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UJI VALIDITAS E-MODUL SISTEM REM ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) Andri Setiyawan; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman; Muhammad Syamsuddin Nurul Iman
JMEL : Journal of Mechanical Engineering Learning Vol 11 No 2 (2022): Journal of Mechanical Engineering Learning
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Media pembelajaran merupakan perangkat penting dalam mendukung proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas media pembelajaran Antilock Brake system. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan penyebaran angket kepada ahli media. Ahli media yang ditunjuk merupakan ahli di bidang media pembelajaran. Hasil validasi produk e-modul ini mendapatkan skor sebesar 85,65% untuk ahli media. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa media dapat digunakan dan diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran di kelas untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar.
PENGEMBANGAN YOUNG TECHNOPRENEUR UNNES MELALUI PENGELOLAAN USAHA BERBASIS DIGITAL ENTREPRENEUR Febri Budi Darsono; Andri Setiyawan; M. Hilman Gumelar Syafei; Umar Makarim Wibisono; Stephen Dwi Arjuna; Muhammad Syamsuddin Nurul Iman; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 7, No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v7i3.17227


ABSTRAKDalam upaya menciptakan wirausaha baru mandiri yang berbasis iptek maka perlu bagi tenant menguasai aspek digital entrepreneur dalam pengelolaan usaha dan pemasaran berbasis digital. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada tenant dalam pemasaran produk barang/jasa sesuai dengan usaha yang dijalankan berbasis digital. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah penerapan secara langsung dengan tahapan persiapan, analisa permasalahan, Pelatihan dalam implementasi digital entrepreneurship, Pendampingan dalam mengelola modal usah, dan Evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan. Kegiatan pengabdian terlaksana dengan dihadiri oleh 3 tenan dan mahasiswa yang berminat wirausaha yang berjumlah 14 orang. Materi yang disampaikan terkait pengembangan usaha melalui media digital Instagram. Optimalisasi penggunaan media digital pada era digital sangat diperlukan branding, selling, dan sharing. Pendampingan dilakukan untuk dalam pengelolaan usaha berbasis digital melalui Instagram. Hasil menunjukan terdapat peningkatan follower yang signifikan setelah tenan mengikuti kegiatan yakni sebesar 70,4% pada MDPL, 100% pada F Project, dan 72,4% pada Bengkel Autoscar. Selain itu, bagi mahasiswa yang sebelumnya tidak memiliki minat usaha setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini muncul ide untuk membuka usaha. Kata kunci: digital entrepreneur; wirausaha; usaha; technopreneur; media ABSTRACTTo create new independent entrepreneurs based on science and technology, tenants must master digital entrepreneur aspects in managing digital-based business and marketing. The solutions offered in this service are, first, the application of science and technology in digital-based business management. Second, tenant assistance training in marketing goods/services by the business being run. With this dedication, it is hoped to increase productivity and business development for MDPL Farm tenants, Unnes Machine Visit Service Workshop (F Project), and Autoscar Workshop. The method used in this service is direct application with the preparation stage, problem analysis, training in the implementation of digital entrepreneurship, assistance in managing venture capital, and evaluating the implementation of activities. The dedication activity was carried out in the presence of 3 tenants and students interested in entrepreneurship, totaling 14 people. The material presented is related to business development through Instagram digital media. Optimizing the use of digital media in the digital era needs branding, selling, and sharing. Assistance is provided for managing digital-based businesses through Instagram. The results showed a significant increase in followers after participating in the activity, namely 70.4% at the MDPL, 100% at the F Project, and 72.4% at the Autoscar Workshop. In addition, students who previously had no business interest after participating in this activity came up with the idea to open a business. Keywords: digital entrepreneur; entrepreneur; business; technopreneur; media
Sosialisai Kendaraan Listrik Berbasis Baterai (KLBB) bagi driver online Andri Setiyawan; Febri Budi Darsono; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman; Doni Yusuf Firdaus; Sanli Faksi; Muhammad Syamsuddin Nurul Iman
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 8, No 1 (2024): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v8i1.21610


Abstrak Penggunaan kendaraan listrik merupakan salah satu solusi untuk menekan peningkatan polusi udara yang disebabkan oleh emisi karbon khususnya yang terjadi di kota-kota besar Indonesia. Berdasarkan observasi lapangan maka perlu diadakan kegiatan Edukasi dan Sosialisasi Penerapan Kendaraan Listrik Berbasis Baterai Bagi Driver Online di Kota Semarang Dalam Upaya Green Energy Transportation. Metode yang digunakan adalah penerapan secara langsung. Fokus kegiatan ini adalah: (1) Aspek Pengetahuan Kendaraan Listrik Berbasis Baterai, (2) Aspek Perawatan Kendaraan Listrik Berbasis Baterai: meliputi pelatihan perawatan berkala pada Kendaraan listrik Berbasis Baterai. Terselenggaranya Kegiatan Pengabdian Edukasi dan Sosialisasi Penerapan Kendaraan Listrik Berbasis Baterai Bagi Driver Online di Kota Semarang Dalam Upaya Green Energy Transportation. Fokus pengabdian pada pengetahuan driver online terkait pengetahuan dasar sistem kendaraan listrik. Kata kunci: driver online; kendaraan listrik; sosialisasi Abstract Using electric vehicles is one of the solutions to reduce the increase in air pollution caused by carbon emissions, especially in big cities in Indonesia. Based on field observations, it is necessary to hold an Education and Socialisation activity on the Application of Battery-Based Electric Vehicles for Online Drivers in Semarang City to Green Energy Transportation. The method used is direct application. The focus of this activity is (1) Knowledge aspects of battery-based electric vehicles, (2) Maintenance aspects of battery-based electric vehicles, including periodic maintenance training on battery-based electric vehicles. It was implementing Education and Socialisation of Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Implementation for Online Drivers in Semarang City to Green Energy Transportation. The service focuses on the knowledge of online drivers related to basic knowledge of electric vehicle systems. Keywords: online driver; electric vehicle; socialisation
Electronic Learning Media E-Module Open Source-Based on Planetary Type Starter System for Vocational Students Andri Setiyawan; Doni Yusuf Firdaus; Suwahyo Suwahyo; Lelu Dina Apristia; Sanli Faksi; Muhammad Syamsuddin Nurul Iman; Fadhlan Muchlas Abrori; Guillermo Bautista
Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : Department of Electronic and Informatic Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/elinvo.v9i1.66448


Post-pandemic COVID-19 learning that is carried out in a hybrid manner experiences problems, one of which is minimal self-learning supplements, which affect students' understanding of the material. This study aims to develop an e-module using Sigil software on planetary-type starter system material. Hopefully, it can support improving students' knowledge of the material. This research uses the Research and Development (RnD) method with the ADDIE model. The results of this product were tested on a limited basis by using a one-group pretest-posttest design in class XI TKRO-A with 30 students. The results showed that the E-module that had been developed received a very decent category from media experts, who scored 89.26%, and from material experts, who scored 95.5%. The e-module developed can increase the understanding of the material with a gain value of 0.64 with a moderate category, and a score of 93.75% from the students' responses showed that the e-module is feasible. The conclusion is that the e-module developed is very feasible to use in independent learning and the learning process at school.