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Urgensi Pemberlakuan Rezim Nasional Perlindungan Sumber Daya Genetik dan Pengetahuan Tradisional dalam Upaya Perlindungan Kearifan Lokal Provinsi Lampung Melisa Safitri
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 9, No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Indonesia has valuable national assets, with more than 400 ethnic groups with cultural diversity and a wealth of natural resources and environment whose utilization and preservation is closely related to social life of local communities, so protection is needed to protect SDGPTEBT in Indonesia. From this background the author found 2 problem identification: first, what traditional knowledge has potential value in Lampung province. Second, the urgency of implementing the national regime for the protection of SDGPTEBT in the effort to protect the potential of the Lampung province's SDGPTEBT? The method used is a normative and empirical juridical approach. The procedure for data collection consists of library studies and field studies. While data processing is done by the method of editing, systematization and classification of data. The analysis used is qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the study, in general the traditional knowledge found in Lampung Province, among others, is agricultural knowledge, food recipes and traditional medicines, traditional house manufacturing, traditional cultural expressions of filter motifs, and environmental management of cat's eye. The urgency of SDGPTEBT protection must be carried out comprehensively through a national regime which is also supported by bureaucratic parties.
Tinjauan Hukum Persaingan Usaha Terhadap Konflik Antara Taksi Konvensional dan Taksi Online Melisa Safitri
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 6, No 2 (2015): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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The conflict between the Conventional Cab’s drivers and Online Cab’s drivers happened as the form of seizing their revenue coming from the passengers. The conflict exalation heated as the profit displacement moved from the conventional one into the online. This paper is a Normatif research using both of the statute approach and also the conceptual approach. The data collected from the literature studies, focusing on reading and analysis primary and secondary materials. The research result shows that the basic caused of this conflict is there is no statute focusing on the online cab’s regulation, so that the regulation dedicated to the conventional one is more complicated than the online one. This is why the price of the transportation service from the online cab is a lot cheaper than the conventional one and causing most of the conventional’s passengers are prefer using the online cab for now. There is no indication of a cut throat competition done by the online cab. The government should arrange a new regulation dedicated to the online cab about the detail of requirements as same as in regulating the conventional cab. Online cab can not be blamed  as it meets the society’s needs of a kind of transportation with its efficiency as the part of science and technology growth.
Optimalisasi Nilai Kearifan Lokal Rembug Pekon dalam Pengelolaan Taman Hutan Raya (TAHURA) Wan Abdurahman Propinsi Lampung sebagai Kawasan Hutan Konservasi Berbasis Masyarakat Erlina B.; Bambang Hartono; Anggalana ANGGALANA; Melisa Safitri
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 9, No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Optimizing the value of local wisdom Rembug Pekon in the management of the Great Forest Park (TAHURA) Wan Abdurahman as a community-based Conservation Forest area is viewed in a legal and social perspective, is an idea of the management of the Great Forest Park based on the social values of the community based on participatory principles, benefits , balanced and sustainable.The revitalization of Wan Abdurrahman Forest Park in Lampung Province of Indonesia as a communal forest park regarded in law and social perspective is a brainstorming of a communal nature preservation guided by the principle of participation, utilization, harmony, and sustainability. This idea is made for the improvement of Indonesia current policy which is considered for being ineffective due to the construction of “Top Down Planning” where the government is not only as the main brainstormer but also dominantly taking part in constructing the whole plan of the policy. Plainly, the government is playing a role not only as the law maker, but also the inspector. The community should have gotten a wide access to fight for their communal value. In short, our observation shown that the model of “Bottom Up Planning” is suit perfectly with all of the communities since it is seeking for the communal brainstorming in its whole policy and how easy for the people to deal only with their own social value. Each community must be actively taking place in making the policy construction of their social values while the government will only be the landlord. As a result, the whole communal values will be uplifted owing to the community habits as the part of the conservation legislations. This research is using the qualitative analysis used for assessing the policy related to the forest park utilization, initially projected the social norm of law or legislations. Undoubtedly, the interpretation is based on the theoritical interpretation, likewise generalized an ideal form of policy (ius constitutum). The advantages for stakeholders are to give an illustration academically in the form of policy analysis as well as to force the community participation and ensure that the whole policy and communal value collaboration will deliver so many risets related to the form of the public policy for both lecturer and also researchers expecting the implementation itself will be manifested in any kind of communal forest park area.
PRANATA HUKUM Vol 15 No 1 (2020): Januari
Publisher : Law Faculty of Universitas Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/pranatahukum.v15i1.216


This journal discusses the comparison of legal protections against ordinary patents with simple patents in the patent legal system in Indonesia. The method of normative juridical research is descriptive with a statutory approach supported by a theoretical approach, namely by studying and reviewing the provisions of Law No. 13 of 2016 on patents with legal theory to know the comparison of legal protections against ordinary patents and simple patents in the patent legal system in Indonesia.
Keadilan : Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Tulang Bawang Vol 19 No 2 (2021): Keadilan : Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Tulang Bawang
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Tulang Bawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/keadilan.v19i2.314


Abstract Karaoke places are in great demand from various circles. All karaoke places have the same goal, which is to provide entertainment for the family or take a moment to unwind from the daily routine. Karaoke places always serve songs with various choices from all the creations of Indonesian singers. But of course the songs that are served have been licensed first. Regarding this license, basically it must be agreed by both parties without coercion. Copyright protection, especially for music or song creations, is a serious problem. This situation shows that there is still a need for stricter legal protection regarding the protection of royalties on a song or music copyrighted work and the protection of the rights contained therein. The purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of copyright royalty payments on songs between the creator and karaoke entertainment business actors and the inhibiting factors for the payment of copyright royalties on songs between the creator and performer in karaoke entertainment at Orange Family Karaoke. The method used in this research is empirical juridical. The data that has been systematically arranged were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the distribution of royalties is managed by the Collective Management Institute (LMK). The institution is authorized by the creator to exercise the economic rights of the creator. The barrier to royalty payments is due to the lack of socialization and understanding of royalty payments and the high cost of royalty payments.  Keywords: Royalty, Copyright, Karaoke
The Role Of Adat Community As The Part Of Normative Systems In Paser Melisa Safitri
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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This paper examines the rights discourses and law as an arena of struggle in which local people attempt to gain and secure access to localities of value. To support these claims, multiple sources of legitimation were used. An access to land registration, which is the official responsibility of the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional, hereafter NLA). Nonetheless other official institutions such as the Department of Forestry and regional governments have authority over issues pertaining to land usage as well. Moreover, local custom (usually called adat can be a normative source opposing NLA decisions. This case study is concerned with the role of the NLA in deciding and maintaining land tenure at the district level, amidst the various interests of the district’s economy and the population. The research focuses on the ways in which the local population seeks redress of (perceived) grievances related to land issues: how do poor inhabitants of East Kalimantan deal with disputes over land? It shows how possibilities for addressing land related grievances have improved since Reformasi. First important change has been that local population groups have come o demand recognition of adat-based rights to land or compensation for adat lands in use by others. In many instances NGOs took the lead in this, organizing blockades and occupations. A second important change has been that elected government officials are nowadays given to considering the political benefits which they could gain from supporting these land claims. Rather than reverting to police or military assistance as was common in the New Order era, Paser’s government engages in dialogue and takes a diplomatic approach to settling these issues.
Case Law Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Case Law
Publisher : Program Studi Hukum Program Pasca Sarjana

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertanggungjawaban pidana atas tindak pidana mendirikan bangunan tanpa izin di atas tanah tanpa hak dan dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus tindak pidana mendirikan bangunan tanpa izin di atas tanah tanpa hak. Baik. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui pendekatan yuridis normatif dan pendekatan empiris dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan data primer, kemudian dilakukan analisis data yuridis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian, bahwa pertanggungjawaban pidana atas tindak pidana mendirikan bangunan gedung tanpa izin di atas tanah tanpa hak, terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melanggar Pasal 6 ayat (1) huruf a Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 51 tahun 1960 dan divonis oleh Majelis Hakim dengan denda sebesar Rp. 1.000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah) dengan ketentuan apabila denda tidak dibayar diganti dengan pidana penjara selama-lamanya 2 (dua) bulan untuk suatu tindak pidana dan menjadi dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus tindak pidana mendirikan bangunan gedung tanpa izin atas tanah tanpa hak dasar meliputi alat bukti, keterangan saksi, keterangan terdakwa, surat dakwaan penyidik ​​atas kuasa penuntut umum, unsur-unsur yang memenuhi dakwaan, serta hal-hal yang memberatkan dan meringankan bagi terdakwa.
Analisis Penjatuhan Sanksi Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Faktur Penjualan Atas Nama Perusahaan Distributor Lampu Bohlam Berbagai Merek (Studi Putusan Nomor: 366/Pid.B/ 2020/Pn.Tjk) Erlina B.; Melisa Safitri; Rosella Setya Cipta Phourtuna
Widya Yuridika Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Widya Yuridika: Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Widya Gama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/wy.v4i1.2199


One kind of crime that occurs in the context of community life is forgery. An example of the case is in Decision Number: 366/Pid.B/2020/PN.Tjk. The defendant, Muhammad Ridwan Alias Miechel Melano, committed a criminal act of forgery by falsifying sales invoices on behalf of a company that distributes light bulbs of various brands. The problems in this research are: (1) What are the factors causing the perpetrator to commit the criminal act of falsifying sales invoices on behalf of the company which distributes light bulbs of various brands? (2) How is the imposition of criminal sanctions against the criminal act of falsifying sales invoices on behalf of a company that distributes light bulbs of various brands in Decision Number: 366/Pid.B/2020/PN.Tjk? This study uses a normative and empirical juridical approach. Data collection was carried out by means of library research and field studies. The data then analyzed qualitatively to get the research conclusion. The results of this study indicate: (1) The factor causing the perpetrator to commit a criminal act of falsifying sales invoices on behalf of a bulb distributor company of various brands is the desire of the perpetrator to benefit from the crime he committed, in which case the perpetrator gets a profit of Rp. 793,320, - (seven hundred and ninety-three thousand three hundred and twenty rupiah). In addition, there was a factor of company negligence regarding the invoice, because the defendant in this case was a former salesman of PT Mitra Abadi who was no longer working, but still kept sales invoices belonging to PT Mitra Abadi. (2) Imposing criminal sanctions against the perpetrator of falsification of sales invoices on behalf of a company that distributes light bulbs of various brands in Decision Number: 366/Pid.B/2020/PN.Tjk is based juridically, namely that the perpetrator's actions are proven legally convincing to have committed a criminal act as referred to regulated Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. In addition, the judge considered burdensome matters, namely the result of the defendant's actions, PT Mitra Abadi Pratama was disadvantaged by not being able to sell Philips lamps to the Fitrinof Fane shop. The mitigating situation was that the defendant admitted frankly that his actions had never been convicted and the defendant had not enjoyed the results of the crime he committed. Abstrak Salah satu jenis tindak pidana yang terjadi dalam konteks kehidupan masyarakat adalah pemalsuan. Contoh kasunya adalah dalam Putusan Nomor: 366/Pid.B/ 2020/PN.Tjk. Terdakwa MR melakukan tindak pidana pemalsuan dengan cara memalsukan faktur penjualan atas nama perusahaan distributor lampu bohlam berbagai merek. Modusnya adalah pelaku menjual lampu bohlam berbagai merek ke Toko Fitrinofane Sukabumi Bandar Lampung dengan menggunakan faktur penjualan palsu atas nama PT Mitra Abadi. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Apakah faktor penyebab pelaku melakukan tindak pidana pemalsuan faktur penjualan atas nama perusahaan distributor lampu bohlam berbagai merek? (2) Bagaimanakah penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana pemalsuan faktur penjualan atas nama perusahaan distributor lampu bohlam berbagai merek dalam Putusan Nomor: 366/Pid.B/ 2020/PN.Tjk? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan yuridis empiris. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan. Data selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Faktor penyebab pelaku melakukan tindak pidana pemalsuan faktur penjualan atas nama perusahaan distributor lampu bohlam berbagai merek adalah adanya keinginan pelaku untuk memperoleh keuntungan dari tindak pidana yang dilakukannya yang dalam hal ini pelaku memperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp.793.320,- (tujuh ratus sembilan puluh tiga ribu tiga ratus dua puluh rupiah). Selain itu adanya faktor kelalaian perusahaan terhadap faktur, sebab  terdakwa dalam perkara ini merupakan mantan sales PT Mitra Abadi yang sudah tidak bekerja lagi, tetapi masih menyimpan faktur-faktur penjualan milik PT Mitra Abadi, sehingga dengan bermodalkan faktur tersebut maka terdakwa dapat melakukan tindak pidana pemalsuan, dengan cara menggunakan faktur lama yang dimiliknya dan menuliskan produk-produk berupa lampu bohlam berbagai merek, sehingga seolah-olah faktur tersebut adalah faktur asli dari PT Mitra Abadi. (2) Penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana pemalsuan faktur penjualan atas nama perusahaan distributor lampu bohlam berbagai merek dalam Putusan Nomor: 366/Pid.B/ 2020/PN.Tjk didasarkan secara yuridis yaitu perbuatan pelaku terbukti secara sah menyakinkan melakukan tindak pidana sebagaimana diatur Pasal 263 ayat (1) KUHP. Selain itu hakim mempertimbangkan hal-hal yang memberatkan dan meringankan terdakwa. Hal yang memberatkan adalah akibat perbuatan terdakwa maka PT Mitra Abadi Pratama dirugikan tidak dapat menjual lampu Philips ke toko Fitrinof Fane. Keadaan yang meringankan adalah terdakwa mengakui terus terang atas perbuatannya, belum pernah dihukum dan terdakwa belum menikmati hasil atas tindak pidana yang dilakukan.
Kedudukan Hukum Pengawas Bank Syariah yang Dilakukan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI) Sija Putra Rulanda; Zulfi Diane Zaini; Melisa Safitri
Jurnal Supremasi Volume 10 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Balitar, Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35457/supremasi.v10i2.1148


Perbankan memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan khususnya dalam menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Bank adalah salah satu lembaga pembiayaan yang menghimpun dana masyarakat dan menyalurkan kembali pada masyarakat. salah satunya adalah Bank Syariah. Bank Syariah adalah bank yang menerapkan sistem perbankan dengan berlandaskan dengan Syariat islam yaitu Hadist dan Al-Qur'an. Dalam prakteknya perbankan syariah perlu di awasi agar produk atau kegiatan perbankan yang dilakukan tidak melanggar aturan hukum dan syariat islam. pengawasan perbankan syariah dilakukan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI) dalam melakukan perannya sebagai pengawas perbankan syariah perlu di ketahui Fungsi Pengaturan Pengawasannya dan Hubungan Hukum antara OJK dan DSN-MUI dalam melakukan pengawasan Lembaga Perbankan Syariah. Penelitian menggunakan metode Yuridis Normatif dan Yuridis Empiris. Hasil dari penelitian pengaturan fungsi pengawasan Lembaga Perbankan Syariah oleh OJK berlandaskan pada Pasal 34 Undang-Undang No. 6 Tahun 2009 tentang Bank Indonesia serta Pasal 55 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan Dasar Hukum Fungsi pengwasan DSN-MUI pada Pasal 32 Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perbankan Syariah dan Hubungan Hukum antara OJK dan DSN-MUI memiliki hubungan kemitraan dimana dalam hal pengawasan lembaga perbankan syariah OJK melakukan pengawasan eksternal sedangkan DSN-MUI melalui DPS melakukan pengwasan secara internal.
Analisis Hukum Acara Dalam Pelayanan Terpadu Sidang Keliling Pada Pengadilan Agama Gunung Sugih Atika Atika; I Ketut Seregig; Melisa Safitri
MAQASIDI: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Vol. 1, No. 2 (Desember 2021)
Publisher : MAQASIDI: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Hukum Pidana Islam Jurusan Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.169 KB) | DOI: 10.47498/maqasidi.v1i2.650


Dalam mencari keadilan pasti dibutuhkan suatu badan peradilan yang dapat memutuskan perkara yang sedang digugat/dimohonkan tentu putusan yang didapat akan kuat jika dihasilkan dari badan resmi berupa badan peradilan yang dinanunggi oleh mahkahmah agung seperti halnya pengadilan agama yang menyelesaikan perkara perdata terhadap individu dan individu lain, namun pada kenyataannya sering kali dijumpai masyarakat tidak dapat mengakses kedalam pengadilan dikarenakan jarak yang jauh atau ongkos biaya transportasi yang cukup mahal menjadi masyarakat enggan untuk melaksanakan sidang secara resmi sehingga mereka lebih memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan secara musyawarah, dengan adanya permasalah ini mahkamah agung mengeluarkan suatu sistem yang berbeda dalam melaksanakan sidang secara keliling atau langsung mendatangi masyarakat yang mencari keadilan namun dengan biaya yang tidak cukup besar dan persidangan yang cepat.