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JURNAL PESONA Vol 4, No 1 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26638/jp.602.2080


AbstractThis study aims to describe the cultural value in Candhikala Kapuranta novel as an alternative to dehumanization settlement in IoT era. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. The data source used is Candhikala Kapurantas novel by Sugiarto Sriwibawa. Data collection techniques used is the technique of referring note, while the technique of data analysis using interactive analysis techniques. Based on the research that has been done, the results of his research as follows. First, the cultural values in Candhikala Kapurantas novel include religious values and social values. Second, dehumanization in the IoT era is individualism, pornography, and intolerance. Thirdly, the cultural values contained in Candhikala Kapurantas novel as an alternative to dehumanization settlement in the IoT era.Keywords: Cultural Values, Dehumanization, Era IoT, Novel
Dongeng sebagai Sarana Pembentukan Kepribadian pada Era Disrupsi (Fairy Tales as a Means of Personality Formation in the Era of Disruption) Krisna Pebryawan; Luwiyanto Luwiyanto
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 9, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.438 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.9.1.2019.1-14


Era disrupsi membawa pengaruh yang kuat bagi perubahan kehidupan masyarakat. Inovasi teknologi yang terjadi di semua sektor membuat persaingan semakin ketat. Literasi lama seperti membaca, menulis, dan matematika tidak cukup untuk sekedar bertahan hidup. Dibutuhkan literasi data, literasi teknologi, dan literasi manusia. Sehingga tidak hanya intelegensinya yang perlu ditingkatkan, tetapi juga aspek manusianya juga perlu ditingkatkan supaya lebih manusiawi dan berbudaya. Oleh karenanya, dongeng sebagai warisan budaya yang memiliki nilai kearifan lokal perlu diajarkan kepada generasi X dan Y untuk lebih arif memaknai era disrupsi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun data yang digunakan berupa kumpulan dongeng yang didapat dari berbagai sumber. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa dongeng dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pembentuk kepribadian anak. Nilai yang bisa dipetik dari cerita dongeng adalah nilai religi, nilai sosial (kesetiawakanan), dan nilai budaya. Selain ketiga nilai tersebut, dongeng juga mengandung pendidikan seperti kerjasama, kerja keras, pantang menyerah dan kemandirian.Kata kunci: dongeng, kepribadian, disrupsiABSTRACTThe disruption era brings a strong influence on the changing lives of the people. Technological innovations that occur in all sectors make competition even tighter. Old literature such as reading, writing, and mathematics is not enough to just survive. Data literacy, technology literacy and human literacy are needed. So that not only the intelligence needs to be improved, but also the human aspect also needs to be improved so that it is more humane and cultured. Therefore, fairy tales as cultural heritage that have the value of local wisdom need to be taught to generations X and Y to be wiser in understanding the disruption era. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data used in the form of a collection of fairy tales obtained from various sources. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it was found that fairy tales can be used as the formation of the child's personality. The values that can be taken from fairy tales are religious values, social values (kesetiawakanan), and cultural values. In addition to these three values, fairy tales also contain education such as cooperation, hard work, never give up and independence.
GOOGLE SUITE FOR EDUCATION TRAINING FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING IN SMA NEGERI 1 JATINOM Septiana Wijayanti; Eric Kunto Aribowo; Ana Setyandari; Wisnu Nugroho Aji; Krisna Pebryawan; Tasari Tasari
Pasundan International of Community Services Journal (PICS-J) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Volume 02 Number 2 December 2020
Publisher : LPM Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/pics.v2i2.3389


This google suite training activity is one form of community service activities which is done by the excellent team of LPPM Unwidha Klaten. This is aimed at teachers to prepare the 21st century skills. Before, the training activities took place, the team was conducted the observation and interview, so it was decided that the place for community service activities was SMA Negeri 1 Jatinom and it is carried out in three meeting session of training. The first meeting was training on google docs, google slides, and google sheets. The second meeting was google form and google drive. The third meeting was google site and google classroom. This training shows the enthusiasm of the participants to learn the 21st century skills. It can be seen by the participants who consistently follow and explore all the material in training. From the total of 66 participants, 70% of them have completed all the task which is given in the end of each training. Besides, the participants are considered capable in operating various google suite according to the material provided.