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Dakwahtaiment Televisi Lokal (Tinjauan Kritis Atas Komesialisasi Dakwah JTV Surabaya) Muhammad Zainudin Alansori; Salman Zahidi
Journal of Islamic Civilization Vol 1 No 2 (2019): History and Social Change
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/jic.v1i2.1341


Da'wah is an influencing process, so its effectiveness needs to be supported by the presence of the media. However, the existence of the media in turn is like a double-edged knife. On the one hand it provides greater convenience and affordability, but the media also has the consequence of the potential to make religion an economic commodity. This last impact will be revealed in this article. By conducting field studies through qualitative methods, it was successful to find important conclusions, namely: 1) The da'wah process carried out by JTV was designed using several supporting instruments. Like music and also the MC who must have a high sense of humor. 2) commercialization features of JTV da'wah include; commodification of content, audience, intrinsic and extrinsic 3) The factors that become primary determinations in carrying out the entertainment process of da'wah programs on JTV are; 1) attracting public interest, 2) raising ratting and share, 3) provoking advertisers
Tarjih Maqashidi of Granting Remission for Terrorist Convict in Indonesia Dwi Aprilianto; Salman Zahidi
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/al-lhkam.v16i1.4517


The problem of the deradicalization policy of terrorist convicts is in the regulation of granting remissions for terrorism convicts because terrorist convicts can manipulate the conditions for granting remission to pretend to be good and cooperative (taqiyah) during their criminal period in prison, so that they can quickly gain freedom and return to the network. This empirical research was processed descriptively. Data collection was carried out through field research at the Class I Lapas Surabaya prison and Class II B Lamongan prison through a phenomenological approach, interpretive paradigm, and tarjih maqashidiy analysis. This study concludes that granting remissions to terrorism convicts has a more significant advantage (maslahah) than eliminating remissions on the grounds of extraordinary crimes. Providing the opportunity to change behavior is better prioritized than providing punishment without any attempt to change the behavior of terrorist prisoners with the maximum penalty.(Salah satu problematika yang muncul dari kebijakan deradikalisasi narapidana terorisme adalah aturan perihal pemberian remisi bagi narapidana terorisme dengan syarat kelakuan baik dan kooperatif (taqiyah) selama menjalani masa pidana. Padahal, mereka bisa berpur-pura baik agar segera keluar dari penjara dan kembali ke jaringan lamanya. Penelitian empiris ini diolah secara deskriptif sementara pengumpulan datanya dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara di Lapas Kelas I Surabaya dan Kelas II B Lamongan dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, paradigma interpretif, dan analisis tarjih maqashidi. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemberian remisi pada narapidana terorisme memberikan keuntungan yang lebih signifikan (maslahah) dibanding menghapus kebijakan tersebut dengan alasan kejahatan luar biasa yang dilakukan narapidana. Memberikan kesempatan mereka untuk berubah lebih baik dianggap lebih utama dan layak diprioritaskan dibanding memberi hukuman maksimal tanpa usaha apapun untuk mengubah perilakunya.)
JCE (Journal of Childhood Education) Vol 1, No 1 (2017): September - February
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.954 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jce.v1i1.8


The cultivation of Islamic moral values in early childhood Islamic education is a very important component. The strengthening of early childhood morality is one of the efforts to lay the foundation of moral development dimension which is expected to influence other development aspects, especially the socio-emotional development and spiritual intelligence of early childhood. Therefore, good strategies are needed in culticating and strengthening the students themselves. The strategies of cultivating moral values could affect the level of awareness of a person in understanding and implementing Islamic moral values. At an early age the sense of vision is more dominant than the sense of hearing, then a child will more absorb and imitate the behaviors of a teacher, so the teacher's exemplary will be more effective in strengthening early childhood education. The teacher's exemplary is the cultivation and at the same time the strengthening of noble values in each child.
Kuttab : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 2 (2019): KUTTAB : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/ktb.v3i2.226


One of the mandates of education is to form a superior personality, one of which is shown by the character of independence inherent in students as a result of the educational process. Thus, it is essential to research the internalization of the character of autonomy through the learning process of Islamic religious education. Research using this qualitative method aims to determine the implementation of Islamic Education learning and internalizing values. The study found, among others: 1) In the process of internalizing the teacher plays a significant role as a transmitter of values in the Islamic Education learning process; 2) The character of independence can be internalized properly, one of which is through the habituation method used by the teacher to students when Islamic Islamic Education learning takes place; 3) The actualization of the students' independence character values varies, either during the learning process or outside of school. This indicates that the internalization of values runs quite well through daily life and students' views of the values associated with the formation of an independent personality, such as having a learning ethos, self-confidence, and creativity.
Kuttab : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam Vol 1, No 1 (2017): KUTTAB : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/ktb.v1i1.27


Ali Bin Abi Talib once said that children should be educated in accordance with the  development of the times. The Ali bin Abi Talib’s statement could be considered as his attention more to the development of human civilization. For that reason, there should be studies focused on the role of educational institutions in facing the challenges of the times. On this stand, the writer raises the existence of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) for being considered to have been able to survive amid the onslaught of civilization increasingly obscuring cultural identity. In addition, this study also aims to identify and discuss the role of pesantren in the modern era. This is a literature study using a descriptive and exploratory approach. It can be concluded that pesantren are non-formal Islamic educational institutions. Pesantren have permanent and distictive methods and learning models. The purpose of pesantren education is the same as Islamic education in general, instilling a sense of virtue, familiarizing themselves with courtesy, preparing for a holy, sincere and honest life entirely. Pesantren could be seen from three aspects: (a) pesantren that are seen from facilities and infrastructures, (b) pesantren that are seen from disciplines taught, and (c) pesantren that are seen from the fields of knowledge.Keywords: Pesantren, education, cultural identity.
Akademika Vol 12, No 02 (2018): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v12i02.174


Efforts to improve the quality of education is constantly done, Through the program SMPN 1 Ngimbang, SMPN 1 Ngimbang program is a follow-up of Permendikhud No. 23 of 2014 concerning School Day 8 hours a day for five days, aka full day school. The learning process at SMPN 1 Ngimbangmenggunakan full day system with a good system, it can affect the success of the quality of learning that exist within the institution itself.Thesis entitled "learning effort to read writing qur'an in improving the character of school students full day smpn 1 Ngimbang" This is the result of qualitative research aimed at answering the question how to read and write qur'an in improving karaktersiswa, how important the effort to read write qur'an in increasing karaktersiswaa, apasaja supporting factors and inhibitors in reading and writing qur'an in improving the character of students in SMPN 1 Ngimbang. The research approach used was descriptive qualitative with the type of research as the case on the object. Data collection was done by interview with informant in this research that is principal, teacher, student, guardian of student.The result of the research is first, the learning effort btq that is with the learning which supported by the teacher and the student guardian. Secondly, the importance of btqa efforts in improving the character of full-time school students, such as by doing, activities - activities created by SMPN 1 Ngimbang, the facilities that support infrastructure in the implementation of the learning process. third, the supporting factor is the existence of Teacher Council, and and the professional companion teacher, and the skill in guiding the students, the liveliness and the spirit of the students in studying the science of religion, the inhibiting factors are the difference of the quality of the students in the mastery of btq science, learning in school.
Polemik dan Konstribusi al-Shafi’i dalam Diskursus Yurisprudensi Islam Dwi Aprilianto; Salman Zahidi
Akademika Vol 14, No 02 (2020): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v14i02.444


Artikel ini mencoba membahas tentang siapa pendiri atau pelopor Usul al-fiqh (prinsip-prinsip fiqih). Pasalnya, ada beberapa wakil dari beberapa kepala madhab yang mengaku sebagai pendiri bidang tersebut. Lantas, benarkah Syafi'i yang dikenal sebagai "ahli arsitek fikih" orang pertama yang merintis bidang usul al-fiqh. al-Syafi'i dikenal sebagai pelopor mazhab qodim dan jadid yang muncul setelah sekian lama belajar di berbagai pusat hukum di seluruh dunia. Lingkungan yang dialaminya memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap perkembangan pemikiran sejarah dan juga menawarkan metode pemikiran yang sistematis, pemikiran logika fiqh.This article tries to discuss the issue of who the founder or pioneer of Usul al-fiqh (the principles of Islamic jurisprudence) is. This is because there are severalal legations from several principal of Madhab claimed they are the founders of the field. So, is it trueal-Shafi'i known as "master architect of jurisprudence" the first person who pioneered the field of Usul al-fiqh. al-Shafi'i is well known as pioneer of "qodim" and "jadid" schools of thought which emerged after a long period of study in various legal centers around the world. This environment he experienced made a significant contribution to the development of historical thought and also offered a method of throught that was systematic, thought the logic of fiqh.
Akademika Vol 11, No 02 (2017): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v11i02.170


The book that studied here is the Book of Akhlak lil banin.The Book of Akhlak lil banin is one of the most basic moral books are good for teaching morals new students or students who study at Moslem boarding school, because of this book describes some character that deserves to be emulated and avoided by students.This research was conducted to find out about how the book of Akhlak lil banin learning applications in Moslem boarding school of Al Muhtarom Lowayu Dukun Gresik and factors supporting and inhibiting about learning application of Akhlak lil banin book and how to overcome them.This study uses qualitative descriptive method. In this case the data collection techniques used through observation, interviews and documentation.Based on the research obtained by researcher from the field can be concluded that the application of learning the book of Akhlak lil banin in Moslem boarding school of  Al Muhtarom Lowayu Dukun Gresik is very good for making students disciplined in all circumstances.Keywords: The book that studied, Akhlak Lil Banin
Teori Dominasi Maslahah perspektif Ahmad al-Raysuni Dwi Aprilianto; Salman Zahidi; Ahmad Suyuthi
Akademika Vol 16, No 2 (2022): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v16i2.1154


Artikel ini membahas tentang  Ikhtiar al-Raysuni dalam mengembangkan Maqa@s}id dalam ranah hukum Islam saja, akan tetapi kajian juga dalam kajian keislaman lainnya, seperti Tauhid, Etika, Politik, Ekonomi, HAM dan lain-lain. al-Raysuni berusaha menjadikan maqās}īd sebagai manhaj al-fikr (metodologi berpikir) salah satunya adalah dengan teori dominasi (taghlib) diantara maslahah dan mafsadah adalah sesuatu yang fitrah dan ditunjukan dalam agama dan syariah, maka yang paling kuat (arjah) diantara dua maslahah adalah yang paling luas kemanfaatanya dan paling minimal daruratnya. Dalam kerangka pikir seperti di atas, Ahmad al-Raysuni dalam karya- karyanya hadir untuk mengembalikan ruh tasri’ sebagai metode istinbat hukum Islam. 
Jurnal Mediakita : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Mediakita :Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Usluhuddin dan Dakwah IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/mediakita.v3i1.1801


Religion which was originally in the realm of real reality, must now be included in the realm of virtual reality which clearly has very different characteristics. This new reality is characterized by simulation, artificiality, immersion, networked communication, and telepresence. Through a study of social media followers of Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS), this study seeks to raise a number of fundamental questions, including: 1) how is the construction of religious understanding of followers of the social media account of UAS? 2) What are the models of religious understanding of UAS followers? 3) How is the content of UAS lectures on social media that provoke the pros and cons of religious understanding as a new religious authority ?. By using qualitative research methods through content analysis, and adopting the social construction paradigm developed by Peter L. Berger, this study produced several findings: First, the expression of religious ideas in the official account of Ustadz Abdul Somad, whether in the form of agreement or not, not rarely done using a variety of ways, ranging from rude statements, appreciative, and even intimidating. Secondly, the virtual society understanding model gives rise to a more open and free pattern of religious understanding. Third, free interaction in this virtual world in turn can lead to a more open attitude in dealing with differences. Fourth, free religiousinteraction hasimplications forreligious discourse as if without any restrictions. Variousreligious understandings meet in a virtual world without anyone being ableto control.