IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Vol 17 No 2 (2019): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya


Rakhman, Itmam Aulia (Unknown)
Zakiyah, Zakiyah (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Dec 2019


The tradition of Maulid is an expression of excitement at the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Nusantara, it has become a hereditary tradition that is able to unite Muslim community through various instruments of the event. Amidst the disputes that have plagued the community today, be that of differences in political preferences, ethnicity, groups, or else. Indeed, discourses that motivate togetherness and unity will be very important to be explored, so that the spirit of Unity in Diversity is maintained. One of the “rituals” depicting togetherness and carrying out the spirit of cooperation, is the Lawean tradition of the Pesayangan Community which is held to celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad on the 25th of Rabiul Awal every year. This tradition needs to be comprehensifely explored starting from its origins and everything lies behind it, why it is different from the traditions of maulid celebrations in other places which are usually held on around the 12th Rabiul Awal. The meaning of Lawean is also important to be revealed, as one of the rich horizon of Islam Nusantara. Tradisi Maulid merupakan ungkapan kegembiraan atas kelahiran Nabi Muhammad di Nusantara, kegiatan ini telah menjadi tradisi turun temurun yang mampu menyatukan komunitas muslim dengan berbagai instrumen di dalamnya. Di tengah masalah perselisihan yang telah menjangkiti masyarakat saat ini, baik karena perbedaan pilihan politik, etnis, kelompok, dll, tentu saja wacana yang memotivasi kebersamaan dan persatuan akan sangat penting untuk dieksplorasi, sehingga Semangat Bhinneka Tunggal Ika tetap mampu dipertahankan. Salah satu “ritual” yang menggambarkan kebersamaan dan mengusung semangat gotong royong adalah Tradisi Lawean Masyarakat Pesayangan dalam perayaan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW. yang diadakan pada tanggal 25 Rabiul Awal setiap tahun. Tradisi ini perlu dieksplorasi dari asal-usulnya dan segala sesuatu yang ada di belakangnya, karena tradisi maulid tersebut berbeda dari tradisi perayaan maulid di tempat lain yang biasanya diadakan di bulan Rabiul Awal pada hari ke-12. Arti tradisi Lawean bagi masyarakat Pesayangan juga penting untuk diungkapkan, sebagai salah satu kekayaan khazanah Islam Nusantara.

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Religion Arts Humanities


The journal publishes review, paper, and research which on Islamic culture coverage such as; a) belief system in Islam, b) ideas of Muslim scholars, c) ritual system in Islam, d) institution, e) tradition or custom in Islamic society, and f) literature and Islamic ...