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Menara Ilmu Vol 13, No 4 (2019): Vol. XIII No. 4 April 2019
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/mi.v13i4.1308


This research aimed to see the code-switching did by the English teacher at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi, West Sumatra and the purposes of doing so. The population of the research was all English teachers at the school, and the sample is one English teacher in the school, picked randomly and the teacher was non-native speaker of English. Technique of data collection was audio recording that was gathered by taking several audio recordings. Method of data analysis was done through analyzing the transcript of teaching and learning process in English subject. All the activities during 100 minutes teaching and learning were analyzed further. The result of the research showed that mostly during the lesson, the teacher used the target language, in amount of 69.54% from the total talk teacher did during the lesson. Therefore, it shows that the tendency that teacher had in her mind she should use as much English as possible in the classroom. For the function of doing code-switching, mostly because the teacher wanted to clarify the information (49.1%) and classroom management (25%). Key Words: Code-Switching, English Subject, Classroom Communication
Menara Ilmu Vol 13, No 4 (2019): Vol. XIII No. 4 April 2019
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/mi.v13i4.1308


This research aimed to see the code-switching did by the English teacher at SMAN 2 Bukittinggi, West Sumatra and the purposes of doing so. The population of the research was all English teachers at the school, and the sample is one English teacher in the school, picked randomly and the teacher was non-native speaker of English. Technique of data collection was audio recording that was gathered by taking several audio recordings. Method of data analysis was done through analyzing the transcript of teaching and learning process in English subject. All the activities during 100 minutes teaching and learning were analyzed further. The result of the research showed that mostly during the lesson, the teacher used the target language, in amount of 69.54% from the total talk teacher did during the lesson. Therefore, it shows that the tendency that teacher had in her mind she should use as much English as possible in the classroom. For the function of doing code-switching, mostly because the teacher wanted to clarify the information (49.1%) and classroom management (25%). Key Words: Code-Switching, English Subject, Classroom Communication
Pendekar: Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Vol 4, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/pendekar.v4i1.4416


Abstrak: Artikel ini memberikan gagasan tentang pentingnya pembentukan karakter bagi siswa, terutama bagi pelajar muda. Orang menyadari bahwa pembentukan karakter baik seseorang dimulai sejak usia dini. Banyak cara yang harus dilakukan untuk membentuk karakter khususnya bagi anak didik, salah satunya melalui tanya jawab guru dalam kegiatan kelas bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan tersebut dapat diterapkan pada siswa sekolah dasar, dan hasilnya diharapkan karakter siswa menjadi lebih baik dengan menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam menjawab pertanyaan dengan lebih sopan, bertanya kepada guru secara bergiliran, dan menghargai pendapat orang lain.Abstract:  This article provides ideas on the importance of character building for students, especially for the young learners. People realize that shaping good character of somebody is started at the early stage of the age. Many ways shall be done to shape character especially for young learners, one of them is through teacher questioning in English classroom activities. The activities can be applied to the elementary school students, and the result is expected the students’ characters become better by showing their ability in answering questions more polite, asking the teachers in turns, and respect opinions of other people.
Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni Vol 19, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1276.558 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/komposisi.v19i2.10037


This article aims to describe the results of research on interaction patterns and characteristics of classroom interaction in teaching and learning activities in English class in Bukittinggi West Sumatera, as well as perceptions of students and teachers to the interaction. This research type is descriptive and research data is classroom discourse between teacher and student when studying English, as well as questionnaire of student and teacher to class interaction. Participants are 4 English teachers with 3 meetings for each teacher (12 meetings). The research used classification theory of class interaction type from Lindgren (1981), Wajnryb (1992), and El-Hanafi (2013), while for interaction characteristics used Flanders' Interaction Analysis Code (FIAC) model. The results of this study indicate that the dominant interaction pattern is teacher-student with one way traffic interaction, while the dominant interaction characteristic is the cross content. From teacher perception, dominant interaction pattern is student-student interaction and dominant interaction characteristic is teacher support. Whereas from student perception, dominant interaction pattern is teacher-student with two-way traffic interaction, and characteristic of dominant interaction is content cross. It can be concluded that the interaction pattern and the interaction characteristics that occur in the teaching and learning process are strongly influenced by the material and skills taught by the teacher
Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Vol 1 No 9: Februari 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/jip.v1i9.359


This article aims to explore the roles of metacognitive strategies training in teaching English, especially as a foreign language as it is learnt in Indonesia. Teacher should teach the students in order to help the students to understand the materials in both form of concepts and methods. In order to teach the students well, the teacher must construct and teach an appropriate learning strategies, choose appropriate media, and develop positive atmosphere of teaching and learning process. Thus, it is important to develop students learning strategies to be independent in their learning. The students must improve themselves in learning. They have to be creative manage their learning to control what they are learn and what they are going to learn. Therefore, it is necessary to find out effective learning strategies to overcome those problems. The solution is by providing the effective strategies for teaching Learning Process that is metacognitive strategy. Based on Oxford (1990), metacognitive strategy is the strategy which can help learner to manage their own learning. O’Malley et al (1995) emphasize that learners without metacognitive approaches have no direction or ability to monitor their progress, accomplishments, and future learning directions. Related to students’ problem, the advantages of this strategy can overcome students’ problems because from the beginning of learning activity the students have been asked to analyze the requirement, then to monitor their learning so they know what they should achieve or their purpose. So, this metacognitive strategy can solve students’ learning EFL problem, especially the high school students in Indonesia.
Are Learning Media Effective in English Online Learning?: The Students' and Teachers' Perceptions Pretty Elisa Ayu Ningsih; Mike Nurmalia Sari
Tarbawi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 17 No. 2 (2021): Tarbawi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/tarbawi.v17i2.1012


This study aims to evaluate the use of learning media in English online learning activities. The evaluation is viewed from the teachers' and the students' perceptions. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a phenomenological approach. The population in this study were all students in the seventh grade at one of the State Islamic Junior High School (MTsN) in Kerinci, Indonesia, and all of their English teachers. The sample of teachers was selected by random sampling, while the sample of students was taken by stratified random sampling. Five students were selected from each class. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and interviews. In analyzing the interview data, the researcher reduced the data, then presented the data and then concluded, while the analysis of the questionnaire data used descriptive statistics. The study concluded that English online learning was conducted quite effectively. According to the teachers' and students' perceptions, WhatsApp Group is the most effective learning media for them. The obstacles faced by students and teachers are unstable internet networks and frequent power outages.
Pendekar: Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Vol 5, No 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/pendekar.v5i3.10994


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis kecemasan dan penyebab kecemasan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas XI SMAN 6 Kerinci. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian campuran karena penelitian ini menggunakan data kuantitatif berupa kuesioner dan data kualitatif berupa wawancara. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAN 6 Kerinci, dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 151 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ditentukan oleh teknik stratified random sampling (38 siswa). Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang diadopsi dari Hafizi yang diuji dengan validitas bentuk. Data dianalisis dengan dua cara, secara kualitatif menggunakan teknik analisis model interaktif Miles dan Huberman dan kedua dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menghitung persentase dari total pencapaian responden.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: ada dua jenis kecemasan yang dirasakan oleh siswa kelas sebelas SMAN 6 Kerinci, yaitu kecemasan sifat yang dirasakan oleh 21,86% siswa dan kecemasan nyata yang dirasakan oleh 60,12% siswa. Sedangkan faktor penyebab kecemasan pada siswa, yaitu 46,84% merasa cemas karena faktor guru, 29,30% siswa merasa cemas karena materi pelajaran dan 47,87% siswa merasa cemas karena faktor yang disebabkan oleh mereka. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan Motivasi SMAN 6 siswa dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris nilai rata-rata motivasi siswa adalah 60, jika skor yang dikonsultasikan untuk kriteria motivasi siswa, skor 60 berarti interpretasi yang rendah. Artinya sebagian besar siswa SMAN 6 Kerinci memiliki motivasi yang rendah dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Selanjutnya, ada 10,6% siswa SMAN 6 Kerinci memiliki motivasi yang sangat baik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, lalu ada 10,6% siswa juga memiliki motivasi yang baik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, 5% siswa memiliki motivasi dengan kriteria yang cukup, 7,9% siswa tidak memiliki motivasi yang baik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan 57,9% siswa memiliki motivasi yang buruk dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.Abstract: This study aims to determine whether the types of anxiety and the causes of anxiety in learning English in eleven students of SMAN 6 Kerinci. This study uses a mixed method because this research uses quantitative data in the form of questionnaires and qualitative data in the form of interviews. The population in this research is students of SMAN 6 Kerinci, with the total number of the students are 151 students. The sample in this study was determined by the stratified random sampling technique (38 students). The instrument in this study was a questionnaire adopted from Hafizi which was tested for face validity. The data were analyzed in two ways, qualitatively using the Miles and Huberman interactive model analysis technique and secondly analyzed quantitatively by calculating the percentage of the total respondents' achievements. The results showed that: there were two types of anxiety felt by the eleventh-grade students of SMAN 6 Kerinci, they were trait anxiety felt by 21.86% of students and stated anxiety felt by 60.12% of students. While the factors that cause anxiety in students, namely 46.84% feel anxious due to teacher factors, 29.30% students feel anxious due to the subject matter and 47.87% students feel anxious due to factors caused by them. Next, based on students’ SMAN 6 Motivation in Learning English the average score of student’s motivation is 60, if the score consulted to criteria students’ motivation, the score 60 means low interpretation. It means that most of students’ SMAN 6 Kerinci have low motivation in learning English. Furthermore, there are 10,6% students SMAN 6 Kerinci have very good motivation in learning English, there are 10,6% students’ also have good motivation in learning English, 5% students have motivation with enough criteria, 7,9% students have not good motivation in learning English and 57,9% students have bad motivation in learning English. Based on the results of this study, the researcher suggests that the teacher be able to choose the right strategy and material that does not cause anxiety to students in learning English, and for students to be able to prepare them well before attending English classes so that they do not feel anxious lost their concentration in learning English and hope it could motivate them in learning English.
Strategies Used by English Teachers in Teaching Vocabulary Endah Fauziningrum; Mike Nurmalia Sari; Sofia F Rahmani; Rinda Riztya; Syafruni Syafruni; Pria Mitra Purba
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.2981


English-language higher education instruction in non-English-speaking nations is now a reality in a number of locales. Teachers that are leading the way in teaching English need to have the best teaching methods, particularly when it comes to teaching vocabulary. To meet learning objectives, techniques and their justifications must be obvious. To address these issues, the researchers employed a qualitative technique and a descriptive research design. English instructors were the study's subject. based on examination of the documentation, interview, and observation. According to the study's findings, (1) both of the English teachers at MTsS Siulak Gedang employed dictionaries and translation techniques to teach their pupils vocabulary. (2) The explanations provided by teachers for their usage of the translation approach include the methods suit their teaching materials and it is easy to conduct.
The Role Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Developing English Language Learner's Communication Skills Rusmiyanto Rusmiyanto; Nining Huriati; Nining Fitriani; Novita Kusumaning Tyas; Agus Rofi’i; Mike Nurmalia Sari
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.2990


In today's globalized world, the increasing need for English language ability has highlighted the necessity of good language acquisition and communication abilities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a viable aid in the field of education, including language acquisition, as technology advances. This study does a literature review to investigate the function of AI in the development of communication skills in English language learners. The goal of this research is to look at the existing research and literature on the use of AI-based technologies in English language learning environments. The essay opens with an overview of artificial intelligence and its possible uses in education. It then looks into the various methods in which AI might help English language learners strengthen their communication skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The findings of this literature review suggest that AI has the potential to significantly enhance English language learners' communication skills by providing personalized and interactive learning experiences. However, further research is needed to explore the long-term effects and optimal integration of AI in language learning environments. In conclusion, this article highlights the transformative role of AI in English language education and its potential to address the diverse needs of language learners. By understanding the current state of research and exploring the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in language learning, educators and policymakers can make informed decisions to harness the benefits of AI technology and maximize its impact on developing effective communication skills among English language learners.
The Role Of Gamification In English Language Teaching: A Literature Review Ni Putu Wulantari; Azhariah Rachman; Mike Nurmalia Sari; Lulu Jola Uktolseja; Agus Rofi'i
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.3328


This literature review examines the impact of gamification in English language teaching (ELT) on motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. Gamification, the integration of game elements into education, has gained attention as a promising approach to enhance language learning. The findings reveal that gamification positively influences student motivation in ELT. Elements like points, leaderboards, and rewards create a sense of achievement and intrinsic motivation. Engaged students are more likely to persist and participate actively in language learning. Gamification promotes active learning and engagement, with interactive activities involving vocabulary acquisition, grammar practice, and language production. It provides a safe space for students to experiment, apply knowledge, and develop linguistic skills. Collaboration and social interaction are fostered through gamification, encouraging teamwork and peer feedback. This enhances language and interpersonal skills. Immediate feedback and progress tracking in gamification offer valuable learning opportunities. Students receive real-time feedback and monitor their progress, enabling adjustments in learning strategies. However, implementing gamification in ELT faces challenges such as technology constraints and pedagogical considerations. Striking a balance between engagement and curriculum objectives is crucial. Teacher training and professional development are necessary. In conclusion, gamification plays a significant role in ELT by enhancing motivation, engagement, collaboration, and active learning. Despite challenges, embracing gamification and its best practices