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CANTILEVER Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Cantilever
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya

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Muara Enim road segment SP. Sugihwaras very potential to occur landslide based on its location which is on the edge of the river. Recorded by the National Road Implementation Institute (BBPJN) III has been a slope grid in 2014. Slope improvement efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Public Works using a combination of gabion not too successfully overcome the problem. In addition to the strength element of a construction work, the cost and timing of the implementation are also important considerations in planning. Slope at 173 + 535 - Km 173 + 705 along 170 m using soil nailing planned three nails with 19 mmnail diameter and angular slope of 20° with variation of nail length, nail installation spacing, safety factor (SF) and estimated working time to the cost. Using the SPSS.16.0 program, the variations are modeled by nine samples as multiple linear regression equations. Based on the SPSS output, then tested the classical assumption and feasibility test model which produced the model: Cost (million) = - 3159,475 - 54,097 length - 1354,256 distance + 5188,127 SF + 26,483 time. The Budget Plan (RAB) covers preparatory work, drainage system, soil nailing, and shotcrete. An efficient cost estimate of 8 m length nail, 1.5m installation distance, 1.5 safety factor and 64-day working time resulted in a cost of Rp. 3.853.485.500,00 (Three billion eight hundred fifty three million four hundred eighty five thousand rupiah).
CANTILEVER Vol 7, No 1 (2018): Cantilever
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya

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Mohammad Hoesin general hospital (RSMH) is a public hospital owned by the Government of Palembang located at Jl. Sudirman . It is located in a densely populated area with total built area of ± 20 ha. The absence of adequate infiltration area plus improper drainage condition and capacity caused floods as high as ± 30 cm in the parking lot which is at the lowest elevation. In order to overcome these problems, RSMH took the initiative to build a retention pond. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of retention pond development plan along with its drainage network through the duflow modeling studio (DMS) approach and spatial analysis of Geographic Information System (GIS). Total catchment for the study area covers the area of ± 46 Ha with the maximum runoff discharge obtained from the modeling results Q = 0,2 m3/s while the waste water effluent that is discharged into the drainage channel Q = 0,0021 m3/s is not too significant therefore can be ignored. Capacity of retention pond with minimum area of 0,7 Ha is sufficient to serve the catchment area, but it should be considered the use of pumps with a capacity of at least 150 lt/s to overcome high elevation difference.
Kajian Pengaruh Lubang Resapan Biopori (LRB) Terhadap Kapasitas Infiltrasi Pada Perumahan Kencana Damai Kota Palembang Febrinasti Alia
TERAS JURNAL Vol 12, No 1 (2022): Volume 12 Nomor 1, Maret 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v12i1.672


Abstrak Permasalahan banjir di kawasan pemukiman padat penduduk merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi di wilayah perkotaan. Salah satu contohnya adalah banjir yang sering terjadi pada perumahan Kencana Damai yang terletak pada Kecamatan Sako, Kelurahan Sukamaju, Kota Palembang. Setiap musim penghujan, genangan atau banjir sering terjadi dengan durasi 2-3 jam. Penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengetahui kapasitas infiltrasi dan mengetahui seberapa besar efektivitas LRB dalam meningkatkan laju infiltrasi.  Dalam pembuatan lubang biopori, diberikan jarak 60 cm (50-100 cm) karena disesuaikan dengan luas lahan yang terbatas. Lubang yang dibuat memiliki kedalaman sekitar 1 m dengan diameter lubang sebesar 4 inch. Kemudian dimasukkan sampah daun kering, dan pengukuran laju infiltrasi dilakukan setelah sampah terdekomposisi selama 7 hari, 14 hari, dan 28 hari. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa sifat fisik dan jenis tanah pada lokasi 1 dan 3 sama yaitu SW (pasir bergradasi baik), sedangkan pada lokasi 2 memiliki jenis tanah SP (pasir bergradasi jelek). Sifat fisik dan jenis tanah ini mempengaruhi kapasitas infiltrasi. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kenaikan laju infiltrasi yang besar pada lokasi 1 dan 3 (SW) yaitu 15,588 cm/jam atau 57,86% dan 14,971 cm/jam atau 55,57%. Berbeda dengan laju infiltrasi lokasi 2 dengan jenis tanah SP (pasir bergradasi jelek), kenaikan laju infiltrasi pada lokasi tersebut hanya sebesar 4,435 cm/jam atau 16,46%. Kata kunci: karakteristik tanah, LRB, infiltrasi, ekodrainase  Abstract The problem of flooding in densely populated residential areas is a problem that often occurs in urban areas. One example is the frequent flooding of Kencana Damai housing estates located in Sako District, Sukamaju Village, Palembang City. Every rainy season, puddles or floods often occur with a duration of 2-3 hours. This study was used to determine the infiltration capacity and to find out how much effective LRB is in increasing the infiltration rate.. In making biopore holes, a distance of 60 cm (50-100 cm) is given because it is adapted to the limited land area. The hole made has a depth of about 1 m with a hole diameter of 4 inches. Then, dry leaf litter was added, and the infiltration rate was measured after the waste had decomposed for 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days. Based on the research conducted, it is known that the physical properties and soil types at locations 1 and 3 are the same, namely SW (good graded sand), while at location 2 the soil type is SP (poorly graded sand). These physical properties and soil types affect the infiltration capacity. This is evidenced by the large increase in the infiltration rate at locations 1 and 3 (SW), namely 15.588 cm/hour or 57.86% and 14.971 cm/hour or 55.57%. In contrast to the infiltration rate at location 2 with SP soil type (poorly graded sand), the increase in infiltration rate at that location was only 4.435 cm/hour or 16.46%. Keywords: soil characteristics, LRB, infiltration, ecodrainage
Identifikasi Kawasan Potensial Untuk Penerapan Sistem Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) di Kota Palembang dengan Pendekatan Geographic Information System (GIS) Imroatul Chalimah Juliana; Febrinasti Alia; M. Ichwanul Falah; Taufik Ari Gunawan
Cantilever: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Bidang Teknik Sipil Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Cantilever
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1273.518 KB) | DOI: 10.35139/cantilever.v9i1.36


Rainwater harvesting system (RWH) implementation may be a solution to maximize the water availability and reduce the runoff volume in Palembang City. For successful implementation, it is necessary to identify potential areas for RWH implementation. This study aims to identify areas in Palembang that are potential for implementing the RWH system. An analysis of parameters that affect the classification also conducted. This study used a geographic information system (GIS) approach using rainfall, slope, land use, and soil type parameters which are structured in a hierarchy using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Based on the weighted overlay method, it can be concluded that a very potential area for RWH implementation dominated with a wet area, flat slope, dense residential area and the type of soil which is not susceptible to infiltration. Whereas the medium and non-potential areas are dominated by steep and very steep slopes as well as unoccupied land use. Areas of high potential and potential reach 18.17% and 66.14% respectively. While the medium and not the potential is 13.66% and 2.03%. Areas of great potential are in the Buah, Kidul, Sekanak, Sriguna, Bendung, and Selinca Sub Watershed. Non-potential areas are only available in small area in DAS Gandus, Gasing, and Lambidaro Sub Watershed.
Analisis Kapasitas Kolam Retensi Untuk Pengendalian Banjir di DAS Buah Kota Palembang Febrinasti Alia; Sakura Yulia Iryani; Nuzula Ramadhanti
Cantilever: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Bidang Teknik Sipil Vol 9 No 2 (2020): Cantilever
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1995.12 KB) | DOI: 10.35139/cantilever.v9i2.44


According to Public Works Office of Palembang City, Buah Watershed is listed as one of priority areas that require immediate flood management actions. Flat terrain, high rainfall intensity, tidal fluctuation worsens by massive land use change, are major causes that increase surface water runoff. Therefore, retention basins as one of technical solutions are expected to accommodate runoff discharge and reduce flood. This study aims to analyze the existing hydrological conditions of Buah watershed and to simulate the effectiveness of designed retention basins on peak flow reduction. Hydrological analysis using SCS Unit Hydrograph Model, HEC-HMS combine with spatial analysis using GIS in 26 subcatchment areas resulted on peak discharges range from 1,27 m3/s – 15,71 m3/s. Furthermore, there are ​​12 proposed retention basins within study area ranges from ​​0,580 Ha – 3,967 Ha that are designed to reduce the peak discharge. Simulation result of flood discharge reduction using HEC-HMS indicates that the effectiveness of retention basins in proposed locations varies from 0,03% - 80,05% depending on watershed areas, land availability, and the depth of retention basins.
Evaluating the Technical Feasibility of Retention Basins for Flood Control in Palembang City Febrinasti Alia; Muhammad Baitullah Al Amin; Bimo Brata Aditya; Citra Indriyati
Science and Technology Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): April
Publisher : Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2199.524 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/sti.2019.4.2.40-51


Flood control is one of the prevention methods which involves various engineering sciences and is unique. One of structural flood control methods is retention basin with the goal of containing a certain storm event flow volume and obtaining a specific peak flow reduction. This paper’s objective is to describe how to assess the performance of retention basin physical components quantitatively on seven retention basins in Palembang City. The reference and the parameter used in this research are referred to Drainage Systems Assessment Design (Vadlon, 2011) that is based on Standard Procedure of Retention Basins and Polders Construction according to Public Works Ministry of Cipta Karya Directorate General and the Regulation of Public Work Ministry No.32/PRT/M/2007. The result of the assessment is that there are three retention basins which are in good condition, namely Kambang Iwak Besak (63,9%), Simpang Polda (60,34%), and Kambang Iwak Kecil (56,8%); meanwhile the other four basins are in bad conditions, namely RS. Siti Khodijah (43,01%), Palembang Icon (41,93%), Kemang Manis (7,03%), and Brimob (0,94%). Therefore, the assessment of the retention basins towards its effectiveness on flood controlling and handling priority level is done by hydraulic modeling simulations and GIS. 4. Based on the inundation priority assessment of simulated flood depth and duration, it can be inferred that the retention basin of Kambang Iwak Besak, Kambang Iwak Kecik, Palembang Icon, RS Siti Khodijah, and Kemang Manis have low priority handling level. Meanwhile, Brimob and Simpang Polda retention basins have high priority handling level.
Utilization of GPM Satellite and PERSIANN Satellite Data for Estimated Monthly Rainfall in South Sumatera Sakura Yulia Iryani; Febrinasti Alia; Muhammad Abiyyi Tauhid; Ahmad Muhtarom; Arie Putra Usman
U Karst Vol 6, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v6i2.3482


Rainfall data are widely used to predict regional rainfall. Limited rainfall data is a problem that has an impact on decreasing accuracy, one of which is in the area of South Sumatra. This can be overcome by using satellites. However, to utilize satellitebased rainfall data, it is necessary to carry out an analysis to determine the accuracy of rainfall data. This research aims to evaluate rainfall data from the GPM satellite and PERSIANN satellite with validation and calibration analysis so that the value of rainfall data from the Satellite is close to the measurement result and can be used to estimate monthly rainfall. In this study, the data used were measured monthly rainfall in the field, GPM, and PERSIANN obtained from 9 South Sumatra districts for 2019 until 2021. The research method was validated using correlation coefficient, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Calibration is done using a combination method, a solver algorithm in Microsoft Excel, and manually. The estimated monthly rainfall analysis is carried out using the isohyet method with the IDW interpolation method. The research results were obtained based on the validation and calibration of monthly rainfall data showing that data from the GPM showing it is closer to the results of field rainfall measurements than the data obtained from PERSIANN satellite. Based on the results of research on satellite data that has been calibrated, it can be used to estimate monthly rainfall in the South Sumatra Region
Analisa Pengaruh Kerapatan Tanaman Terhadap Kinerja Constructed Wetland Pada Pengolahan Limbah Greywater Perumahan Febrinasti Alia; Puteri Kusuma Wardhani; Rafly Nugraha Putra
TERAS JURNAL : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 2 (2023): Volume 13 Nomor 2, September 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i2.875


Abstrak Constructed wetland atau lahan basah buatan adalah salah satu penerapan eko – drainase dengan tujuan memperbaiki kualitas air, kuantitas air, konservasi air, menciptakan keindahan, dan estetika. Kondisi awal limbah greywater perumahan pada lokasi penelitian memiliki kadar limbah yang masih jauh dari baku mutu yaitu, BOD sebesar 93 Mg/L, COD sebesar 990,5 Mg/L, TSS sebesar 93 Mg/L, suhu sebesar 28,9°C dan pH air sebesar 9,6. Penelitian ini menganalisa pengaruh kerapatan tanaman eceng gondok terhadap kinerja lahan basah buatan. Pada kerapatan tanaman 13 tanaman/m2, kadar polutan turun dengan baik, untuk kadar BOD yang awalnya 990 Mg/L turun menjadi 42,17 Mg/L, kemudian kadar COD yang awalnya 794,4 menjadi 114,1 Mg/L, lalu dilihat kandungan TSS yang awalnya 93 Mg/L menjadi 20 Mg/L, dan pH dari 9,6 menjadi 7,6.  Pada kerapatan 21 tanaman/m2, untuk kadar BOD yang awalnya 990 Mg/L turun menjadi 29,73 Mg/L, kemudian kadar COD yang awalnya 794,4 menjadi 98,4 Mg/L. Kandungan TSS yang awalnya 93 Mg/L menjadi 13,6 Mg/L, dan pH dari 9,6 menjadi 7,2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa variasi kerapatan tanaman 13 individu/m2 menghasilkan efisiensi penurunan BOD, TSS, dan COD sebesar 94%, 79% dan 88%. Sedangkan variasi kerapatan tanaman 21 individu/m2 menghasilkan efisiensi penurunan BOD, TSS, dan COD sebesar 96%, 85% dan 90%. Kata Kunci: ekodrainase, lahan basah buatan, eceng gondok, limbah greywater  Abstract Constructed wetland or man-made wetland is one of eco-drainage applications, aiming to improve water quality, water quantity, water conservation, and for aesthetics purposes. The initial condition of greywater in the area of research does not meet the effluent standard, as such 93 Mg/L of BOD, 990,5 Mg/L of COD, 93 Mg/L of TSS, temperature of 28,9°C and pH of 9,6. This research analyze the effect of water hyacinth plant density on constructed wetland performance. At a plant density of 13 plants/m2, BOD levels which were initially 990 Mg/L decreased to 42,17 Mg/L, COD which was originally 794,4 to 114,1 Mg/L, then the TSS content was initially 93 Mg/L to 20 Mg/L, and pH from 9,6 to 7,6. For density 21 plants/m2, The initial BOD of 990 Mg/L dropped to 29,73 Mg/L, then the COD level which was originally 794,4 became 98,4 Mg/L. TSS content which was originally 93 Mg/L to 13,6 Mg/L, and pH from 9,6 to 7,2. Based on the results, plant density of 13 plant/m2 can reduce pollutant parameters up to 94% for BOD, 79% for TSS and 88% of COD while plant density of 21 plant/m2 can reduce pollutant parameters up to 96% for BOD, 85% for TSS and 90% of COD. Keywords: eco-drainage, constructed wetland, water hyacinth, greywater
Desain dan Perencanaan Teknis Kolam Retensi Arafuru Kota Palembang Febrinasti Alia; Citra Indriyati; Bimo Brata Aditya
TERAS JURNAL : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 2 (2023): Volume 13 Nomor 2, September 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i2.876


Abstrak Pembangunan kolam retensi Arafuru belum mampu mengurangi frekuensi terjadinya banjir secara optimal karena Jalan Arafuru masih termasuk dalam lokasi titik banjir yang terdapat pada DAS Buah dengan ketinggian banjir antara 50-100 cm dengan durasi 24 jam. Kolam tambahan yang akan dibangun direncanakan seluas 5950 m2 untuk menampung kelebihan kapasitas kolam retensi eksisting. Optimalisasi kapasitas tampung kolam retensi Arafuru dapat dilakukan dengan mengkoneksikan outlet kolam retensi eksisting dengan inlet kolam retensi baru yang memiliki luasan 5950 m2 dengan kedalaman minimal 3 m untuk memenuhi daerah layanan/catchment area dengan luasan ±96,17 Ha. Pendugaan debit puncak limpasan permukaan dilakukan dengan metode SCS-CN dan didapatkan tinggi elevasi muka air maksimum inflow sebesar 11,4 m3/s terjadi pada menit ke 60, sedangkan elevasi puncak yaitu 2,7 m. Simulasi reduksi debit banjir dilakukan dengan software HEC-HMS, didapatkan bahwa penambahan kolam retensi dapat mengurangi debit inflow puncak dari 11,4 m3/s menjadi 7,1 m3/s atau sebesar 37,72%. Kata Kunci: Kolam retensi, analisa hidrologi, analisa spasial, pengendalian banjir  Abstract The construction of Arafuru retention basin has not been able to optimally reduce the frequency of flooding since Jalan Arafuru district is still included as one of the flood points within Buah Watershed with flood depths between 50-100 cm and duration of 24 hours. The additional basin is designed to be 5950 m2 in accordance with the area of land that has been acquired to accommodate the over capacity of the existing retention basin. The optimization of Arafuru retention basin’s capacity can be done by connecting outlet from existing basin to the inlet of the new basin. Retention basin of 5950 m2 with a minimum depth of 3 meters is expected to accommodate runoff from ± 96,17 ha catchment area. The estimation of the peak runoff discharge was carried out using the SCS-CN method and the maximum inflow water level elevation was 11,4 m3 / s occurring in the 60th minute, while the peak elevation was 2,7 m. The simulation of flood discharge reduction using HEC-HMS resulted that the addition of a retention basin could reduce the peak inflow from 11,4 m3 / s to 7,1 m3 / s or as much as 37,72%. Keywords: retention basin, hydrological analyses, spatial analyses, flood control