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Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Vol 7, No 1 (2019): EDISI JUNI 2019
Publisher : STKIP Melawi

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Abstract: The purpose of this research to determine differences in understanding two-dimensional geometry concepts of students before and after application of worksheet in second grade students of SDN 7 Kebebu. This research is an pre-experimental research and used one group pretest-posttest design. Data collection techniques used essay tests. The Worksheet and instrument is validated by two experts namelly material expert and linguists used content validity. To determine reliability instrument data was analyzed used Cronbach Alpha formula, liliefors test for normality of data and t test to determine differences in understanding two-dimensional geometry concepts before and after used worksheet. The result of calculation used the t test showed that the sig value of 0,000 < 0,05 so that Ha is received. It can be conclude that there are significant difference in understanding two-dimensional geometry concept between before and after application of worksheet in second grade students of Elementary School 7 Kebebu.Keywords: worksheet, understanding two-dimensional geometry concept Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pemahaman konsep bangun datar siswa sebelum dan sesudah penerapan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre-eksperimen dan menggunakan desain one group pretest-posttest. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes tertulis esai. Lembar kerja siswa (LKS) dan instrumen penelitian divalidasi oleh dua ahli yaitu ahli materi dan ahli bahasa menggunakan validitas isi. Untuk mengetahui reliabilitas instrumen data dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach, uji liliefors untuk kenormalan suatu data dan uji-t untuk mengetahui perbedaan pemahaman konsep bangun datar sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan lembar kerja siswa (LKS). Hasil perhitungan menggunakan uji-t menunjukkan bahwa nilai sig 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga Ha diterima. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pemahaman konsep bangun datar yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah penerapan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) di kelas II Sekolah Dasar Negeri 7 Kebebu.Kata Kunci: Lembar kerja siswa (LKS), pemahaman konsep bangun datar
5. Antimicrobial Activity of Balakacida (Chromolaena odorata) Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Aceh Besar Against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Wahyu Eka Sari; Darmawi Darmawi; Morizka Wianda; Erina Erina; Rumi Sahara Zamzami; Muhammad Hambal; M. Nur Salim; Hennivanda Hennivanda; Triva Murtina Lubis
Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol 14, No 2 (2020): J.Med.Vet
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/


This study aims to isolate the balakacida (Chromolaena odorata) endophytic bacteria from Aceh Besar and to test its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Balakacida leaf samples were isolated and purified using nutrient agar (NA) media, followed by morphological observations and antimicrobial in vitro tests using a disk diffusion assay (Kirby Bauer). The results showed that a total of 50 endophytic bacterial colonies were isolated from the balakacida and 12 selected endophytic bacterial isolates had different morphologies from cream to yellowish cream color, then after antagonist test directly screening obtained four endophytic bacterial isolates which had the potential as antimicrobial. The results of in vitro antimicrobial tests showed that the four isolates of balakacida endophytic bacteria (BEA-1, BEA-2, BEA-3, and BEA-4) were able to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria S. aureus and P. aeruginosa with the diameter of the zone of inhibition was 16.03 mm - 19.75 mm (medium inhibition category) and 15.35 mm - 21.24 mm (weak to strong inhibition category), respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that BEA-2 isolate has the strongest inhibition of 21.24 mm, so that it has the potential as an antimicrobial candidate for P. aeruginosa and can be used as an alternative antimicrobial product.
ANGKA PREVALENSI CEMARAN BAKTERI Escherichia coli PADA DAGING AYAM BROILER YANG DIJUAL DI TIGA PASAR TRADISIONAL KOTA BANDA ACEH (The Prevalence Rate of Escherichia coli Contamination in Broiler Chicken Meat Sold in Three Traditional Markets in Banda Aceh) erma yusintha ramdhania; T Reza Ferasyi; wahyu eka sari; mahdi abrar; ismail ismail ismail; cut nila thasmi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v4i3.15180


ABSTRAK Escherichia coli merupakan salah satu bakteri penyebab foodborne disease yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit berbahaya apabila bahan pangan yang terkontaminasi dikonsumsi oleh manusia. Salah satu bahan pangan asal hewan yang sering dikonsumsi masyarakat adalah daging ayam, baik daging ayam kampung maupun daging ayam broiler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka prevalensi bakteri E. coli pada daging ayam broiler yang dijual di Tiga Pasar Tradisional Kota Banda Aceh. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 25 sampel daging ayam broiler yang diambil dari Tiga Pasar Tradisional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode total plate count dengan larutan buffered peptone water (BPW) dan media selektif differensial eosin methylene blue Agar (EMBA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sembilan sampel daging ayam broiler positif tercemar E.  coli dengan angka prevalensi yaitu di Pasar Seutui (100%) dan Pasar Peunayong (26,7%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa cemaran bakteri E. coli melebihi batas normal dengan angka prevalensi secara keseluruhan dari Tiga Pasar Tradisional di Kota Banda Aceh yaitu sebesar 36%.  Kata kunci : Escherichia coli, daging ayam broiler, foodborne disease, prevalensi ABSTRACT Escherichia coli is one of the bacteria that cause foodborne disease which can cause dangerous diseases if contaminated food is consumed by humans. One foodstuff of animal origin that is often consumed by the public is chicken meat, both native chicken meat and broiler chicken meat. This study aims to determine the prevalence of E. coli in broiler chicken meat sold in the Three Traditional Markets in Banda Aceh. The sample used in this study was 25 samples of broiler chicken meat taken from the Three Traditional Markets. This study uses the total plate count method with buffered peptone water (BPW) and differential selective media eosin methylene blue agar (EMBA). The results showed that nine samples of broiler’s chicken meat were positively contaminated E. coli with prevalence rates in Seutui Market (100%) and Peunayong Market (26.7%). It can be concluded that the contamination of E. coli exceeds normal limits with an overall prevalence rate of the Three Traditional Markets in Banda Aceh City is 36%. Keywords : Escherichia coli, broiler chicken meat, foodborne disease, prevalence  
6.Detection of Escherichia coli Contamination in Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaues vannamei) at Fish Auction Place (TPI) Lampulo Banda Aceh Wilyo Hendro Fauzan; Wahyu Eka Sari; Andi Novita; Faisal Jamin; Razali Daud5; Rastina Rastina; Safika Safika
Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol 15, No 2 (2021): J.Med.Vet
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/


Shrimp is an easily polluted material, so it requires good handling. Contamination can occur during harvest, handling, or transportation. This study aims to detect Escherichia coli contamination in vaname shrimp sold at TPI Lampulo Banda Aceh. A total of 10 samples of vaname shrimp were obtained from 10 merchants at TPI Lampulo. The research method used is observational, and the data analysis is done descriptively. The detection of E. coli contamination was carried out by the total plate count (TPC) test method. Based on the study results, two of the 10 samples of vaname shrimp merchant detected E. coli bacterial contamination, namely the results of sample 01 merchant indicated the number of TPC 2x102 CFU/g and in 09 merchants indicated the number of TPC 11x101 CFU/g. The TPC results were indicated by the growth of E. coli colonies on eosin methylene blue agar (EMBA) media after incubation for 24 hours at 37 ºC. The number of the two detected positive samples showed less than 1x103 CFU/g by the provisions of SNI 2332.3:2015. Thus, it can be concluded that E. coli contamination was detected in vaname shrimp sold by the merchant at TPI Lampulo but did not exceed the SNI threshold, so it was safe for consumption.
ALBACORE Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut Vol. 2 No. 3 (2018): Albacore
Publisher : Departemen PSP IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (560.017 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/core.2.3.307-314


Tuna madidihang (Thunnus albacares) merupakan jenis tuna yang memiliki nilai ekonomis penting, dan termasuk ke dalam kelompok jenis pelagis besar, dengan siklus hidupnya berada di perairan tropis dan sub-tropis. Madidihang beruaya pada lintas perairan untuk mencari sumber makanan dan melakukan pemijahan. Populasi madidihang di perairan terancam akibat terjadinya degradasi daerah penangkapan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penangkapan yang tidak terkontrol, sehingga mengakibatkan jumlah populasi madidihang yang terdapat di perairan Provinsi Aceh semakin mengecil pada ukuran panjang. Upaya dalam menjaga potensi madidihang di perairan Provinsi Aceh dengan menghitung komposisi ukuran hasil tangkapan berdasarkan waktu (temporal) dan daerah penangkapan (spasial), hal ini dapat menjadi langkah dalam menekan tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya madidihang belum layak tangkap secara besar-besaran. Metode dalam penelitian meliputi pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder, serta análisis hasil tangkapan berdasarkan komposisi ukuran panjang untuk menentukan daerah penangkapan madidihang. Tujuan mengetahui komposisi ukuran panjang hasil tangkapan berdasarkan lokasi dan waktu penangkapan, agar dapat menentukan jenis alat tangkap yang dioperasikan untuk menghindari tertangkapnya ikan-ikan madidihang belum layak tangkap (ilegal size). Penentuan daerah penangkapan (fishing ground) madidihang secara spasial dan temporal dapat diinterpretasikan dalam peta daerah penangkapan. Optimasi penangkapan madidihang lebih efektif di perairan Pulau Aceh, Samudera Hindia, dan perairan Pulau Rondo.Kata kunci: Daerah penangkapan ikan, Provinsi Aceh, , Thunnus albacares, tuna Madidihang