Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengalisis pengaruh eService quality, eRecovery service quality, perceived  value, ecustomer  satisfaction dan ecustomer loyalty pada pelanggan  online shoopping di website virtual store Malang Secara spesifik tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk (1) menguji pengaruh eService quality terhadap eCustomer satisfaction, (2)  menguji  pengaruh  eRecovery  Service  Quality terhadap perceived  value,  (3)  menguji pengaruh  perceived  value terhadap eCustomer  satisfaction,  (4)  menguji  pengaruh  perceived value terhadap eCustomer loyalty, dan (5) menguji pengaruh eCustomer satisfaction terhadap eCustomer loyalty. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksplanatory  research. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan  metode  probability  sampling.  Teknik  sampel  yang  digunakan  adalah  teknik sample random sampling (pengambilan sampel acak sederhana) yaitu dengan cara undian. Terdapat 42 responden dalam penelitian ini. Metode analisis data menggunakan Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) eService quality berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap  eCustomer  satisfaction.  (2)  eRecovery  Service  Quality berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap perceived  value.  (3) perceived  value berpengaruh  signifikan terhadap  eCustomer  satisfaction.  (4)  perceived  value berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap eCustomer  loyalty.  (5) eCustomer  satisfaction berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap  eCustomer loyalty.  Kata kunci: eService quality, eRecovery service quality, perceived value, ecustomer satisfaction, ecustomer loyalty, pelanggan online shopping, GSCA.   The research is intended to analyze the influence of eService quality, eRecovery service quality,  perceived  value,  customer  satisfaction,  and ecustomer  loyalty  to  online  shopping customers in a virtual store website of Malang: Specifically, the research purpose are: (1) tested eService quality influence to eCustomer satisfaction; (2) testing the  influence  of  eRecovery  Service  Quality  to  perceived  value,  (3) tested  the  influence  of perceived  value  to  eCustomer  satisfaction,  (4) tested  the  influence  of  perceived  value  to eCustomer loyalty, and (5) tested the influence of eCustomer satisfaction to eCustomer loyalty. The research  can  be  included  into  explanatory  research.  Sample  technique method  using probability sampling (simple random sampling) which is by drawing. There are 42 respondents in  this  research.  Data  analysis method using  Generalized  Structure  Component  Analysis (GSCA). This research shows that (1) eService quality have significant influence to eCustomer satisfaction.  (2)  eRecovery  Service  Quality  has  significant  influence  to perceived  value.  (3) perceived  value  has significant  influence  to eCustomer  satisfaction.  (4)  perceived  value has significant influence to eCustomer loyalty. (5) eCustomer satisfaction has significant influence to eCustomer Loyalty.  Keywords: eService  quality,  eRecovery  service  quality,  perceived value,  ecustomer satisfaction, ecustomer loyalty, online shopping customer, GSCA.
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