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Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 4 (2021): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Oktober 2021
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v5i4.11286


Javan Langur Center (JLC) is a Javan Langur rehabilitation center located approximately 10 km from the center of Batu city, East Java. To support activities at this rehabilitation center, electrical energy is needed, especially to meet the needs of lighting facilities and the operation of a primate baby incubator machine. To date, no electricity distribution network from the State Electricity Company (PLN) has entered the area. To meet these electricity needs, the electricity supply is obtained from a gen-set owned by residents which is approximately 2 km from the JLC. This Community Service Program was carried out between February and August 2020 with activities in the form of the construction of a hybrid power plant to meet the electricity needs of the JLC. The hybrid power plant that is installed is a combination of pico-hydro power plant technology (PLTPH) and solar power plant (PLTS). During the implementation of the program, there were two activity partners who played an active role, namely The Aspinall Foundation Indonesia Program (JLC manager) and the Javan Lutung Conservation Community, with a total of about 10 personnel. The result of this community service program is the installation and operation of a hybrid power generation system, which consists of a 300-watt pico-hydro power plant and a 200-watt peak solar power plant. With this hybrid power plant, the electricity needs in the JLC area for lighting and operating the Lutung baby incubator machine, with a total power of 180 watts, can be met. In addition, to maintain the sustainability of the operation and maintenance of the hybrid power plant, a transfer of knowledge and skills has been carried out to partners, namely The Aspinal Foundation Indonesia Program and the Javan Lutung Conservation Community. --- Javan Langur Center (JLC) adalah pusat rehabilitasi Lutung Jawa yang terletak lebih kurang 10 km dari pusat kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Untuk menunjang kegiatan di pusat rehabilitasi ini, energi listrik sangat dibutuhkan, terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fasilitas penerangan dan pengoperasian mesin inkubator bayi primata. Sampai saat ini, belum ada jaringan distribusi listrik dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) yang masuk di kawasan ini. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik tersebut,  pasokan energi listrik didapatkan dari gen-set milik warga yang jaraknya kurang lebih 2 km dari JLC. Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilaksanakan antara bulan Pebruari sampai bulan Agustus 2020 dengan kegiatan berupa pembangunan pembangkit listrik hybrid untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik di JLC. Pembangkit listrik hybrid yang dipasang merupakan penggabungan teknologi pembangkit listrik tenaga pikohidro (PLTPH) dan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS). Selama pelaksanaan program, ada dua mitra kegiatan yang berperan aktif, yakni The Aspinall Foundation Indonesia Program (pengelola JLC) dan Komunitas Konservasi Lutung Jawa, dengan total personel sekitar 10 orang. Hasil program pengabdian kepada masayarakat ini berupa pemasangan dan pengoperasian sistem pembangkit tenaga listrik hybrid, yang terdiri atas pembangkit listrik tenaga piko hidro berkapasitas 300 watt dan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya berkapasitas 200 watt peak. Dengan adanya pembangkit listrik hybrid ini, maka kebutuhan listrik di area JLC untuk penerangan dan pengoperasian mesin inkubator bayi Lutung, dengan total daya 180 watt dapat terpenuhi. Selain itu, untuk menjaga keberlangsungan pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan pembangkit tenaga listrik hybrid tersebut, telah dilakukan transfer pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada pihak mitra kerja, yakni The Aspinal Foundation Indonesi Program dan Komunitas Konservasi Lutung Jawa.
SENTIA 2016 Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : SENTIA 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (672.903 KB)


Dari data yang diperoleh dari PT.PLN Area Pengatur Beban (APB), di sub sistem 150 kV Grati-Paiton pada tanggal 2 September 2015 pukul 14.00 tegangan di Bus wlingi 132 kV mengalami drop tegangan melebihi ketentuan yang telah diijinkan (>10%) yaitu sebesar 12%. Pada tanggal 21 Januari 2016 pukul 14.00 tegangan di bus Wlingi 139.2 KV. Perbedaan drop tegangan pada tanggal 2 September 2015 dan 21 Januari 2016 ini disebabkan oleh daya reaktif yang dibangkitkan generator. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengoperasian PLTA Wlingi terhadap profil tegangan yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai drop tegangan dan stabilitas tegangan di bus WlingiAnalisa stabilitas tegangan menggunakan metode FVSI untuk menentukan bus yang mengalami kondisi stabil atau tidak stabil. Setelah menghitung index FVSI nya maka dapat menganalisa pengaruh antara pengoperasian generator saat musim hujan dan musim kemarau dengan kestabilan tegangan. Dari hasil analisa pada musim kemarau bus wlingi dalam kondisi yang tidak stabil dengan nilai index nya 0.096 sedangkan pada musim hujan bus wlingi dalam kondisi tidak stabil pada pukul 10.00 dengan nilai index FVSI nya 0.057. Saat generator tidak beroperasi maka nilai FVSI juga semakin besar. Untuk memperbaiki drop tegangan dan kestabilan tegangan maka terdapat beberapa alternatif, dari ketiga alternatif solusi maka dengan pemasangan kapasitor dapat menaikkan tegangan dari 135.1KV menjadi 142.2KV sehingga bus juga dapat menjadi lebih stabil.
Analisis Pengaruh Static Synchronous Series Compensator Terhadap Kestabilan Transien Menggunakan Metode Nyquist Mohammad Noor Hidayat; Syarifatul Izza; Ratna Ika Putri
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 9 No 1: Februari 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1422.074 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jnteti.v9i1.140


Loss of synchronization causes a generator not in steady state condition, causing system instability. In this paper, Nyquist method is used to determine the transient stability of a synchronous generator using the Nyquist curve. The system is unstable if the G(jω) curve is further away from the point -1 + j0, while the gain margin value is below 6 dB and the phase margin has a value below 30°. The response of the system shows that the rotor angle oscillation on the generator is not synchronous, while the power angle experiences irregular transients so that the power angle increases until it cannot return to its steady state position. By using the Static Series Synchronous Compensator (SSSC) filter, the rotor angle oscillation response after 0.1 seconds begins to stabilize at an angle of 50°. The effect of the SSSC filter also affects the bus voltage oscillations from 0.15 seconds to 0.05 seconds and the real power oscillations from 0.13 seconds to 0.06 seconds.
Abdi Dosen : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : LPPM Univ. Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (744.062 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/abdidos.v6i3.1357


The large electricity bill for aerators and filter pumps in Koi fish farming ponds is a problem for PPM (Community Service) partners. In addition, long-term power outages can cause fish death. This koi fish farming located in Tulungagung district has an area of ​​about 2000 m2 which is divided into several pond plots. The decline in the quality of Koi fish is also caused by poor filtration. The purpose of this activity is to install a micro-scale Solar power plant. This micro Solar Power Plant is used as a power source for filter pumps and pond aerators. The installed 600 Wp Solar Power Plant system consists of 4 solar panels with a capacity of 150 Wp each, an 850 VA hybrid inverter, and a 100 Ah VRLA battery. Electrical energy from Solar Power Plant can power a 75 W pump with a capacity of 26000 L/h. The installation of solar panels in this pool can produce an average of 2.5 kWh of electrical energy/day. So that the electricity savings from PLN can reach IDR. 108,352.5 per month.
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Januari 2023
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v7i1.20585


The natural tourist area of ​​Coban Tarzan waterfall, Jabung District, Malang Regency, is ± 25 km from Malang City. Until now, the fulfillment of electricity needs is obtained from generator sets owned by residents. This area has not yet received an electricity supply from the State Electricity Company (PLN). To overcome these problems, one way that can be done is to utilize existing water resources in the area as a source of electrical energy through the application of a pico-hydro power plant system. The purpose of this community service program is to build a pico-hydro power plant in the natural tourist area of ​​the Coban Tarzan waterfall with a generating capacity of 270 watts. This activity starts from April to November 2021. In carrying out this community service program, there are two activity partners, namely the Coban Tarzan Waterfall Natural Tourism Area Manager and the Sukopuro Forest Management Resort (RPH), with 6 personnel. The method used in the community service program includes 2 aspects, namely the physical aspect in the form of the construction of a pico-hydro power plant and the non-physical aspect in the form of transferring knowledge and skills to work partners regarding the operation and maintenance of the power plant. The results of this community service program are installing and operating a pico-hydro power plant with a capacity of 270 watts. With this power plant, the electricity needs in the Coban Tarzan Waterfall Natural Tourism Area can be met with a total power of around 150 watts. For a pico-hydro power plant to operate according to its capacity, it is necessary that the operation and maintenance of system equipment be carried out correctly and on a scheduled basis.  ---  Kawasan wisata alam air terjun Coban Tarzan, Kecamatan Jabung, Kabupaten Malang berjarak ± 25 km dari Kota Malang. Sampai saat ini, pemenuhan kebutuhan listrik didapatkan dari genset (generator set) milik warga dikarenakan kawasan ini belum mendapatkan pasokan listrik dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya air yang ada di kawasan tersebut sebagai sumber energi listrik melalui penerapan teknologi pembangkit listrik tenaga piko hidro. Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk membangun suatu pembangkit listrik tenaga piko hidro di kawasan wisata alam air terjun Coban Tarzan dengan kapasitas pembangkit sebesar 270 watt. Kegiatan ini dimulai  pada bulan April sampai bulan November 2021. Dalam menjalankan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, terdapat dua mitra kegiatan, yakni Pengelola Kawasan Wisata Alam Air Terjun Coban Tarzan dan Resort Pemangkuan Hutan (RPH) Sukopuro dengan total jumlah personel 6 orang. Metode yang dilakukan dalam program pengabdian kepada masyarakat meliputi 2 aspek, yakni  aspek fisik berupa pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga piko hidro dan aspek non fisik berupa transfer pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada pihak mitra kerja mengenai pengoperasian dan perawatan pembangkit listrik tersebut. Hasil program pengabdian kepada masayarakat ini berupa pemasangan dan pengoperasian pembangkit listrik tenaga piko hidro berkapasitas 270 watt. Dengan adanya pembangkit listrik ini, maka kebutuhan listrik di kawasan Kawasan Wisata Alam Air Terjun Coban Tarzan dapat terpenuhi dengan total daya sekitar 150 watt. Agar pembangkit listrik tenaga piko hidro dapat beroperasi sesuai dengan kapasitasnya, maka perlu pengoperasian dan perawatan terhadap peralatan sistem haruis dilakukan secara benar dan terjadwal.
Otomatisasi Mesin Gergaji Kayu Berbasis PLC Tresna Umar Syamsuri; Mohammad Noor Hidayat; Harrij Mukti K.; Rohmanita Duanaputri
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): ELPOSYS Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT - P2M POLINEMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (768.974 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v9i2.613


The timber industry in the process of cutting is done several types of sawing machine that has been designed in accordance with the needs of use facilitatein the process of cutting. Besides the saw machine simplifythe work given the limited ability of the power human beings either in the form of materials to be cut and safety work of employees. If the company is just a racket manpower is very limited, so to increase that efficiency desirable will be difficult to achieve, therefore required appropriate technology to help improve the eficiency. Technology that can help is to use shawmill machine automatically. In the process of sawing there are several types of sawmill such as: disc saw, bandsaw, in this case the writer uses bandsaw, adjusted with observation data with the power of 22 Kw saws and at the train with power of 1.5Kw. In the manufacture of this control the autor uses the HMI program in the process of controlling the engine from a distance, and operates it. Inside the HMI can be seen on a running machine and a machine that is a trouble.
Perencanaan Dan Analisis Pembangkit Listrik Hybrid PLTS 4x50 Wp dan PLTB Tipe Darrieus Kapasitas 100 Watt Mohamad Arya Iga Wardana; Mohammad Noor Hidayat; Rhezal Agung Ananto
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): ELPOSYS Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT - P2M POLINEMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1035.59 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v9i2.622


In this era energy resources are the main issues that are developing today, this is due to energy needs, offset by population growth and economic growth in Indonesia which is increasing, wind energy and solar energy are renewable energy sources that come from the process of natural that the possibility of the energy will never run out. Both of these energies can be used to produce electrical energy through a power generation process, namely the Hybrid Power Plant (PLTH). Hybrid power generation system is a combination of 2 or more alternative energy power plants, namely wind energy and solar heat. Previously installed 2x50 wp PLTS and Darieus type PLTB with a capacity of 100 watts due to the lack of supply for the 45 ah battery, 2x50 wp PLTS will be added so that charging the battery is faster and optimal and can be used as a reference to compare 2x100 Wp PLTS and 4x50 wp PLTS. The parameters used for this research are the state of the energy source and the electrical load in the futsal field of the State Polythecnic of Malang. in PLTS having an average solar radiation of about 882.14W/m2 can produce a power of 1,252.63 W using PV Monocrystaline of 1.42 m2
Kajian Manajemen Energi Listrik Pada Stasiun Pompa Air Mohammad Noor Hidayat; Sigi Syah Wibowo; Moch. Guntur Eka Prasetya
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 7 No. 3 (2020): ELPOSYS vol.7 no.3 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (826.441 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v7i3.665


To operate the water pump, an electric motor is needed as the driving force. In order for the energy consumption needed to operate an electric motor to be regulated, it is necessary to manage electrical energy at the pump station. One example of a pump station is the local water company (PDAM) Unit Wendit Malang City. This unit consists of 3 pump stations namely Wendit 1, Wendit 2 and Wendit 3. These three parts are supplied by 2 transformers with a capacity of 1110 kVA for Wendit 2 and 1730 kVA for Wendit 1 and 3.From the results of power factor measurements in the three sections, it is known that the power factor value at the Wendit 3 pump station is 0.82. This value does not meet the PLN minimum standard, which is 0.85. To improve the low power factor, two recommendations were given, namely the installation of VSD (Variable Speed Drive) at the PDAM Unit Wendit 1 and 3 pump stations and the installation of a Capasitor Bank at the PDAM Unit Wendit 2 pump station.Based on the analysis, the power factor value PDAM Wendit 3, which was originally 0.82 increased to 0.9. In addition, there are savings in electricity consumption per month of 10.48% at PDAM Unit Wendit 1 and 3 and 28.32% at PDAM Unit Wendit 2.
Pemanfaatan Energi Matahari pada Solar Panel untuk Penerangan Jalan dan Jalur Hijau Di RW 12 Desa Landungsari Irwan Heryanto/Eryk; Mohammad Noor Hidayat; Sigit Setya Wiwaha; Ika Noer Syamsiana
Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan Vol. 7 No. 3 (2020): ELPOSYS vol.7 no.3 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (795.716 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/elposys.v7i3.669


To assist residents of RW 12 Desa Landungsari in supporting village facilities and infrastructure, especially the problem of street lighting. Where to apply to the related agency is not possible because it is only a rural area, so it is necessary to have the self-help of the residents in lighting up their area at night. This lighting will use solar cells as an energy source with a capacity of 50 Wp Off Grid system with a load of 12 Volt DC LED lights. This is because solar energy is a large enough energy available and is environmentally friendly.This research activity also includes community education on the importance of using solar energy as a source of electrical energy. Based on field testing, the average solar panel output voltage is 17 volts, the maximum charging current is 2.6 A and a load power of 30 watts consists of several LED lights.
ANALISIS KEANDALAN SISTEM GRID TIED INVERTER (GTI) PADA ON-GRID SOLAR PV 9 X 80 WP Mohammad Noor Hidayat; Moch. Wahyu Ainul Fauzi; Widamuri Anistia
Jurnal Teknik Ilmu dan Aplikasi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Ilmu dan Aplikasi
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.231 KB)


Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) Off-Grid memanfaatkan cahaya matahari untuk mengisi baterai, namun jika baterai penuh maka energi terbuang. Oleh karena itu, PLTS On-Grid dengan Grid Tied Inverter (GTI) dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi tagihan listrik dari PLN dengan menggunakan energi listrik Solar PV pada siang hari dan listrik PLN pada malam hari. Faktor radiasi matahari berpengaruh pada daya output, power factor dan efisiensi GTI. Energi yang tidak terpakai akan dijual ke PLN dengan nilai kWh tertentu. Gelombang arus GTI rentan mengalami ripple noise sehingga berpotensi memiliki nilai harmonisa yang tinggi. Efisiensi rata-rata Solar PV, Buck Converter, dan GTI adalah 6,13%, 94,32%, dan 68,1% secara berurutan, dan radiasi matahari serta kualitas komponen mempengaruhi efisiensi GTI.