Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Sipil


Sir, Tri M. W. (Unknown)
Lay, Raymond R. (Unknown)
Bunganaen, Wilhelmus (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Nov 2019


Jenis tanah di Desa Niukbaun Kecamatan Amarasi Barat, Kabupaten Kupang yang diklasifikasi menurut USCS termasuk kelompok CH sedangkan berdasarkan AASTHO termasuk kelompok A-7-6 (11). Guna memperbaiki kekuatan tanah tersebut perlu dilakukan usaha stabilisasi tanah. Stabilisasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah stabilisasi kimiawi yaitu dengan menambah bahan tambah (aditif) berupa tanah kapur dengan persentase 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% dan 50% serta persentase semen 5% pada persentase tanah kapur 30%, 40% dan 50%. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu pengujian sifat fisik dan sifat mekanik tanah lempung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai indeks plastisitas tanah asli 27,54%, namun pada penambahan tanah kapur 50% nilai indeks plastisitas berkurang menjadi 14,58%, nilai CBR terendam meningkat menjadi 5,31% dari nilai tanah asli sebesar 0,38%, nilai pengembangan (swelling) berkurang menjadi 0,16% dari nilai tanah asli sebesar 2,45%, sedangkan nilai kuat tekan bebas meningkat menjadi 7,62 kg/cm2 dari nilai tanah asli yaitu 1,07 kg/cm2. Pada penambahan tanah kapur 50% dan semen 5% menghasilkan nilai indeks plastisitas berkurang menjadi 5,53%, nilai CBR terendam meningkat menjadi 7,37%, nilai pengembangan (swelling) berkurang menjadi 0,32% dan nilai kuat tekan bebas meningkat menjadi 16,54 kg/cm2 dari nilai tanah asli.The type of soil in Niukbaun Village, Amarasi Barat sub-district, Kupang district, which was classified according to USCS included the CH group, while based on AASTHO included to groups A-7-6 (11). In order to improve the strength of the soil, a soil stabilization effort is needed. Stabilization used in this study is chemical stabilization by adding ingredients (additives) in the form of limestone soil with a percentage of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% and the percentage of cement 5% in the percentage of lime soil 30%, 40% and 50%. The research method that is carried out is testing the physical properties and mechanical properties of clay.The result shows the original soil plasticity index value was 27,54%, but in the addition of 50% lime soil the plasticity index value was reduced to 14,58%, soaked CBR value increased to 5,31% from the original soil’s plasticity index value of 0,38%, value swelling reduced to 0,16% from the original soil value of 2.45%, while the free compressive strength increased to 7,62 kg/cm2 from the original soil value of 1.07 kg / cm2. On the addition of 50% limestone soil and 5% cement, the plasticity index value was reduced to 5,53%, soaked CBR value increased to 7,37%, swelling value decreased to 0,32% and free compressive strength value increased to 16,54 kg/cm2 of the original soil value.

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