Arkhiansyah, Yuni;
Setiawan, Dodi Yudo
Jurnal Informatika Vol 15, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : IIB Darmajaya
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CCTV which available now is not provided with the ability to recognize but only to record and must be observed directly by users. This way will heighten the level of human error, therefore this paper will build 3D face recognition to be implemented on CCTV provided with camera control using microcontroller. Microcontroller will assist in the process of face recognition. The 3D face recognition is selected in the process of face recognition because it has some benefits that namely not dependent to the lighting. Key words: CCTV, 3D face recognition, microcontroller
Herlambang, Dian;
Setyawan, Dodi Yudo
Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2018: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ICITB) 4
Publisher : Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB)
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In Indonesia, electronic commerce can be said to be very developed. In 2007 there was a case which can be said to be the first case of electronic commerce. The data can be seen based on studies and suggestion that was carried out by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) on the case of the MoU between the Government of Indonesia and Microsoft (KPPU Report, 2007). This study was written to determine the implementation of the rules of business competition law and the policy of the KPPU in the field of business competition in relation to electronic commerce. In this study two approaches were used, namely the normative approach. The data in this study are mainly obtained from library research, especially on primary legal materials in the field of business competition. The data analysis used is qualitative method. This is closely related to research which can be categorized by normative legal research that approach is more abstract-theoretical. the results of the study show that the e-commerce business sector still does not lead to anti-business competition practices even though it still enters the surveillance radar. This may be due to electronic commerce itself is a new form of trade.Keywords : E-commerce, Business Competition, and Policy
Setyawan, Dodi Yudo;
Rafiq, M;
Rosandy, Triowali;
-, Suratno
Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2018: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ICITB) 4
Publisher : Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB)
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Prayer is an obligation that must be carried out by every Muslim, at least five times a day a night is obliged to pray. The time was determined according to the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet. Every Muslim must know the prayer times precisely and specifically for the muezzin to proclaim the call to prayer. Determining prayer times is largely dependent on the position of the sun on the earth. This certainly makes it difficult to determine the exact prayer time, therefore it is necessary to build a system that is able to determine and display prayer times precisely based on raspbarry pi3. Determination of prayer times is based on the position of longitude and latitude of the earth according to real time and altitude. Built using lazarus programming language with free pascal compiler. The system can determine and display prayer times precisely.Keywords: Prayer, digital, raspberry
Calibration of Geomagnetic and Soil Temperatur Sensor for Earthquake Early Warning System
Dodi Yudo Setyawan;
Dona Yuliawati;
Warsito Warsito;
Warsono Warsono
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 16, No 5: October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v16i5.7592
The study of Design of Earthquake Early Warning System for Real Time Using Geomagnetism and Total Electron Content with Fuzzy Logic through competitive grants scheme has obtained the prototype of the earthquake early warning system. However, it still needs improvements on in the calibration of thesensor system especially for MAG3110 sensor and DHT11 sensor. This calibration was done by adjusting the sensor system to the existing measuring devices standards in the Physics Department laboratory of the Sains Faculty Lampung University, to obtain measurement accuracyand to get a good result about where and when the earthquake would occurand how strong the earthquake would be. The calibration of MAG3110 sensor and DHT11 sensor obtained the standard correction results, the standard deviation of MAG3110 from 3 axes, namely x axis was 8.5, y axis was 2.66, and z axis was 1.9, whereas the standard deviation for DH11 sensor was 0.1161.
Gempa Bumi : Hubungan Data Sensor MAG3110 dengan Data Sensor ADXL345 Berbasis IoT
Dodi Yudo Setyawan;
Nurfiana Nurfiana;
Lia Rosmalia;
Melia Gripin Setiawati
Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika
Publisher : Universitas Lampung
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DOI: 10.23960/jtaf.v9i2.2802
The earthquake early warning system was built by implementing the IoT-based telemetry method to measure the earth's magnetic flux and vibrations at the latitude coordinates and longitude coordinates (-5.640274, 104.3050093), (-5.600941, 104.7788183) through the MAG3110 and ADXL345 sensors that were integrated in the raspberry pi3 as a server and applications on Android phones used for measurement data display. The result of the measurement data was that the average impact of the arising earth anomaly and vibration at the same coordinates took 400 seconds in the anomaly range of 395 μT to 404 μT. The conclusion of this study was that the study was able to be used as a basic to design the real-time earthquake warning system.Abstrak.Untuk membangun sistem peringantan dini gempa bumi kami menerapkan metode telemetri berbasis IoT untuk mengukur flux magnet bumi dan getaran pada pada koordinat lintang dan bujur bumi (-5.640274, 104.3050093) dan (-5.600941, 104.7788183) menggunakan sensor MAG3110 dan ADXL345 yang diintegrasikan dalam raspberry pi3 sebagai server dan aplikasi di handphone android digunakan untuk menampikan data pengukuran. Hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh rata-rata impact yang ditumbulkan dari timbulnya anomali dengan datangnya getaran pada koordinat yang sama membutuhkan waktu 400 detik dari rentang anomali sebesar 395 µT sampai dengan 404 µT. Hal ini menurut peneliti dapat dijadikan dasar untuk membangun sistem peringatan gempa bumi secara real time.
Suratno Suratno;
Dodi Yudo Setyawan
Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh Vol 20 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi
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DOI: 10.24252/jdt.v20i2.10340
The realization of the sakinah mawadah warahmah (samara) family is the ideal of every family. Some parameters for the realization of such a family are a wife in a household that is 'Alimah, Zahidah,' Abidah, Murabbiyah, Khaddimah and Da'iya. Many methods can be applied to make it happen, in this study focused on the method of khuruj fisabilillah masturah jama'ah tabligh. This method jama'ah husband and wife out of the house in a few days to do da'wah and study religion specifically. By analyzing the method, it was found 79.16% increase in the number of samara family parameters achieved by the family carrying out the activity.
Yuni Arkhiansyah;
Dodi Yudo Setiawan
Jurnal Informatika Vol 15, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : IIB Darmajaya
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DOI: 10.30873/ji.v15i2.601
CCTV which available now is not provided with the ability to recognize but only to record and must be observed directly by users. This way will heighten the level of human error, therefore this paper will build 3D face recognition to be implemented on CCTV provided with camera control using microcontroller. Microcontroller will assist in the process of face recognition. The 3D face recognition is selected in the process of face recognition because it has some benefits that namely not dependent to the lighting. Key words: CCTV, 3D face recognition, microcontroller
Rahmalia Syahputri;
Alexander Hendra Wijaya;
Nurfiana Nurfiana;
Dodi Yudo Setyawan
Jurnal Informatika Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : IIB Darmajaya
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DOI: 10.30873/ji.v22i1.3153
Optimization of agriculture can be done by modernizing agricultural processes through the use of the Internet of Things. One of the problems with modern agricultural processes in greenhouses is maintaining stable room temperature and soil moisture conditions. Currently, automatic watering is only carried out with a scheduling system based on certain times, such as morning and evening. Based on observations of two gardens, the condition of some plants looks dry and wilted due to lack of watert. Therefore, it is essential to have a system that calculates soil moisture content and room temperature, which will then provide the results of these calculations to turn on the plant watering device. Fuzzy logic is used to determine the condition of the system that will send a signal to the IoT hardware to carry out the process of watering plants automatically by paying attention to air temperature and soil humidity. This rule is applied to the Smart Farming application, called Tani Cerdas, which is built based on Android to manage modern agriculture based on the IoT. The test showed result that the built automation system can produce a good response based on data from sensors.
Dodi Yudo Setyawan;
Lia Rosmalia;
Cut Hikmah
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2: Juli 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute
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Perkembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia semakin baik pada bidang usaha kuliner, fashion, pendidikan dan produk kreatif. Namun ditengah peningkatan tersebut masih terdapat kendala salah satunya adalah sumber daya manusia selaku pengelola UMKM yang perlu dilakukan peningkatan dalam bidang pemanfaatan akses teknologi media sosial whatsapp dan marketplace facebook. Metode yang diterapkan yakni dengan mengambil data kebutuhan UMKM secara interview dan dilakukan pelatihan mengenai pemanfaatan media sosial. Dari hasil pelatihan dan penerapan yang telah dilakukan diperoleh peningkatan nilai penjualan produk UMKM 10 sampai 15 produk setiap bulanya.
Dian Herlambang;
Dodi Yudo Setyawan
Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2018: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ICITB) 4
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology and Business
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In Indonesia, electronic commerce can be said to be very developed. In 2007 there was a case which can be said to be the first case of electronic commerce. The data can be seen based on studies and suggestion that was carried out by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) on the case of the MoU between the Government of Indonesia and Microsoft (KPPU Report, 2007). This study was written to determine the implementation of the rules of business competition law and the policy of the KPPU in the field of business competition in relation to electronic commerce. In this study two approaches were used, namely the normative approach. The data in this study are mainly obtained from library research, especially on primary legal materials in the field of business competition. The data analysis used is qualitative method. This is closely related to research which can be categorized by normative legal research that approach is more abstract-theoretical. the results of the study show that the e-commerce business sector still does not lead to anti-business competition practices even though it still enters the surveillance radar. This may be due to electronic commerce itself is a new form of trade.Keywords : E-commerce, Business Competition, and Policy