Arnus, Sri Hadijah
IAIN Palopo

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PALITA Vol 1, No 2 (2016): PALITA
Publisher : IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/pal.v1i2.92


AbstractPers function, besides as a piece of information between the public and the government, also could be atransfer of social control and social values and culture in society too. The press can also be amedia propaganda that conveys the teachings of Islam and Islamic benefits to people ofIndonesian that dominant in Muslim. But, in the era of media convergence at this time, pressIslam in Indonesia is not able to develop correctly. It is caused by a lack of capital from themanager of the media Islam, the lack of professional personnel are educated to understand thecombination of business activities, editorial, printing techniques and a variety of advanceddevices and the lack of interest in reading among Muslims especially the themes of Islam. Thusresulting in less exciting views of Islam with media content that impressed "heavy" to read.Industrialists of mass media today demanded the Islamic press is not the only idealism, but alsodevelop media businesses to finance the smooth operation of the media, in addition to the needfor the professionalism of workers in managing the Islamic press media. Release Islam also needs tounderstand the market taste and class audience of readers who want rational religious offerings,which can be digested by common sense and is relevant to the level of their lives. Inaddition to media contents, press Islam also should pay attention to their physical appearancethat appeal to readers. With so releases Islam can survive amid tough competition in the era ofmedia convergence.
PALITA Vol 2, No 2 (2017): PALITA : Journal of Social Religion Research
Publisher : IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/pal.v2i2.113


The new media era is a time when every individual has a virtual community other than their community in the real world. The high interactivity of social media and its decentralized nature allows for the enormous flow of information that inflicts social media users. This of course can have a positive impact, but it can also bring a negative effect. To counteract the negative effects of social media, media literacy is needed, in this case for students. Media literacy is done to form a filter on students, in the face of negative exposure in social media that can give effect to the formation of a stereotype of a person against a particular ethnic or religious groups, as well as information charged with radicalism. It is deemed necessary to see IAIN Kendari students who have very diverse ethnic backgrounds and different organizational backgrounds of different groups, thus affecting the difference of individuals in making decisions or in dealing with various forms of information from social media. Media literacy is done through the way of dawah is to provide understanding to the students how the media to construct a message that is combined with messages that contain knowledge about Islam. This paper will describe the media literacy model for IAIN Kendari students with the form of dawah which aims to counteract the understanding of radicalism obtained through social media, for IAIN students Kendari.