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Pengaruh Financial Distress, Kompleksitas Operasi dan Auditor Switching Terhadap Audit Report Lag Dengan Ukuran Perusahaan Sebagai Pemoderasi Napisah Napisah; Regina Deia Soeparyono
Owner : Riset dan Jurnal Akuntansi Vol. 8 No. 3 (2024): Artikel Research July 2024
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/owner.v8i3.2191


The aim of this research is to determine the influence of Financial Distress, Company Operational Complexity and Auditor Swithing on Audit Report Lag with Company Size as a moderating variable. The method used in this research is associative quantitative, using secondary data. The population of this research is food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2022 period, namely 72 companies. With the research sample method using purposive sampling with six sample criteria, the total sample used was 19 companies so that the observations amounted to 95 data. Data analysis in this research uses descriptive statistical analysis, panel data regression model estimation, classical assumption testing, hypothesis testing and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) using eviews 10. The results of this research are that Financial Distress has an effect on Audit Report Lag, the complexity of company operations has no effect. on the Audit Report Lag, Auditor Swithing cannot influence the Audit Report Lag. And for the moderating variable, company size can only strengthen the relationship between company operational complexity and Audit Report Lag, while company size weakens the relationship between Financial Distress and Audit Report Lag, and company size weakens the relationship between Auditor Swithing and Audit Report Lag
Jurnal Abdi Citra Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Abdi Citra Volume 1 Nomor 1 Februari Tahun 2024
Publisher : Publika Citra Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62237/jac.v1i1.38


The profit and loss report is part of a company's financial report produced in an accounting period which describes the elements of the company's income and expenses to produce a net profit (or loss). MSMEs are independent productive economic enterprises, usually carried out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or branches of companies owned, controlled or part of directly or indirectly. Business actors in the Gading Shining UMKM are part of the UMKM. The problem faced by MSME actors is related to the inability of MSME actors to prepare profit and loss reports for their businesses. MSME players claim that they do not have knowledge regarding making profit and loss reports. This Community Service activity aims to prepare a simple profit and loss report for Gading Bersinar MSME players so that it can be used to manage and build MSMEs and collaborate with bankers, investors and other business partners. The method developed in this activity involves socializing the preparation of simple profit and loss reports for Gading Bersinar MSMEs. So with this activity regarding the socialization of simple profit and loss reports, it is intended to provide understanding in making simple profit and loss reports for ivory shining MSME players so that they can be directly applied in their businesses.
Edukasi Perhitungan Harga Pokok Penjualan untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan pada Kube Wanita UMKM Pamulang Estate Khusnul Khuluqi; Andry Sugeng; Regina Deia Soeparyono
Jurnal PKM Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal PKM Manajemen Bisnis
Publisher : Perhimpunan Sarjana Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/pkmb.v4i2.896


Education regarding how to calculate COGS is very important so that MSMEs can maximize their business development potential. Errors in determining COGS can result in business losses. Therefore, education about COGS calculations is vital to help MSMEs achieve competitive advantage and maximize business development potential. MSMEs are independent productive economic enterprises, usually carried out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or branches of companies owned, controlled or part of directly or indirectly. The business actors in this activity are the Pamulang Estate UMKM Women's Kube. This Community Service activity aims to provide education regarding calculating the cost of goods sold to increase MSME sales. The method developed in this activity involves socializing the calculation of cost of goods sold to increase sales at the Pamulang Estate UMKM Women's Kube. The problem faced by MSME players is related to a lack of knowledge regarding calculating the cost of goods sold in their business so that MSMEs are inaccurate in determining the cost of goods sold and determine the selling price incorrectly. MSME players argue that they do not have knowledge regarding calculating the good and correct cost of goods sold. So that this activity regarding calculating the cost of goods sold can provide business actors with insight, knowledge and skills in understanding the correct calculation of the cost of goods sold and can directly apply it in their business.
Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance dan Kebijakan Hutang terhadap Manajemen Laba dengan Kinerja Keuangan sebagai Pemoderasi Regina Deia Soeparyono
AKADEMIK: Jurnal Mahasiswa Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): AKADEMIK: Jurnal Mahasiswa Ekonomi & Bisnis
Publisher : Perhimpunan Sarjana Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/jmeb.v4i1.687


This research aims to analyze the impact of good corporate governance and debt policy on earnings management practices, with financial performance as a moderator. The research method applied is an associative quantitative approach using secondary data. The population considered consists of non-cyclical companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2018-2022, totaling 113 companies. Samples were selected using purposive sampling method, with four specific criteria resulting in 32 companies as samples, yielding a total of 160 data observations. Data analysis was conducted through descriptive statistical techniques, panel data regression model estimation, classical assumption tests, hypothesis testing, and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) using Eviews 10 software. The research findings indicate that good corporate governance measured by the Board of Directors proxy partially significantly influences earnings management practices. However, the influence of good corporate governance measured by the Independent Commissioners proxy is not statistically significant on earnings management practices. Furthermore, debt policy also does not significantly affect earnings management practices. Additionally, it was found that financial performance does not moderate the relationship between the Board of Directors and Independent Commissioners with earnings management practices, nor does it moderate the relationship between debt policy and earnings management practices.