Murni Sekar Pinilih
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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Constraints and Challenges in Implementing Text-Based Teaching in Particular Contexts Murni Sekar Pinilih; Asman Bin Mohd Tahir Tahir; Dinantari Susilo Susilo; Deaseptia Nirmala Kusumamawarni; Suharyadi; Dian Riani Said
International Journal of Applied Educational Research (IJAER) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijaer.v1i2.953


This research focuses on exploring the constraints and challenges faced by teachers and students when implementing text-based teaching in specific contexts. Text-based teaching has been proven to have a significant impact on the principles of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning, improving students' ability to understand the meaning and fostering communication competence in authentic environments. However, despite its benefits, various obstacles and challenges hinder the successful implementation of this approach. These constraints include a lack of vocabulary and grammar acquisition, inadequate English language skills in context, low motivation, limited learning autonomy, and lack of cooperation among students. In addition, teachers also face challenges such as selecting appropriate authentic texts, modifying and adapting them to meet instructional objectives, designing appropriate tasks, and overcoming potential student boredom with routine activities. To overcome these barriers, teachers need to engage in comprehensive professional development to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for effective implementation of text-based teaching. In addition, policymakers are encouraged to provide advanced training opportunities in this area, allowing teachers to improve their teaching practices.
Errors And Problems Faced by The Students in Practicing Consecutive Interpreting Asman Mohd Tahir; Murni Sekar Pinilih
EDUJ : English Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : CV. Kalimasada Group Profesional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59966/eduj.v1i1.471


This research aims to analyze the errors and problems faced by the students in practicing English to Indonesian consecutive interpreting. This study is conducted in an interpreting class of six semester English Letters students of IAIN Surakarta. This study was conducted to know the students’ types of errors and problems in practicing consecutive interpreting. This is a descriptive-qualitative research. It presents the data with a content analysis method. This research uses documentation, error validation, and interviews to answer the research questions. The data were gained by collecting the students’ performance videos in practicing consecutive interpreting and establishing interviews to get additional information. The results showed that among 159 errors, which were occurred during the students’ performances, the errors can be classified into 8 types. They are errors in non-conservation of paralinguistic features, omission, distortion, inadequate language proficiency, literal translation, addition, register conservation, protocol, procedure and ethics. The non-conservation paralinguistic features are the most frequent error with 57 occurrences (35.8%) and the least common error found is protocol, procedure and ethics with 2 occurrences (1.3%). Those errors were caused by the students’ problems. The results show that there are 8 types of problems faced by the students, including nervosity, English proficiency, lack of practice, interpretation partner, classmates, time pressure, confidence and public speaking skills. Overall, the students need more practice and knowledge, especially in English proficiency and need guidance in solving their problems to improve their interpretation skills.