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Perencanaan Dinding Penahan Tanah Type Gravitasi di Perumahan De Salvia Kelurahan Tanjungrejo Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang Zhohirin, Zhohirin; Suhudi, Suhudi; Sulistyani, Kiki Frida
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRACT Soil as construction material as well as the foundation of a construction land or structures such as dams, embankments, retaining walls, buildings and bridges. In every construction requires a specific requirement in terms of both strength and economically. This study aimed to analyze and plan for a stable retaining wall on the stability of the shift, the overthrow and the carrying capacity by using Gravity Type On Housing Da Salvia District Sukun Malang City. Calculation of earth pressure calculated using Rankine theory. Stability Analysis Results Retaining Walls with Gravity Type Dimensions: Width top (B1) 0.30 m, base width (B2) 2.00 m and a total height (H + D) 6.00 m, which then did not secure the stability of the overthrow ( 0.4 1.5). Results Budget Plan (RAB) in the calculation of total fees earned USD 241.774.018, the cost of any work (m3) Rp 1.557.170,116, job retention costs (m) USD 4.395.891,236 Keywords ; Analysis ; Dimensional ; Gravity Type Retaining Walls.
Studi Perencanaan Tebal Lapisan Perkerasan Tambahan (Overlay) Pada Ruas Jalan Ki Ageng Gribig Sawojajar-Malang Nugroho, Andi; Suhudi, Suhudi; Arifianto, Andy Kristafi
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Perkerasan jalan adalah suatu sistem yang terdiri dari beberapa lapis material yang diletakkan pada tanah-dasar (subgrade). Konstruksi perkerasan lentur (flexible pavement) terdiri dari empat lapisan yaitu Lapisan permukaan (surface course), Lapisan pondasi atas (base course), Lapisan pondasi bawah (subbase course), Lapisan tanah dasar (subgrade). Tujuan utama dari dibangunnya perkerasan adalah untuk memberikan permukaan yang rata dengan kekesatan tertentu, dengan umur layanan cukup panjang, serta pemeliharaan yang minimum. Untuk kelancaran tersebut maka dilakukan perkerasan. Perkerasan jalan ini sepanjang 1,8 km dengan lebar rata-rata 7 m. Dalam penelitian ini penulis membahas proses perencanaan perhitungan tebal lapisan tambahan (overlay) dengan menggunakan metode analisa komponen, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, diperoleh susunan tebal lapisan tambahan (overlay) terdiri dari pondasi baw ah (SubBase) tebal 20 cm, pondasi atas (Base Course) tebal 15 cm, lapisan lama permukaan (Surface) 7 cm. Dan diperoleh bahwa lapisan permukaan tambahan (overlay) setebal 5 cm jenis Aspal Macadam dengan umur rencana 10 tahun dan tingkat pertumbuhan lalu lintas diperoleh sebesar 1 % per tahun. Kata kunci : Aspal Macadam; Overlay; Perkerasan Jalan. ABSTRACT Roughness of the road is a system composed of several layers of material that is placed on the land-base (subgrade). Construction of elastic roughness (flexible pavement) consists of four layers, namely the surface layer (surface course), the upper layers of the Foundation (base course), a layer of Foundation bottom (subbase course), the basic soil Layer (subgrade). The main objective of the building of roughness is to provide a flat surface with skid resistance, with fairly long service lifespan, as well as minimum maintenance. To smooth the roughness is done. This road roughness along 1.8 km with an average width of 7 m in this study the author discusses the planning process calculation of thick layer (overlay) by using a method of analysis of the components, based on the results of the calculation, obtained the order of thick layer (overlay) consists of the Foundation of the baw ah (SubBase) 20 cm thick, Foundation top (Base Course) 15 cm thick, long layer surface (Surface) 7 cm. And obtained that the surface layer (overlay) approx 5 cm type of Asphalt Macadam with age plan 10 year and the growth rate of traffic gained 1% per year. Keywords: Asphalt Macadam, , Overlay, Roughness of the road.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Wates region is South Blitar area development that have the potential of tourism in Jolosutro Beach. The Jolosutro beach is located in the Village Ringinrejo, Sub District Wates, District Blitar. Physically, the District Wates has an area of 88 km2 and is one of the smallest in the District of South Blitar. While the land area that affects the Wates road drainage in this case weigh on both the channel capacity of a residential area or an area that has not been built (vacant land) with an area of 0.90 km2. To estimate the amount of rainfall used plan log Pearson type III method, Log Pearson Type III method developed by Dr.Ir.Suripin, M.Eng (Suripin 2003), then after its done with a frequency distribution test : Smirnov- Kolmogrov test and chi-square test used to determine the truth of a hypothesis. Log Pearson Type III method was developed to calculate the design rainfall occurs in T years. The data needed for the calculation of the Log Pearson Type III method is the climatological data, topographical map location, area and land use of the catchment area. Keywords : Drainage, Test Smirnov-Kolmogrov, Test Chi-Square Klimatology, catchment area. ABSTRAK Wilayah Wates merupakan wilayah Kabupaten Blitar Selatan yang mempunyai potensi wisata di Pantai Jolosutro. Pantai Jolosutro terletak di Desa Ringinrejo, Kecamatan Wates Kabupaten Blitar. Secara fisik, Kecamatan Wates memeliki luas wilaya 88 km2 dan merupakan salah satu Kecamatan terkecil di Kabupaten Blitar Selatan. Sedangkan luasan lahan yang mempengaruhi saluran drainase jalan Wates dalam hal ini membebani kapasitas saluran baik area pemukiman maupun area yang belum dibangun (lahan kosong) dengan area seluas 0.90 m2. Untuk memperkirakan besarnya curah hujan rencana digunakan metode Log Pearson tipe III , Metode Log Pearson tipe III dikembangkan oleh Dr.Ir.Suripin, M.Eng (Suripin 2003), Kumudian setelah itu dilakukan uji distribusi frekuensi dengan uji Smirnov-Kolmogrov dan uji Chi-Square yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kebenaran suatu hipotesis. Metode Log Pearson tipe III dikembangkan untuk menghitung Curah hujan rancangan yang terjadi pada T tahun. Data-data yang dibutuhkan dalam perhitungan dengan Metode Log Pearson tipe III ini adalah data klimatologi, Peta topografi lokasi, luas dan penggunaan lahan dari catchment area. Kata kunci : Drainase, uji Smirnov-Kolmogrov, uji Chi-Square Klimatologi, catchment area.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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This research is made to find out the effect of discharge and variation of inclination at upstream dam with the use of slotted roller bucket modification stilling basin toward specific energy when hydraulic jump happen and local scour occurrence at downstream. Research is performed at the Hydraulic Laboratory Department Of Civil Engineering Faculty Of Engineering University Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang. The research uses an open flume with the dimension 4,30x15,5x24 cm and variation inclination of the upstream OGEE WEIR 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 with roller bucket modification stilling basin. Sediments are modelled a Ball shape material of a 1.18-mm-diameter sands that passes sieve no 16 and for modeling local scour forms occurrence at downstream of the Current Meter. This research shows four result. First, the increase water depth of the hydraulic jump at the downstream of OGEE spillway has made the specific energy getting smaller. The turning point occurred at the critical condition. Then, the raise water depth, the specific energy more bigger. Second, OGEE spillway upstream slope variation does not have a significant influence on the form that occurs in the downstream scour. Third, the increase of discharge that flowed in the channel then the maximum depth of local scour is also deepened. Fourth, the longer the scours is releted the maximum depth of scour. keywords : OGEE WIER, Slotted roller bucket Modification, Hydraulic jumps, Local scour. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh debit dan variasi kemiringan pada hulu bendung serta penggunaan kolam olak scltted roller bucket modification terhadap energi spesifik saat loncatan hidrolis dan terjadinya gerusan local di hilir bangunan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium hidrolika Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik (Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang) menggunakan OPEN FLUME yang menjadi model saluran terbuka 4,30x15,5x24 cm dan variasi tipe pelimpah OGEE hulu miring 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 serta kolam olakan SLOTTED ROLLER BUCKET MODIFACATION. Sedimen yang digunakan adalah bola material berdiameter 1,18 mm atau lolos ayakan no.16 dan untuk pemodelan bentuk gerusan local yang terjadi di hilir setelah kolam olakan menggunakan program surfer atau Current Meter atau Alat untuk menghitung Kecepatan Aliran. Penelitian ini menunjukkan empat hasil. Pertama, semakin besar air saat loncatan hidrolis di hilir pelimpah OGEE, semakin kecil energi spesifik yang terjadi. Titik balik terjadi saat kondisi kritis. Kemudian dengan kedalaman air yang bertambah,semakin besar energi spesifiknya. Kedua, variasi kemiringan hulu pelimpah OGEE tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap bentuk gerusan yang terjadi di hilir. Ketiga, semakin besar debit yang dialirkan pada saluran maka kedalaman maksimal gerusan local di hilir setelah kolam olak juga semakin dalam. Keempat, semakin panjang gerusan yang terjadi maka kedalaman maksimal gerusan juga semakin besar. KATA KUNCI : Pelimpah Ogee, Sclotted Roller Bucket modification, loncatan Hidrolis, gerusan local
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Dinding penahan tanah berfungsi untuk menahan tanah serta mencegahnya dari bahaya kelongsoran. Baik akibat beban air hujan, berat tanah itu sendiri maupun akibat beban yang bekerja di atasnya. Pada saat ini, konstruksi dinding penahan tanah sangat sering digunakan dalam pekerjaan sipil walaupun ternyata konstruksi dinding penahan tanah sudah cukup lama dikenal di dunia. Kelongsoran yang terjadi di bantaran sungai konto jln. Abd.Manan Wijaya Kecamatan Pujon di sebabkan oleh dimensi dinding penahan yang terlalu kecil sehingga tidak stabil terhadap faktor keamanan (fs), nilai faktor keamanan yang di tinjau adalah faktor keamanan terhadap daya dukung tanah, gaya geser dan stabilitas terhadap gaya guling. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa penyebab keruntuhan dinding penahan tanah dan merencanakan kembali dinding penahan tanah yang sudah runtuh. Dinding penahan yang ada tidak stabil terhadap gaya geser yaitu 1,28 < 1,5 (tidak aman). Perencanan kembali dinding penahan tanah dengan menggunakan jenis dinding penahan gravitasi dengan sisi belakang tegak karena jenis ini cocok untuk dinding penahan yang tinggi. Dimensi dinding stabilitas terhadap geser : 1,67 > 1,5 (aman) dan stabil terhadap guling : 3,9 > 1,5 (aman). Kata Kunci : Dinding penahan tanah, Longsoran, Dimensi, stabilitas dinding penahan.
Design Retaining Wall Pada Sungai Weybolar Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat Kdise, Saul Fredrik Enricko; Suhudi, Suhudi; sulistyani, kiki frida
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Land is an important aspect in the planning of construction. Because the land has the standing of a building. Therefore, it is important to take into account the stability of the soil. One of the ways used to control the stability of the ground so as nor to experience sliding is to build a retaining wall. Planning retaining wall is located on the Weybolar River, West Southeast Maluku District and located on seismic zone 5. On this plan, the data used comes from the Public Works Department of Mining and Energy, West Southeast Maluku District. The planned retaining wall is a kind of gravity. So this building can function properly, then the stability of the building should also be good. Therefore, the author tries to analyze the stability of the retaining wall against the danger of rolling and sliding with normal water level condition without the earthquake, with the earthquake and flood water level condition without the earthquake, and with earthquake. Analyze using the Rankine formula. The result is SFsliding 1,77 > 1,5 and 1,38 > 1,2, SFbolters 2,5 > 1,5 and 1,2 ≥ 1,2 (for normal condition without and with the earthquake) and SFsliding 1,93 > 1,5 and 1,38 > 1,2, SFbolters 2,97 > 1,5 and 1,56 > 1,2 (for flood condition without and with the earthquake), it turns out safely. This writing is also included in the calculation of the total budget plan is Rp. 191.798.000 Keyword: Weybolar River, Retaining wall, Stability.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Bright Moon drainage construction Housing First is a network to accommodate runoff and domestic waste. With the drainage system of planning a good, economical and suit the needs of the housing, the flow of water is expected to flow through smoothly according to the dimensions that have been taken into account. Drainage problems on the Housing First Light of the Moon into thinking the attention of various parties. Therefore, the problem is greatly affecting the lives of the community both in terms of beauty, economic and socio-cultural, these problems should be planned as well as possible, considering there will be effects that can be caused. The goal with the development planning of drainage systems in residential Main Bright Moon, then so does the means and support, one of which is the exhaust system and the development of countermeasures drainase.Dengan care facilities in residential areas darinase is in need to dispose of rain water and prevent puddles disturbing activities make the community and the environment around the area become unhealthy and genagan flooding or water. Keywords: Drainage Planning, Housing. ABSTRAK Pembangunan drainase Perumahan Bulan Terang Utama merupakan suatu jaringan untuk menampung limpasan permukaan dan limbah rumah tangga. Dengan adanya sistem perencanaaan saluran drainase yang baik, ekonomis dan sesuai kebutuhan dari pada perumahan, maka aliran air yang lewat diharapkan dapat mengalir dengan lancar sesuai dimensi yang telah diperhitungkan. Masalah saluran drainase pada Perumahan Bulan Terang Utama menjadi pemikiran perhatian berbagai pihak. Oleh sebab itu masalah tersebut sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan masyrakat baik dari segi keindahan, ekonomi maupun sosial budaya,permasalahan tersebut perlu di rencanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya, Mengingat akan ada dampak yang dapat di timbulkan. Tujuan dengan adanya pengembangan perencanaan sistim drainase pada perumahan Bulan Terang Utama,Maka bertambah pula sarana dan prasarana pendukung, salah satunya adalah sistim pembuangan dan penanggulangan drainase. Dengan perkembangan sarana pelayanan dalam wilayah perumahan drainase sangat di butuhkan untuk membuang air hujan serta mencegah terjadinya genangan air yang mengganggu aktifitas masyrakat dan membuat lingkungan sekitar kawasan menjadi tidak sehat dan terjadinya banjir atau genagan air. Kata Kunci : Perencanaan Drainase, Perumahan
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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The drainage system is needed to dispose of rainwater is not absorbed in the soil, and to prevent puddles of water that can interfere with the activity of the community or cause flooding when the rainy season. Problems puddle into thought and attention from various parties, it is because of the lack of public enthusiasm and lack of drainage channels within and around the District Area Lowokwaro. The research was conducted on the road Tlogo Beautiful Village Tlogomas Lowokwaru District Malang. The method used in this study is a rational method that Qa = 0.278. C. I. A, while the data obtained from the study site is the condition of roads and damaged Existing channel and also the data from several agencies, among others: Data population, the data rainfall, land use map. From the analysis in flood discharge effluent to when ualng 5 years b = 1.028 m3 / s and Q 10 years of h = 1.176 m3 / s. Existing channels in the Tlogo Beautiful Village Tlogomas Lowokwaru District Malang Made of concrete with dimensions b = 0.8 h = 0.8. This channel is to miss out on Q 5 and Q 10 years. To guard against inundation then urged the public not to throw garbage on the channel and conduct routine maintenance by the relevant authorities and the public. Keywords : maximum Daily rainfall data and Existing Channels
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Road existing Pujon Ngroto village is one of the main roads linking the traffic flow of Malang and Kediri access is precisely on the outskirts of Konto River which empties into Selorejo Dam, the river has a flow which is quite extensive. During this time in the surrounding areas often suffer landslides and flooding in a number of points. So on this occasion the researchers want to investigate about: "Soil Retaining Walls Building Redesign On Rural Roads Pujon Ngroto Malang" Based on the survey results of research and soil testing in the laboratory is known that the building in its existing state already does not meet the safe rate and researchers are planning the retaining wall to the size of High Total H + D = 10:50 m, High Retaining Walls H = 9.00 m, width Bottom B = 4 m, width Top B = 0.50 m, depth of the foundation df = 1:50 m, secure the stability of the carrying capacity of the land, the overthrow stability, shear stability, and to the quake. Keyword : Redesign, gravity type retaining walls, dimensions, Pujon street
Comparative Study Of Wall Mapping Plan Using Gravitation and Kantilever in The Mulyorejo River Ngantang District of Malang Hoto, Wilibaldus; Suhudi, Suhudi; Arifianto, Andy Kristafi
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRACT The retaining wall is a major component of the main building structure for highways and other environmental buildings related to contoured soils or soils of different elevations. Briefly the retaining wall is a wall built to hold the mass of the ground above the structure or building that is created. There are several types of retaining wall which are often used in building construction such as gravity retaining wall, cantilever retaining wall, counter contrast wall, and butter retaining wall, which is used in this research is gravity and cantilever type retaining wall by using stone pairs. The purpose of this study is to compare the time and cost required. Dimensions of the gravity-type retaining wall with a length of (b) 29 meters and height (h) = 9 meters, the upper width (B1) = 0.50 meters, bottom width (B2) = 2.50 meters, 60 days required time, and Planned cost Rp. 482.887.930. Dimensions of cantilever type wall with length (b) 29 meters and height (h) = 9 meters, upper width (B1) = 0.40 meters, bottom width (B2) = 2.50 meters, 72 days required, and Planned cost Rp. 405.801.38. Keywords: comparison ; retaining wall ; gravity and cantilever.