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Analisis Pengaruh Waktu Etsa Terhadap Ukuran Struktur Mikrografi Material Logam dan Paduannya Fitrianti Sugiono, Friska Ayu; Sugiono, Ratih Anggraeni; Munawwaroh, Dita
Jurnal Permadi : Perancangan, Manufaktur, Material dan Energi Vol 5 No 03 (2023): JURNAL PERMADI: PERANCANGAN, MANUFAKTUR, MATERIAL DAN ENERGI
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/permadi.v5i03.103


In the world of the manufacturing industry, knowledge about the quality of the materials used is very important. This aims to guarantee the quality of the processing of primary materials into semi-finished and finished materials. One of the things that can be done to determine the quality of a metal is to know the micrographic structure of the metal and its contents in the metal. Another alternative that can be used to determine the amount of carbon in metal is photography which is useful for seeing large and small grains of steel. The research concrete iron, cast iron cast iron, amutite steel, and silver steel. The methods used in this study include grinding, polishing, etching, and microstructural observations using an optical microscope.
Analisis Audit Energi di Gedung Teknik Elektro Universitas Diponegoro Diah Larasati, Pangestuningtyas; Fitrianti Sugiono, Friska Ayu; Arvin Karuniawan, Eriko; Karnoto
Jurnal Permadi : Perancangan, Manufaktur, Material dan Energi Vol 5 No 03 (2023): JURNAL PERMADI: PERANCANGAN, MANUFAKTUR, MATERIAL DAN ENERGI
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/permadi.v5i03.110


An energy audit is a work that aims to identify energy consumption in buildings that have been built so that they can find opportunities for energy savings in these buildings and buildings and improve energy efficiency and conservation in these buildings. The Electrical Engineering Building is one of the buildings at Diponegoro University that has been built for a long time, and to find out the savings opportunities in the building, an energy audit is needed. The energy audit was carried out during the pandemic era where lectures were still being held online and hybrid. Based on the results of the energy audit that has been carried out, it was found that the Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) in the Electrical Engineering Building in 2021 was 8.59 while in 2022 it was 12.61. This is still in the efficient category according to Regulation of the Minister of energy and mineral resources No. 13/2012. Opportunities for savings can be implemented starting from no cost, low cost, to high cost to increase the efficiency of energy use in the Diponegoro University Electrical Engineering Building, so that energy use can be very efficient.