Adi Husada Nursing Journal
Vol 2 No 1 (2016): Adi Husada Nursing Journal


Iswati Iswati (Akademi Keperawatan Adi Husada)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Aug 2016


ABSTRAK Penerapan tindakan keselamatan pasien membuat pasien bebas dari cidera yang tidak seharusnya terjadi, namun masih didapatkan adanya insiden keselamatan pasien yang dilakukan perawat akibat kurangnya penerapan penjaminan mutu keselamatan pasien oleh kepala ruangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan persepsi perawat tentang penjaminan mutu keselamatan pasien oleh kepala ruangan di Rumah Sakit. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, dengan populasi dan sampel 30 perawat, menggunakan total sampling. Variabel penelitian yaitu persepsi perawat tentang penjaminan mutu keselamatan pasien. Skala data yang digunakan ordinal. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner serta dianalisis secara deskriptif. Penerapan penjaminan mutu keselamatan pasien oleh kepala ruangan dipersepsikan dalam kategori baik (93.4%) oleh perawat. Persepsi perawat tentang penjaminan mutu keselamatan pasien oleh kepala ruangan dipengaruhi oleh faktor struktural, fungsional, personal, situasional. Namun masih diperlukan peningkatan mutu dan sosialisasi tentang penjaminan mutu oleh kepala ruangan yang lebih intensif agar perawat dapat lebih terlibat dalam upaya penjaminan mutu keselamatan pasien.Kata kunci: Penjaminan mutu, keselamatan pasien, kepala ruang, persepsiABSTRACTIntroduction: Application of patient safety measures to make the patient free from injuries that are not supposed to happen, but still found the incident nurse performed patient safety due to the lack of implementation of quality assurance of the safety of the patient by the nurse unit manager. This study aims to determine the characteristics and perceptions of nurses about patient safety quality assurance by the nurse unit manager. Methods: The study was descriptive, with a population and a sample of 30 nurses, using total sampling. Variable research that the perception of nurses about patient safety quality assurance. Data used ordinal scale. Data obtained through questionnaires and analyzed descriptively. Result: The application of quality assurance of the safety of the patient by the nurse unit manager is perceived in either category (93.4%) by nurses. Discussion: Perception of nurses about patient safety quality assurance by the nurse unit manager influenced by the structural, functional, personal, situational. But the nurse unit manager is still needed to improve the quality and dissemination of quality assurance more intensive for nurses to be involved in the quality assurance of patient safety. Keywords: quality assurance, patient safety, the nurse unit manager, perception DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT PDF >>

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Nursing Public Health


Adi Husada Nursing Journal (AHNJ) is a peer review and open access journal that publishes scientific work in the field of nursing (print ISSN: 2443-4019, e-ISSN: 2502-2083). The journal has been published since 2015 and was developed by the Research and Community Service Unit, STIKes Adi Husada. The ...