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Deforestasi di Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni Provinsi Papua Barat Saremay Sawaki; Hendri; Soetjipto Moeljono
Igya ser hanjop: Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Papua Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47039/ish.2.2020.1-10


Deforestasi merupakan hilangnya tutupan hutan atau perubahan hutan yang dikonversi dari hutan menjadi bukan hutan. Deforestasi terencana merupakan deforestasi di areal izin konsesi dan izin konversi lahan pada kawasan hutan, sedangkan deforestasi tidak terencana merupakan deforestasi yang terjadi di luar areal izin konsesi dan izin konversi lahan pada kawasan hutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Luas deforestasi selama 27 tahun sesuai time series atau periode data tutupan lahan tahun 1990 sampai 2017; 2) menghitung jumlah emisi karbon dioksida (CO2) yang diakibatkan adanya deforestasi; 3) menghitung potensi kerugian ekonomi atau kerugian finansial sebagai dampak deforestasi selama 27 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data kuantitatif dari data peta tutupan lahan kementerian lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan tahun 1990 sampai tahun 2017 dan hasil penelitian menunjukkan luas hutan yang mengalami deforestasi selama periode 27 tahun adalah sebesar 22.767 hektar. Deforestasi yang terjadi 76,7% adalah sebagai dampak dari deforestasi terencana selama 27 tahun ini, diperkirakan jumlah emisi karbon dioksida yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 7.686.155 ton CO2/ha atau setara dengan potensi kerugian ekonomi sebesar Rp381.499.992.777,-. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni untuk mengambil kebijakan dalam pengembangan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan.
An annotated bird checklist for Gam island, Raja Ampat, including field notes on species monitoring and conservation Julian Schrader; Michael Mühlenberg; Christina Stinn; Fabian Mühlberger; Christoph Weinrich; Tim Hofmann; John D Kalor; Soetjipto Moeljono; Christoph Parsch; Cornelia Sattler
Forest and Society Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Forestry Faculty, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24259/fs.v4i2.8664


Species checklists are a fundamental component of biodiversity research. They foster understanding of species distributions and habitat preferences, thus reducing gaps of knowledge in geographical occurrences of species. Especially in light of the limited availability of data on species distributions for Tanah Papua, an increasing scientific focus on the region is crucial to foster and refine the knowledge of species occurrences and to inform potential conservation planning. Despite a strong focus on conservation of Raja Ampat´s marine areas, surprisingly few studies have focused on the terrestrial biodiversity of the archipelago. As a consequence, detailed species checklists are largely missing. Here, we provide a preliminary bird species checklist for the island of Gam and its surrounding islands, located in the central Raja Ampat archipelago. During nine sampling periods between 2013 and 2019, we recorded 132 bird species in six distinct habitat types. Of the detected species, six are considered threatened by IUCN Red List criteria. We further recorded three new species for Gam Island, thereby expanding their known extent of occurrence.
POTENSI SUMBERDAYA KAMPUNG AIPIRI DISTRIK MANOKWARI TIMUR KABUPATEN MANOKWARI: Potential Resources of Aipiri Village District East Manokwari Manokwari Regency Andoyo Supriyantono; Barahima Abbas; Rein M. R. Ruimassa; Yolanda Holle; Amestina Matualage; Nouke L. Mawikere; Alce I. Noya; Ishak Musaad; Febriza Dwiranti; Rina A. Mogea; Soetjipto Moeljono; Roni Bawole; Syafrudin Raharjo; Yuanike Kaber; Hendri Hendri; Martha Kayadoe; Paulus Boli; Gandi Y. S. Purba; Yafed Syufi
IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/igkojei.v3i2.286


ABSTRACT  Community service activities have been carried out by a team of lecturers from the Postgraduate Program in Aipiri to identify regional potential and human resource potential. The activity was carried out at the village hall which was followed by field visits to both residents' houses and agricultural land, forestry and the sea.  Sampling of respondents was carried out randomly by considering the ownership of the resources owned. The results show that there are two existing agricultural conditions, namely 1) Agricultural Conditions at an Altitude > 10 m with green bean plants dominant; 2). The altitude of the place is 6 m above sea level (residential settlement) with flower plants, vegetables and plant sources of carbohydrates, areca nut and betel. The forest area is included in the tropical forest, 75% is natural forest and 25% is artificial forest. Livestock developed by the community in Aipiri are pigs with more males than females. Fisheries activities in Aipiri are still in the form of traditional activities. The fishing grounds for fishermen only reach the waters in front of the village, using rowboats without motors. The people who inhabit Aipiri are grouped into heterogeneous communities because there has been an assimilation of various ethnicities, including the Biak, Serui, MPur, Javanese, Wandamen and Meyah ethnic groups. The social interaction that exists between community members is manifested through government, spiritual, economic, and educational activities. Aipiri is located on the northern coast of Bird's Head which is directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.  Keywords: Aipiri; Human resources; Potential; Natural resources   ABSTRAK  Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat telah dilakukan oleh tim dosen Program Pascasarjana di kampung Aipiri untuk mengidentifikasi potensi wilayah dan potensi sumberdaya manusia. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di balai Desa yang dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan lapang baik di rumah-rumah warga maupun lahan pertanian, Kehutanan maupun laut.  Pengambilan sampel responden dilakukan secara acak dengan mempertimbangkan kepemilikan sumberdaya yang dimiliki. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua kondisi existing pertanian yaitu 1) Kondisi Pertanian pada Ketinggian Tempat > 10 m dengan dominan tanaman kacang hijau; 2). Ketinggian tempat 6 m dpl (pemukiman penduduk) dengan tanaman bunga, sayuran dan tanaman sumber karbohidrat, pinang dan sirih. Kawasan hutan termasuk dalam hutan tropis yaitu  75 % merupakan hutan alam dan 25% merupakan hutan buatan. Ternak yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat di Kampung Aipiri adalah ternak babi dengan jenis kelamin jantan lebih banyak dari pada betina. Kegiatan perikanan di Desa Aipiri masih berupa kegiatan tradisional. Daerah penangkapan nelayan hanya sampai di perairan depan desa, dengan menggunakan perahu dayung tanpa motor. Masyarakat yang mendiami Kampung Aipiri dikelompokan ke dalam masyarakat heterogen karena sudah terjadi pembauran berbagai etnis antara lain etnis Biak, serui, Mpur, Jawa, Wandamen dan Meyah.  Interaksi sosial yang terjalin antar warga masyarakat diwujudkan melalui aktifitas pemerintahan, kerohaniaan, perekonomian, dan pendidikan. Kampung Aipiri berada di pinggiran pantai utara di Kepala Burung yang berbatasan langsung dengan Laut Pasifik. Bagian utara Kepala Burung Papua telah mengkondisikan wilayah pesisir dan perikanan menjadi rentan terhadap dampak ekor dari siklon tropis dan topan yang berasal dari Samudera Pasifik yang berkaitan erat dengan gelombang badai dan hujan deras. Kata kunci: Aipiri; Potensi; Sumberdaya alam; Sumberdaya manusia
STUDI PERSEBARAN TUMBUHAN AKWAY (Drimys sp.) DI PAPUA Vina O.R. Solekha; Soetjipto Moeljono
JURNAL KEHUTANAN PAPUASIA Vol 4 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Kehutanan Papuasia
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan UNIPA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46703/jurnalpapuasia.Vol4.Iss1.81


Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengkaji sebaran jenis-jenis tumbuhan akway (Drimys sp.) di dataran Papua dengan mengali informasi bedasarkan referensi sains dan koleksi pustaka akademik dari berbagai sumber. Data yang dikumpulkan selanjutnya diuraikan berdasarkan ciri dan karakteristik morofloginya serta sebaran dan informasi lokasi ditemukannya. Hasil studi dan kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 18 jenis tumbuhan akway yang tersebar dan terekam jejak akademisnya. Sebagian besar jenis-jenis akway tumbuh pada ketinggian di atas 1.000 m dpl dengan karakteristik tumbuhan yang relatif kecil perawakannya. Dari total jumlah jenis tumbuan ini, terdapat hanya 3 jenis yang secara kontinyu dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat dalam kehidupan keseharian mereka. Namun dengan tinggi tingkat perambahan hutan dan sumberdaya alam, dikhawatirkan jenis-jenis tumbuhan akway dapat punah kalau tidak ada upaya pelestarian dan konservasinya.
JURNAL KEHUTANAN PAPUASIA Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kehutanan Papuasia
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan UNIPA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46703/jurnalpapuasia.Vol6.Iss2.203


Penelitian ini bertujuan untu memperoleh informasi terkait struktur dan komposisi vegetasi tumbuhan pada tingkat semai, pancang, tiang dan pohon dengan pendekatan parameter indeks nilai penting di hutan Samaris kampung Sepse. Pengamatan dilakukan di distrik Biak Timur dengan menggunakan metode kuadran pada empat plot pengamatan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan komposisi jenis sebanyak 29 jenis dengan komposisi struktur vegetasi yang beragam pada setiap tingkatan pertumbuhannya. Dari nilai INP diketahui jenis Pala hutan (Myristica fatua) dengan INP 54,21%, selanjutnya diikuti dengan jenis Mansai (Buchanania arborence) dan Mangganipro (Horsfieldia sp).
Analisis Vegetasi Pakan Lebah Madu (Apis mellifera) Asal Lembah Baliem Kabupaten Jayawijaya Yunus Lengka; Soetjipto Moeljono; Agustinus Murdjoko
JURNAL KEHUTANAN PAPUASIA Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kehutanan Papuasia
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan UNIPA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46703/jurnalpapuasia.Vol7.Iss1.234


Daratan Papua memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang unik. Keunikan tersebut disebabkan karena Papua terletak dibawah garis khatulistiwa yang terdapat hutan hujan tropis dengan keragaman species flora yang tinggi, salah satunya adalah lebah madu. Masyarakat Lembah Baliem Wamena Kabupaten Jayawijaya pada umumnya bermukim di dataran rendah, selah-selah gunung, di bawah kaki gunung dan diatas gunung dengan ketinggian 1.600 – 3.500 meter dari permukaan laut. Kontur yang bervariasi ini terdapat species yang heterogen, hal demikian dapat mendukung masyarakat pada umumnya untuk membudidyakan lebah madu dengan pakan yang tersedia secara alami. Madu Lembah Baliem memiliki kualitas yang berbeda dengan daerah lainnya di Indonesia terlihat dari daya tarik pembeli dan nilai jual yang tinggi. Hal tersebut sangat bergantung pada jenis pakan yang tersedia, kadar air madu, masa panen yang terkontrol dan blending dari madu yang berasal dari polyfloral. Analisis vegetasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur dan komposisi, keragaman jenis serta dominasi vegetasi sebagai pendukung pakan lebah madu jenis Apis mellifera pada tiga zona berdasarkan ketinggian terutama pada area sekitar peternakan lebah madu dengan teknik observasi dan deskriptif. Species yang mendominasi pada zona satu: Bidens pilosa, Pittosporum ramiflorum, Piper gibbilimbum, Grevilea papuana dan Schefflera actinophylla. Zona kedua: Crotalaria juncea, Bidens pilosa, Wendlandia paniculata, Pittosporum ramiflorum dan Grevilea papuana. Zona ketiga: Calliandra calothyrsus, Brugmansia suaveolens, Casuarina oligodon, dan Falcatarua moluccana. Vegetasi pada zona lembah memberikan perbedaan yang sangat jauh baik dalam hal jumlah maupun jenisnya tetapi jauh lebih baik kerpatan vegetasi pada vegetasi ada di zona antara dan pegunungan.
Kajian etnobotani pemanfaatan jenis-jenis pohon oleh masyarakat etnik kuri di kabupaten Teluk Wondama Simson Samberi; Soetjipto Moeljono; Jonni Marwa
Cassowary Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/casssowary.cs.v2.i2.30


The Kuri ethnic group is one of the largest tribes in the Teluk Wondama Regency which is now a group minority even though in the past they had vast forests and well-organized levels of civilization. The local knowledge of the Kuri ethnic group which is passed on to the next generation does not hold well. This can be proven by the fact that there are many people who no longer use forest functions in their entirety. Utilization of Trees by the Kuri Ethnic Community in Teluk Wondama Regency was carried out in 3 villages of Wombu, Werianggi and Dusner. Wombu Village Naekere District has 75 types, Werianggi Village Nikiwar District has 62 types, Dusner Village Kuri Wamesa District has 45 types. There are 9 (nine) forms of utilization of trees by the Kuri ethnic community in the villages of Wombu, Werianggi and Dusner, namely: building materials / houses, home furnishings, food, medicine, magic, crafts and arts, economy, customs and hunting / transportation tools. The average use of most forms for the needs of tools / hunting 25.33 species of trees. The most used trees are; Matoa trees (pometia sp), Genemo (Gnetum gnemon), langsat (lansium domestucum) and Albisia (paraseriantes falcataria). Species similarity was determined using the Jaccard community similarity index, the results showed there were differences in tree species in the three villages, Wombu-Dusner 16.4%, Wombu-Werianggi 8.62%, Dusner-Werianggi 58.51%. The part of the tree that is utilized is the root, trunk, bark, sap, fruit and leaves. The part that is mostly utilized by the Kuri Ethnic in three locations is the trunk of 49 species of trees for Wombu village, 36 species in Werianggi village and 35 species in Dusner village. Community knowledge is grouped into two young generations (15-25) years and older generations (60 years and older) and research locations. The research data is cascaded with a tiered scale starting from ever heard of, never seen and never used. The results of the study show that never heard of 36.35 and have seen 40.83 in the moderate category, never used 29.36 in the small category. Knowledge difference between generations is done by U-test. The results showed that in Wombu village there were no differences in knowledge between young and old groups. In the villages of Werianggi and Dusner there are differences in knowledge between old and young age. Kuri ethnic local wisdom as a form of conservation in the form of religious values ​​and social values, the existence of binding traditional rules such as sasi and places of pamali must be maintained and is a joint responsibility of both the government, NGOs and the community so that the availability of species that have economic value for the Kuri ethnic community is always available.
Analisis Perubahan Tutupan Lahan di Kabupaten Manokwari Selatan Silvy E. Kesaulija; Agustinus Murdjoko; Soetjipto Moeljono
Cassowary Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/casssowary.cs.v3.i2.53


This study aims to determine the extent of land cover changes in South Manokwari Regency from 2009 to 2018, including what changes have occurred, where they have occurred, how much change has occurred and the factors causing forest area changes in South Manokwari Regency. The method used in this research was the overlay technique with the supervised classification method. Data collection and analysis were carried out spatially using ArcGIS 10.4 software. The research variables consisted of forest area and land cover in hectares, changes in land cover (deforestation and degradation) in hectares and factors that influenced changes in land cover in South Manokwari Regency. The analysis of land cover based on area functions, permits and district boundaries, found that there had been degradation and eforestation in South Manokwari Regency. The area of ​​forest degradation is 8,870.15 Ha that occurs inside the Production Forest in the IUPHHK concession area in Dataran Isim District. Meanwhile, the deforestation of 1,357.75 hectares occurred in other use areas. Other factors that influence land cover change were accessibility factors, government policies and topographical factors.
Partisipasi pedagang sayur dalam pengelolaan sampah Pasar Tradisional Sanggeng di Kabupaten Manokwari Oktavian Soter; Soetjipto Moeljono; Yolanda Holle
Cassowary Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/casssowary.cs.v5.i1.62


The focus of this research is to examine the participation of traders in market waste management to achieve environmental cleanliness. This is intended so that there is involvement of traders to participate responsibly both actively and passively to achieve environmental cleanliness. This study aims to (1) determine the participation of market vegetable traders in waste management, and (2) analyze the factors that influence the participation of vegetable traders in waste management. The research was conducted at Sanggeng Market as a vegetable trading center in Manokwari Regency. The method used in this research is a survey method with in-depth interview techniques and observation of 52 vegetable traders who trade vegetables at the market of Sanggeng in Manokwari Regency. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics used are competency tests and inferential statistics used are Spearman correlation analysis. The results of the study concluded, (1) the participation of vegetable traders shows that they are involved in all stages of waste management, namely the stages of collection, separation, transportation, recycling, and utilization, and (2) there is a correlation between age, education level, acceptance and trading experience.
Kondisi Biofisik Serta Gangguan Terhadap Hutan Pada Areal Buffer Zone Bantaran Sungai Apo Distrik Jayapura Utara Valentin Paisei; Soetjipto Moeljono; Rima H.S. Siburian
Cassowary Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/casssowary.cs.v5.i1.91


APO river has a length of 3 kilometers with a width of 7 meters and flows from headwaters in the village Angkasa Pura to empty into the sea which is administered into the village administration area Bhayangkara. The purpose of this study to (1) identify the biophysical conditions in the area of the buffer zone of the river sepantaran Apo. (2) Identifying the form of land use in the bufferzone area of the Apo River from downstream to upstream. (3) Provide management recommendations in the form of land suitability directions to carry out Forest and Land Rehabilitation activities in the bufferzone area of the Apo river. Descriptive method with map interpretation and consists of several stages that include the preparation stage, the stage of processing and preliminary processing of data, field checking stage, the stage of data analysis, and recommendations on the implementation of Forest and Land Rehabilitation activities in the area of the river BufferZone Apo. Biophysical conditions of the area BufferZone river Apo has the characteristics of land cover types that include dry forest primary dry forest secondary, dryland farming mixed with shrubs, bushes, settlements, soil types litosol, with altitude ranging from 0 m asl - 690m above sea level . BufferZone slope in the area of very varied ranging from flat to very steep.In accordance with the decline in the quality of primary dryland forest to secondary dryland forest covering 22.04 hectares in 2009-2018 and activities that resulted in the removal of 44.80 hectares of secondary forest in 2000-2009, the large changes in the nature of both deforestation and degradation of from 2000 to 2018 thus covering an area of 66.84 hectares or 18.94% of the total research area, namely the Apo river bufferzone. Most of the areas that are categorized as quite suitable are forest areas that are experiencing deforestation and degradation and the recommended land is suitable enough to carry out RHL activities in the bufferzone area of the Apo River, only covering an area of 91.05 hectares or 25.80% of the bufferzone area. Apo river.