Rezki Annisa
Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia

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Found 1 Documents
Journal : Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan

Formulasi Gel dari Niosom Elastik Span 80 Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Etlingera alba dengan Variasi Karbopol sebagai Gelling Agent: Formulation Gel of Span 80 Elastic Niosome of Etlingera alba’s Rhizomes Ethanolic Extract with Carbopol Variations as Gelling Agent Astrid Indalifiany; Suryani Suryani; Vica Aspadiah; Rifa’atul Mahmudah; Rezki Annisa
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan Vol. 5 No. 5 (2023): J. Sains Kes.
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25026/jsk.v5i5.2000


Free radicals contain at least one or more free electrons, so they are reactive and unstable. Several diseases experience increased oxidative stress due to the stability of free radicals, which has the potential to damage the integrity of DNA, proteins, and lipids. The body's ability to accumulate free radicals can be stopped with natural antioxidants. One plant with antioxidant potential is Etlingera alba. Utilization of potential is carried out through the preparation of elastic niosomes from the ethanol extract of E. alba rhizomes using Span 80 so that it can facilitate this natural material transdermally. Gel preparations with carbopol as a gelling agent can be used in the application of E. alba ethanol extract elastic niosomes to the skin. The aim of this research was to make an elastic niosome gel with optimal concentrations of Span 80 and carbopol. Elastic niosomes were characterized through morphology, particle size, and polydispersity index. The results of the characterization of elastic niosomes showed that FD (Span 80 15%) produced the best elastic niosomes with an average vesicle size of 10.43 nm, polydispersity index of 0.282, and spherical shape. Elastic niosome gel preparations were evaluated through organoleptic, pH, viscosity, spreadability, and physical stability using cycling tests. The evaluation results showed that F1 gel (carbopol 0.5%) produced the best physical properties of the gel with organoleptic viscosity, characteristic odor and white, pH 6, viscosity 2,433 cps, and spreadability 6.6 cm and was physically stable through method testing. cycling-test. Keywords:          Niosome, Etlingera, Span 80, Carbopol, Nanoparticle   Abstrak Radikal bebas mengandung setidaknya satu/lebih elektron bebas, sehingga reaktif dan tidak stabil. Beberapa penyakit mengalami peningkatan stres oksidatif akibat tercapainya stabilitas radikal bebas sehingga berpotensi merusak integritas DNA, protein, dan lipid. Kemampuan tubuh dalam mengakumulasi radikal bebas dapat dihentikan dengan antioksidan alami. Salah satu tumbuhan dengan potensi antioksidan adalah Etlingera alba. Pemanfaatan potensi dilakukan melalui preparasi niosom elastik ekstrak etanol rimpang E.alba menggunakan Span 80 sehingga dapat memfasilitasi bahan alam tersebut secara transdermal. Sediaan gel dengan karbopol sebagai gelling agent dapat digunakan dalam aplikasi niosom elastik ekstrak etanol E. alba pada kulit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat gel niosom elastik dengan konsentrasi Span 80 dan karbopol yang optimal. Niosom elastik dikarakterisasi melalui morfologi, ukuran partikel dan indeks polidispersitas. Hasil karakterisasi niosom elastik diperoleh bahwa FD (Span 80 15%) menghasilkan niosom elastik terbaik dengan rata-rata ukuran vesikel 10,43 nm, indeks-polidispersitas 0,282, dan bentuk sferis. Sediaan gel niosom elastik dievaluasi melalui organoleptik, pH, viskositas, daya-sebar dan stabilitas fisik dengan cycling test. Hasil evaluasi diperoleh bahwa gel F1 (karbopol 0,5%) menghasilkan sifat fisik gel terbaik dengan organoleptik kental, bau khas, dan putih, pH 6, viskositas 2.433cps, dan daya-sebar 6,6 cm serta stabil secara fisik melalui pengujian metode cycling-test. Kata Kunci:         Niosom, Etlingera, Span 80, Karbopol, Nanopartikel