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al-Rasá¿‘kh: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): al-Rasikh: Jurnal Hukum Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Internasional Darullughah Wadda'wah Bangil Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38073/rasikh.v12i1.895


This research discusses the efforts made by P2TP2A in legal protection for child victims of pedophilia in Aceh Singkil. This research is motivated by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics which records that pedophile crimes continue to increase. Not only in cities, but spreading to villages, one of which is Aceh Singkil. In victimology, children are very vulnerable to becoming victims of crime. Based on this, the guarantee of a decent life, the widest possible opportunity for children to grow and develop, both physically and mentally, is hampered due to the act of pedophilia and of course causes deep psychological trauma to the victim. The problem raised in this study is, What are the factors that cause pedophilia in Aceh Singkil? What are the efforts of P2TP2A Aceh Singkil for legal protection for child victims of pedophilia? aims to find out what are the factors causing the occurrence of pedophilia crimes in Aceh Singkil and the efforts made by P2TP2A Aceh Singkil for legal protection for child victims of pedophilia. The research method used in this study is descriptive analysis, with the type of research library research) and (field research). Based on the results of the research, the authors found that the factors causing the occurrence of pedophilia in Aceh Singkil were easy access to videos that contained elements of decency, alcohol, and a lack of strong faith, a lack of control over the family from parents as protectors, and a lack of education about sex against victim). There are several legal protection efforts carried out by P2TP2A Aceh Singkil, namely providing legal aid services, medical assistance, social rehabilitation efforts, reintegration and assisting all victim recovery referral mechanisms to the provincial P2TP2A.
RICE FIELDS MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT SYSTEM IN ACEH BESAR (Study of Engagement Patterns and Sharing of Harvest Results) Irwansyah Muhammad Jamal; Zaiyad Zubaidi
Dusturiyah: Jurnal Hukum Islam, Perundang-undangan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/dusturiyah.v13i2.19418


Rice field management, which is carried out by involving the people of Aceh Besar based on the norms of Islamic law and customary law, is applied from the beginning of the determination of the engagement to the capital of the harvest. Community practice describes the procedure for contracting and distributing crops in various forms. However, all farmers do it by mutual consent. This phenomenon is the focus of study in this paper. By basing on the method of discriptive analysis, the answers will be found, including: 1) the formation of contracts is carried out orally. The form of an oral contract is based on several things, namely the relationship between the parties; In general, the parties come from relatives or close family. Because of this relationship, they believe there will be no default made by the parties. In addition, there are two ways to start involvement in rice field management; First, half of the respondents agreed that capital is borne by rice field owners (this model is called muzara'ah), and half said capital is borne by farmers (this model is called mukhabarah). 2) the distribution of crops is carried out in the following way; 1) Mawah, which is divided equally between rice field owners and farmers. There are 3 people (20%); 2) Bulung 3, which is 2 parts for farmers, 1 part for rice field owners = 5 people (33.3%); 3) Bulung 4, which is 3 parts for farmers, 1 part for rice field owners = 4 people (26.6%); 4) Bulung 5, which is 3 parts for farmers, 2 parts for rice field owners =3 (20.1%). In addition to the three things already mentioned, the parties also agreed on the conditions of crop failure. Most engagements exempt farmers from giving rice to rice owners as a cost of using rice fields, while others require farmers to give rice to rice owners as rice field use fees.