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KANDUNGAN LOGAM ESENSIAL TEMBAGA (Cu) DI LINGKARAN TAHUN KARANG PORITES LUTEA DARI PERAIRAN CAGAR ALAM PULAU SEMPU MALANG Luthfi, Oktiyas Muzaky; Rijatmoko, Sigit; Isdianto, Andik; Setyohadi, Daduk; Jauhari, Alfan; Lubis, Ali Arman
Dinamika Maritim Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Dinamika Maritim, Vol. 6 No. 1, August 2017 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Coastal and Marine Resources Research Center, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Tanjungpinang, Indonesia

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Sempu Island is a nature reserve that has fringing reef with percentage of living coral cover almost constant 37% from 2009 to 2016. Coral massive Porites lutea in this area has a growth rate about 1.09 cm/yr. in average and almost similar with others. Coral massive growth rate can be monitor through their skeletal annual banding. They have two type annual banding, low density for slow growth coral skeletal and high density for fast growth rate of coral skeletal. In this banding coral can record any environmental condition such as sea water temperature, tides and heavy metal. The aim of this research was to know the concentration of copper in Sempu Island Nature Reserve in the past used ICP-OES. The result showed that the Cu concentration in P. lutea skeletal band from 2009-2016 were: 5.213; 6.403; 5.825; 6.511; 6.132; 6.403; 6.467; 6.22 mg/kg. The coral skeletal can absorb the pollutant for hundred years, and it will give important information for palaeo environment that can used for climate modelling in the future.
Geochronology of Cadmium (Cd), Cuprum (Cu), and Arsenics (As) in Annual Band of Coral Porites lutea at Pantai Kondang Merak, Malang Luthfi, Oktiyas Muzaky; Rijatmoko, Sigit; Isdianto, Andik; Setyohadi, Daduk; Jauhari, Alfan; Lubis, Ali Arman
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 11, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.663 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v11i2.19991


Coral reef is a massive natural building block that mainly composed of hard coral. In ecological view coral reef is the center of biological activity for shelter, foraging and feeding place. Porites lutea is a common coral in reef flat area such as in Pantai Kondang Merak. This coral can form a massive with hillocky colony surface and has a slow linear extension rate, that made this coral has long longevity. The annual growth band of coral skeleton provide information of pollutants in the coastal extending back over several years ago due to ability of coral aragonite traped trace metal from environment. The aim of this research was to determine the concentration of trace metals of Cd, Cu and As along with the coral annual banding. The heavy metals detection was performed using ICP-OES (iCAP 7400 Series). The concentration of Cd, Cu and As in sample 1 (KM1) were 2.236 mg/kg, 9.726 mg/kg, and 2.474 mg/kg, while sample 2 (KM2) were 1.989 mg/kg, 19.157 mg/kg, and 2,064 mg/kg respectively. Two ways mechanism of trace metals to be trapped in the coral skeleton are by direct mechanism when trace metals in a form dissolved ion that were uptaken by coral then stored into coral skeleton and by indirect mechanism when particulate metals ingested by plankton then eaten by coral through coral tissue. The tracing of heavy metal in coral is provided important information of environment condition of the sea from 2009 - 2015 that may be used for authority decision regarding pollutant ambient in the sea environment.
Komposisi dan Kerapatan Mangrove Kawasan Konservasi Taman Wisata Perairan Gugusan Pulau- Pulau Momparang Aliviyanti, Dian; Isdianto, Andik
Indonesian Journal of Conservation Vol 9, No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Badan Pengembang Konservasi UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijc.v9i2.26547


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi komposisi jenis dan kerapatan vegetasi mangrove di Pulau Karang Raya, Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung.  Metode penelitian exploratif yaitu ex post facto sesuai dengan kondisi lapang. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan metode transek kuadran 10 x 10 m dengan 3 transek dan line transek sepanjang 50 m.  Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas meliputi komposisi, nilai Indeks Nilai Penting (INP), dan kerapatan jenis vegetasi mangrove.  Hasil yang didapatkan komposisi jenis vegetasi mangrove terdiri dari lima jenis yaitu Bruguiera clyndrica, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Rhizopora apiculate, Rhizopora mucronata, dan Sonneratia alba. Rhizopora mucronata memiliki nilai INP tertinggi pada tiga stasiun pengamatan. Kerapatan dan persentase penutupan vegetasi mangrove pada stasiun I dan II termasuk kategori sangat padat dan baik.  Sedangkan pada stasiun III menunjukan kategori nilai kerapatan yang bervariasi yaitu jarang, sedang, dan padat, serta kategori persentase penutupan rusak dan baik.
KANDUNGAN LOGAM ESENSIAL TEMBAGA (Cu) DI LINGKARAN TAHUN KARANG PORITES LUTEA DARI PERAIRAN CAGAR ALAM PULAU SEMPU MALANG Luthfi, Oktiyas Muzaky; Rijatmoko, Sigit; Isdianto, Andik; Setyohadi, Daduk; Jauhari, Alfan; Lubis, Ali Arman
Dinamika Maritim Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Dinamika Maritim, Vol. 6 No. 1, August 2017 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji, Indonesia

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Sempu Island is a nature reserve that has fringing reef with percentage of living coral cover almost constant 37% from 2009 to 2016. Coral massive Porites lutea in this area has a growth rate about 1.09 cm/yr. in average and almost similar with others. Coral massive growth rate can be monitor through their skeletal annual banding. They have two type annual banding, low density for slow growth coral skeletal and high density for fast growth rate of coral skeletal. In this banding coral can record any environmental condition such as sea water temperature, tides and heavy metal. The aim of this research was to know the concentration of copper in Sempu Island Nature Reserve in the past used ICP-OES. The result showed that the Cu concentration in P. lutea skeletal band from 2009-2016 were: 5.213; 6.403; 5.825; 6.511; 6.132; 6.403; 6.467; 6.22 mg/kg. The coral skeletal can absorb the pollutant for hundred years, and it will give important information for palaeo environment that can used for climate modelling in the future.
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): JFMR VOL 5 NO.2
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2021.005.02.2


Mangrove adalah tumbuhan yang mampu beradaptasi pada kondisi ekstrim utamanya pada daerah yang memiliki kadar garam tinggi. Identifikasi luasan hutan mangrove perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi sumberdaya yang ada disana. Hal ini dikarenakan mangrove sebagai tempat daerah asuhan (nursery grounds), tempat mencari makan (feeding grounds), dan daerah pemijahan (spawning grounds) berbagai jenis ikan. Tujuan dari penulisan jurnal ini adalah untuk mengetahui luas sebaran hutan mangrove pada Segara Anakan, Cilacap Jawa Tengah. Metode pengolahan citra satelit dengan cara digitasi menggunakan software ArcMap dan Envi tanpa melakukan validasi data ke lapangan. Analisa citra satelit  menggunakan perbandingan warna pada band NIR Citra satelit Landsat 8. Untuk membedakan mangrove dan non mangrove dengan melakukan  digitasi dan menghitung luas pada atribut tabel Arcmap. Hasil akhir terlihat luasan mangrove cilacap mencapai 12.005 Ha yang mengindikasikan terjadi perubahan luasan hutan mangrove dari tahun 2013 sebesar 4005 Ha.
Actualize The Coastal Ecosystem Resilience : Determining The Location Of Artficial Reef Andik Isdianto; Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi
Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiat.2020.006.02.8


Oceanographic parameters that affect coral reef growth are clarity, temperature, salinity and water currents taken at 20 stations using AAQ Rinko 1183 and FLOWATCH FL-03 current meter. The data processing using the IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) interpolation method and the determination of the suitability area through scoring and weighting. The identification value consist of: (a) Clarity ranges from 2 - 6 meters, (b) Water turbidity ranges from 0.3 - 4.32 NTU, (c) Bottom substrate type is fine black sand, (d) Current velocity ranges from 0.1 m/s - 0.4 m/s, and (e) TSS ranges from 35.6 - 351 mg / L. The suitability of placing artificial reefs is classified at the appropriate level (S2), as a support for the survival of fishermen and local communities in Damas Beach, Trenggalek Regency.
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technology Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jeest.2021.008.02.2


Coastal ecosystems are very vulnerable to environmental changes, and one of the variables of resilience in coastal areas is wave height. Clungup Beach is one of the beaches located in South Java with the characteristics of high waves. Analysis of wave height forecasting to minimize environmental damage in the future. The wave height forecasting method is carried out by two methods, namely Fisher Tippet-1 and Weibull, with the aim of comparing the results of forecasting the resulting waves and validating the forecast data. The source of wave data for 10 years (2009 - 2018) was obtained from the ECMWF (European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) website. The results of data analysis show that the wave height of Clungup Beach for a period of 10 years (2009 - 2018) with the highest value in July 2013, namely 2.67 m and the lowest in June 2010 with a value of 2.28 m, which is classified as a wave extreme in accordance with the Regulation of the Head of BMKG No. KEP. 009 of 2010. Wave forecasting with the Fisher Tippet-1 method return period in 2020 is 2.48 m and in the next 50 years (2069) is 2.76 m. Whereas in the Weibull method, the wave value for 2020 is 2.43 m and for the next 50 years (2069) is 3.01 m. The two methods used have the equation that the wave height that will occur in the Clungup Beach area will experience an increase (upward trend). This will be the basis for determining the scenario of coastal area protection, so that the resilience of coastal ecosystems will be well realized.
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technology Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jeest.2020.007.02.3


Indonesia is an archipelago country that is ranked top of the world for its breadth and wealth. More than 75,000 km2 or almost 14% of the world's coral is in Indonesia. The growth of coral reefs in a sea water is strongly influenced by the quality of waters such as chemical oceanographic factors, namely salinity, pH, DO, nitrate and phosphate. The data collection was carried out twice in September and November 2019 in Damas Waters, Trenggalek, East Java. The purpose of this study is to influence the quality of waters on the growth of coral reefs in Damas, Trenggalek, East Java. The sampling method is purposive random sampling that is the determination of the sample with certain considerations. The location points used by 20 stations are spread, namely on artificial reefs, natural coral reefs, open seas and the area around the harbor. Measurements made include in situ water quality with a multiparameter measurement tool, namely AAQ. The results showed the quality of waters in accordance with environmental quality standards with a value of (1) salinity 31.5 - 3.6 (2) pH 7.9 - 8.1 (3) DO> 5 mg / L (4) Nitrate 0.001-0.007 mg / l (5) Phosphate 0.012 - 0.345 mg / L. Correlation value of all components> 0.5 then the relationship of each parameter and coral reef affect each other.
Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan SPERMONDE VOLUME 5 NOMOR 2, 2019
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jiks.v5i2.8935


Perubahan iklim memberikan dampak yang besar di berbagai negara. Adapun dampak dari terjadinya perubahan iklim adalah bertambahnya intensitas kejadian cuaca ekstrim di suatu wilayah, perubahan pola hujan, serta peningkatan suhu dan permukaan air laut Dampak perubahan iklim dapat memengaruhi keadaan di daratan maupun di pesisir atau laut. Salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Timur yang terkena dampak perubahan iklim yang mengkhawatirkan adalah wilayah Teluk Popoh yang terletak di Desa Besole, Kecamatan Besuki, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Kerusakan yang terjadi di perairan pantai Sidem berupa perubahan garis pantai yang disebabkan oleh bertambah tingginya permukaan air laut serta adanya aliran sungai Neyama yang langsung bermuara di pantai Sidem, Teluk Popoh. Hal lain yang disebabkan oleh perubahan garis pantai di Teluk Popoh adalah rusaknya sumberdaya alam di perairan Teluk Popoh, dimana nelayan dan masyarakat pesisir Teluk Popoh akan semakin sulit untuk mencari ikan di perairan sekitar. Untuk menghindari terjadinya dampak perubahan iklim yang berkelanjutan, maka PLTA Tulungagung yang beroperasi di wilayah pantai Sidem Teluk Popoh dan pemerintah Kabupaten Tulungagung memberikan inisiatif berupa penanaman pohon dan mangrove di wilayah Pantai Teluk Popoh. Dengan upaya mitigasi tersebut diharapkan mengurangi dampak yang diberikan oleh perubahan iklim di Teluk Popoh. Mitigasi tersebut tidak akan berjalan tanpa adanya usaha adaptasi dari masyarakat sekitar Teluk Popoh. Masyarakat di Desa Besole merupakan masyarakat yang didominasi oleh para nelayan yang kehidupannya sangat bergantung pada keberadaan laut. Apabila terjadi perubahan iklim di laut, maka para nelayan dari Desa Besole perlu beradaptasi terhadap perubahaan iklim tersebut..
Upaya Penguatan Manajemen Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan Berbasis Media Online di TPI Sendangbiru, Kabupaten Malang, Indonesia Dian Aliviyanti; Bambang Semedi; Defri Yona; Muhammad Arif Asadi; Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati; Citra Satrya Utama Dewi; Oktiyas Muzaky Lutfi; Andik Isdianto
Abdi Geomedisains Vol. 1, No. 2, January 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.462 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/abdigeomedisains.v1i2.199


TPI Sendang Biru berada di Kabupaten Malang memiliki potensi yang besar baik dalam bidang penyediaan pasokan ikan ataupun sarana prasarana penunjang lainnya. Pelabuhan perikanan tersebut dipersiapkan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi perikanan di wilayah selatan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pemerintah melalui Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Tangkap Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Tahun 2018 telah menyelesaikan relokasi pembangunan kios ikan berkonsep higienis pada wilayah tersebut untuk menunjang mutu hasil ikan dan harga jual ikan tetap tinggi.  Sejalan dengan hal tersebut Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Timur saat ini melakukan pengembangan jalur lintas selatan untuk mempermudah aksesbilitas. Namun, adanya wabah pandemi Covid-19 saat ini menyebabkan dampak yang besar pada berbagai bidang termasuk bidang perikanan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan bukan hanya minat beli masyrakat yang menurun, namun keterbatasan jalur distribusi produk juga menghambat transaksi jual-beli masyarakat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dilakukan pelatihan dan pembinaan manajemen pemasaran produk-produk perikanan di TPI Sendang Biru berbasis media jual-beli online. Metode edukasi yang dilakukan adalah seminar dengan topik strategi pemasaran digital berbasis media sosial dan workshop berbasis toko online atau marketplace. Melalui program ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu langkah awal dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan baru dalam penanggulangan pemulihan ekonomi pasca pandemi Covid-19, serta dapat memperluas jejaring pemasaran para nelayan atau penjual ikan di wilayah tersebut bahkan hingga keadaan normal kembali.
Co-Authors A Alfan Jauhari Abu Bakar Sambah Adrian Rahman Septiandi Ali Arman Lubis Ali Arman Lubis Aliviyanti, Dian Amelinda Vivian Kudrati Amelinda Vivian Kudrati Anda Putra R. Sirait Anthon Andrimida Ari Widodo Arief Setyanto Aris Subagiyo Aulia Lanudia Fathah Aulia Lanudia Fathah Awalrush Andira Bambang Semedi Berlania Mahardika Putri Berlania Mahardika Putri Citra Satrya Utama Dewi Citra Satrya Utama Dewi Daduk Setyohadi Defri Yona Diah Kurniasari Fan Puji Ananda Musalima Faradhilah Adibah Faradhillah Adibah Faradhillah Adibah Faradhillah Adibah Gatut Bintoro Herlin Widi Aning Tyas Herlin Widi Aning Tyas Ilham Maulana Asyari Ilham Maulana Asyari Intan Dwi Puspitasari Kristera Tesa Bere Mau Maulana Fikri Mayshita Yonar Mochamad Arif Zainul Fuad Mohammad Arif Asadi Muchamad Fairuz Haykal Muchamad Fairuz Haykal Muchamad Fairuz Haykal Muchamad Fairuz Haykal Muh. Afrisal Muhammad Fikri Ariefandi Muhammad Fikri Ariefandi Muhammad Fikri Ariefandi Muhammad Javier Irsyad Muhammad Javier Irsyad Muhammad Javier Irsyad Nuril Huda Al Maky Nuril Huda Al Maky Oktiyas Muzaky Lutfi Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi oktiyas muzaky Luthfi, oktiyas muzaky Oktiyas Muzaky Muzaky Luthfi Putri Devi Yorarizka Putri Devi Yorarizka Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati Raymundus Putra Situmorang Rijatmoko, Sigit Rijatmoko, Sigit Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Rudianto Sambodho, Kriyo Saputra, Dhira Kurniawan Shafa Thasya Thaeraniza Sigit Rijatmoko Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Syafrial Yanuar Ishaq Valessa Senshi Moira Wahyudi Citrosiswoyo Wanda Suryani Pangestu Wanda Suryani Pangestu Zulqi Fahreza Akbar