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Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 5, No 2 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Salah satu prinsip penting dari penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik adalah pelayanan bagi masyarakatnya, artinya pelayanan publik memuat prinsip-prinsip keadilan/equity dimana semua masyarakat berhak atas pelayanan publik yang sama tanpa adanya perlakukan diskriminatif. Pelayanan diberikan tanpa memandang status, pangkat, golongan dari semua masyarakat. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri beberapa sektor pelayanan publik masih memberlakukan pembedaan pelayanan melalui penciptaan kelas, salah satunya adalah pelayanan di rumah sakit. Demi terwujudnya pelayanan prima dan memuat prinsip adil/equity RSUD Wates menerapkan inovasi baru yaitu pelayanan rawat inap tanpa kelas bagi keluarga miskin (Gakin). Adanya inovasi tanpa kelas bagi masyarakat miskin nantinya bisa menciptakan pelayanan yang memuat prinsip-prinsip keadilan/equity, sehingga masyarakat mendapatkan pelayanan public yang sama dan tidak ada kata diskriminatif terhadap pelayanan publik. Pelaksanaan rumah sakit tanpa kelas bagi masyarakat miskin relative berjalan dengan lancar, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan tidak adanya syarat yang menyulitkan pasien untuk mendaftarkan diri. Setiap masyarakat yang menggunakan kartu jaminan kesehatan berhak mendapatkan pelayanan yang sama dan tidak ada perbedaan. Hal inilah yang dilakukan di RSUD Wates dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan tanpa kelas bagi masyarakat miskin.
Human Resources Planning of Government Apparatus in Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2017 Rahayu, Riska; Atmojo, Muhammad Eko
Journal of Local Government Issues Vol 2, No 1 (2019): March
Publisher : Government Studies of Muhammadiyah Malang University/AIPPTM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.772 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/LOGOS.Vol2.No1.75-90


Human resources planning apparatus is a system of development of human resource management. With the existence of good planning in managing the human resources of an agency, the expectation is to achieve the goals of the organization/institution with various planned strategies. The Regional Staffing Agency (BKD) of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) collaborates between national policies and regional policies, especially in staffing affairs if there is a connection with the DIY Specialties business as one of the strategies in addressing the problems between the two. In this study used a qualitative descriptive method. Collection through interviews and data analysis in the form of documents. In this study, the authors explain about the human resource planning apparatus carried out by the Regional Government of DIY in 2017. The result of this research is that The Regional Staffing Agency of DIY  in fulfilling needs, especially in staffing affairs has been well prepared and with a fairly fast process. When an organization requires new employees to complete the government organization, BKD DIY will respond and of course with consideration of employees who are good enough from the aspect of ability and qualifications of employees who are in accordance with the organization or agency need.Keywords: Human Resources Planning, Human Resources Management, Staffing Agency.
Analysis Of The Open Selection Process For Structural Officials (Echelon II) In Sleman Regency Atmojo, Muhammad Eko; Fridayani, Helen Dian
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 6, No 2 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The administration of government is certainly very influenced by bureaucracy which is an instrument or an organization that helps in realizing or implementing a policy that has been previously set. The open selection is the process of filling in a position by opening a selection to all those who have the competency or ability determined to fill a certain position. This study is aims to analyze the open selection for echelon II Officials both in Yogyakarta Province which is Sleman Regency. The method that used in this study is a qualitative approach which did the depth interview with several stakeholders that involved. The result of this study are the selection mechanism conducted in Sleman Regency in 2017 lasts 2 times and all of them have referred to the applicable regulations and most importantly have implemented a merit system. In the selection implementation the position was carried out by a selection committee formed based on recommendations from KASN (Commission Of The State Civil Apparatus). The involvement of political officials in this case the regent in the open selection process only exists after the selection committee has issued 3 names that have passed. However, the involvement of political officials is positive because it considers the results of the selection. This is also because the Regent will cooperate with one of the 3 names to realize the vision and mission that has been set.Keyword: Open selection, Echelon II, Promotion.
An Assessment of Covid-19 Pandemic Impact on Indonesian Tourism Sector Atmojo, Muhammad Eko; Fridayani, Helen Dian
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 8, No 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.811338


This paper aims to analyze the impact of Covid-19 outbreak in term of tourism sector. The Covid-19 pandemic had a tremendous impact on all countries, one of it was Indonesia, that had been affected. Many sectors are affected, including tourism. A seriously affected in tourism is the micro, medium small enterprise or called MSME sector, this has a major influence on the rate of economic growth of the country, specifically in tourism sector. The existence of this pandemic, the tourism small and medium-sized enterprises experiencing huge losses, one of it is the lack of foreign tourists coming. The method used in the research is content analysis which analyze new in media that shown the topic related to Covid-19 and tourism. In contrast to previous studies, the decline in the number of tourists was due to the reach of tourist attractions, facilities, access, and costs, this study tries to look in more detail about how the Covid-19 pandemic has a serious impact on the tourism sector. As the result, the number of foreign tourist visits or foreign tourists to Indonesia has decreased in 2020 by 28.85% compared to the number of visits in 2019. Some areas such as Bali and Yogyakarta have lost both local and foreign tourists. This has an impact on MSME providers of travel, hotels, souvenir providers, regional handicrafts, and food and drink providers in tourist areas.
Performance-Based Budgeting Review from Local Government Budget: West Sumatra in 2017-2018 Mutiarin, Dyah; Fathani, Aqil Teguh; Sakir, Sakir; Atmojo, Muhammad Eko
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 7, No 3 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.73133


The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of the implementation of Spending Review using Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB) on the APBD (Regional Budget Revenues and Expenditures) of West Sumatra province the year  2018. This article uses the qualitative method to identify and interpret the Spending Review context that needs to be thoroughly identified. The result data were drawing through data codification, data presentation, and the result of data research. This research showed that the condition of the West Sumatra province's regional spending budget for the year  2018 was increasing. However, judging from the indirect expenditures budget of West Sumatra province was declining. Further, on the review of allocation result that has been done against the realization of regional expenditures budget, there were budget savings from the year  2017 – 2018.  Then for indicator and performance review through health and education services showed an increased value of human development. Further on, the need deviation analysis showed that within two years of the government budget of West Sumatra province, i.e., the year  2017-2018, it has the rate level of need deviation with the allocation of spending budget 15.56%.
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Kebijakan (JPK) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jpk.v2i2.11977


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the performance of the State Civil Servants of the Sleman Regency Population and Civil Registration Service in serving the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is presented by the author using a qualitative approach. The analysis used by the author includes, data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of this study indicate that in its implementation, the performance of ASN at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sleman Regency is based on indicators such as adaptability, work performance, and work ability. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has not had a major effect on performance, it affects the service mechanism that implements health protocols such as maintaining distance, wearing masks, limiting the number of people who take care of population administration. In addition, the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sleman Regency also implements an online service system, but the existence of this online service, according to the expressions of some of the community, this service cannot be fully relied upon because to process documents still have to come and wait a long time.
Pendidikan Dini “Sadar Virus Homoseksual Kaum Santri” Di pesantren Azam Syukur Rahmatullah; Muhammad Eko Atmojo
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2019: 1. Pengembangan Pendidikan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.145 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/ppm.21.458


Homoseksual merupakan hal yang sebagian kalangan dirasa mengkhawatirkan. Perkembanganhomoseksual pun semakin luas di masyarakat, tidak terkecuali pada ranah pesantren. Banyak penelitianyang menyatakan bahwa pesantren menjadi wadah perkembangbiakan virus-virus homoseksual.Sayangnya, tidak banyak dari pihak pesantren yang menyadari bahwa homoseksual bisa mewabah dikalangan pesantren. Berangkat dari itulah, peneliti berupaya melakukan pengabdian masyarakat terkaitpendidikan dini sadar virus homoseksual santri di pesantren. Dalam hal ini pesantren yang dituju adalahPondok Pesantren Al-Kamal Tambaksari Kuwarasan Kebumen. Selain karena pondok pesantren tersebutsudah terbilang tua, juga karena tidak banyak dari stake holder, para asatidz dan santri yang memahamitentang homoseksualitas santri di Pesantren. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalahpenyuluhan dan pelatihan. Dengan sasarannya adalah dewan asatidz dan para santri remaja setingkatMadrasah Aliyah yang mukim di Pondok. Hasil dari pengabdian tersebut adalah adanya pemberlakukansosialisasi di Pondok Pesantren Al-Kamal, ada beberapa macam sosialisasi untuk membuka kesadarandiri para stake holder dan para santri terhindar dari homoseksual santri, di antaranya adalah: Pertama,Sosialisasi kepada dewan asatidz, untuk membuka wacana tentang homoseksual santri, Kedua,sosialisasi kepada para santri, baik santri putra maupun santri putri terkait bagaimana cara menghindariperilaku homoseksual santri, sehingga mereka menjadi lebih paham cara mengatasinya. Ketiga, membuatFGD (Forum Group Discussion) antara santri dan mendiskusikan bagaimana cara untuk menghidariperilaku homoseksual santri. Keempat, yakni membuat yel-yel yang berisikan tentang menjauhihomoseksual santri dan terakhir membuat slogan yang berisi menolak perilaku homoseksual santri.
Human Resources Planning of Government Apparatus in Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2017 Riska Rahayu; Muhammad Eko Atmojo
Journal of Local Government Issues (LOGOS) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/logos.Vol2.No1.75-90


Human resources planning apparatus is a system of development of human resource management. With the existence of good planning in managing the human resources of an agency, the expectation is to achieve the goals of the organization/institution with various planned strategies. The Regional Staffing Agency (BKD) of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) collaborates between national policies and regional policies, especially in staffing affairs if there is a connection with the DIY Specialties business as one of the strategies in addressing the problems between the two. In this study used a qualitative descriptive method. Collection through interviews and data analysis in the form of documents. In this study, the authors explain about the human resource planning apparatus carried out by the Regional Government of DIY in 2017. The result of this research is that The Regional Staffing Agency of DIY  in fulfilling needs, especially in staffing affairs has been well prepared and with a fairly fast process. When an organization requires new employees to complete the government organization, BKD DIY will respond and of course with consideration of employees who are good enough from the aspect of ability and qualifications of employees who are in accordance with the organization or agency need.Keywords: Human Resources Planning, Human Resources Management, Staffing Agency.
Mewujudkan Desa Anti Politik Uang pada Pemilu 2019 di Desa Temon Kulon Kabupaten Kulon Progo Muhammad Eko Atmojo; Vindhi Putri Pratiwi
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.955 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v5i1.10829


Politik uang merupakan salah satu fenomena yang banyak terjadi pada saat pelaksanaan pemilihan umum, pemilihan kepala daerah maupun pemilihan kepala desa. Praktik politik uang sudah banyak terjadi dikalangan masyarakat Indonesia hal ini dikarenakan minimnya pendidikan politik terhadap masyarakat. Dimana jika dilihat praktik politik uang ini mempunyai konsekuensi dampak yang sangat panjang dan serius.  Maka dampak dari praktik politik uang adalah biaya politik mahal, masyarakat bukan menjadi prioritas serta akan menimbulkan korupsi diberbagai sector. Oleh karena itu beberapa desa di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta melakukan perlawanan politik uang melalui gerakan Desa Anti Politik Uang (DAPU). Salah satunya di Desa Temon Kulon Kecamatan Temon Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Adapun kegaitan yang dilakukan selama pengabdian adalah sosialisasi tata bahaya politik uang dan penggunaan surat suara, selain itu juga dilakukan pembuatan spanduk dan pojok aduan sebagai symbol perlawanan politik uang
Application of Position Auction-Based Merit System in Bantul Regency in 2018 Muhammad Eko Atmojo; Awang Darumurti; Vindhi Putri Pratiwi
JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance and Political Social UMA) Vol 9, No 2 (2021): JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance a
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jppuma.v9i2.4491


This article aims at discussing the application of a merit system based on job auctions, especially regarding the mechanism for selecting structural officials in Bantul Regency. Considering that the merit system is a new method for determining structural positions and has become one of the models that local governments have begun to implement in the placement of civil servants, especially echelon II structural officials. The application of this merit system model is one form of the implementation of Law Number 5 concerning the State Civil Apparatus. The application of the merit system was enforced because a lot of structural position determinations were not based on competence, but the structural position determination was based on proximity and political factors. Therefore, with the existence of this law, it is significant to immediately implement a merit system so that employeed who occupy structural positions were competent and professional people. In data analysis, this study was based on the theory of open selection. The method used in this study was a qualitative method. The data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation. Based on research conducted that the application of the merit system within the Bantul Regency Government was in accordance with applicable regulations, as well as in the application of the merit system using several selection methods including administrative selection, assessment center method / competency test, paper making, track record tracking, percentage of papers and interviews.
Co-Authors Ahmad Syafiqurahman Akbar Nasir Alifbata Sarel Andra Jihad Panghegar Anang Setiawan Anwar Kholid Asmarawati Handoyo Aulia Nur Kasiwi Awang Darumurti, Awang azam syukur rahmatullah Azam Syukur Rahmatullah, Azam Syukur Bobbby Salihin Handoko Daffa Aqshal Maulana Deni Setiawan Deni Setiawan Dery Anggelean Saputra Dhea Shinta Prabandari Dwi Husna Swastika Dyah Mutiarin Dyah Mutiarin Dyah Mutiarin Dyah Mutiarin, Dyah Eki Darmawan Elma Fadhilah Nurmaghfiroh Erni Zuhriyati Fadhilah Salsabila Fathani, Aqil Teguh Fridayani, Helen Dian Gerry Katon Mahendra Handoko, Boby Salihin Handoyo, Asmarawati Helen Dian Fridayani Helen Dian Fridayani Helen Dian Fridayani Helen Dian Fridayani Helen Dian Fridayani Helen Dian Fridayani Helen Dian Fridayani Helen Dian Fridayani Helen Dian Fridayani, Helen Dian Herdin Arie Saputra Indah Putri Rengganis Kusbaryanto Kusumo, Mahendro Prasetyo Listyani Nur Baihati Mardha Adhi Pratama Maya Hesti Saputri Muchamad Zaenuri Muchamad Zaenuri, Muchamad Muhamad Heri Zulfikar Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Noor Cahyadi Eko Saputro Muhammad Nurul Huda Muhammad Rizal Buhori Nasrullah Nasrullah Nico Abdi Priohutomo Nita Ariba Hanif Nita Aribah Hanif Nita Aribah Hanif Nur Fitri Mutmainah Nur Sofyan Nur Sofyan Nurul huda Puguh Saputra Putri, Vindhi Rico Kurniawan Ridho AL Hamdi Ridho Al-Hamdi Riska Erwinsyah Riska Rahayu Riska Rahayu Rizky Dwi Kusuma Sakir Ridho Wijaya Sakir Sakir Sakir Sakir Sakir Sakir, Sakir Sarel Andra Jihad Panghegar, Alifbata Surya Jaya Abadi Tiza Irma TUNJUNG SULAKSONO Ummi Zakiyah Vicky Alfitra Perdana Vicky Alfitra Perdana Vindhi Putri Pratiwi Vindhi Putri Pratiwi Vindhi Putri Pratiwi Vindhi Putri Pratiwi Vindhi Putri Pratiwi Vindhi Putri Pratiwi Wahyu Rohmawati Yudhistira Al-Adha