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Ananto, Aji

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Analisis Kerentanan Pesisir Akibat Kenaikan Muka Air Laut di Kota Semarang Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Dwi, Andika Niqa; Ananto, Aji; Budi, Sanjoto Tjaturahono
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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The purpose of this research is to assess the vulnerability of coastal area due to sea level rise in Semarang City. Assessing vulnerability is done by calculating coastal vulnerability index with 6 parameters, ie geomorphology, coastal slope, coastline change, sea level rise, tides, and sea waves. The results of coastal susceptibility indexes are classified into grade level of potential hazards / vulnerabilities. This study resulted in coastal vulnerability level of Semarang City classified in medium and high class. Areas with class of potential hazard / vulnerability are classified into 5 village namely Tugurejo, Tambakharjo, Tawangsari, Panggung Lor, and Bandarharjo. As for the class is high there are 9 villages namely Mangkang Kulon, Mangunharjo, Mangkang Wetan, Randugarut, Karanganyar, Tanjung Mas, Terboyo Kulon, Terboyo Wetan and Trimulyo. Parameters that affect coastal vulnerability in Semarang are coastline, geomorphology and sea level rise. On the parameter of coastline change shows negative changes in the form of abrasion, thus reducing the area of land. Geomorphological parameters of coastal areas of Semarang City belong to high vulnerability. Meanwhile, the topography in the coastal city of Semarang is classified as sloping so it is very vulnerable to sea level rise.
Kajian Sebaran Penutup Lahan dan Nilai Temperature Humidity Index (THI) Kampus Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) Rilo, Pambudi; Budi, Santoso Tjaturahono; Ananto, Aji
Geo-Image Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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This research uses quantitative method. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive of land cover interpretation data, vegetation distribution, temperature measurement and air humidity and THI value. The results of the study showed that: 1) UNNES from the interpretation data of UNNES photographic image 2015 has an area of 586,060 m² with built land covering 206,179 m² (35.18%), a water body of 3,547 m² (0.61%), 68,460 m² (11.68%), and tree vegetation 307,874 m² with 273,228 m² (46.62%) of the tree vegetation including campus park and 34,646 m² (5,91%) of forest. 2) Average THI Campus UNNES ranged from 26,51-27,11. 3) The lowest average score of 26.51 included in the comfort category is found in Kebun Wisata Pendidikan, meanwhile the biggest THI value of 27.11 included in the partially uncomfortable category located at Simpang 7 UNNES. The land cover condition at Simpang 7 UNNES, which is dominated by hard surface (asphalt road) and become the main transportation access becomes the factor of high THI value at that location. UNNES as a conservation campus with the increasing number of students and facilities and infrastructure development is expected to maximize the existence of existing parks with various types of tree in order to create comfort in lecturing activities
Sebaran Kelayakan Air Sumur Sebagai Air Baku Minum di Kelurahan Sekaran Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang Tahun 2018 Oki, Rahayu Eklesia; Ananto, Aji; Tukidi, Tukidi
Geo-Image Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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Sekaran village has a dense population due to the existence of Semarang State University. This has an effect on environmental conditions, especially the availability of water for daily activities that have an impact on increasing waste water. This situation affects groundwater quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of well water as drinking raw water based on mandatory parameters and analyze the effect of well construction with well water pollution. This study uses several methods of data collection, namely observation methods, questionnaires, documentation, and laboratory tests. The results of this study indicate that well water in Sekaran Village is only 7 (28%) samples that are feasible to be used as drinking raw water, 18 (72%) other samples are not feasible. Construction of well buildings shows the influence of pollutant sources, on the construction of wells that do not meet the requirements proved to be unfit for use as drinking raw water.