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Perancangan Conveyor Mini untuk Pemilahan Buah Berdasarkan Ukuran yang Dikendalikan oleh Mikrokontroller Atmega16 Harahap, Partaonan; Oktrialdi, Benny; Cholish, Cholish
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 3 (2018): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka ke - 3
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (669.292 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/teknoka.v3i0.2818


Berkembang dan bervariasi, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut industri membutuhkan suatu alat yangdapat mengontrol dan mengendalikan proses permesinan secara otomatis sehingga mempermudah danmenghemat tenaga manusia. sebagian besar industri menerapkan sistem control menggunakanMikrokontroller sebagai alat kontrol kerja produksi, seperti  alat conveyor untuk pemilahan buah berdasarkan ukuran yang dikendalikan oleh Mikrokontroller ATMEGA16, dengan menggunakan sensorultrasonic sebagai pengukur ukuran objek dan kombinasi photodioda dan motor servo dapat mendeteksikeberadaan objek lalu dapat mensortirnya. Perancangan conveyor pada penelitian ini menggunakan jenis Belt Conveyor dengan komponen utama roller dari bahan pvc, kerangka dari bahan akrelit, sabuk (Belt) dari bahan lakban, motor dc sebagai penggerak sabuk juga roda gigi (pulley) dan Terdapat 3 buah motor servo yang difungsikan untuk memilah buah jeruk berdasarkan ukuran kecil, sedang, dan besar. Perancangan conveyor yang dilengkapi pemilah benda ini dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan ATMEGA 16 sebagai kontrolernya. Sensor ultrasonic HC-SR04 berfungsi dengan baik untuk mengukur ukuran objek, dan kombinasi photodioda dan motor servo dapat mendeteksi keberadaan objek lalu dapat memilahnya. Kemudian data dicacah oleh mikrokontroller dan ditampilkan pada layar LCD.
Publisher : PSTE UNIMUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.642 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/me.9.2.2016.%p


Pengaruh jatuh tegangan jala-jala dengan beban bervariasi terhadap daya input, arus input, kecepatan putar rotor, slip, daya output, rugi-rugi dan efisiensi motor induksi tiga fasa.Diperoleh dari simulasi jatuh tegangan sebesar 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% pada beban 4 N-m yang mengalami kenaikan adalah arus input dari 6,23-6,77 ampere, juga slip dari 3,273,33 %, dan yang mengalami penurunan adalah kecepatan putar rotor dari 1450,92-1450,01 rpm, daya output dari 4912,55-4263,93 watt dan effisiensi dari 88,99-87,53 %. Pada beban 5 N-m yang mengalami kenaikan adalah arus input dari 6,35-6,94 ampere, slip dari 3,36-3,43 %, dan yang mengalami penurunan adalah kecepatan putar rotor dari 1449,67-1448,52 rpm, daya output dari 4933,074329,55 watt dan effisiensi dari 89,04-87,71 %. Pada beban 6 N-m yang mengalami kenaikan adalah arus input dari 6,48-7,03 amper, slip dari 3,44-3,53 %, dan yang mengalami penurunan adalah kecepatan putar rotor dari 1448,46-1447,03 rpm, daya output dari 4964,58-4365,17 wattdan effisiensi dari 89,11-87,81 %.Kata Kunci: Jatuh tegangan jala-jala, Motor induksi tiga fasa rotor sangkar
Inverator Starting Energy Saver Design For Electric Power Efficiency In Water Pumps Faisal Irsan Pasaribu; Noorly Evalina; Partaonan Harahap
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY Vol 5, No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jet.v5i1.12096


The use of a Water Pump at the initial start is the use of electricity with a large capacity which sometimes faces various kinds of efficiency problems. These problems include an increase in current that occurs in the channel by improving the quality of electric power, especially in the electrical system in the area of the use of the Water Pump, which is expected to be able to improve the quality of electric power. The purpose of the research was to design an inverter starting energy saver as an effort to improve power quality for electricity savings, electric power efficiency in water pumps. This improvement is also expected to be able to reduce the cost of using electricity bills, especially in the use of water pumps. To be able to carry out the improvement of the quality of the electric power, it is necessary to calculate the active power and apparent power when the water pump is used. After performing these calculations, the installation of the inverter starting circuit saver electricity will be used. By carrying out these steps by installing a series of inverters that can improve the quality of electrical power. And by using the inverter circuit starting Energy saver, it is clear that it produces an active power efficiency value of 82% of the active power before using the 272 Watt inverter circuit and active power after using the 223.9 Watt inverter circuit, and also produces an apparent power efficiency value of 83% before using the circuit. inverter 275.18 VA and apparent power after using the inverter circuit 227.94 VA
Performance of Grid-Connected Rooftop Solar PV System for Households during Covid-19 Pandemic Partaonan Harahap; Faisal Irsan Pasaribu; Chandra Amirsyah Putra Siregar; Benny Oktrialdi
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY Vol 5, No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jet.v5i1.12089


As we know, the need for electrical energy is increasing along with population growth and technological developments. This increase was also triggered by the growth rate of the energy demand of 6.86% per year. Most of the energy needs come from non-renewable energy, which has limitations and is not environmentally friendly. Despite being affected by Covid, this period is a momentum to start the direction of clean energy policies. The utilization of solar power can be started by utilizing a rooftop solar power system on the roof of a hotel or on the roof of other industrial buildings. As one of the research and development institutions in the housing and settlement infrastructure sector, it tries to provide alternative technology solutions through an innovative technology called PV-roof. The results of the research show that the designed roof off-grid has an average voltage and current on the first day of 13 Volts and a current of 1.8 A, and on the second day, 12.4 Volts and a current of 1.6 A, while on the third day, 12.8 Volts and current of 1.8 A. If the use of 1 battery bears a load of 450 Watts for 2.7 hours, then for users less than 5 hours, the solar charger controller capacity is 12.12 A.
Efisiensi Daya Listrik Pada Dispenser Dengan Jenis Merk Yang Berbeda Menggunakan Inverator Partaonan Harahap; Muhammad Adam
RESISTOR (Elektronika Kendali Telekomunikasi Tenaga Listrik Komputer) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): RESISTOR (Elektronika Kendali Telekomunikasi Tenaga Listrik Komputer)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/resistor.4.1.37-42


Dispenser adalah salah satu alat rumah tangga yang menggunakan listrik untuk dapat memanaskan elemen pemanas dan menjalankan mesin pendinginnya. Dispenser ada yang menggunakan prinsip kerja dengan elemen pemanas dan mesin pendingin (compressor). Dispenser atau tempat air minum adalah salah satu peralatan listrik atau elektronik yang didalamnya terdapat heater sebagai komponen utamanya, heater berfungsi untuk memanaskan air yang ada pada tabung penampung, heater umunya memiliki daya sekitar 200-300 Watt. Penggunaan Inverator telah beredar di pasaran dan digunakan oleh setiap rumah tangga, bisnis, industri maupun perkantoran di Indonesia. Berdasarkan perbandingan efisiensi daya dan daya penggunaan listrik sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan inventor pada rumah tangga dan memiliki selisih antara Sebelum Pemakain Inventor daya aktif  pada merek A sebesar  532 Watt, pada merek sebesar  B 563 Watt, pada merek C sebesar 329 Watt dan Sesudah Pemakain Inventor daya aktif  pada merek A sebesar  517 Watt, pada merek sebesar  B 560 Watt, pada merek C sebesar 548 Watt. The dispenser is a household appliance that uses electricity to heat the heating element and run the cooling machine. There are dispensers that use a working principle with a heating element and a cooling machine (compressor). The dispenser or drinking water container is one of the electrical or electronic equipment in which there is a heater as its main component, the heater functions to heat the water in the storage tube, the heater generally has a power of around 200-300 Watts. The use of Inverator has been circulating in the market and is used by every household, business, industry and office in Indonesia. Based on the comparison of power efficiency and power use of electricity before and after using the inventor in the household and the difference between Before Use Inventor, active power in brand A is 532 Watts, for brands B 563 Watts, on brand C is 329 Watts and After Use Inventor power is active in brand A of 517 Watts, in brands of B 560 Watts, in brand C of 548 Watts.
Optimasi Kapasitas Rooftop Pv Off Grid Energi Surya Berakselerasi di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 untuk Diimplemtasikan pada Rumah Tinggal Partaonan Harahap; Muhammad Adam; Benny Oktrialdi
RESISTOR (Elektronika Kendali Telekomunikasi Tenaga Listrik Komputer) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): RESISTOR (Elektronika Kendali Telekomunikasi Tenaga Listrik Komputer)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/resistor.5.1.31-38


Pandemi Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) melemahkan hampir seluruh sektor ekonomi dan industri termasuk pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS). maka mencakup kebutuhan energi listrik yang digunakan dalam rumah tangga selama pandemi covid-19 ini yaitu dengan pemasangan PLTS Rooftop Off Grid  400 Wp, sebesar rata-rata untuk pengukuran hari pertama matahari radiasi sebesar 1058 W/m, dengan cuaca berawan dan rata-rata tengangan 19,13 Volt dan arus  sebesar 1,8 A. Hari kedua matahari radiasi sebesar 10574 W/m, dengan cuaca berawan dan rata-rata tengangan 18,97 Volt dan arus  sebesar 1,8 A, Maka rata-rata perhari memerlukan energi listrik sesuai  dengan Tarif Dasar Listrik (TDL), dalam 1 kWh adalah Rp. 1.545,-. maka energi listrik yang diperlukan di rumah sebesar 3,35 kWh/harinya atau sebesar 100,5 kWh/bulanya dengan pembayaran sebesar Rp. 155.272,- sedangkan biaya pengadaan perangkat solar cell untuk keperluan rumah tinggal yang sesuai dengan beban yang ada yaitu sebesar Rp. 11.305.000,-. maka biaya tersebut akan kembali modal (break even pint) selama 6 Tahun.The Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic weakened almost all economic and industrial sectors including solar power plants (PLTS). then includes the need for electrical energy used by households during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the installation of PLTS Rooftop Off Grid 400 Wp on average for the measurement of solar radiation on the first day of 1058 W/m, with cloudy weather and an average voltage of 19.13 Volts and current 1.8 A. The second day of solar radiation is 10574 W/m, with cloudy weather and an average voltage of 18.97 Volts and a current of 1.8 A, so that the average day requires electrical energy according to the Basic Electricity Tariff (TDL) ), in 1 kWh is Rp. 1545,-. then the electrical energy needed at home is 3.35 kWh/day or 100.5 kWh/month with a payment of Rp. 155,272, - while the cost of procuring solar cell devices for residential purposes in accordance with the existing load is Rp. 11.305.000,-. then the fee will return the capital (break even pint) for 6 years.
Pelatihan Penggunaan Sensor HMC 5883L Sebagai Petunjuk Arah Kiblat Sumatera Utara Sudirman Lubis; Faisal Irsan Pasaribu; Partaonan Harahap; Wawan Septiawan Damanik; Rahmad Syukur Siregar; Munawar Alfansury Siregar; Puja Rizqy Ramadhan; Soulthan Saladin Batubara
IHSAN : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ihsan (Oktober)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ihsan.v2i2.5336


Cara kerja dari sensor HMC 5883L sebagai pendamping kompas analog penunjuk arah mata angin dan penunjuk arah kiblat. Mengetahui kemampuan kerja sensor HMC 5883L untuk hasil pembacaan arah pada layar LCD dan tampilan LED light. Mendapatkan arah kiblat yang akurat dan tampilan arah yang baik agar mudah dipahami pengguna. Dapat sebagai pendamping data kompas RHI yang berada pada Lembaga OIF UMSU. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan pengujian pada sensor kompas HMC 5883L dapat membaca 8 arah mata angin yang telah ditampilkan pada layar LCD dalam bentuk jumlah derajat dalam angka dan batas antara arah sisi Timur, Tenggara, Selatan, Barat Daya, Barat, Barat Laut, Utara dan Timur Laut. Pada setiap arah dan batas mata angin, selain ditampilkan pada layar LCD batas dari kedelapan arah mata angin juga di tunjukkan pada lampu LED yang menyala sesuai dengan jumlah mata angin sebanyak 8 buah. Kemampuan pembacaan sensor HMC 5883L cukup baik dikarenakan selisih pembacaan sudut kemiringan arah kiblat yang masih dalam kategori aman yaitu 7o sementara rentang jarak aman kemiringan arah kiblat di Indonesia yaitu 5o.
Prototype Measuring Device for Electric Load in Households Using the Pzem-004T Sensor Partaonan Harahap; Faisal Irsan Pasaribu; Muhammad Adam
Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences (BirEx) Journal Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences, July
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birex.v2i3.1074


Electrical energy has become a basic need for all people in the world, alternative energy as described above can be applied to households that are supplied by two energy sources namely energy sources from solar panels and PLN need to be accompanied by a system of regulating the supply of electric load power (control systems), so that the change of electrical energy supply to the load can work automatically. Along with the continued increase in the Basic Electricity Tariff (TDL) it is necessary to design a measurement of the use of electrical loads in households using the Pzem-004T Sensor to determine the amount of power from an electrical load and can be monitored from a certain distance. From the results of tests and measurements with various household loadings for 0 days, a very significant comparison from the previous TDL of Rp. 159,000.00, - and after using the Pzem-004T Sensor, the result of the TDL tariff calculation is Rp. 109,308.
Design of Energy Storage Circuits for Efficiency of Electric Power Usage in Computer Devices Faisal Irsan Pasaribu; Partaonan Harahap; Muhammad Adam
Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences (BirEx) Journal Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences, July
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birex.v2i3.1076


The use of electricity with large capacity sometimes faces problems. These problems include a decrease in voltage that occurs in the channel. With the improvement of the quality of electric power on computer equipment at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah, North Sumatra, it is expected to be able to improve the quality of electrical power. This improvement is expected to reduce the cost of electricity usage in the Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah North Sumatra. To carry out improvements in the quality of electrical power, it is necessary to calculate the active power and apparent power. After doing these calculations, the determination of the capacitor value will be used. By carrying out these stages it is expected that the installation of Energy storage devices can improve the quality of electrical power. And by using energy storage devices will be clearly seen before and after the use of energy storage devices with the value of efficiency before and after namely: 87% (active power) and 91% (apparent power).
Varistor in the Inverator Circuit Starting Energy Saver to Reduce Water Pump Electric Current Faisal Irsan Pasaribu; Noorly Evalina; Partaonan Harahap
Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences (BirEx) Journal Vol 3, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences, October
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birex.v3i4.2632


In general, the water pump is often used automatically, according to the use of the water faucet when it is opened. This automatic water pump system often triggers a surge in electric current when the water pump is on or off. This surge in electric current will increase compared to the nominal electric current. With increased current capacity, sometimes we face problems with the quality of electrical power in the electrical system, and will also increase electricity bills. The purpose of this research is to improve the quality of power to save electricity, reduce electric current when the water pump is used, so as to reduce the cost of using electricity bills, especially for water pumps. The use of Varistors in the Inverator Starting Energy Saver circuit is very influential in protecting the load when there is a surge in current even though it is momentary or long, so that it can improve the quality of electrical power at the water pump load. The data is carried out on measuring current, voltage, cos phi and frequency when the water pump is used without using an inverator. After making these measurements the measurement data can be saved as a comparison for the measurement data, which uses the installation of an inverator starting energy saver which is connected in parallel with the power source and also connected to the water pump. By installing the inverter starting energy saver circuit to improve the quality of electric power. The use of a varistor in the inverator starting Energy saver circuit clearly produces a current of 1.274 A and the voltage is 216 V without using an inverator. Furthermore, when using the inverter circuit, it produces a current of 1.098 A and the voltage drops by 207.6 V. The decrease in the working voltage of the water pump is still within the standard 5%.