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Application of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza from Senaru Forest Rhizosphere for Gyrinops versteegii Germination and Growth Wangiyana, I Gde Adi Suryawan; Malik, Sukardi
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 10, No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v10i2.14396


The aims of this research are to apply Senaru forest  rhizosphere on Kabupaten Lombok Barat West Nusa Tenggara as Mycorrhiza inoculants for Gyrinops versteegii germination and growth. Rhizosphere sample was taken from ten sampling spot on Senaru forest between Latitude: 08o18.808’ S – 08o19.174’ S and Longitude: 116o24.138’ E – 116o24.181’E. This study employed Factorial Experiment Design with 2 Factor including: Medium Composition (M) and Mychorizza Inoculant (I). There were 5 media composition: M1 (sand), M2 (soil:sand = 1:2), M3 (soil:sand = 1:1), M4 (soil:sand = 2:1), M5 (soil). There were 2 types of Inoculation: I1 (without inoculant) and I2 (innoculant from senaru Rhizosphere). Growth parameters observed in this study were: germination percentage, stem length, stem diameter and root colonization. Germination percentage of G. versteegii seeds in all growth media are below 60 % which could be classified as low germination rate. Also germination from media without rhizosphere is higher than germination from media with rhizosphere. On the other hand, G. versteegii growth on rhizosphere media is slightly higher than growth of G. versteegii on media without rhizosphere based on stem diameter and length measurement. It tends that medium composition with higher sand proportion tended to gives better germination and growth rate of G. verteegii. Myorrhiza colonization on G. versteegii root was higher in media with rhizosphere addition. It could be concluded that Application of Senaru rhizosphere containing Mycorrhiza increases G. versteegii growth but not its germination percentage. This research enrich knowledge in biological science about asociation of mycorrhiza with G. versteegii especially on its growth and germination
PERBANDINGAN AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK KASAR RESIN DAN DAUN GAHARU (Gyrinops versteegii) Wangiyana, I Gde Adi Suryawan; Akram, .; Isbulloh, Farouq
Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Balai Bioteknologi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.901 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jbbi.v7i1.3862


Comparison of Antibacterial Activities of Agarwood (Gyrinops versteegii) Resin and Leaf Crude ExtractThis research aim is to compare antibacterial activities of leaves extract and resin extract of Gyrinops versteegii with different extraction solvent and concentration. Leaves and resin had been prepared by drying and grinding then were extracted by maceration method. Factorial experiment design was used for extract application to Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923. First factor was extract ingredient, second factor was extraction solvent, third factor was extract concentration. Inhibition zone as main parameter for antibacterial assay were analysed by ANOVA, HSD test and standard error. The inhibition zone of resin was higher than inhibition zone of leaves. The extraction solvent and extract concentration were not significantly resulted in different inhibition zone diameter. However, there were unique interaction between extraction solvent and extraction concentration that affected inhibition zone diameter. It could be concluded that the inhibition zone of resin was higher than that of leaves while no significant result from extraction solvent and extract concentration factorsKeywords: antibacterial, agarwood, extract, leaves, resin ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas antibakteri daun gaharu dan resin gaharu G. versteegii menggunakan beberapa pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak yang berbeda. Bahan daun dan resin gaharu dikeringkan dan dicacah, kemudian diekstrak menggunakan metode maserasi. Uji aplikasi ekstrak pada Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923 dilakukan menggunakan rancangan faktorial, yaitu faktor pertama bahan ekstrak (resin, daun), faktor kedua pelarut pengekstrak (etanol, metanol), dan faktor ketiga konsentrasi ekstrak (0,25; 0,5; dan 1 g mL–1). Data zona hambat terhadap bakteri uji dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA, BNJ dan standard error. Rerata zona hambat ekstrak daun gaharu (7 mm) lebih besar secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan rerata zona hambat ekstrak resin (6,5 mm). Faktor pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap zona hambat. Pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak memberikan pengaruh interaksi berbeda-beda terhadap zona hambat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ekstrak daun gaharu memiliki aktivitas antibakteri lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan ekstrak resin gaharu dengan konsentrasi ekstrak efisien sebesar 0,25 g mL–1.
Pkm Kelompok Pembibit Gaharu Desa Kekait Puncang Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Produksi Bibit Wangiyana, I Gde Adi Suryawan; Wanitaningsih, Sad Kurniati
Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 2: November 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/linov.v3i2.447


Penduduk Desa Kekait Puncang adalah petani gaharu tradisional dan telah memproduksi benih gaharu selama lebih dari 25 tahun. Produksi benih gaharu secara tradisional memiliki keterbatasan pada tingkat efisiensi produksi yang rendah. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dengan ilmu terapan dan teknologi berupa rumah kaca, rak benih dan mikoriza arbuscular. Rumah kaca berbahan bambu, plastik dan paranet dengan ukuran 3 mx 7 m. Rak benih terbuat dari besi siku-siku serbaguna dan kawat kasa 0,5 cm2. Pasir zeolit yang diinokulasi mikoriza arbuskular digunakan pada pembibitan biji gaharu untuk meningkatkan persentase perkecambahan. Rumah kaca dapat memberikan kondisi yang optimal bagi benih gaharu untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Rak benih dapat meningkatkan kapasitas produksi benih gaharu hingga 12.000 benih untuk setiap rumah kaca. Jumlah ini jauh lebih baik dibandingkan sebelum penerapan rak benih. Perkecambahan biji gaharu dapat ditingkatkan hingga 80% dengan aplikasi mikoriza arbuskular. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan greenhouse, rak benih dan mikoriza dapat meningkatkan efisiensi produksi benih gaharu yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Desa Kekait Puncang sebagai penghasil benih gaharu.Pkm Gaharu Breeding Group in Kekait Puncang Village to Increase Seed Production EfficiencyAbstractThe Villager of Kekait Puncangis a traditional agarwood farmer and has been producing agarwood seed for over 25 years. Production of agarwood seed by traditional method has limitation in the low rate of producing efficiency. This community service aim is to enhance producing efficiency by applied science and technology in form of greenhouse, seed rack and mycorrhiza arbuscular. Greenhouse made from bamboo, plastic and paranet with size of 3 m x 7 m. Seed rack made from multipurpose right-angle iron stick and 0.5 cm2screen wire. Zeolite sand inoculated by mycorrhiza arbuscular were used in seedling of agarwood seed to enhance germination percentage. Greenhouse could give optimum condition for agarwood seed to growth and develop. Seed rack could increase agarwood seed producing capacity up to 12.000 seeds for each greenhouse. This amount was much better than before application of seed rack. Germination of agarwood seed could be increase up to 80% by application of mycorrhiza arbuscular. It could be concluded that application of greenhouse, seed rack and mycorrhiza could increase producing efficiency of agarwood seed that give benefit for Kekait Puncang Villager as agarwood seed producer.
Aplikasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Dan Kegiatan Pruning Dalam Optimalisasi Budidaya Gaharu Di Desa Duman Kecamatan Lingsar Lombok Barat Wangiyana, I Gde Adi Suryawan; Putri, Dina Soes
Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2: November 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/linov.v4i2.452


Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pembinaan bagi para petani Desa Duman khususnya istri mereka untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan pohon gaharu mereka melalui aplikasi pendorong pertumbuhan dan pemangkasan. Peserta pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah istri Petani Desa Duman. Pengabdian masyarakat ini diawali dengan sosialisasi tentang pentingnya mendorong pertumbuhan dan pemangkasan pada budidaya gaharu. Kemudian, para peserta diberi kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan teori yang mereka peroleh dari sosialisasi. Fitohormon giberelin adalah penginduksi pertumbuhan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini. Dosis fitohormon tersebut adalah 1 gr untuk 2 liter air. Pemangkasan dilakukan dengan menebang cabang pucuk pohon gaharu menggunakan gunting tanaman. Daun dari cabang yang sudah dipotong pada kegiatan pemangkasan dapat diolah menjadi teh gaharu. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta telah memahami tentang penerapan pendorong pertumbuhan dan pemangkasan untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan pohon gaharu.Application of Growth Regulators and Pruning Activities in Optimizing Agarwood Cultivation in Duman Village, Lingsar District, West LombokAbstractThe aim of this community service is to give training for farmers of Duman Village, especially their wife, to optimize growth of their agarwood tree by application of promoting growth inducer and pruning. The participants on this community service were Farmers’s wife of Duman Village. This community service started by socialization about the important of promoting growth inducer and pruning activity on agarwood cultivation. Then, the participants were given an opportunity to practice the theory that they got from the socialization. Gibberellins phytohormone was the promoting growth inducer that was used in this activity. The dose of that phytohormone was 1 gr for 2 liter water. Pruning activity was conducted by cutting top branch of agarwood tree using plant scissors. Leaves from branch that has been cut on the pruning activity could be processed to produce agarwood tea. It could be concluded that participant has already understood about application of promoting growth inducer and pruning activity to optimize growth of agarwood tree.
Hedonic test of agarwood tea from Gyrinops versteegii with different leaves processing method Wangiyana, I Gde Adi Suryawan; Triandini, I Gusti Agung Ayu Hari; Anita Nugraheni, Yosephin Martha Maria
Jurnal Riset Industri Hasil Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Kementerian Perindustrian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24111/jrihh.v13i2.6939


Gyrinops Agarwood tea was a potential forest tea product. This research aim is to observe panelist preference level of Gyrinops agarwood tea with different leaves processing methods. There werefour agarwood leave processing including: fresh leaves without drying and oxidation (sample1), dried leaves without oxidation (sample2), dried leaves with partial oxidation (sample3), dried leaves with full oxidation (sample4). Phytochemical screening on samples was carried by tannin measurement with titrimetric method. Five scales hedonic score and numeric score were used by the panelist to express their preference level toward the samples, including like extremely (5), like slightly (4), neither like nor dislike (3), dislike slightly (2), dislike extremely (1).Hedonic assay has shown that at least 70% of panelists are given preference scores above the rejected standard (neither like nor dislike). The panelist gave this preference based on four parameters, including color, aroma, taste, and texture. Panelists prefer samples with oxidation then sample without oxidation. This preference was related to the higher tannin concentration on the sample with oxidation than the sample without oxidation. Sample 4 has got the highest numeric score from the panelist. This sample also has the highest tannin concentration among all samples (11%). It could be concluded that dried and full oxidation on leaf processing could produce agarwood tea with high tannin concentration and hedonic scores.
PERBANDINGAN AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK KASAR RESIN DAN DAUN GAHARU (Gyrinops versteegii) I Gde Adi Suryawan Wangiyana; . Akram; Farouq Isbulloh
Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Balai Bioteknologi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.901 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jbbi.v7i1.3862


Comparison of Antibacterial Activities of Agarwood (Gyrinops versteegii) Resin and Leaf Crude ExtractThis research aim is to compare antibacterial activities of leaves extract and resin extract of Gyrinops versteegii with different extraction solvent and concentration. Leaves and resin had been prepared by drying and grinding then were extracted by maceration method. Factorial experiment design was used for extract application to Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923. First factor was extract ingredient, second factor was extraction solvent, third factor was extract concentration. Inhibition zone as main parameter for antibacterial assay were analysed by ANOVA, HSD test and standard error. The inhibition zone of resin was higher than inhibition zone of leaves. The extraction solvent and extract concentration were not significantly resulted in different inhibition zone diameter. However, there were unique interaction between extraction solvent and extraction concentration that affected inhibition zone diameter. It could be concluded that the inhibition zone of resin was higher than that of leaves while no significant result from extraction solvent and extract concentration factorsKeywords: antibacterial, agarwood, extract, leaves, resin ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas antibakteri daun gaharu dan resin gaharu G. versteegii menggunakan beberapa pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak yang berbeda. Bahan daun dan resin gaharu dikeringkan dan dicacah, kemudian diekstrak menggunakan metode maserasi. Uji aplikasi ekstrak pada Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923 dilakukan menggunakan rancangan faktorial, yaitu faktor pertama bahan ekstrak (resin, daun), faktor kedua pelarut pengekstrak (etanol, metanol), dan faktor ketiga konsentrasi ekstrak (0,25; 0,5; dan 1 g mL–1). Data zona hambat terhadap bakteri uji dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA, BNJ dan standard error. Rerata zona hambat ekstrak daun gaharu (7 mm) lebih besar secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan rerata zona hambat ekstrak resin (6,5 mm). Faktor pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap zona hambat. Pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak memberikan pengaruh interaksi berbeda-beda terhadap zona hambat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ekstrak daun gaharu memiliki aktivitas antibakteri lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan ekstrak resin gaharu dengan konsentrasi ekstrak efisien sebesar 0,25 g mL–1.
Bio-Induksi Ranting Cabang Gaharu (Gyrinops versteegii) Di Perkebunan Gaharu Desa Pejaring Lombok Timur I Gde Adi Suryawan Wangiyana; Efendi Iskandar
ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.249 KB) | DOI: 10.32522/ujht.v5i2.5324


Bio-induction on the branch of agarwood tree (Gyrinops versteegii) is a good alternative method to increase resin productivity. The aim of this research is to applied bio-induction on the branch of G. versteegii with different diameters. Different branch diameter was the treatment on this research including branch 1 (diameter 70 mm ± 5 mm), branch 2 (85 mm ± mm), branch 3 (100 mm ± mm). Fusarium solani isolate of Institute for Technology Research and Development of Non-Timber Forest Product was used as a bio-induction agent. This isolate was cultured on bean sprout broth media for 28 days. Bio-induction was carried using standard procedure developed by Forest Research and Development Agency. Observation of the result conducted 3 months after bio-induction. There were 3 parameters of bio-induction result including resin area production, discoloration in form of browning on branch, and fragrance level of resin. Branch 2 has the largest resin area production. However, branch 3 has the highest score of browning and fragrance level. This result indicated a correlation between browning on branch and fragrance level quality. It could be concluded that bio-induction on larger branch diameter could produce higher productivity of resin, especially on browning and fragrance level parameter
Pelatihan Teknologi Bio-induksi untuk Petani Gaharu di Desa Pejaring, Kabupaten Lombok Timur I Gde Adi Suryawan Wangiyana; Sad Kurniati Wanitaningsih; Lutfi Anggadhania
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/agrokreatif.6.1.36-44


Agar wood farmer of Pejaring Village have used traditional method to induce resin formation on agarwood tree. They used mechanical method induction by nail and machete tools as well as chemical method induction by chemical liquid that the called by “infus”. These traditional methods influenced resin formation on agarwood tree at their agarwood plantation. That resin production was low in productivity and low in efficiency. The purpose of this community service was to conducted workshop of bio-induction technology for Pejaring Village agarwood farmer to solve their problem. Agarwood farmer of Pejaring Village were directly involved in all bio-induction training activity. This training was started by socialization of program through FGD with Agarwood Farmer of Pejaring Villange. Practical stage was started by selecting agarwood tree for sample by themselves. After selecting process has been done, training continued by bio-induction of agarwood sample using bore and injecting method also by themselves. The last stage was monitoring and evaluating of resin production on agarwood sample as result of bio-induction. In this stage, they got opportunity to give self-assessment of those resin production by organoleptic test. Bio-induction technology could stimulate resin formation on agarwood tree sample at 3 months after induction. This result was much better comparing to the result of traditional induction method that they used to conducted. Organoleptic test has confirmed that resin has quite good fragrance quality. It could be concluded that Pejaring Village agarwood farmers have understood about bio-induction technique and could applied that technology to replace traditional technology.
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia-25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.285 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/logista.3.2.82-89.2019


Pohon gaharu banyak terdapat di sekitar areal pertanian desa Duman dan sebagin besar tidak dimanfaatkan dengan optimal. Padahal bahan tersebut merupakan bahan baku minuman teh herbal yang berkualitas. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan istri petani untuk mengolah daun gaharu menjadi minuman teh herbal. Kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan keterampilan baru bagi istri petani desa Duman sehinnga mampu membantu perekonomian keluarga. Partisipan dalam kegiatan ini sebanyak 20 orang istri anggota kelompok tani Duman. Pengabdian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap: tahap teori dan tahap praktek. Partisipan diberikan materi terkait bagaimana mengolah daun gaharu menjadi teh herbal pada tahap teori. Praktek langsung dilakukan oleh parisipan berdasarkan teori yang sudah mereka peroleh. Partisipan telah memahami bahwa urutan sistematis pengolahan daun gaharu menjadi teh herbal meliputi: 1) Pemilihan daun, 2) Pengeringan Daun, 3) Pencacahan daun, 4) Oksidasi daun, 5) Penyeduhan daun. Berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test, terjadi peningkatan pemahaman partisipan rata – rata sebesar 70% mengenai metode pengolahan daun gaharu menjadi teh gaharu secara sitematis. Partisipan memiliki peluang yang bagus untuk mengembangkan produk teh tersebut menjadi industri rumah tangga. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Istri anggota kelompok tani desa Duman telah memahami cara pengolahan daun gaharu menjadi minuman teh yang berkualitas. Kata kunci: Pengolahan daun, Teh gaharu, Istri petani ABSTRACT Agarwood trees on rice field of Duman Village were not been utilized optimally. On the other hand, this material was a good source of herbal tea. The purpose of this community service is to give training to farmer’s wife of Duman Village about how to process agarwood leaves into herbal tea. This community service should give new skill to farmer’s wife of Duman village so they could give additional income for their family. Twenty participants of this community service consist of farmer’s wife of Duman Village. This community service including two main steps: Theoritical stage and Practical stage. Participant were given theory of processing agarwood leaves into herbal tea in theoretical stage. Participants applied theory that they already got in practical stage. Participant were fully understood about agarwood processing into herbal tea with systematic method. That method including 5 steps: 1) Selecting leaves, 2) Drying leaves, 3) Chopping leaves, 4) Oxidizing leaves, 5) Brewing leaves. There is 70% average improvement on participants knowledge about processing agarwood leaves into herbal tea based on pre-test and post-test. This herbal tea product has good prospect to be developed into home industry product by participants. It could be concluded farmer’s wife of Duman Village were fully understood about agarwood leaves processing method to produce good quality of herbal tea. Keywords: Leaves processing, Agarwood tea, Farmer’s wife
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 6, No 2 (2019): August
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.288 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/agrotek.v6i2.1209


The aim of this research was to observed the abundance of mycorrhiza spore and mycorrhiza colonization on G. versteegii’s root at agarwood plantation on Langko, Kekait and Pejaring. Rhizosphere samples were taken from 0 cm – 20 cm of depth. Spore extraction was carried by combination of filtration and centrifugation methods. G. versteegii roots were soaked with 10% KOH continued by 2% HCl then were rinsed by distilled water. Lactoglycerol trypan blue 0,05% were used as dye on root colonization observation. Mycorrhiza spore population and root colonization data were analyzed by ANOVA, HSD and Error Standard. Rhizosphere of Pejaring has the highest number of mycorrhiza spore but not significantly different from Rhizosphere of Kekait. Langko rhizosphere has the smallest number of mycorrhiza spore population. On the other hand, this place has the highest mycorrhiza colonization percentage among the others. It could be concluded that Mycorrhiza spore population has negative correlation with mycorrhiza root’s colonization which shows unique symbiotic between mycorrhiza and G. versteegii.