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Arthavidya Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Vol 17, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Arthavidya Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (596.656 KB)


The main objective of this research to improve Data QualityAwareness in all sub-unit employees work at the time of first input datainto the system that must be filled in correctly and completely to allmandatory fields. Through interpretive qualitative research, this studyusing stakeholder theory, which is considering the position of thestakeholders who are considered powerful than just a shareholderposition only. Results of this study indicate that there is a direct linkwith increased awareness of data quality will minimize risk andmaximize stakeholder value.Keywords: Data Quality Awareness, risk, stakeholder theory
PEDULI: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.149 KB) | DOI: 10.37303/peduli.v2i2.84


The aim of the Regional Superior Product Development Program(PPPUD) in the third year is to improve the marketing of the Podhek Pamekasan batik. Marketing of Podhek batik is still focused on offline marketing. In marketing craftsmen compete unhealthily. Craftsmen have not yet realized the importance of IPR. The method of implementing community service uses the mentoring method. The results of the PPPUD implementation, as follows, form the pilot of the podhek batik center, optimize work programs from joint business groups, improve packaging, exhibit batik, offline and online batik marketing, include craftsmen in the dissemination of the importance of patents, patent the podhek batik products, publish at seminars national, scientific publications in the mass media, strengthening of craftsmen in terms of batik motif design, cooperation with Australian batik entrepreneurs, and assistance during the visit of the regent's mother and guests. Podhek batik craftsmen have no problems in the production and design of podhek batik motifs. Craftsmen need support from all parties, both from their own craftsmen, entrepreneurs and local governments in terms of marketing. They must continue to innovate. Batik craftsmen need to be educated about the importance of cooperation between craftsmen between entrepreneurs and the government in marketing batik podhek so that batik prices can be stable so that the market can also be stable. In terms of marketing and shipping goods abroad it needs to be facilitated or facilitated so that batik exports can be maximally increased.
Arthavidya Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Vol 17 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Wisnuwardhana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (596.656 KB) | DOI: 10.37303/a.v17i2.29


The main objective of this research to improve Data QualityAwareness in all sub-unit employees work at the time of first input datainto the system that must be filled in correctly and completely to allmandatory fields. Through interpretive qualitative research, this studyusing stakeholder theory, which is considering the position of thestakeholders who are considered powerful than just a shareholderposition only. Results of this study indicate that there is a direct linkwith increased awareness of data quality will minimize risk andmaximize stakeholder value.Keywords: Data Quality Awareness, risk, stakeholder theory
Manajemen & Bisnis Jurnal Vol 5 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Magister Manajemen Universitas Wisnuwardhana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (908.13 KB) | DOI: 10.37303/embeji.v5i1.83


The purpose of writing this article is to deconstruct social responsibility accounting in the perspective of Pancasila. At present, the form of social responsibility accounting outcomes is the sustainability report (CSR). The results of this study are the need to increase the understanding of accounting / financial professionals / practitioners of sustainability reporting as the application of the substantive goals of the company concerned, and not a symbolic objective to obtain legitimacy from stakeholders. Increased understanding of spiritual conditions and aspects, economic aspects, social aspects and environmental aspects that must be disclosed in a full and transparent sustainability report, so that it is known by all stakeholders. Keywords: Social Responsibility Accounting, Pancasila
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2017): November
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.069 KB) | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v2i2.2057


Tujuan dari pengembangan produk batik podhek ini yaitu, 1) meminimalisir limbah dengan prinsip penyulingan air limbah pelorotan batik. 2) meningkatkan produksi dan efisiensi produksi batik podhek, 3) pembentukan pengurus kelompok usaha bersama, 4) melakukan studi banding untuk menambah wawasan dalam strategi produksi, pemasaran, dan pengelolaan limbah, 5) memperkuat kerjasama dengan mitra yang sudah terjalin. Metode pelaksanaan dari pengembangan produk ekspor batik podhek ini dengan metode pendampingan. Pengembangan yang sudah dilakukan yaitu, 1) koordinasi pada setiap pelaksanaan program, 2) sosialisasi peleksanaan pengembangan produk ekspor batik podhek, 3) penataan tempat produksi batik, 4) pembentukan pengurus dan program kerja kelompok usaha bersama, 5) penyewaan tempat pemasaran batik, 6) pameran batik di tunjungan plaza Surabaya, 7) Studi banding mengenai produksi dan manajeman pemasaran di produsen batik puri putri pacitan dan batik tengah sawah pacitan. 8) pameran batik bekerjasama dengan MIN 1 Malang, 9) memperkuat kerjasama dengan mitra yang sudah terjalin. Pengembangan pada program berikutnya membuat sentra kampung batik podhek.
Digital Transformation Of MSME Financial Recording Cash Flow Family Business Sri Hatuti; Dwi Ekasari Harmadji
JURNAL EKBIS Vol 23, No 1 (2022): EKBIS (Jurnal Analisis, Prediksi dan Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.099 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/je.v23i1.1150


The purpose of research on digital transformation of MSMEs in financial records is to review MSME cash flows in family businesses and the contributing factors. The qualitative method of explanatory descriptive analysis for the validity of the data uses triangulation of sources and data. Triangulation process with 3 stages, first coding, second axial & selection coding, third conclusion. 14 informants to support the formulation of the problem causing difficulties in financial recording. The results show 7 factors that make it difficult for MSMEs to digitally record their finances. For micro-scale family businesses, digitization of financial records is still very simple. Suggestions for future researchers to provide direct assistance and training to MSMEs regarding digital financial records.
The Role of Government, Financial Literacy and Inclusion on the Financial Peformance of MSMEs in Malang City Dwi Ekasari Harmadji; Rachma Yuliana; Rosyid Arifin; Ayu Kemala Putri
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Vol 26, No 3 (2022): JULY 2022
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jkdp.v26i3.8115


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Malang City, East Java Province, are important economic assets because they reduce unemployment and poverty. The number of MSMEs units in Malang City has increased, but their performance has decreased during the Covid-19 pandemic. This situation correlates with financial literacy, the role of Government, and financial inclusion. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the financial performance of MSMEs in Malang City during the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes financial inclusion as a moderating variable for the influence of financial literacy and the role of the Government. This research is quantitative, and data is obtained through questionnaires. Respondents to this research questionnaire were 129 MSMEs in Malang City. The results of the analysis are: first, the role of the Government has a positive effect on the financial performance of MSMEs; second, financial literacy has a positive impact on the financial performance of MSMEs; third, financial inclusion moderates the role of the Government and financial literacy on the financial performance of MSMEs in Malang City. This research contributes to collaboration on the part of Government, financial literacy, and financial inclusion to improve the financial performance of MSMEs. 
Information Technology Governance Awareness: A Proposed Formula for Assessment Uky Yudatama; Dwi Ekasari Harmadji
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 6 No 6 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v6i6.4310


This article aims to provide a proposed formula that can be used to measure the level of success in the practice of Information Technology Governance. To obtain this formulation, in-depth surveys and interviews involving several experts are needed. The calculation results show that organization G has an awareness value of 93 (good) with a maturity value of 3.13. On the other hand, organization E has an awareness value of 70 (medium) with a maturity value of 2.60. This proposed formula can be used as an alternative way to determine the level of success of an organization in the practice of Information Technology Governance by knowing the level of awareness. So far, to determine the level of success in implementing IT Governance practices in an organization, the method used is to calculate the maturity level that refers to COBIT best practices, which only focus on objects but do not focus on subjects (stakeholders) in the organization.
Journal of Public and Business Accounting (JoPBA) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): January - June
Publisher : Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Widya Gama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (821.249 KB) | DOI: 10.31328/jopba.v1i1.77


Tujuan utama penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman pribadi mengenai personal social responsibility yang diterapkan oleh NP, seorang wirausaha yang memiliki perusahaan perorangan miliknya yaitu Hotel A di Kota Malang. Hal ini akan menginspirasi bagi wiraswasta lain untuk bisa menghasilkan Personal Social Responsibility di lingkungan usahanya sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitarnya. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi input yang berguna bagi pengembangan teori stakeholder dan akuntansi pertanggungjawaban sosial melalui penerapan Personal Social Responsibility sehingga dapat meningkatkan stakeholder value dalam wirausaha. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan referensi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut terutama bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Melalui penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan naratif deskriptif, penelitian ini menggunakan teori stakeholder, yang lebih mempertimbangkan posisi para stakeholder yang dianggap powerfull daripada hanya posisi shareholder saja. Kelompok-kelompok stakeholder tersebut meliputi pemegang saham, pelanggan, pegawai, pemasok, kreditur, pemerintah, dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada keterkaitan langsung dengan penerapan Personal Social Responsibility sebagai akuntansi pertanggungjawaban sosial untuk meningkatkan stakeholder value.
Prediksi Produksi Biofarmaka Menggunakan Model Fuzzy Time Series dengan Pendekatan Percentage Change dan Frequency Based Partition Dwi Ekasari Harmadji; Solikhin Solikhin; Uky Yudatama; Agus Purwanto
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 10, No 1: Februari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.20231016267


Masa depan biofarmasi semakin cerah. Akibat mahalnya harga obat modern, maka permintaan tanaman obat meningkat di dalam dan luar negeri. Hal ini karena biofarmaka banyak digunakan di industri lain, seperti makanan, minuman, dan kosmetik. Konsumen di seluruh dunia termasuk di Indonesia bergerak menuju produk makanan dan kesehatan yang lebih sehat dengan slogan "kembali ke alam". Dengan demikian permintaan tanaman obat sebagai bahan baku industri lainnya juga meningkat. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diperlukan suatu prediksi untuk menentukan besaran kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah produksi komoditas strategis biofarmaka untuk beberapa tahun ke depan, sehingga Memungkinkan analisis pergerakan tren dari perkembangan data sebelumnya. Saat ini belum dijumpai studi peramalan deret waktu untuk memprediksi produksi biofarmaka dengan tingkat akurasi baik. Dalam eksperimen ini kami mengusulkan model peramalan fuzzy time series berdasarkan pendekatan percentage change sebagai himpunan semesta dan frequency-based partition yang dapat memberikan tingkat akurasi peramalan yang tinggi. Prediksi difokuskan pada biofarmaka untuk empat jenis rimpang yaitu Jahe, Lengkuas, Kencur, dan Kunyit yang dinilai menjadi prioritas utama pengembangan tanaman obat di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistika tahun 1997-2020. Tujuan dari survei adalah untuk memprediksi dan menganalisa perkembangan produksi biofarmaka untuk empat jenis rimpang. Hasil prediksi menunjukan akurasi luar biasa dengan nilai Mean Absolute Percentage Error yang sangat kecil yakni Jahe 0,03%, Lengkuas 0,02%, Kencur 0,14%, dan Kunyit 0,03%. Dengan demikian hasil eksperimen ini dapat berkontribusi dan digunakan bagi pihak yang berkompeten untuk membantu dalam menentukan kebijakan strategis di masa depan. AbstractBiopharmaceuticals' future is brightening. Due to the exorbitant cost of modern treatment, the desire for medicinal herbs is growing. due to their widespread use in different industries such as food, beverages, and cosmetics. Consumers worldwide, especially in Indonesia, are gravitating towards healthier food and health goods. So the demand for medicinal plants as raw materials increases. To solve this issue, a forecast is required for the next few years on the increase or decline in production of strategic biopharmaca commodities. Currently, no reliable time series forecasting study exists for biopharmaca production. To achieve high predicting accuracy, we present a fuzzy time series forecasting model based on percentage change as a universal set and frequency-based partition. Ginger, Galangal, Kencur, and turmeric are predicted to be the most important rhizomes for biopharmaca research in Indonesia. Secondary statistics from the Central Statistics Agency for 1997–2020 This study's goal was to anticipate and analyze biopharmaca synthesis in four rhizomes. The prediction results are incredibly accurate, with Mean Absolute Percentage Error values of just 0.03%, 0.02%, 0.14%, and 0.03% for Ginger, Galangal, Kencur, and Turmeric, respectively. Thus, competent parties can use the outcomes of this experiment to help determine future strategic policies.