km/hour, trucks 62 km/hour and buses 72 km/hour with the percentage of average speed for passenger cars, trucks and buses being helped-along by 43%, 5% and 22%. This shows the maximum speed limit for passenger car vehicles with a higher percentage (more than 30%) or an average speed of more than 80 km/hour.Keywords: accidents, speed limits, toll roads
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kampung Cijantur Untuk Mendapatkan Air Bersih Melalui Penerapan Saluran Air Tanpa Listrik Dengan Pembagunan Bendungan Sari, Santika; Fajriah, Nur; Saputra, Noverdo; Maulana, Wahyu; Saputro, Annisa; Sari, Santika; Hendradi, Alif
International Journal of Community Service Learning Vol 5, No 3 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijcsl.v5i3.38460


Kampung Cijantur adalah salah satu kampung yang berada di daerah dataran tinggi Desa Rabak, Kecamatan Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor. Kampung ini merupakan salah satu daerah yang mengalami banyak permasalahan, mulai dari akses jalan menuju kampung ini dalam kondisi yang tidak baik, pekerjaan utama penduduk yang tidak mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari dan sulitnya mendapatkan air bersih karena jarak sumber air yang sangat jauh. Dari sekian banyaknya permasalahan yang dihadapi Kampung Cijantur, masalah yang paling dirasa menyulitkan masyarakat kampung ini adalah mengenai sulitnya mendapatkan air bersih karena jarak sumber air yang teramat jauh, terutama di masa pandemi COVID-19 seperti sekarang ini kebersihan telah menjadi hal yang sangat diutamakan agar terhindar dari paparan virus. Oleh karena itu, kami berniat membantu masyarakat kampung Cijantur Desa Rabak, Kecamatan Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor untuk mendapatkan air besih dengan membuat saluran air tanpa listrik dengan membuat bendungan air. Air bersih disalurkan dengna membuat bendungan air dilokasi sumber air dan disalurkan dengan pipa ke lokasi penampungan air bersih yang dapat diakses oleh warga. Penyaluran air dari sumber air ke lokasi penampungan air warga menggunakan teknik tekanan air dan perbedaan ketinggian air. Teknologi penyaluran air ini dapat diterapkan untuk daerah-daerah yang penduduknya mempunyai keterampilan teknis yang terbatas, karena pemeliharaan yang dibutuhkan sederhana dan tanpa harus membayar biaya listrik. Langkah-langkah kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan dalam program ini adalah : (1) Sosialisasi program, (2) Persiapan peralatan dan bahan, (3) Membuat bendungan air di dekat sumber air, (4) Pelaksanaan kegiatan penyambungan pipa-pipa output dari bendungan air menuju toren penampungan akhir (5) Pendampingan, dan (6) Monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan yang telah dilakukan air dapat tersalurkan dengan baik sampai ke toren penampungan akhir yang dekat dengan lokasi pemukiman warga. Hal ini dapat membantu warga kampung cijantur untuk mendapatkan air bersih sehingga dapat berdampak pada Kesehatan warga yang lebih terjamin dengan adanya air bersih
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jaim.v5i1.1968


Cijantur Village is one of the villages located in the highlands of Rabak Village, Rumpin District, Bogor Regency. This village is one of the areas experiencing many problems, starting from the access road to this village in poor condition, the main occupation of the residents who do not meet their daily needs and the difficulty of getting clean water because the water source is very far away. Of the many problems faced by Cijantur Village, the most difficult problem for the people of this village is the difficulty of getting clean water because the distance of water sources is very far, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic like now cleanliness has become a very priority thing to avoid from viral exposure. Therefore, we intend to help the people of Cijantur village, Rabak Village, Rumpin District, Bogor Regency to get clean water by building water channels without electricity by building water dams. Clean water is distributed by making water dams at the location of the water source and piped to a clean water storage location that can be accessed by residents. The distribution of water from water sources to residents' water storage locations uses water pressure techniques and differences in water levels. This water distribution technology can be applied to areas where the population has limited technical skills, because the maintenance required is simple and without having to pay electricity costs. The steps of activities that will be carried out in this program are: (1) Program socialization, (2) Preparation of equipment and materials, (3) Making water dams near water sources, (4) Implementation of connecting output pipes from water dams towards the final storage tower (5) Assistance, and (6) Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of activities. Based on the results of the activities that have been carried out, water can be channeled properly to the final storage tower which is close to the residential location of residents. This can help the residents of Cijantur Village to get clean water so that it can have an impact on the health of residents who are more secure with clean water.