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Social media communication: content analysis of Indonesian parliament instagram account Jamil, Achmad; Eriyanto, Eriyanto
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v5i3.3807


This study aimed to analyse the dialogic communication by The House of Representatives through Instagram of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) as part of public institutions. This study is prompted by the low public trust in DPR using dialogic communication in Instagram. DPR-RI Instagram account is one of the most popular accounts among Indonesian government bodies’ Instagram accounts. Having 470,000 followers, DPR_RI’s Instagram has uploaded 6,347 photos and videos. The research method used was quantitative content analysis. This study also used thematic units that examined the topic or discussion of a text. The populations in this study were the posts on the Instagram account of DPR RI (@dpr_ri) from January 2015 to December 2020. The sample in this study amounted to 600 posts where, in each year, 100 posts were taken as a sample. The result indicates that DPR Instagram account has not applied the principle of dialogic communication. The low number of posts suggesting a dialogue with the public and stakeholders signifies this finding. DPR could use the results of this study to improve their public communication, especially in the use of social media.
Social Movements in Framing Perspectives: A Study on Corruption Case Issues in Indonesia Achmad Jamil
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 7, No 2 (2018): July
Publisher : Department of Communication

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Penelitian ini melihat gerakan sosial dengan menggunakan perspektif framing. Dua teori digunakan, yaitu teori framing dan teori gerakan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus, yaitu: studi kasus instrumental. Kasus yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 kasus penting yang berkaitan dengan perselisihan antara Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dan Polisi Nasional (Polri) antara tahun 2009 dan 2012. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, tinjauan dokumen, dan analisis teks. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada upaya khusus dari aktor-aktor gerakan pro-KPK (yaitu: hubungan masyarakat KPK) untuk mendekati atau mempengaruhi media agar versi berita mereka lebih banyak beredar di media. Temuan ini membuktikan bahwa keberhasilan gerakan sosial dalam perselisihan KPK-Polri, di mana laporan berita di media terutama mendukung KPK, bukan karena keberhasilan aktor gerakan sosial dalam mendekati media, melainkan karena kesesuaian nilai-nilai antara jurnalis dan aktor gerakan sosial. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki implikasi untuk teori pada hubungan antara frame, media dan gerakan sosial. Peneliti mengusulkan suatu model untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara para aktor gerakan sosial, media / jurnalis, framing media, dan framing khalayak. Model ini merupakan pengembangan dari model yang diusulkan oleh Gamson, Scheufele, Benford, dan Snow. This research looks at social movement by using framing perspective. Two theories are used, namely framing theory and social movement theory. This research uses the case study method, i.e.: instrumental case study. The cases analyzed in this study are 10 important cases pertaining to the dispute between the Corruption eradication Commission (KPK) and the National Police (Polri) between 2009 and 2012. data is collected through observation, in-depth interviews, documents review, and text analysis. This study shows that there is no special effort from pro-KPK movements’ actors (i.e.: the public relations of KPK) to approach or influence the media in order to have their version of news circulated more in the media. This findings proves that the success of social movements in the KPK-Polri disputes, where the news reports in the media predominantly support the KPK, is not due to the success of social movement actors in approaching the media, but rather because of the congruence of values between the journalists and social movement actors. Results of this study have implications for theories on the relationship between frames, media and social movements. The researcher proposes a model to portray the connection between the actors of social movements, media/journalists, media framing, and audience framing. This model is a development of the model proposed by Gamson, Scheufele, Benford, and Snow.
Frame Radikalisme, Jihad, Terorisme di Media Online Islam: Studi Kasus Pemberitaan Bom Makassar dan Penyerangan Mabes Polri Sulistyanto, Ari; Mujab, Saeful; Jamil, Achmad
Jurnal Keamanan Nasional Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Keamanan Nasional (Puskamnas) Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya (UBJ)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/jkn.v7i2.506


The incident of the suicide bombing in front of the Makassar Cathedral Church and the attack on the National Police Headquarters became news topics that attracted media attention. Each media has a policy in the interpretation scheme to fight for meaning according to the media's point of view. This study aims to explore the meaning and framing of radicalism, jihad and terrorism in the suicide bombing in front of the Makassar Cathedral Church and the attack on the National Police Headquarters. A qualitative method with a semantic analysis approach is used to determine the meaning, and a thematic approach in viewing the framing of the formation of radical concepts, jihad and terrorism. The results showed that Islamic online media in providing meaning and framing did not conceptually and specifically discuss radicalism, jihad and terrorism. However, they view it as a stigma and a label used in an effort to corner and marginalize Islamic groups. The implications of this research can be used as evaluation material for related parties in overcoming the spread of radicalism, jihad and terrorism. 
Jurnal Riset Komunikasi Vol 12, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jrk.v12i1.11601


Pemerintah Indonesia dalam penanggulangan pandemic Covid 19 telah mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk melakukan vaksinasi. Akan tetapi, kebijakan tersebut, menuai kontroversi dengan munculnya berbagai kritik dari pemuka pendapat yang selama ini dikenal kritis terhadap pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan thema narasi kritis dan sentimen pemuka pendapat terhadap kebijakan vaksinasi Covid 19. Melalui metode kualitatif dan dengan pendekatan analisis thematic didapatkan hasil 5 thema narasi kritis para pemuka pendapat mengenai vaksin Covid 19, yaitu program vaksin, drama vaksin, jenis vaksin, penyimpangan vaksin, dan penyelesaian pandemic Covid 19. Sedangkan mengenai sentimen yang muncul tidak semuanya mengemukakan sentimen negative ada beberapa pemuka pendapat yang menyatakan sentimen positif atau mendukung kebijakan pemerintah mengenai vaksin Covid 19. Penelitian ini juga memberikan kontribusi pada para pengambil kebijakan dan penggiat komunikasi dalam perencanaan komunikasi strategis penanggulangan Covid 19. Kata kunci: Covid 19. Narasi kritis, Pemuka Pendapat, Vaksin,
Representasi Perdamaian dan Harmoni: Analisis Semiotika pada Iklan YouTube Achmad Jamil; Rizki Briandana; Rustono Farady Marta; Yessi Mareta Andari Putri
JURNAL SIMBOLIKA: Research and Learning in Communication Study (E-Journal) Vol 7, No 2 (2021): JURNAL SIMBOLIKA OKTOBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/simbollika.v7i2.5323


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis representasi perdamaian dalam iklan Coca-Cola edisi Small Word Machines-Bringing India and Pakistan Together yang dipublikasikan di media YouTube pada 19 Mei 2013. Konsep ideologi dalam iklan mengacu pada konsep bahwa ideologi merupakan suatu bentuk gambaran ideal yang bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian melalui teks sebagai produk media massa. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes. Iklan dianalisis melalui konsep denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan iklan Coca-Cola edisi “Coca-Cola Small Word Machines- Bringing India and Pakistan Together” mempunyai ideologi atau misi perdamaian untuk warga India dan Pakistan melalui sebuah iklan, namun terlihat jelas dari penggambaran perdamaian yang ditunjukan bahwa perusahaan Coca-Cola terlihat ingin memanfaatkan konflik horizontal antara India dan Pakistan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan bisnis Coca-Cola yang secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan nilai jual produk minuman Coca-Cola di kedua negara tersebut dengan kampanyenya “Open Happines” khususnya di New Delhi, India.. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa representasi perdamaian dalam pembuatan iklan tidak hanya semata-mata untuk menyatukan warga India dan Pakistan, melainkan adanya kepentingan kapitalisme atau  keuntungan bisnis bagi perusahaan Coca-Cola.
The Role of Social Media Hashtags in Political Promotions: Mediating Role of Supply Chain Communication Achmad Jamil; Endi Rekarti; Rizki Briandana; Salsabilla Audinna
International Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol 8, No 6 (2019): International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM)
Publisher : International Journal of Supply Chain Management

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The current study examines the impact of hashtags used in social media for political promotion and analyses the mediating role of supply chain communications (SCC) in the relationship. The current study was performed in Indonesia, where 301 Twitter users were surveyed about current variables with a questionnaire. The data was analysed through Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) and Analisis of Moment Structures (AMOS) in order to complete “structural equation modelling.” The findings of the current study depicted that increased social media hashtags about a political matter tend to increase significantly political promotion. Furthermore, it has been found that increased social media hashtags about a political matter significantly enhance the political communication in society. It means that increased hashtags enhance SCC, and SCC ultimately significantly enhances political promotion. The current study contributes to the literature and in practice, because it enhances the limited literature about the role of SCC in political promotion in association with social media hashtags. Practitioners should leverage the insights from hashtags to be the function as a promotion tool.
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 36/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v7i2.2748


The 3rd Defend Islam Action incident on Friday, December 2, 2016, was the biggest rally after the 1998 protest rally. This action created two camps, i.e. supporters of DKI Jakarta Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, and the camp who demanded his detention. This condition could be seen in mass media news, including in the Media Indonesia newspaper owned by Surya Paloh, Chairman of the National Democratic Party, who supports Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and also in the Republika newspaper which promotes the interests of Muslims. The focus of this study is the existence of different discourses on the news of this 3rd Defend Islam Action. These differences are the result of the interests and ideology of the two media. Media Indonesia’s news discourse did not support the action. On the contrary, Republika pushed for it to be carried out. This study uses the public sphere and hegemony theory which is able to see that in the news text both media have their own interests and ideologies. This study used a critical paradigm with a qualitative descriptive method. Teun Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis model was used in this study. The results of this study indicate that the news coverages of the 3rd Defend Islam Action produced by Media Indonesia and Republika were produced by their editorial staff based on the ideology and hidden interests of the media.
Profetik: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 15, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/pjk.v15i1.2155


This study aims to analyze the metamorphosis of Giring Nidji from Music Stage to Politics Stage. Political dynamics in Indonesia are an attraction for all groups and levels of society, including musicians. This research begins by looking at the phenomenon of artists who have entered the world of politics, in this case Giring Ganesha, the vocalist of the band Nidji. He decided to leave the world of music that had raised his name to advance in the 2019 Legislative Candidate Election. After 15 years of working in the music world with his band Nidji, Giring Ganesha finally decided to resign and chose to enter politics. This study used the Symbolic Interaction Theory of George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer. This type of research is qualitative with a constructivist paradigm using a case study research method. The data collection techniques used interviews and observations. Four informants were selected as the main data and Giring himself was the key informant in this study. The results of this study indicate that in the metamorphosis process of Giring Ganesha from a musician to a politician, he has gone through several long stages such as preparation stage, play stage, game stage, generalizing stage, and becoming a legislative candidate. Eventually, he has formed his current self-concept and thoughts as a politician.
Akademika : Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Vol 4 No 02 (2015): Akademika : Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan
Publisher : Akademika : Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (70.22 KB) | DOI: 10.34005/akademika.v4i02.115


Low levels of health and education in poor households is a major challenge that must be facedby Indonesia. Community empowerment is a process of preparing the community through avariety of resources, opportunities, knowledge, and expertise to increase the capacity indetermining their future, as well as participate in and influence the life of the community itself(Ife in Martono, 2011). Diaz Bordinave (Melkote and Steeves, 2006) noted that in thisapproach, participation is often expected to live by the source and change agents (people whopay attention to people who have not received empowerment). In a participatory approachfrom below (bottom up) the public be persuaded to take part in independent activities, butlocal settlement fundamental issues selected by an agent of change. One of the communityempowerment program is the National Program for Community Empowerment in Rural Areas(PNPM MPd) Healthy Generation Intelligent initiated by the government since 2007. Theresults show managerial ability for the credibility of the participants and the facilitatorperspective in the perspective of the perpetrators affect the success of implementation ofPNPM program MPd healthy generation intelligent Ciranjang implemented in the district,Cianjur.
The motives of the people of Bogor Regency to choose Golput in the 2014 legislative general election in the perspective of symbolic interactionism analysis Mustaqim Mustaqim; Achmad Jamil
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v6i3.3017


Democracy of party in Indonesia five years have passed. Representatives of the people and the president - the vice president directly elected through the electoral process held by the General Election Commission (KPU). Many records were held by the Commission in general sorting this time, including decreasing the number 'white group' (abstentions/non voters) or numbers do not choose. One interesting phenomenon non voters presence in regions of the country is the phenomenon of non voters in Bogor, West Java. The focus of this research is to understand and explain the motive of the district community. Bogor in five districts choose non voters on the 2014 Pileg and explain the meaning of the legislative elections for non voters. By George Herbert Mead's symbolic interactionism be significant in this study, where views on individual behavior can be understood and explained through the frame of mind, self and society a vote. In addition, a review of literature on the concept of political communication is also a big impact as the scope research. Arguments regarding political participation as the substance of a democracy system also have the relevance in understanding the phenomenon of non voters. This research is within the constructivist paradigm, using descriptive qualitative approach and the case study method for the five districts (the district Cibinong, Citeurep, Bojong Gede, Gunung Puteri, and Cileungsi) as the representation of non voters to understand the motives and meaning of the legislative elections. This study had found that distrust of society becomes the motive non voters. Some distrust that consists of idealistic motives, experience motives, institutional motives, individualis motives and proximity motives.