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Collaborating Report Dalam Penyajian Berita Pada Media Online Dengan Sumber Sosial Media Fahmy Fotaleno; Anna Kurniawati; Rina Raflina
Jurnal Media Penyiaran Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : LPPM UBSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2088.908 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jmp.v1i1.392


Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab bagaimana collaborating report dalam penyajian Berita di dengan sumber sosial media. Mengutip konten media sosial ke dalam sebuah berita sejatinya merupakan fenomena kontemporer jurnalisme yang terjadi di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Dengan fenomena sosial media khususnya info viral telah merambah ke dalam media berita online, tidak hanya media-media online yang baru tumbuh (start up) bahkan media massa lama menggunakan informasi yang sedang viral di sosial media menjadi sumber informasi. Fenomena ini menimbulkan adanya perubahan dan pergeseran bagi media massa konvensional. sebagai media online yang tergolong baru dengan usianya yang baru beranjak 1 tahun, cukup menarik perhatian. Pasalnya, dengan usia yang masih sangat muda, sudah bisa masuk dalam 50 besar media di Indonesia berdasarkan peringkat di situs Hal ini tidak terlepas dari bagaimana memanfaatkan sosial media sebagai salah satu rujukan atau sumber dalam mengelola dan membuat berita. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metodologi studi kasus.
Srawung (Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanities) Vol. 2 Issue. 3 (2023)
Publisher : jfpublshier

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56943/jssh.v2i3.375


The issue of news values is a great concern in news content spreading on social media platforms. One of the social media platforms that encourages content creators to create news content is the Snack Video platform. The management of Snack Video’s platform enforces strict rules that must be adhered to by all its users to ensure that all content created by content creators has news value. This qualitative research aims to identify the interpretations of these news value rules by using Shannon and Weaver’s message transmission model. This research is using literature as a data collection technique while applying the phenomenological method to explain how audio-visual content is used to disseminate information through social media. The findings of the research identified that the use of regulations conveyed by the transmission of this message is proven to increase the quality of news content in Snack Video through the meaning of all content creators towards the rules established by Snack Video management. The Snack Video management also found to have made several special requirements for each news content which would be checked manually by the agency team using quality parameters that have been determined in detail.
Posisi Media dalam Membentuk Budaya “Perkawinan Politik” Sulawesi Tenggara Daratan dengan Kepulauan Sulawesi Tenggara pada Pemilihan Gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara Fahmy Fotaleno; Denny Setiawan Batubara
LITERATUS Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/lit.v5i1.1250


The objectives of this research are: This study aims: (1) to determine the role of the media in shaping the culture of "political marriage" between the mainland and the islands in the Southeast Sulawesi Governor Election and (2) the model for selecting strategies in the culture of "political marriage" between the mainland and the islands of Southeast Sulawesi in the election of the governor of Southeast Sulawesi. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data obtained through observation, interviews and media documentation. Information was obtained from various sources who were considered active and directly involved in the direct election for the Governor and Deputy Governor of Southeast Sulawesi. In the Southeast Sulawesi Pilgub event, the role of the media is quite high in leading public opinion and also the elite to "marry" the pair of figures from the Southeast Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi Islands. This practice is deliberately carried out to as much as possible the identity of the people of Southeast Sulawesi who are geographically divided into people who live and live in the Southeast Sulawesi region and people in Southeast Sulawesi feel represented in this pair. The distribution of discourse to society is carried out strategically by the media, be it print media, online media and electronic media.