Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto, Purwokerto

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Ngrowot Tradition in Neuroscience Study in Luqmaniyah Islamic Boarding School, Yogyakarta Suyadi, Suyadi; Albar, Mawi Khusni
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 16 No 1 (2018): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1126.428 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v16i1.1394


The purpose of this research is to discuss a sacred and a transcendence tradition of ngrowot at PPLQ in the perspective of a medic and a scientific neuroscience. All of data that was correlated with the ngrowot tradition was categorized empirically and scientifically, and then it was analyzed through neuroplasticity theory explaining the brain that can be transformed by behavioral changes. The result of this study explained that the philosophy of ngrowot is theology and food sovereignty. In the modern era, ngrowot becomes a healthy lifestyle for some elite that is called as the “healthy diet”. This research develops food theology in terms of Islamic educational neuroscience into theology of intelligence and the sovereignty of thinking. The theology of intelligence makes ngrowot as tirakat during the learning process in order to get barokah in terms of the intelligence aspects, and get the benefits in the world and the hereafter. The sovereignty of thinking makes ngrowot as laku prihatin so a salafist’s intelligence of ngrowot cannot be easily interrupted by the secular idea that is not appropriate with Islamic spiritual teachings. The behavioral changes of ngrowot believers also implicate to the structure of neuron in the mind. So, ngrowot can be an educational character method, and in the same time, it also develops the intelligence of ngrowot believera in any dimensions.
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 11 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1883.272 KB)


Jilbab is identical to the symbol of a pious woman eventhough it raises a controversy. The topic about jilbab has never cometo a final and in fact, jilbab in Indonesia has grown evolutionarily. Theact of wearing jilbab is influenced by some factors, such as: culture,interpretation of religious doctrines, society, economy, psychology, andglobalization trend. Hijab generally means kerudung(a simple headscarf),or cloth covering woman’s aurat(i.e. parts of the body that should becovered based on Islamic doctrine). Meanwhile, when talking about theveil, one usually refers to the scarf tied around the head, and usuallysubject to Muslim women. Nowadays, the discourse about jilbab coversnot only syari’a concept, but also fashion trend concept as the influenceof modern era and cultural shift existing in the society. Women who wearjilbab psychologically consider jilbab not as a religious duty but as a cultureand habit causing a feeling of discomfort not wearing it. Many progressivewomen keep wearing jilbab for their psychological comfort.
Takror Sebagai Tradisi Pengembangan Pembelajaran Santri Di Pondok Pesantren Albar, Mawi Khusni
INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan Vol 23 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (626.395 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/insania.v23i1.2014


Abstract: Pesantren since their appearance have given many colors in this country. This includes the many traditions that until now are still feasible to be developed in the current era. Takror is a method of learning in Islamic boarding schools, especially in Islamic boarding schools. Takror is a solution that is expected to involve clerics with their students, so that they can interact in learning, also have a strong impact on understanding the material that has been taught by the teacher, and foster a high courage and confidence to reflect their knowledge in front of others both individually and collective. Keywords: Pesantren, Takror, Rigiditas Kurikulum
Budaya Melayu Pattani dalam Kajian Profetik Aisah, Siti; Albar, Mawi Khusni
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 18 No 1 (2020): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (197.48 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v18i1.3492


This Abstract study aims to examine the Malay culture brought by Pattani students, Southern Thailand at IAIN Purwokerto. This research study is based on the characteristics of Malay culture from the prophetic perspective or following the prophet’s sunnah. Data collection in this research is in the form of Pattani Malay culture forms which are grouped based on subjective and objective aspects that develop in the community. Then analyzed using prophetic theory that develops education based on cultural criticism. The results showed that Pattani students applied several Malay cultures including: Islamic socializing culture, Islamic veiled culture, Malay-style Islamic dress culture, and several Islamic traditions carried out in the celebration of Islamic holidays (commemoration of the feast, the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, and commemoration of ma’a al-hijrah). The Malay cultures that Pattani students apply are cultures that breathe Islam, so all activities in these activities are based on Islamic law, which is in accordance with the Qur’an and as-Sunnah. So that the culture is able to realize the Islamic character that can be developed in Islamic education. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji budaya Melayu yang dibawa oleh mahasiswa Pattani, Thailand Selatan di IAIN Purwokerto. Kajian penelitian ini berdasarkan ciri khas kebudayaan Melayu dalam perspektif profetik atau mengikuti sunnah nabi. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini berupa bentuk-bentuk budaya Melayu Pattani yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan aspek subjektif dan objektif yang berkembang di masyarakat. Kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori profetik yang mengembangkan pendidikan berdasarkan kritis budaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bah- wa mahasiswa Pattani menerapkan beberapa budaya Melayu di antaranya: budaya bergaul islami, budaya berjilbab islami, budaya berbusana islami khas Melayu, dan beberapa tradisi Islam yang dilaksanakan dalam pe- ringatan hari besar Islam (peringatan hari raya, peringatan maulid Nabi Muhammad saw, dan peringatan ma’a al-hijrah). Budaya-budaya Melayu yang mahasiswa Pattani terapkan merupakan budaya yang bernafaskan Islam, maka seluruh aktivitas dalam kegiatan tersebut berlandaskan pada hukum Islam, yaitu sesuai dengan al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah. Dari budaya tersebut mampu mewujudkan karakter islami yang dapat dikembangkan dalam pendidikan Islam.
Pendidikan Ekologi-Sosial Dalam Prespektif Islam: Jawaban Atas Krisis Kesadaran Ekologis Mawi Khusni Albar
AL-TAHRIR Vol 17, No 2 (2017): Islam dan Ekologi
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v17i2.1011


Abstract:  Education is a solution for all problems that emerge in the society, as well Islamic education and religious approach are also considered having a strategic position in the public. In the context of environmental problems that always be the treath of human life, Islamic education by its socio-ecological approach become essential in human relation to the environmenal study. The purpose of this article is scrutinizing the conseptual frame of socio-ecological education into the context of Islamic education as the answer of the environmental issues faced by human being. The existence of socio-ecological education discourse in Islamic education context is expected to contribute both academic and praxis in educational view, especially Islamic education. Theoretically, ecological education has four foundational concepts that became the central of our understanding in socio-ecological education, namely, lived experience, place, experiental pedagogies, agency and active participation. Socio-ecological education in Islamic perspective is expected to treat people as the agent of  humanism and ecocentism in ecological discourse.الملخص: تبدأ هذه المقالة  بالافتراض أن التربية  هي حلول لكل مشاكل المجتمع, وكذلك التربية الاسلامية  بنهج دينيتها ولها ايضا  موقع استراتيجي حول المجتمع.  وفى سياق قضية البيئة  التى تهدد حياة الانسان  فالتربية الاسلامية  بنهج ايكولوجيا الاجتماعية  مهمة جدا فى بحث  علاقة الإنسانية مع البيئة. والهدف من هذه المقالة  هو وضع الاطار المفاهيمي لتربية الايكولوجي الاجتماعية فى ضوء التربية الاسلامية  ووضع هذاالمفهوم بحلول مشاكل البيئة الإنسانية. كانت التربية الإسلامية والتربية الايكولوجي الاجتماعية موضوعين رئيسيين اللذين ستؤخد منهما صياغة المفاهيم المثالية ليستجيب مسائل البيئة. بوجود البحث عن التربية الايكولوجي الاجتماعية فى سياق التربية الاسلامية فيتوقع منه المساهمة الأكاديمية و التطبيقية  للتربية خصوصا التربية الاسلامية. والتربية الايكولوجي الاجتماعية من الناحية النظرية لها أربع نظريّات أساسية وهي تجربة الحياة وغرفة الدراسة  والتجربة التربوية و وكلاء مع المشاركة في الأنشطة. والتربية الايكولوجية الاجتماعية فى سياق التربية الاسلامية ستضع الإنسان فى موضع بين الإنسانية و المركزية فى ضوء البحث البيئة.Abstrak: Pendidikan merupakan solusi dari semua persoalan yang mengemuka di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Pendidikan Islam dengan pendekatan keagamaan juga memiliki posisi strategis di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Dalam konteks permasalahan lingkungan yang mengancam kehidupan manusia, pendidikan Islam dengan pendekatan ekologi-sosial menjadi penting dalam kajian hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan. Tulisan ini bertujuan meletakkan kerangka konseptual pendidikan ekologi-sosial dalam konteks pendidikan Islam, dan meletakanya sebagai jawaban pendidikan Islam dengan pendekatan pendidikan ekologi-sosial terhadap persoalan lingkungan yang dihadapi manusia. Dua tema yang berupa pendidikan Islam dan pendidikan ekologi-sosial menjadi pokok bahasan utama untuk ditarik sintesa yang berupa formulasi konseptual yang ideal untuk merespons persoalan lingkungan yang terjadi. Diskursus pendidikan ekologi-sosial dalam konteks pendidikan Islam diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi akademis maupun praksis bagi dunia pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan Islam. Secara konseptual pendidikan ekologi-sosial memiliki empat konsep mendasar yaitu: pengalaman hidup (lived experience), ruang belajar (place), pengalaman pedagogis, agen dan partisipasi aktif. Pendidikan ekologi-sosial dalam prespektif pendidikan Islam diharapkan akan memposisikan manusia dalam sintesis diantara humanisme dan ekosentrisme dalam prespektif diskursus ekologi.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION EDUCATION IN MEDINA CONSTITUTION: Contextual Exegesis of Medina Constitution Mawi Khusni Albar
AL-TAHRIR Vol 18, No 2 (2018): Islam & Resolusi Konflik
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v18i2.1382


Abstract: Conflict is an integral part and has a wide variety of types in all aspects of people's lives. This is the responsibility of education because of the potential it possesses to prevent conflicts. Therefore the education of conflict resolution is a suitable idea to resolve conflict issues. The Medina constitution is a monumental work in the history of human life that becomes the spirit of how to create a harmonious life amid diversity. The interpretational method of Medina Constitution is legal hermeneutics which has three meaning areas such as text, context, and contextualization of text meaning to the context. The underlying theory in this research is the theory of conflict resolution education which has three areas to handle conflicts, such as social contradiction changes with structural approaches, improvement of relationship behavior and social interaction, and encouragement of attitude change. The Medina Constitution has fundamental values in social life, namely: togetherness, unity, freedom, religious tolerance, mutual help, justice, equality of rights and obligations, social honor, national defense and peace, piety, amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, and leadership. The contextualization of principles in the Medina charter on conflict resolution education can be discovered relevantly in the following three aspects; structural, behavioral improvement, and attitudinal changes in social relations.الملخص: الصراع هو جزء لا يتجزأ من حياة الإنسان ويتخذ أشكالا مختلفة وهو يحدث في جميع جوانب حياة الناس. هذه هي مسؤولية للتربية ، لأن للتربية القدرة على منع النزاعات ، لذا فإن التثقيف في مجال حل النزاعات هو الفكرة الصحيحة لمعالجة مشكلة الصراع هذه. أما بالنسبة للروح المأخوذة من ميثاق المدينة التي  هي عملاً ضاخما في تاريخ الحياة البشرية حول كيفية خلق حياة متناغمة في تنوع الاجتماعية . إن طريقة تفسير ميثاق المدينة هي التأويل القانوني الذي له ثلاثة جوانب من المعنى ، أي النص ، السياق ، و سياق معنى النص. النظرية الأساس لتطوير هذا البحث هي نظرية تربية حل النزاعات التي لها ثلاثة مجالات للتعامل مع الصراع ، وهي: التغيرات في التناقضات الاجتماعية مع المقاربات الهيكلية ، تحسين سلوك العلاقة والتفاعل الاجتماعي ، وتشجيع التغييرات في المواقف. يمتلك ميثاق المدينة مبادئ في الحياة الاجتماعية ، وهي: التعاون والوحدة والحرية والتسامح الديني ومساعدة الضعفاء والعدالة والمساواة في الحقوق والواجبات والاحترام الاجتماعي والدفاع عن الدولة والسلام والتقوى والامر بالمأروف ونهي عن المنكر  والقيادة. أما فيما يتعلق بوضع المبادئ في ميثاق المدينة في مجال حل النزاعات ، فيمكن إيجازها في ثلاثة جوانب ، هي: المنهج الهيكلي ، السلوكي ، والتغيرات في المواقف في العلاقات الاجتماعية.Abstrak: Konflik merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan manusia dan mengambil bentuk yang beraneka rupa dan hampir menyeluruh di segala aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini merupakan tanggung jawab pendidikan, karena pendidikan memiliki potensi untuk mencegah terjadinya konflik, maka pendidikan resolusi konflik merupakan gagasan yang tepat untuk menyikapi persoalan konflik ini. Adapun ruhnya diambil dari Kosntitusi Madinah yang merupakan karya monumental dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia tentang bagaimana menciptakan kehidupan yang harmonis di tengah keberagaman. Metode penafsiran Konstitusi Madinah adalah legal hermeneutika yang memiliki tiga wilayah pemaknaan, yaitu teks, konteks, dan kontekstualisasi dari makna teks terhadap konteks. Teori yang menjadi dasar pengembangan penelitian ini adalah teori pendidikan resolusi konflik yang mempunyai tiga wilayah penanganan konflik, yaitu perubahan kontradiksi sosial dengan pendekatan struktur, memperbaiki perilaku hubungan dan interaksi sosial, dan mendorong perubahan sikap. Konstitusi Madinah memiliki nilai-nilai mendasar dalam kehidupan sosial, yaitu kebersamaan, persatuan, kebebasan, toleransi beragama, tolong menolong dan membantu yang lemah, keadilan, persamaan hak dan kewajiban, hormoni sosial, bela negara dan perdamaian, kesalehan, amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, dan kepemimpinan. Adapun kontekstualisasi prinsip-prinsip dalam piagam Madinah dalam pendidikan resolusi konflik dapat ditemukan relevansinya dalam tiga aspek, yaitu struktural, perbaikan perilaku, dan perubahan sikap dalam hubungan sosial.
Ngrowot Tradition in Neuroscience Study in Luqmaniyah Islamic Boarding School, Yogyakarta Suyadi Suyadi; Mawi Khusni Albar
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 16 No 1 (2018): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Negeri Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1126.428 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v16i1.1394


The purpose of this research is to discuss a sacred and a transcendence tradition of ngrowot at PPLQ in the perspective of a medic and a scientific neuroscience. All of data that was correlated with the ngrowot tradition was categorized empirically and scientifically, and then it was analyzed through neuroplasticity theory explaining the brain that can be transformed by behavioral changes. The result of this study explained that the philosophy of ngrowot is theology and food sovereignty. In the modern era, ngrowot becomes a healthy lifestyle for some elite that is called as the “healthy diet”. This research develops food theology in terms of Islamic educational neuroscience into theology of intelligence and the sovereignty of thinking. The theology of intelligence makes ngrowot as tirakat during the learning process in order to get barokah in terms of the intelligence aspects, and get the benefits in the world and the hereafter. The sovereignty of thinking makes ngrowot as laku prihatin so a salafist’s intelligence of ngrowot cannot be easily interrupted by the secular idea that is not appropriate with Islamic spiritual teachings. The behavioral changes of ngrowot believers also implicate to the structure of neuron in the mind. So, ngrowot can be an educational character method, and in the same time, it also develops the intelligence of ngrowot believera in any dimensions.
Budaya Melayu Pattani dalam Kajian Profetik Siti Aisah; Mawi Khusni Albar
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 18 No 1 (2020): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Negeri Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (197.48 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v18i1.3492


This Abstract study aims to examine the Malay culture brought by Pattani students, Southern Thailand at IAIN Purwokerto. This research study is based on the characteristics of Malay culture from the prophetic perspective or following the prophet’s sunnah. Data collection in this research is in the form of Pattani Malay culture forms which are grouped based on subjective and objective aspects that develop in the community. Then analyzed using prophetic theory that develops education based on cultural criticism. The results showed that Pattani students applied several Malay cultures including: Islamic socializing culture, Islamic veiled culture, Malay-style Islamic dress culture, and several Islamic traditions carried out in the celebration of Islamic holidays (commemoration of the feast, the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, and commemoration of ma’a al-hijrah). The Malay cultures that Pattani students apply are cultures that breathe Islam, so all activities in these activities are based on Islamic law, which is in accordance with the Qur’an and as-Sunnah. So that the culture is able to realize the Islamic character that can be developed in Islamic education. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji budaya Melayu yang dibawa oleh mahasiswa Pattani, Thailand Selatan di IAIN Purwokerto. Kajian penelitian ini berdasarkan ciri khas kebudayaan Melayu dalam perspektif profetik atau mengikuti sunnah nabi. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini berupa bentuk-bentuk budaya Melayu Pattani yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan aspek subjektif dan objektif yang berkembang di masyarakat. Kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori profetik yang mengembangkan pendidikan berdasarkan kritis budaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bah- wa mahasiswa Pattani menerapkan beberapa budaya Melayu di antaranya: budaya bergaul islami, budaya berjilbab islami, budaya berbusana islami khas Melayu, dan beberapa tradisi Islam yang dilaksanakan dalam pe- ringatan hari besar Islam (peringatan hari raya, peringatan maulid Nabi Muhammad saw, dan peringatan ma’a al-hijrah). Budaya-budaya Melayu yang mahasiswa Pattani terapkan merupakan budaya yang bernafaskan Islam, maka seluruh aktivitas dalam kegiatan tersebut berlandaskan pada hukum Islam, yaitu sesuai dengan al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah. Dari budaya tersebut mampu mewujudkan karakter islami yang dapat dikembangkan dalam pendidikan Islam.
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 11 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1883.272 KB)


Jilbab is identical to the symbol of a pious woman eventhough it raises a controversy. The topic about jilbab has never cometo a final and in fact, jilbab in Indonesia has grown evolutionarily. Theact of wearing jilbab is influenced by some factors, such as: culture,interpretation of religious doctrines, society, economy, psychology, andglobalization trend. Hijab generally means kerudung(a simple headscarf),or cloth covering woman’s aurat(i.e. parts of the body that should becovered based on Islamic doctrine). Meanwhile, when talking about theveil, one usually refers to the scarf tied around the head, and usuallysubject to Muslim women. Nowadays, the discourse about jilbab coversnot only syari’a concept, but also fashion trend concept as the influenceof modern era and cultural shift existing in the society. Women who wearjilbab psychologically consider jilbab not as a religious duty but as a cultureand habit causing a feeling of discomfort not wearing it. Many progressivewomen keep wearing jilbab for their psychological comfort.