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The Role of Technology in Arabic Education: Smartboard Features and Challenges M Sholih Salimul Uqba; Nur Hasaniyah; Abdul Muntaqim Al Anshory; Nafiatur Rasyidah
Ihtimam : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Juni
Publisher : STAI Masjid Syuhada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36668/jih.v7i1.801


This study aims to determine the role of smartboard technology in Arabic language learning media. The approach in this research is descriptive qualitative, which is carried out in the SKS (Semester Credit System) class of MTsN 2 Malang. Data were collected using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The data were then analyzed with three steps of the Miles and Huberman model, namely, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings of this study indicate that the use of smartboard technology has a significant impact on student motivation in learning Arabic. The students report that the incorporation of smartboard technology into the learning environment has increased their interest and enthusiasm in the subject matter. They also perceive a greater sense of involvement in the learning process due to the interactive features of the smartboard, such as writing, drawing, and manipulating objects on the touch screen. Direct interaction with the smartboard in Arabic language learning provides a visual and kinesthetic experience that helps students to understand concepts and develop language skills. However, there are some challenges related to the use of the smartboard, including limited accessibility, infrastructure, and teachers' readiness and competence in integrating the smartboard into learning.
The Utilization of Language Laboratories in Istima’ Learning at Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University Lamongan Evy Nur Rohmawaty; Abdul Muntaqim Al Anshory; Nur Hasaniyah; M Sholih Salimul Uqba; Khoirotun Ni'mah
KIRANA : Social Science Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): KIRANA : Social Science Journal
Publisher : Yayasan Sagita Akademia Maju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61579/kirana.v1i2.158


Language laboratories are considered an effective medium for foreign language learning, facilitating teachers and learners to study more effectively. The modern language laboratories used today represent a new and innovative approach, incorporating various types of media with specific functions. This study aims to analyze the use of language laboratories for Istima' learning, the different tools available in language laboratories, students' perceptions of using language laboratories in Istima' learning, and the challenges or obstacles encountered during the use of language laboratories in Istima' learning. The research was conducted at Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University Lamongan. A qualitative descriptive method was used in this study. Data collection techniques included interviews and questionnaires. The findings of this study indicate that: 1) The tools used in the language laboratory for Istima' learning include earphones, LCD screens, projectors, the internet, Wi-Fi, YouTube, and e-learning platforms; 2) The utilization of language laboratories, media, and learning resources is primarily for delivering content and for evaluation or assignments in Istima' learning; 3) Students' perspectives indicate that the media and learning resources used in the language laboratory positively impact their enthusiasm and engagement in Istima' learning.