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Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer vol. 1 no. 4 Oktober-Desember 2012
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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AbstrakKnowledge sharing merupakan salah satu hal yang penting di tingkat perusahaan, karena knowledge sharing merupakan pendekatan yang diperlukan untuk memfasilitasi pencatatan knowledge dan mendorong efektivitas dalam berbagi dengan rekan. Dengan adanya Knowledge Sharing akan terjadi percepatan pada Knowledge Transfer. Penerapan Knowledge Sharing dengan sebuah sistem berbasis web, diharapkan dapat menjadi  solusi dari  kebutuhan  organisasi. Tidak adanya kebijakan dan budaya para dosen untuk melaksanakan Knowledge Management (Knowledge Sharing) berbasis web, menyebabkan knowledge yang dimiliki oleh para dosen tidak dapat dibagi (sharing) dengan baik. Keadaan tersebut menyebabkan lambatnya transfer knowledge, baik di antara dosen sendiri maupun dosen dengan mahasiswa, terlebih lagi pada jangka panjang akan mengakibatkan hal yang tidak baik karena menyebabkan kemungkinan hilangnya knowledge itu sendiri. Penelitian ini menganalisis penerapan Knowledge Management berbasis Web untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di STMIK Widya Dharma. Kata Kunci: knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, perancangan web, penerapan knowledge management, UML  Abstract Knowledge sharing is one of important issues in a company because it is a required approach to facilitate knowledge recording and to improve the effectiveness of knowledge sharing among colleagues. Knowledge sharing accelarates the knowledge transfer. The application of knowledge sharing with the web based system is expected to be a solution for meeting the organization’s needs. The absence of policy and culture among the lecturers to carry out web based knowledge management results in knowledge sharing difficulties among the students and the faculty members in the long run. This research analyzes the web based knowledge management approach to accelerate the teaching and learning process quality at the STMIK Widya Dharma.    Keywords:             knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, web design, knowledge management application, UML
Cost-Benefit Analysis in The System Information Feasibility Planning at A Chicken Meat Distributian Company Hendrika, Novia; Saragih, Hoga; Pasaribu, Boy; Fatri, Refyul Rey; Gumilar, Gun Gun
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Vol. 3 No. 12 Oktober-Desember 2014
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Abstrak Pada era globalisasi informasi saat ini, perkembangan sistem dan teknologi berkembang dengan pesat. Perusahaan bersaing secara kompetitif dalam pasar global. Salah satu usaha dalam memenangkan persaingan adalah dengan melakukan investasi dan implementasi sistem dan teknologi informasi untuk membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan. E-Commerce merupakan salah satu sistem informasi yang membantu perusahaan dalam meningkatkan pelanggan. Dalam pengembangan sistem informasi agar sesuai dengan visi dan tujuan perusahaan, serta proyek sistem informasi berjalan dengan sukses, dibutuhkan perencanaan yang matang. Salah satu perencanaan yang seharusnya dilakukan perusahaan sebelum implementasi sistem informasi adalah menganalisis apakah investasi sistem informasi layak untuk dilakukan dan apa saja manfaat yang akan diperoleh perusahaan dengan adanya sistem informasi tersebut. Dengan menggunakan metode Cost Benefit Analysis, perusahaan dapat menganalisis kelayakan sistem informasi dari aspek ekonomis dengan menghitung payback period, return on investment, net present value, internal rate of return.  Kata Kunci: kelayakan sistem informasi, e-commerce, cost benefit analysis, investasi sistem informasi, payback period, return on investment, net present value, internal rate of return  Abstract In  the era of information globalization today, systems and technology development are growing rapidly. Companies strive in the competitive global market. One way to win the competition is by investing and implementing systems and information technology to assist in decision making. E-Commerce is one of the information systems that help companies increase their customers. In the development of information systems, good planning is required so that the information system will be implemented in line with the company’s vision and objectives and the project information system runs successfully. One planning a company should have done before the information system implementation is a feasibility study to analyze whether an investment is feasible and the benefits to be gained from the information system. By using the method of Cost Benefit Analysis, the company can analyze the feasibility of the information systems from the economical perspectives by calculating the payback period, return on investment, net present value, and internal rate of return. Keywords: feasibility study, information system, e-commerce, cost benefit analysis, IS/IT Investment, payback period, return on investment, net present value, internal rate of return
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer vol. 2 no. 5 Januari-Maret 2013
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjawab kebutuhan siswa SMAK Penabur Harapan Indah untuk memperoleh  informasi dari Pusat Layanan Informasi Siswa menggunakan konsep sistem Kios. Terdapat kecenderungan bahwa siswa memerlukan informasi terkini untuk mendukung tugas sekolah mereka. Sistem ini akan membantu meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan informasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa terhadap informasi yang lebih akurat. Layanan ini akan menjadi nilai tambah bagi SMAK Penabur Harapan Indah-Bekasi dalam persaingan dengan sekolah-sekolah lain di daerah Bekasi. SDLC yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah jenis Water Fall. Diharapkan Pusat Layanan siswa yang dirancang untuk SMAK Penabur Harapan Indah dapat menjadi solusi untuk masalah informasi, terutama informasi bagi siswa. Kata Kunci: informasi, sistem informasi, kios informasi, pusat layanan informasi, persyaratan siswaAbstractThis paper is aimed at answering the needs of SMAK Penabur Harapan Indah students to get information from the Student Service Center using Information Kiosk System concept. There is a tendency that students need up-to-date information to support their school work. This system will help improving the information service quality to meet the students’ need for more accurate information. The service will be an added value for SMAK Penabur Harapan Indah –Bekasi in competing with other schools in Bekasi area. SDLC used in this paper is the Water Fall type. It is expected that Student Service Centre designed for SMAK Penabur Harapan Indah can be the solution to the information problem, especially information for the students. Keywords: information, information system, information kiosk, student service center, student requirements
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Vol. 4 No. 13 Januari - Maret 2015
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Abstrak Perencanaan Strategi TI/SI pada program studi Sistem Informasi di institusi perguruan tinggi di universitas dengan menggunakan metode information technology balance scorecard (IT-BSC) telah dilakukan. Metode IT-BSC yang digunakan dalam mendukung pengukuran sasaran strategi TI/SI program studi Sistem Informasi perlu dibuatkan usulan perencanaannya dalam memprioritaskan kebutuhan TI/SI dalam mengimplementasikan rancangan strategis untuk menyusun rencana masa depan program studi Sistem Informasi universitas. Adapun responden yang mengisi kuisioner adalah mahasiswa angkatan 2010-2013 pada program studi Sistem Informasi Universitas dan responden lainnya yang juga mengisi kuisioner adalah Dosen Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Staf, dan Karyawan Universitas. Penggunaan Metodologi IT-BSC dipilih karena dalam melakukan perencanaan strategi TI/SI, metode ini merupakan alat yang cocok dalam mengukur kondisi program studi Sistem Informasi dari empat perspektif untuk merencanakan strategi TI/SI ke depan, yang dilakukan dengan perencanaan yang matang. Dalam mengukur perencanaan TI/SI, empat perspektif tersebut, yaitu perspektif konstribusi institusi, perspektif orientasi pengguna, perspektif penyempurnaan operasional, dan perspektif orientasi masa depan. Dari hasil yang diperoleh untuk perspektif kontribusi institusi didapatkan 64.7% (kurang), perspektif orientasi pengguna 68.25% (cukup), perspektif penyempurnaan operasional 65.6 (cukup), dan perspektif orientasi masa depan 63.7% (cukup). Dari hasil yang didapatkan pengukuran tersebut, untuk meningkatkan sasaran strategis program studi Sistem Informasi untuk mencapai tingkat persentase ke arah yang sangat baik, maka diusulkan pengembangan Aplikasi InformationGateway, apllikasi Cloud Computing, pengembangan Learning Management System, usulan pengembangan kemampuan SDM, usulan keamanan dan pengamanan sistem informasi, usulan pengembangan jaringan komputer untuk memenuhi perencanaan strategi TI/SI agar mencapai target program studi Sistem Informasi. Kata Kunci: TI/SI strategic planning, information technology balance score card (TI-BSC)  Abstract IT/IS Strategic Planning in an Information System Study Program at the university level by using Information Technology Balanced Scorecard (IT-BSC) has been 65.6% (sufficient), and future orientation at 63.7% (sufficient). The results suggest that it is important to develop Information Gateway (BIG) and Cloud Computing applications, Learning Management System, human resource capabilities, safe and secure information systems, and a computer network to achieve the strategic planning goals of the Information System Study Program. The use of IT-BSC method is to measure the IT/IS strategic objectives of Information Technology Study Program. A proposal needs to be developed to prioritize the needs of IT/IS in implementing the strategic plan for the future Information System study program. The respondents involved in the study are 2010-2013 batch students of the Information System Study Program, the lecturers, and the staff. The choice of IT-BSC method for the strategy planning IT/IS is due to its suitability to measure the condition of the study program from the four perspectives of the IT/IS strategy planning. The four perspectives include institution contributions, user orientation, operational improvement, and future orientation. The results showed that the institutional contribution perspective was at 64.7% (insufficient), user orientation at 68.25% (sufficient), operational improvement at 65.6% (sufficient), and future orientation at 63.7% (sufficient). The results suggest that it is important to develop Information Gateway (BIG) and Cloud Computing applications, Learning Management System, human resource capabilities, safe and secure information systems, and a computer network to achieve the strategic planning goals of the Information System Study Program. Keywords:TI/SI strategic planning, information technology balance score card (TI-BSC)
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer vol. 2 no. 5 Januari-Maret 2013
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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                                                AbstrakTeknologi informasi saat ini digunakan untuk memudahkan para pengguna agar dapat mengelola informasi menjadi lebih cepat dan efektif. Kemajuan teknologi pada industri perhotelan telah berkembang selama beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Perencanaan strategis merupakan salah satu upaya agar perusahaan atau organisasi dapat meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif dan meminimalkan kelemahan. Kemajuan teknologi pada industri pariwisata di bidang perhotelan yang berkembang mampu membuat proses bisnis menjadi lebih baik. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perencanaan strategis IT pada industri perhotelan yang dapat mendukung proses bisnis pada hotel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kerangka kerja IT Strategic planning oleh John Ward. Hasil yang dicapai berupa portfolio aplikasi baru, seperti Aplikasi Web Mobile, CRM, dan Knowledge Management System, Information Technology Balance Score Card (ITBSC) and Enterprise Architecture (EA),yang merupakan usulan dari bagian perencanaan strategis IT pada industri perhotelan.Kata Kunci: IT strategic planning, pariwisata, portfolio aplikasiAbstractInformation technology is employed to allow its users to manage information more quickly and effectively today. Advances in technology at the hospitality industry has evolved over the years. Strategic planning is one way that allows companies or organizations to increase competitive advantages and minimize disadvantages. The development of technology in the hospitality field has resulted in better business processes. This paper aims at producing IT strategic planning for the hospitality industry to support the hotel business processes. The method used in this research is the IT strategic planning framework introduced by John Ward. New applicationsportfolio such as Mobile Web Application, CRM, Knowledge Management System, Information Technology Balance Score Card (ITBSC) and Enterprise Architecture (EA) are proposedby the IT strategic planning at the hospitality industry. Keywords: IT strategic planning, tourism, portfolio application
Effect of Content, From, and Media of Communication Analysis on The Success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Project Implementation in Bank ABC Gumilar, Gun Gun; Dewi, Dian Kurniasari Citra; Saragih, Hoga
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Vol. 05 No. 20 Oktober - Desember 2016
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui atribut komunikasi yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan proyek implementasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) di Bank ABC. Atribut komunikasi yang dievaluasi dalam penelitian ini meliputi content, bentuk, dan media komunikasi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan instrumen kuesioner untuk mengukur persepsi perihal faktor-faktor tersebut. Data tersebut selanjutnya diolah menggunakan analisis regresi dan statistik deskriptif untuk mengetahui pengaruh content, bentuk, dan media komunikasi terhadap kesuksesan proyek implementasi ERP di Bank ABC. Dari hasil penelitian ini terlihat bahwa responden, yaitu anggota tim proyek implementasi ERP di Bank ABC, setuju bahwa content, bentuk, dan media komunikasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kesuksesan proyek implementasi ERP di Bank ABC. Dengan demikian, content, bentuk, dan media komunikasi dapat menjadi salah satu alat ukur kesuksesan proyek implementasi ERP di Bank ABC. Kata kunci: kesuksesan proyek, implementasi ERP  Abstract This research aims to discover communication attributes that gives successful effect on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation project in ABC Bank. Communication attributes analyzed in this research are communication content, form, and media. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis in order to examine communication content, form, and media’s successful effect on ERP implementation project in ABC Bank. The result of this study indicates that project team of ERP implementation project in ABC Bank as respondents do agree that communication content, form, and media are giving positive influence on successful ERP implementation project in ABC Bank. Therefore, communication content, form, and media can be used as one of the measuring instruments on success indicator in implementing ERP project in ABC Bank. Keywords: successful project, ERP implementation  
Journal of BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM Vol 1, No 01 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Bakrie

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All the recording of the events of administration of population, births, deaths, residents moved in and fund the citizens must first noted by RT, then reported to the RW, and continue to the village. In the case study Cipondoh Indah Village recording system previously encountered many obstacles due to the storage of data in hardcopy resulting data on demographic events are broken or missing. The process of delivering a report on population is not real time because the wait for the report of each device associated. But to run the administration and citizens administration fund requires an information system that is able to accommodate all of the recording of the events that occur in the population. The purpose of this research is to produce a design of information systems administration and fund management resident population online in the form of web-based dashboard using design methods WISDM (Web Information System Development Methodology) results will be applied to hamlet 01 Cipondoh Indah Kota Tangerang. Kata kunci: Information Systems, Web Dashboard, Web Information Systems Development Methodology (WISDM)
Expert system for heart disease based on electrocardiogram data using certainty factor with multiple rule Sumiati Sumiati; Hoga Saragih; Titik Abdul Rahman; Agung Triayudi
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol 10, No 1: March 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v10.i1.pp43-50


Limited public health services in remote areas, where the lack of transportation infrastructure, facilities, communication facilities and minimal medical personnel, especially for areas with underdeveloped, foremost, and regular (3T) status. The limitation of medical personnel is one of the factors for the high mortality rate of heart disease. On the other hand, the development of information technology, especially in the field of computing, is very fast in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, but not yet used optimally, especially in the health sector. This study aims to develop a system or software that can replace a doctor for the process of identifying heart defects based on an expert system. Expert system developed with the certainty factor with multiple rule approach. System testing is carried out from the results of the system validity with experts, so that the system test results produce a certainty factor value for a normal heart of 0.95 and an accuracy level of 95%, while the certainty factor (CF) value for an abnormal heart is 0.99 and produces an accuracy rate of 99%.
Determinants Effectiveness of Information Technology Governance and IT Performance in Higher Education Institution (HEI): A Conceptual Framework Anwar Fattah; Hoga Saragih; Resad Setyadi
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): January 2021
Publisher : Publisher Cv. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46729/ijstm.v2i1.135


The purpose of this article is to build a conceptual framework based on literature review that will be tested in future research related to Information Technology Governance (ITG). The results of the literature review allow for the construction of hypotheses into a conceptual framework. Furthermore, the study identifies mechanism that contribute to effectiveness IT governance based on past literatures, on this domain assesses mechanism ITG the influence between information technology performance and effectiveness Information technology governance .The conceptual framework will be tested among higher Education Institution (HEI) users for future research in Indonesia..
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Bekafe Untuk Membantu Menghubungkan Customer Kopi Dan Kafe Di Seluruh Indonesia Berbasis Android Albert Arapenta Sembiring; Muhammad An Naufal Langnegara; Hoga Saragih
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Bina Insani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51211/itbi.v6i2.1723


The coffee shop business is one of the rapidly growing business industries in Indonesia. This encourages many people to open coffee shops or develop existing coffee shops. Bepahkupi creates a better coffee shop ecosystem in Indonesia by building an Android-based Bekafe application. This application helps connect coffee shops and coffee customers. With one application, the information and connection between the two parties is greatly facilitated. The Android-based Bekafe application is specifically designed to make it easier for customers to find cafe locations. In addition, customers will also get information about operational schedules, routes/locations and cafe menus. Blackbox method is testing the fundamental aspects of the system without paying attention to the internal logical structure of the software. Starting from the login page, home, cafe, shop, cart, notification, and maps work well with VALID results on every test. In addition, the authorss chose the User Acceptance Test (UAT) in the stages of the testing process. UAT is done by asking a number of respondents to operate the Bekafe application. The results of testing on the Bekafe application get good results. Almost all respondents gave satisfactory results. Although the test results were satisfactory, the respondents gave additional suggestions to complete the Bekafe application. As for what can be added, news features about coffee or cafes in Indonesia, delivery features, and updating the UI and UX appearance of the Android-based Bekafe application