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Pelatihan Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga yang Bernilai Ekonomi di Desa Gelogor Lombok Barat Herawati Khotmi; Fachrozi; Zulkarnaen; Yusi Faizathul Octavia; I Made Murjana
Assoeltan: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement
Publisher : Edujavare Publishing

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There are many types of waste, including organic or household waste, plastic waste, and paper waste. Sometimes, even rarely among us, we can manage waste that has economic value. Analysis of the problem situation faced by Gelogor Village, namely that there is no orderly sorting of organic, paper, and plastic waste, they do not understand waste management procedures, the products made still need to have a brand, and difficulties in marketing the products. The aim of this service is to provide training related to waste management that can have economic value in Gelogor Village. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) method was implemented and implemented in three stages: planning, implementation, assessment, and monitoring. The method used is to conduct a field survey first, followed by coordinating the implementation of the service, distributing invitations to the community, preparing a schedule of service activities, and the core activity, namely conducting training. The results of this service research are that Gelogor residents are very enthusiastic about waste management, this can be seen from the various questions asked by the Gelogor Village community. There is great hope for the role of village officials to provide support related to waste management, such as the trash basket in each local resident's house consisting of three trash cans.
Unveiling the Interplay of Sharia Investment Product Knowledge, Religiosity, and Financial Literacy as a Moderator of University Student’s Investment Decisions Fachrozi; Kukuh Tondoyekti; Mariana; Herawati Khotmi
Al-Kharaj: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah Vol. 6 No. 7 (2024): Al-Kharaj: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alkharaj.v6i7.2887


Sharia investment products is considered a key determinant in shaping University Student’s Investment Decisions among Muslim investors. A comprehensive understanding of the concepts, types, and characteristics of Sharia-compliant investments can significantly influence an individual's propensity to invest in accordance with Islamic principles. The purpose of this study aims to investigating the impact of Sharia investment product knowledge and religiosity on university students' Investment Decisions, with financial literacy serving as a moderator. The present study will employ a quantitative approach using a survey method. The data collection process will involve administering the questionnaire to the purposively selected sample Students, either through an online survey or in-person distribution on campus. The hypothesis is tested using version 3.37 of the Smart PLS program. The results showed that the Product Knowledge and Religiosity variables did not affect Investment Decisions. Meanwhile, Financial Literacy affects Investment Decisions. Financial Literacy is a moderating variable that only moderates the effect of Religiosity on Investment Decisions. As for the impact of Product Knowledge on Investment Decisions, it cannot moderate the effect of Religiosity on Investment Decisions.
Jesya (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Article Research Volume 7 Number 1, January 2024
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Al-Washliyah Sibolga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36778/jesya.v7i1.1453


This study aims to examine and analyze the role of the halal label in moderating the effect of brand image, product quality, and price on cosmetic purchase intention. The method used is quantitative. The data used is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that brand image and product quality significantly impact purchasing interest with p-values of 0.000<0.05 and 0.020<0.05, respectively. On the other hand, the Price and Halal Labels have no significant effect on purchasing intention, as evidenced by their respective p-values of 0.232 and 0.562>0.05. As a moderating variable, the Halal Label can only moderate the effect of Price on Purchase Intention with a significance p-value of 0.019 < 0.05. However, the Halal Label cannot moderate the influence of Brand Image and Product Quality variables on cosmetic Purchase Intention.
Persepsi Nasabah KPR Sejahtera Tapak pada PT Bank NTB Syariah pada Kantor Cabang Pejanggik Siti Khairunnas; Muh. Salahuddin; Muhamad Yusup; Fachrozi Fachrozi
Jesya (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 7 No 2 (2024): INPRESS : Artikel Periode Juli 2024
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Al-Washliyah Sibolga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36778/jesya.v7i2.1570


Bank NTB Syariah sebagaisalah satu perbankan syariahberperan penting dalam menyediakan fasilitas pembelian rumah melalui pembiayaan kepemilikan rumah (KPR) untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR) yang disebut dengan KPR Sejahtera tapak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi nasabah tentang tingkat margin, uang muka dan biaya administrasi pembiayaan KPR Sejahtera Tapak pada Bank NTB Syariah Kantor Cabang Pejanggik. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dengan data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dengan nasabah dan pejabat pemangku kebijakan pada layanan pembiayaan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa besaran margin yang ditetapkan sebesar 5% pada produk tersebut masih dirasa berat oleh nasabah, demikian pula besaran uang muka, akan tetapi untuk uang muka ini pihak bank memberikan keringanan negosiasi selama uang muka yang diminta nasabah sesuai SOP Bank. Adapun biaya administrasi yang dibebankan oleh nasabah sudah sesuai dengan SOP produk tersebut.
Sharia Microfinance Institutions' (SMIs) Resilience To Technological Disruption: Innovative Ecosystem Approaches On Lombok Island Riduan Mas’ud; Khamdan Rifa'i; Fachrozi Fachrozi; Fauzan Fauzan
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 13 No. 03 (2024): Jurnal Ekonomi, Edition July -September 2024
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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This research explores the resilience of Sharia Microfinance Institutions (LKMS) on Lombok Island in facing the era of technological disruption. Using a qualitative approach with a case study method, this research focuses on technology adaptation and the implementation of an innovative ecosystem model that involves collaboration with fintech, educational institutions and local governments. The research results show that despite facing challenges such as limited technological infrastructure, high implementation costs, and resistance to change, LKMS in Lombok succeeded in increasing operational efficiency and expanding access to financial services through digital technology. Collaboration with fintech allows LKMS to access modern technology at more affordable costs, while collaboration with educational institutions and local governments helps increase literacy and public acceptance of digital services. This research concludes that innovation and collaboration are the keys to the success of LKMS in maintaining their relevance and positive contribution to financial inclusion and poverty alleviation in the digital era. These findings provide practical guidance for MFIs in other regions to adopt similar strategies to improve their operational resilience and effectiveness.
Ekonomi Hijau dan Bisnis Syariah: Mempromosikan Bisnis yang Berkelanjutan dan Bertanggung Jawab Fachrozi; Mariana; Kukuh Tondoyekti
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis, Manajemen dan Akuntansi (JEBMA) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Artikel Periode Juli 2024
Publisher : ITScience (Information Technology and Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47709/jebma.v4i2.4071


Ekonomi hijau dan bisnis syariah merupakan dua konsep yang semakin mendapat perhatian dalam upaya mendorong bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan bertanggung jawab. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara ekonomi hijau dan bisnis syariah, serta potensi penerapannya dalam praktik bisnis. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur yang mengulas berbagai referensi ilmiah bereputasi dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekonomi hijau dan bisnis syariah memiliki keselarasan prinsip dalam mendorong bisnis yang ramah lingkungan dan beretika serta berkontribusi positif bagi masyarakat. Integrasi kedua konsep ini dapat menciptakan model bisnis yang komprehensif dan holistik. Namun, implementasinya masih menghadapi berbagai tantangan, seperti kurangnya kesadaran, regulasi yang belum optimal, dan sumber daya yang terbatas. Sinergi dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan sangat diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan penerapan ekonomi hijau dan bisnis syariah dalam praktik bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan bertanggung jawab.