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Proteksi Risiko Kebakaran di Perumahan. Studi Kasus Perumahan Baru di Kelurahan Cigadung, Bandung Haristianti, Vika; Linggasani, Made Anggita Wahyudi; Natali, Stefani; Hartabela, Dadang
Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Arsitektur Zonasi Februari 2019
Publisher : KBK Peracangan Arsitektur dan Kota Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jaz.v2i1.15061


Abstract: The city of Bandung is one city that often experiences fire risk. Based on data from the Bandung Fire Prevention and Management Office, in 2000-2010, there were 1,624 fires with around 773 cases (48%) occurring in residential areas. Even though ideally, planned housing complexes should have been designed to be able to reduce losses to a minimum due to the risk of fire. This research is a comparison between the real conditions in the field and the application of government regulations or rules and other standards regarding building safety, especially regarding the planning or anticipation of fire disasters in housing in the Bandung area. The method of data collection is done in two stages. In the first stage the literature review was carried out on the risks and protection of fires, especially in residential buildings. After that, interviews were also conducted with the Bandung Fire Department. Then, the results of the literature review and interviews are formulated into variables for reference in the field survey assessment. This study used a purposive random sampling method in new housing in the Cigadung sub-district, North Bandung with consideration of the density of settlements, the number of new housing growing in the area and the fact that Cigadung is one of the 40 areas prone to fire disasters in Bandung. The analysis was carried out with a comparison between theory and field conditions. The survey results were concluded descriptively. The assessment will be carried out by looking at the rule application points with a range of numbers 1 to 6. This number is obtained from six matters regulated in regulations relating to fire protection, namely access points, environmental arrangements, brand, green open space, fire water source, and extinguishing equipment. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded as follows. The eligibility category is divided into 3, namely not fulfilling the requirements (1-2 points), sufficiently fulfilling the requirements (3-4 points) and already fulfilling the requirements (5-6 points).Keywords: Protection; Fire Risk; New Development Housing Abstrak: Kota Bandung merupakan salah satu kota yang sering mengalami risiko kebakaran. Berdasarkan data Dinas Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Kota Bandung, pada tahun 2000-2010, terjadi sebanyak 1.624 kebakaran dengan sekitar 773 kasus (48%) terjadi di daerah perumahan. Padahal idealnya, kompleks perumahan terencana seharusnya telah didesain untuk mampu mengurangi seminimal mungkin kerugian akibat risiko kebakaran. Penelitian ini merupakan komparasi antara kondisi nyata di lapangan dan penerapan regulasi atau aturan pemerintah dan standar lainnya mengenai keselamatan bangunan, terutama mengenai perencanaan atau antisipasi bencana kebakaran pada perumahan di daerah Bandung. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dua tahap. Pada tahap pertama kajian literatur dilakukan terhadap risiko dan proteksi kebakaran khususnya pada bangunan perumahan. Setelah itu dilakukan juga wawancara kepada pihak Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Bandung. Lalu, hasil dari kajian literatur dan wawancara dirumuskan menjadi variabel untuk acuan penilaian survei lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sampling purposive random sampling pada perumahan baru di kelurahan Cigadung, Bandung Utara dengan pertimbangan padatnya permukiman, banyaknya perumahan baru yang tumbuh di daerah tersebut  serta fakta bahwa Cigadung merupakan salah satu dari 40 area rawan bencana kebakaran di Kota Bandung. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara komparasi antara teori dan kondisi lapangan. Hasil survei disimpulkan secara deskriptif. Penilaian akan dilakukan dengan melihat poin aplikasi aturan dengan kisaran angka 1 hingga 6. Angka ini diperoleh dari enam hal yang diatur dalam peraturan terkait proteksi kebakaran, yaitu jalur akses, penataan lingkungan, brandgang, ruang terbuka hijau, sumber air pemadam, dan alat pemadam. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Kategori pemenuhan syarat dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu belum memenuhi syarat (1-2 poin), cukup memenuhi syarat (3-4 poin) dan sudah memenuhi syarat (5-6 poin). Kata Kunci: Proteksi; Risiko Kebakaran; Perumahan Baru
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Journal of Architectural Research and Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.883 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v2i1.24116


Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is indirectly experiencing rapid development in building construction. As a result, day by day Jakarta is becoming crowded by buildings and eventually forced to negate the existence of open space in one site. This condition is also experienced in Jalan Jaksa (a tourism area) and Jalan Wahid Hasyim (at the end of Jalan Jaksa). Both of these roads seem lacking in considering the existence of local development regulations that should pay attention to the rules of the building border line (GSB) and the road border line (GSJ). To find out the truth, the research will be conducted through the method of observing the city face on both roads. The analytical method used is correspondence analysis using variable height of buildings and the existence of open space in each building. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that there are still many buildings that not applying the rules of the building border line (GSB) and the road border line (GSJ). Especially for one-story buildings that tend not to have a yard (open space area) on the front as a form of implementing the GSB / GSJ rules. Meanwhile, multi-storey buildings (2-storey, 3-storey, etc.) here in general have a yard in the front. The existence of the yard is actually important to be provided as an open space, because it can accommodate human activities and needs, such as a parking area or an assembly point when a disaster occurs.
Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): Desember, 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/undagi.5.2.408.27-32


ABSTRAK Komunitas sebagai aktor di ruang publik memainkan peran penting untuk membentuk identitas tempat dan ruang. Adanya komunitas kreatif meningkatkan makna dan identitas ruang dan bisa menjadi daya tarik bagi masyarakat untuk menciptakan interaksi sosial. Salah satu komunitas kreatif di Bandung adalah kelompok fotografi. Secara umum, kelompok pecinta fotografi cenderung menggunakan ruang galeri sebagai tempat untuk menampilkan karya foto terbaik. Berbeda dengan komunitas Hobi Foto Bandung (HFB) yang menggunakan ruang sebagai galeri sementara untuk menampilkan karya foto oleh anggota Komunitas dan menjadi ruang pertemuan di ruang publik Kota, tepatnya di area Dago's Car Free Day (CFD). Keunikan tersendiri ketika melihat komunitas fotografi mengorganisir tampilan karya mereka sedangkan masyarakat lain melakukan aktivitas masing-masing yang kebanyakan melakukan kegiatan olahraga. Dengan fenomena seperti itu, tulisan ini akan membahas motif / motivasi komunitas fotografi / HFB dalam menggunakan ruang publik CFD sebagai cerminan ruang masyarakat. Setalah melakukan kajian data dan wawancara, ditemukan tiga motif bahwa komunitas kreatif seperti HFB ini memiliki visi dan misi yang kebersamaan yang mampu menjadi tumpuan terbentuknya ruang positif pada kota dan keterjangkauan untuk menuju tempat serta, faktor ekonomi yang mendorong komunitas ini menggelar galeri sementara. Kata kunci: Komunitas, Ruang publik, Motivasi, Identitas Tempat ABSTRACT The community as an actor in public space plays an important role to shape the identity of place and space. The existence of a creative community enhances the meaning and identity of space and can be an attraction for society to create social interaction. One of the creative community in Bandung is the photography group. In general, groups of photography lovers tend to use the gallery space as a place to display the best photo work. Unlike the Bandung Photo Hobby community (HFB), which uses space as a temporary gallery to showcase photographs by members of the Community and become a meeting room in the City's public space, precisely in Dago's Car Free Day (CFD) area. It's uniqueness when looking at the photography community to organize the display of their work while other people doing their respective activities mostly engaged in sports activities. With such a phenomenon, this paper will discuss the motives/motivations of the photography community / HFB in using CFD public space as a reflection of community space. After studying the data and interviews, three motives were found that the creative community like HFB has similar vision and mission that can be a motor to create positive space in the city and reachable to get to the place as well as the economic factors that encourage this community to create a temporary gallery. Kata kunci: Community, Public space, Motivation, Space Identity
Studi Aksesibilitas pada Ruang Terbuka Publik Terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas di Taman Kota Lumintang Denpasar I Wayan Widanan; Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani; Gde Bagus Andhika Wicaksana
Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1368.188 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/undagi.6.2.1025.82-89


Open space is a concept of public space to accommodate people from all backgrounds. Open spaces must also consider the existence of people with disabilities. A public open space considered a failure if the public space is not able to accommodate disabled people. The construction and procurement of city parks as one of the typologies of public open space that’s become one of the programs launched by the Denpasar City government in order to improve the quality of life of city dwellers and increase the growth of RTH and city RTNH. The existence of public space as one of the urban space entities is a unit that is not separated from the city system. Which has a role as a fulfillment of the living needs of the community which includes living, working and recreation. The Aim of this study is to provide an analysis of the process of implementing disability accessibility as the main aspect that has been applied to public spaces in Taman Kota Lumintang. This study uses a comparative description method by examining the types and forms of public open space in urban areas which are then compared with regulatory documents and related literature studies. From the analysis obtained from the comparison of existing literature conditions and existing regulations, found that Lumintang City Park conditions were far from ideal conditions for people with disabilities and there was an imbalance between the application of regulations and open public design space. The conclusion is in the form of alternative modeling that provide ideal conditions for Lumintang City Park should. Ruang terbuka publik merupakan suatu konsep ruang untuk mengakomodasi masyarakat dari seluruh kalangan dan latar belakang, dalam artian ruang terbuka publik juga harus mempertimbangkan keberadaan kaum difabel. Suatu ruang terbuka publik dianggap gagal apabila ruang tersebut tidak mampu mengakomodasi masyarakat difabel. Pembangunan dan pengadaan taman kota sebagai salah satu tipologi ruang terbuka publik merupakan salah satu program yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah Kota Denpasar dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas hidup penduduk kota dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan RTH maupun RTNH kota. Keberadaan ruang publik sebagai salah satu entitas ruang kota merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dipisahkan dengan sistem kota yang memiliki peranan sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup bagi masyarakat yang meliputi tempat tinggal, bekerja, dan rekreasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan analisa terhadap proses pengaplikasian aksesibilitas disabilitas sebagai aspek utama yang sudah diterapkan pada ruang publik Taman Kota Lumintang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi komparatif dengan mengkaji jenis dan bentuk ruang terbuka publik pada daerah perkotaan yang kemudian dikomparasikan dengan dokumen peraturan serta kajian literatur yang terkait. Dari analisa yang didapat dari komparasi kondisi eksisting terhadap literatur serta peraturan yang ada didapatkan bahwa kondisi Taman Kota Lumintang masih jauh dari kondisi ideal terhadap kaum difabel dan terdapatnya ketimpangan antara pengaplikasian peraturan terhadap perancangan ruang terbuka publik, sehingga dihasilkan alternatif permodelan untuk memberikan kondisi ideal Taman Kota Lumintang yang seharusnya.
Pendekatan Arsitektur Kontemporer Pada Bangunan Youth Center Di Denpasar Ni Gusti Ayu Trisnawati Trisnawati; I Gede Surya Darmawan; Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani
Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): UNDAGI : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/undagi.9.1.3596.30-39


Kenakalan remaja timbul karena remaja memiliki keinginan untuk mencoba segala hal baru dalam proses pencarian jati diri. Saat remaja berada di titik tersebut, maka saat itulah peran serta bimbingan orang dewasa disekitarnya dapat menentukan remaja tersebut. Perancangan Youth Center merupakan salah satu wadah yang akan memberi fasilitas kepada remaja untuk mengembangkan potensi diri remaja. Youth Center memiliki tujuan untuk menjadi pusat kegiatan remaja yang menekankan pada banyak aktivitas diantaranya kegiatan sosial, rekreasi , kreativitas dan melakukan kegiatan seni serta olahraga yang bisa dilakukan oleh para remaja dalam proses mengembangkan bakat dan minat. Pendekatan dengan Arsitektur kontemporer pada Youth Center dipilih karena menekankan terciptanya ruang-ruang yang menyatu satu sama lain untuk mengurangi terciptanya ruangan negatif agar remaja tidak melakukan kegiatan negatif di dalam Youth Center. Dengan demikian pendekatan yang digunakan pada perancangan Youth Center akan menjadi sesuatu yang iconic dan mampu memberi penekanan yang berbeda dari pengembangan bakat yang sudah terdapat sebelumnya baik dari segi penyedian fasilitas yang spesifik untuk pengembangan remaja hingga dari tampilan luar arsitektur yang dapat mewakilkan identitas remaja yang sesuai.
Bambu Sebagai Material Fleksibel I Putu Yoga Ananta Nugraha; I Putu Candra Suta Adnyana; I Wayan Rendy Saputra; Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani; Made Mas Surya Wiguna
Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Vol. 9 No. S1 (2021): UNDAGI: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa (Special Issue
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In the world of architecture, the use of materials is one of the things that must be considered in designing buildings. In the field of tectonics, the choice of material as a structure is important. Materials that we often see such as wood, concrete, iron and others are the preparation of the basic elements of the building structure. But today there is another material that will be a substitute for the material mentioned above, namely bamboo. Bamboo itself is often encountered, it indicates that bamboo is a material that is easy to find and has its own characteristics. Many people know that bamboo is a flexible, unique and universal material as a building material. In addition, there are other reasons why bamboo can be chosen because it is a renewable material and pollutes the environment less than today's modern materials. With this research, it is hoped that it can build an alibi for people who consider bamboo as a low-class material and incompetent compared to similar materials. This study will explain how bamboo can be compared with similar materials and also the advantages if bamboo is used as a building material or structure.
Adaptasi Rumah Adat Desa Sembiran, Kecamatan Tejakula, Buleleng dengan Penyandang Disabilitas Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani; Krisna Adi Suryantara Putra; I Made Tresna Bayu Sanjaya; Made Ganeswara Gunantara Anggriyawan; Putu Gede Wahyu Satya Nugraha
Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Vol. 9 No. S1 (2021): UNDAGI: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa (Special Issue
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/undagi.9.S1.4320.28-34


A traditional house or building that has its own identity in a certain area that is made into a place of residence by the smallest institution in a tribe or community group, namely the family. Different regions have different forms of the traditional house itself, it all depends on the culture and environmental conditions of the area of ​​the house, all of which have their own characteristics. But now many traditional houses have been abandoned by the community and more have shifted to modern buildings. The transition from traditional houses to modern homes is not without reason, but because modern homes are more comfortable to live in than modern homes. The comfort of living in a traditional house will be very lacking for people who have physical deficiencies or disabilities. Disability is not only mentioned for people who have physical deficiencies but people who have intellectual, mental, and sensory deficiencies are also called people with disabilities. For people who have physical limitations or disabilities, they often have difficulty in carrying out activities due to the lack of disability-friendly facilities in their scope, especially at home.
Pengabdian Berbasis Masterplan Dalam Pengembangan Pura Bukit Amerta bagi Kelompok Umat Hindu Jawa di Kec. Karangdoro, Banyuwangi – Jawa Timur Made Suryanatha Prabawa; Gde Bagus Andhika Wicaksana; Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani
Jurnal Sutramas Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Sutramas
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.488 KB)


Pura Bukit Amerta merupakan salah satu Pura di Provinsi Jawa Timur, tepatnya berlokasi di Dusun Blokagung, Desa Karangdoro, Kecamatan Tegal Sari, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Sejarah Pura Bukit Amerta berawal dari punden yang berupa batu.Batu tersebut berada di Bukit Tambur yang ada di Dusun Blokagung, Desa Karangdoro. Batu tersebut dapat mengeluarkan suara merdu sehingga dikeramatkan dan di sini pula umat Hindu memohon tirtha amerta yang dipimpin oleh sesepuh umat.Batu tersebut merupakan Batu Lingga Yoni yang diyakini sebagai Lingga Yoni peninggalan Maharsi Markandeya. Berdasarkan penggalan sejarah tersebut mulailah muncul sebuah Pura dengan nama “Pura Bukit Amerta”. Potensi yang terlihat adalah melalui sejarahnya dan mulai dikenalnya pura maka akan memiliki pemedek yang semakin bertambah. Bertambahnya pemedek beserta dampak lain yang mengikuti perlu diberi solusi sebagai tanggapan menjawab permasalahan yang akan datang. Permasalahan lain yang cukup signifikan diamati adalah Pura Bukit Amertha belum memperlihatkan lokalitasnya sebagai tempat ibadah berarsitektur Jawa Kuno layaknya bangunan ibadah Hindu Jawa pada masanya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dibuatkanlah Masterplan perencanaan dimulai dengan kajian dan output berupa gambar perecanaan (2D dan 3D) dan RAB (Rencana Anggaran Biaya). Produk output tersebut diharapkan dapat mempermudah pengemong pura dalam pengembangan pura serta pengajuan dana untuk perbaikan maupun pembangunan massa baru
Design Of Sensory Park As Educational Park For Children With Special Needs At Autism Service Center, Denpasar City Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani; Ni Made Widya Pratiwi; Putu Nugrahaeni Widiasavitri
Jurnal Sutramas Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Sutramas
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.426 KB)


Autism is defined as a special behavior that affects a person in communicating or interacting with other people or certain objects. There are varying degrees of autism, but some of the common behaviors associated with this disability include poor motor skills, speech delays, difficulties with skills such as reasoning, and very narrow interests. The Growth and Development Group for Children with Special Needs is an educational service for children with special needs in Denpasar City. Currently, almost all facilities are available in PLA, but outdoor facilities in the form of sensory gardens are not yet available. Therefore, partners want to provide a sensory garden to meet the educational needs of children with special needs and until now it is still difficult to find expertise to design this special garden. There are several problems that are summarized related to the procurement of this sensory park, namely the limitations of available land, the ideal sensory garden design and calculation of the estimated cost of sensory garden realization. By using the design method and approach to the needs of children with special needs, psychological aspects and sensory sensitivity are the main things in the preparation of this sensory garden design. Seeing these obstacles, it is necessary to design an ideal sensory garden, because PLA wants to realize this park and get funding from the government for the sustainability and educational needs of students with special needs.
Perencanaan dan Perancangan Hunian Lansia yang Ergonomis di kota Denpasar I Dewa Putu Satria Wibawa; I Wayan Parwata; Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani
Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.1.5152.126-134


Elderly is where individuals over the age of 60 who generally experience a decline in some biological, psychological, and social functions. When an individual has reached old age, and their children have formed their own family, the elderly's responsibility to their children, and they return free as in the early days of their marriage. But by the time that freedom was gained, he had been in a phase with biological and psychological physical conditions that had regressed, as well as the loss of their children from home because they had formed a new family. The existence of the elderly is still often assumed negatively, where the elderly are considered a burden on the family. This arises because it looks from kasuistic towards the elderly whose lives have a dependency on others. The older a person ages, the more they need a place to shelter and get attention, especially from family. But in reality in the field many elderly who ended up abandoned by his family until entrusted in the elderly residence. In Indonesia itself, elderly housing has negative connotations because it is still associated with nursing homes where in fact there are many cases of nursing home facilities that are not habitable for the elderly and also their level of care. So that facilities that should be able to help the lives of the elderly even become a scary scourge.