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Umroh Backpacker: Prospek, Kendala Dan Strategi Pengembangannya Kusumaningtyas, Menur
Media Mahardhika Vol 16 No 2 (2018): jaNUARY 2018
Publisher : STIE Mahardhika

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Umroh as one of the instruments of Islamic worship in Indonesia seems to be prospective compared to the others. The indication of its development is started in the practice of the law related to its such as Undang-Undang No. 13 of 2008 on the Implementation of Hajj ("UU 13/2008") as amended by Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 2 of 2009 ("Perpu 2/2009") furthermore, in terms of the growth rate and the potential of the majority of the population who are muslim in Indonesia, thus kind of travel will have opportunity to developee prospecttively. However, it doesn’t mean that such travel should be operated without consideration is related to brand image. This journal attempts to discuss this travel and highlith both its prospect, its challenges, and its strategy.
Ecopreneur.12 Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51804/econ12.v3i2.775


Usaha di bidang jasa pelayanan, dalam hal ini perhotelan nyaris ambruk akibat pandemi COVID-19 yang mewabah di seluruh dunia. Untungnya, bagi sebagian besar perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang ini, mereka memiliki cara antisipasi untuk tetap bertahan. Kurangnya kesiapan manajemen dalam menghadapi pandemi dapat menghancurkan bisnis. Pandemi COVID-19 menjadi acuan pentingnya krisis perencanaan, khususnya di Surabaya sebagai kota industri, dan menyarankan bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengatasinya krisis.
Ecopreneur.12 Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51804/econ12.v3i2.775


Usaha di bidang jasa pelayanan, dalam hal ini perhotelan nyaris ambruk akibat pandemi COVID-19 yang mewabah di seluruh dunia. Untungnya, bagi sebagian besar perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang ini, mereka memiliki cara antisipasi untuk tetap bertahan. Kurangnya kesiapan manajemen dalam menghadapi pandemi dapat menghancurkan bisnis. Pandemi COVID-19 menjadi acuan pentingnya krisis perencanaan, khususnya di Surabaya sebagai kota industri, dan menyarankan bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengatasinya krisis.
Halal Friendly Tourism in a non-Muslim country: Observation Study in Nepal Menur Kusumaningtyas; Fitri Nur Latifah; Miya Dewi Suprihandari; Muhammad Syauqi
Perisai : Islamic Banking and Finance Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

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Halal tourism is a new trend that has emerged from the rise of the halal industry. Many Muslim and non-Muslim countries hope to conquer the Muslim tourism market as the Halal market advances the tourism sector by offering tourism goods, services and infrastructure to meet their needs. Although in recent phenomena, publications and theoretical studies in this field are still limited, studies related to provisions and commitments on halal tourism and their patterns are considered lacking. Thus, the scarcity of literature and specific studies in this field is aimed at exploring and describing the concept of halal tourism in an Islamic context with special reference to the verses of the Koran and Hadith as the main sources in Islam. Meanwhile, to appreciate the existing implementation of this concept, this paper will provide a further case of the current trend of halal tourism in certain countries in Asia. This study adopted a qualitative research method using literature study and observation for data collection techniques. The results of this study include the opening of the concept of halal tourism and a comparison of cases of halal tourism in Asia, in this case Nepal as a non-Muslim country
Nature is Local Wisdom Treasures in Indonesia Ecotourism Miya Dewi Suprihandari; Muhammad Ali Masyhuri; Teguh Purnomo; Menur Kusumaningtyas; Nurul Iman; Muhammad Aly Umar
Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives Vol 3 No 1 (2021): February (2021) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, IAIN Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.253 KB) | DOI: 10.35719/jiep.v3i1.39


Kampung and tourism villages in Indonesia are a positive phenomenon that can function as an effort to increase the income of the village or village community directly and indirectly for local and central government. Efforts to present the local wealth of the region as an added value of an area, so that the growth rate of tourist visits in an area in Indonesia is increasing from the past. The number of village and tourist village destinations in Indonesia has also increased from the past and entrepreneurial activities have become an option for most members of village and tourism village communities in various forms. Efforts to explore and develop local capabilities and wealth will provide optimal results when the government provides full support for the capabilities and creativity of local communities in all matters, including training for community members who are interested and have a desire to increase knowledge and increase their creative abilities, so that they can become human resources who are able to compete in the future and have character. This support is carried out continuously because villages and tourist villages in Indonesia currently also have an educational function for all ages and levels of education.
Mengembalikan Image Pariwisata Lombok Paska Bencana Menur Kusumaningtyas; Cucu Hayati; M. Hatta Fahamsyah
Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta Vol 23, No 1 (2021): JPW Edisi April 2021
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (488.387 KB) | DOI: 10.33370/jpw.v23i1.558


Era globalisasi dan teknologi berkontribusi terhadap bisnis pariwisata melampaui ekspor minyak, produk makanan sekaligus merupakan salah satu sumber pendapatan utama bagi banyak negara berkembang. Di bidang pelayanan, kekhasan pariwisata menampilkan dirinya sebagai industri utama untuk penggunaan dan inovasi teknologi. Tetapi di balik pertumbuhannya, muncul pula risiko iklim yang datang tanpa kompromi. Gempa Lombok  merupakan awal dari rangkaian Gempa Lombok 2018 yang dipicu oleh  aktivitas sesar naik di utara Lombok . Hal ini  menelan banyak korban jiwa dan lebih dari 10.000 bangunan rusak. Berita kehancuran dan memukul pariwisata Lombok serta meneror wisatawan dalam merencanakan wisata ke Lombok, dengan cepat menyiarkan kabar hingga ke manca negara. Dampak ekonomi dari gempa, kerusakan hingga kerugian yang dialami pelaku usaha pariwisata dan pemulihan citra destinasi,membutuhkan pemulihan hinga bertahun-tahun. Makalah ini bermaksud untuk memperdalam kerusakan yang terjadi pada pulau Lombok, dengan menyarankan beberapa tindakan yang dapat meminimalkan efek dari bencana untuk menarik Kembali minat wisatawan sehingga memulihkan perekonomian Indonesia.Kata kunci:  Manajemen krisis; Krisis Keselamatan dan Keamanan; Image Destinasi ABSTRACT The era of globalization and technology has contributed to the tourism business beyond the export of oil, food products and is one of the main sources of income for many developing countries. In the service sector, the specialty of tourism presents itself as a major industry for the use and innovation of technology. But behind its growth, there are also climate risks that come without compromise. The Lombok Earthquake was the beginning of the 2018 Lombok Earthquake series which was triggered by an upswing activity in the north of Lombok. This claimed many lives and damaged more than 10,000 buildings. News of the destruction and hit Lombok tourism as well as terrorizing tourists in planning tours to Lombok, quickly spread the news to foreign countries. The economic impact of the earthquake, the damage to the losses suffered by tourism business actors and the restoration of the image of the destination, requires years of recovery. This paper intends to deepen the damage done to the island of Lombok, by suggesting some actions that can minimize the effects of the disaster in order to re-attract tourists and thus restore the Indonesian economy.Keywords:  Crisis management; Safety and Security Crisis; Destination Image
Preparing Future’s Community Empowerment: A Quantitative Study of The Correlation Between Empowerment And Human Resources In Ranu Pani And Sanan Tourism Village Menur Kusumaningtyas; Sri Herianingrum; Irham Zaki; Muhammad Nafik Hadi Ryandono
Perisai : Islamic Banking and Finance Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/perisai.v6i2.1610


Human resources are the main support system for managing tourist villages. The main support system should be managed well. Managing human resources can reflected by empowering them to develop new skills based on their need to elaborate on the region’s potency. The region potency consists of culture, tourism place, and heritage. The aim of the research is to know about the correlation between empowerment and human resources in Ranu Pani Tourist Village and Sanan Tourist Village. This study used quantitative research. The data was collected using questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using descriptive, quantitative data. The result of this research is that the test distribution is normal by 0.871. The data were normal with a significance level of 0.55. The distribution number was greater than or greater than the significance number. The second was about ANOVA test. Based on ANOVA, the result was F= 56.245. This mean that there was a significant correlation between empowerment and human resources. Empowerment does influence human resources and human resources may influence empowerment. Even though there is significant correlation between empowerment and human resources, empowerment is still important for people particularly around village tourists. Society will be change quickly, and they need readiness to face the fast changing. Fast changing and society reflecting where does they live. Empowerment includes developing skills, abilities, knowledge and competency that need to be advanced around tourist villages. Human resources are the success or failure of tourist.
Media Mahardhika Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : STIE Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/mahardika.v19i1.195


This paper discusses the issue of developing halal food and its role in halal tourism in Indonesia to be more competitive with other Muslim countries. This study aims to explore the role of government and the Muslim community in general in the development of halal food and tourism in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative literature review. Based on the results of the analysis obtained the hypothesis that the role of government in the application of halal certification is very influential on the level of consumptive tourists. Indonesia with a Muslim majority population must be able to become a halal industry producer which is currently still dominated by countries with Muslim minorities such as Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and even small countries like Singapore. Examining government regulations related to tourism and halal food will provide enlightenment on the importance of stretching halal tourism destinations with halal food offerings in Indonesia.
Media Mahardhika Vol. 19 No. 3 (2021): May 2021
Publisher : STIE Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/mahardika.v19i3.278


Masalah kemiskinan menjadi fokus pemerintah setiap tahunnya. Dan menjadi topik utama dalam negara dengan penduduk padat seperti Indonesia. Pengentasan kemiskinan dewasa ini selain dimainkan oleh pemerintah juga digerakkan oleh lembaga amal. Sementara kewirausahaan sebagai salah satu organisasi yang membantu pengentasan kemiskinan, menjadi ketertarikan penulis dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi hubungan antara pengentasan kemiskinan dan kewirausahaan dengan memperluas pemahaman-mekanisme di mana proses kewirausahaan berkontribusi pada pengentasan kemiskinan di wilayah Indonesia.